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Pleasure Dungeon I,II,III Package: Whipped into Submission, The Naughty Lady Gets a Spanking, Ginger and the Gadget in Her Rear

Page 23

by John Rivers

  It was first decided that my aunt would administer my therapy. To make the back story as short as possible, the gadget would not function for her. Although I felt deeply humiliated at the start of these sessions, once Uncle John had taken over, I found that I enjoyed them.

  Uncle John had also decided it might help to give me a spanking before administering my session. In addition to an object that buzzed like a bee up my butt, the spanking became part of the weekly treatment.

  Not long after, Aunt Milly passed away, leaving Uncle John and I alone. By this time, I came to realize I was an exhibitionist. With only Uncle John and I in the house, I went nude quite often. The only exception would be during times when clients came to call. Uncle John had no objection.

  Uncle John felt there should be no interruption in my therapy. On occasions when he was out of town, he had gotten one of his male friends to take care of me. They had not seemed to mind. They were nice people. I can only recall one spanking me hard.

  Now, to Mr. Owens. Mr. Owens was one of those who had taken care of me for several years. He was the only married one of the lot. So I would not have to be nude in front of his wife or her witness the various things that needed to be done to me once I was nude, he had always taken me to his woodworking shop in back of his house. After spanking me on my knees with my bottom turned up a couple of time, he had built what he called a spanking “horse” on which I would be placed for my spankings.

  Once I was mounted on the horse, my bottom would be higher than my head. Considering the horse was about a foot wide at the top, once I was straddle of it, my pussy would be spread wide. Mr. Owens needed access to my bottom more so than others. He was a very slow spanker and he always monitored my temperature during the spanking with a rectal thermometer. He left the thermometer in during the entire spanking. I must have made a funny sight with my spread pussy and my butt up in the air with a thermometer sticking out of it.

  Now to further explain about Mr. Owens, I need to go back to a gentleman who took care of me not long after my eighteenth birthday, Mr. Johnson.

  After giving me my therapy and spanking me while I was suspended by my feet, he had brought me to a climax with his tongue. I was exhausted after this. After he lowered me to the floor, I had rested a moment before we went to his outdoor jacuzzi.

  I first though I would be the only one using the hot tub, but Mr., Johnson came in as well. He showed me his penis and asked if I wanted to touch it. After I patted its head as if it was a small pet, he asked if I wanted to kiss it. I did want to kiss it, but first I felt it was necessary to establish some ground rules.

  I told Mr. Johnson that I was a virgin and intended to stay that way until I was married. When I saw that he accepted that, we continued what we were doing. I did kiss his penis and went on to give him my first blow-job. I’ve given a few since, but that was my first.

  Since Uncle John would still be out of town, Mr. Johnson asked me to come back the next day. Up until now my therapy has included inserting a probe emitting sonic wave into my rectum and giving me spankings in various forms. Most of Uncle John friends could be very inventive in the different way they gave my spanking. I still enjoy going to someone whom I haven’t gone to before just to see how they will spank me or otherwise administer my punishment. Granted that doesn’t happen as often as it once did now that Uncle John is home most of the time.

  Mr. Johnson asked me to come back the following day because he had something he thought would work up my butt better than the probe. It was to be a surprise. Since I liked surprises, I didn’t push the issue.

  The next day he told me it was just an experiment, but he was going to insert his penis into me and we would see how that worked. At the time, I figured he was somewhat like Uncle John and wanted to experiment with new things. What did I know? Anyway, I didn’t realize how well it would work until he put about half of it in me and all but drew it back only to push it in again. It certainly felt better that the probe that never moved unless someone was putting it in or taking it out. It wasn’t long before I realized that he was fucking me in my ass.

  That was ok. I enjoyed it much better than what had previously been inserted. Mr. Johnson hasn’t give me my weekly therapy in years, but I still try to get by his house once a month or so for him to fuck my ass.

  Ok, back to Mr. Owens. Like a lot of people who have given me my therapy over the years, I have a fondness for Mr. Owens despite his thermometer. Just joking about that. The thermometer never bothered me except I often feared he might accidently hit it while spanking me. Fortunately, he never did.

  It was a regular working day and I had called on customers in an area that took me near his home. Parking my car, rather than going to his front door, I had gone straight to his shop behind the house. Since he was in there most of his waking hours, my chances of catching him were good. They were excellent; I found him.

  After giving him a hug and exchanging pleasantries, I told him that I appreciated him giving me therapy over the years and I wanted to do something for him. Although I didn’t call Mr. Johnson by name, I told how he had come up with something better than the probe to put up my behind. In fact, it was his penis, I explained. I also explained how it had started out as an experiment, but had worked very well. Also, I imagined it worked almost as well for the giver as it did the receiver.

  I laughed and told him that I would like for him to do the same, provided he felt he would enjoy doing. Of course, he would have to leave the thermometer out.

  Mr. Owens wagged his head somewhat sadly and looked at the floor. “Ginger, I don’t know how to tell you this, but as you know, I’m old.” He paused for a moment. “Old men often have a problem getting an erection. I’m one of them.”

  He glanced down at the floor again before cutting his eyes to look up at me. “Ginger, we’ve kept our little secret for several years now, haven’t we?”

  When I nodded, he went on, “I suppose you know that before you were grown, some people might not have seen your therapy as we did.”

  I nodded again still not knowing what to say. Not only did I feel sorry for Mr. Owens, but I was somewhat looking forward to having my butt fucked atop the horse. My horse. It still set where it always had.

  “Ok, now that we kept that a secret, let me ask you something. Can you keep another secret?”

  “Anything you say is safe with me, Mr. Owens. You know that.”

  He paused again as if trying to find the right words. “Ginger, I got a confession. I didn’t make the horse strictly for you. As you may know, my wife is a few years younger than myself. Not only is she younger, but she’s highly sexed. I also used to put her on the horse. I would spank her much like I did you and I also took her both vaginally and anally.” He paused for another moment to add, “In other words, I screwed her royally.”

  I had only seen Mrs. Owens on a few occasions and that had been at the supermarket or some other store. I never saw her at home since I always came to the shop just as I did a few minutes previous.

  “A few years back, I got to where I couldn’t get it up. I not only needed to satisfy my wife, but myself as well. Now, here is the main part of the secret we need to keep between ourselves. I went on the computer and found a site where people connect for sex. I found this young fellow who had a penchant for older women. To make a long story short, I met with him and explained what I needed. I had already discussed this with my wife and she was agreeable. The young fellow came over and put her through the same paces I always put her through. She got on the horse and he first spanked her. I thought he might get turned off by her old body, but that seemed to be what he wanted.”

  “He did it to her both ways and he was good at it. You know what a voyeur is? That’s somebody who like to watch. I discovered I was a voyeur.”

  “Wow, Mr. Owens. I never would have guessed anything like that. It sounds like fun, though.”

  “It is, Ginger. You know what I’d like to see. I’d like to watch him do you. Since I c
an’t do you, why not let him do it in my place.”

  “Mr. Owens, you know I’d never let anyone besides my husband in my vagina.”

  “Well, as you know, I’ve seen your little butthole enough over the years to know that what this fellow has ain’t going in there.”

  “It’s not as little as it used to be. I’ve had it stretch a few times recently.”

  “Well,” Mr. Owens pursed his lips and said, “if you would like to try it, let’s do it.”

  We agreed to set the meeting for a few days later. Mr. Owens had called the man and he had agreed. Also, I had picked a night when my husband would be out of town.

  It was impossible to get to Mr. Owens shop without climbing a fence once he locked the gate at the end of his drive. That all but isolated the shop. The building only had two windows and they were covered with heavy curtains in addition to the blinds.

  The man who would spank, whip, fuck and sodomize Mrs. Owens in addition to sodomizing me, was named Tony. Mr. Owens took a seat in a big recliner and told Tony the show was his. Tony, still dressed at this point, instructed Mrs. Owens and me to strip.

  Mrs. Owens’ body was not the prettiest sight I’ve ever seen, but I suppose it wasn’t bad for someone in their sixties. Then, I’ve never seen a naked sixty plus year old before. Tony instructed her to mount the horse first. Once she was in place, he diddled her pussy for a while. Her old pussy and asshole was about what one might expect on someone of her age. After Tony rubbed her clit for a while, he kneaded her somewhat wrinkled buttocks. Then, a small length of bamboo materialized from somewhere and I realized Tony was going to us this on Mrs. Owens. This was going to hurt.

  I’m sure it did, but Mrs. Owens just seemed to dig her fingernails into the side of the horse and resist screaming. I know I would have screamed. Not only would I have screamed, but I would have come off the horse. Tony must have waited a good two minutes before giving her the second swat. In the interim he tormented her with little taps and running it across her buttocks. The first lick had left a big red welt across the old girl’s butt.

  Tony gave her four more blows similar to the first. I suppose he wanted to induce a lot of pain in a short span of time. Once her caning was over and with Mrs. Owens’s having five swollen stripes across her rear, Tony lay the cane aside. He began to undress. In the meantime, I had parked my naked ass against a work bench. Once he shed his clothes, I knew I had made a mistake. The man had the biggest dick I had ever seen and that included those in pictures. There was no way I could take that monster up my ass.

  Tony must have seen the look of concern on my face. In the process of sliding a condom over his behemoth, grinning he walked over to where I stood.

  “I’m just going to put the head in. Mr. Owens has explained that you can’t take a spanking or anything similar. He also told me it has to be up your butt. I’ll dilate you first. I have to dilate Mrs. Owens before she can take it up her butt as well.”

  I was about to ask Tony how he intended to dilate us, but he turned back to attend the older lady. From a nearby table, I saw him select a butt plug from a variety of sizes. This was apparently one of the smaller one. I watched as he lubricated it and inserted it into Mrs. Owens rear. Apparently, he was going to fuck her pussy while stretching her butthole. I also noticed he only put his enormous dick into her about halfway. I imagine had he inserted it all, he might have inflicted serious damage.

  When it was evident the older lady had achieved a climax, Tony pulled out. Stepping back, he removed the previously inserted butt plug from her rectum and replaced it with one a little larger. Taking another plug, he smeared lubricant on it and turn toward me.

  “Let’s start you to dilating as well. Turn around, bend over and spread your cheeks.”

  I wanted to tell him he sure was a bossy son of a bitch, but I suppose in these situations he had to be. I figured him for a dom or something off that nature. I turned around, bent over and spread my ass cheeks. I relaxed my sphincter as much as possible. In a matter of seconds, he had the plug up my ass. I had to be careful how I parked my butt when I leaned back against the bench.

  Tony inserted one additional plug in Mrs. Owens and let it set a while before he motioned for her husband. The old man rose from his chair and moved to stand beside the horse. He placed a hand on each side of his wife’s ass and spread her buttocks. Tony removed the third plug.

  With Mr. Owens still spreading his wife’s ass as wide as possible, Tony applied addition lubricant to her rear hole and his dick. Slowly, he began pushing it up Mrs. Owens ass. Like he had done with her pussy, he only put it in about halfway. He fucked her until she came for the second time. Watching as he withdrew his penis, I realized I was next. I wondered if Mr. Owens would spread my ass as he had done his wife’s. He had enjoyed dealing with it enough in the past he should do whatever he could to keep it intact.

  After a spent Mrs. Owens climbed off the horse, I took her place. With my butt upturned, the first thing Tony did after putting on a fresh condom was remove the butt plug and replace it with one larger. I could feel my butthole stretch. While I was becoming adjusted to this one, he rubbed and kneaded my nether cheeks. After several minutes, he withdrew that plug and replaced it with one larger.

  After five minutes or so, Tony withdrew the third and final plug. It was show time.

  As I had hoped, Mr. Owens stood alongside and separated my buttocks as much as possible. Tony begun the task of putting the monster’s head in me. He first ran it around the rim of my hole for a couple of minutes while pushing it forward, slowly exerting more pressure. Willing my sphincter to relax even more, I finally felt the head slip past my pucker muscle. True to his word, he didn’t try to push it farther. With the head just past my sphincter, it felt somewhat like a ball. Not that I’ve ever had a ball up my butt although the probe inserted in me once a week was somewhat round. I was stretched to the max.

  I had an idea. Turning my head slightly, I told Tony, “Just hold it where it is and let me work it with my pucker muscle.”

  He did just that. As I massaged him with my butthole, I discovered this felt good. I was receiving a pleasing sensation. Tony was feeling it as well because I could feel his dick throbbing in my ass.

  I think I’ll try this with Mr. Johnson.

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