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Commander's Spitfire [Rescue for Hire 5] (Siren Publishing Classic ManLove)

Page 6

by Bellann Summer

  “What do you think?” Shane asked.

  “The tank on fire is going to have to burn itself out.” Joey shifted the cigarette from one side of his mouth to the other.

  “So you’re saying there’s nothing we can do to put it out?” the fire chief asked.

  “I’m saying the safest way to handle this situation is to let it burn itself out.”

  “What about the other leaking cars?” Shane asked.

  “We need to get some equipment in here and dig a huge shallow hole with the sides banked up at least ten to fifteen feet high. Then the guys and I will drain the propane out of the tank cars and light it on fire.” Joey switched the cigarette back to the other side of his mouth.

  “How long is this going to take?” chief Daniel asked.

  “Two weeks or so.”

  “Two weeks? Is there any way to get this done faster? The whole town was told that they would be evacuated for only a few hours. In their rush to leave they didn’t take any form of identification, money or medication.”

  Joey looked at the clearly distressed man. “I’m sorry. The safest way to get rid of this is to burn it off. It’s a slow process and unfortunately will take at least two weeks to complete. Until all of the propane is burnt away, the danger is extreme, Mr. Landon.”

  * * * *

  Now Shane was sprawled in an overstuffed chair in the motel suite Tony had managed to rent right away this morning. Tony was in his lap. Alex was sitting on a big couch next to Leo with Pip and Jack on the other end. Treb and Damian were on the other couch. Cade and Bret were in one of the two bedrooms of the suite. Because Cade checked himself out of the hospital this morning earlier than the doctors thought safe, he was on a lot of drugs and antibiotics. Bret and Jack were watching him closely for any sign of fever or infection. If that happened they were taking Cade back to the hospital.

  Of course all the drugs didn’t stop Cade from being on the phone with Shane all day, helping him advise the town officials.

  “Anyone hungry?” Shane asked. No one moved a muscle.

  “Yep,” Damian finally said.

  “I could have pizzas delivered?” Tony leaned over and grabbed his laptop.

  “Go for it,” Treb said.

  The exhausted group ate, showered, and then Jack and Pip went into the other bedroom. The two couches pulled out giving Treb and Damian, and Tony and Shane a place to sleep. Alex and Leo slept on a roll-away bed in the corner.

  * * * *

  The next couple of days were spent helping to guard all the road blocks set up in a five mile perimeter around the town. It was tedious standing by the car, stopping people from trying to get back into their homes. Shane could understand their frustration. Until the authorities deemed it was safe to fly their plane out, the whole team was just as trapped as everyone else.

  The only thing that made it bearable was that Tony was partnered with him guarding the road block. They had a lot of time to talk and get to know each other. Their time together made Shane even more certain he wanted this man by his side, forever.

  On the afternoon of the third day, Shane looked at Tony sitting on the seat of the car with his legs hanging out of the open door, typing away on his laptop.

  “How would you like to go out for a beer tonight? One of the guards said there’s a decent bar just a couple of blocks from the motel. If we’re lucky the place might even have some decent hot wings to munch on,” Shane asked.

  Tony looked at him, beautiful brown eyes sparkling. “I would love that. I’m about to go stir crazy.”

  “Not enough action for you, honey?”

  “If you’re talking about the job, then the answer is no. If you’re talking about sex, then the answer is no.” Tony’s eyes now held a heated challenge.

  Shane started to walk over to the car to take up Tony’s challenge, when a car drove up interrupting their potential fun.

  The rest of the afternoon passed with quite a few people wanting to get back into town. More and more people were becoming anxious about the welfare of their animals that had been left behind.

  Shane’s phone rang just as a county policeman was taking over for them at the road block.

  “Shane, we’re calling a town meeting tonight. Can you and your crew make it?” Mayor Brassen asked.

  “Sure, what time?”

  “Seven o’clock.”

  “No problem.” Shane hung up the phone and turned to Tony. “Change of plans, town meeting tonight. How about we try out that bar tomorrow night?”

  * * * *

  Tony stood in the back of the packed showroom of the car dealership. After the mayor had updated everyone on the slow progress of extracting the propane from the tank cars, the discussion exploded into the people’s concerns for their pets.

  Tony didn’t blame them. If they had been forced to abandon Bud, Alex’s bloodhound, dangerous or not the whole team would have snuck in and gotten him out.

  “Mayor Brassen, you have to do something. My little Clara hasn’t had food or water in three days.” Tony turned toward the shaky voice and saw a tiny old woman, hands clasped together, pleading with the mayor. Before the mayor could respond, a heavy set man wearing a plaid shirt stretched tightly over his belly moved forward.

  “Now you listen to me,” he said, standing right in front of the mayor. “It’s been over ninety degrees every day and cold every night. Without electricity, the air conditioners and fans aren’t running and there is no one to open or shut any windows. You have to get our pets out of there, if it’s not too late already.”

  “Charley, we have a plan,” the mayor answered.

  Chapter Eight

  Tony found himself pressed tightly against Shane’s side in the dark interior of an armor-covered vehicle. There were several other smiling people with them, holding precious cats or dogs in their arms. At least he thought they were smiling. It was hard to tell as everyone was dressed in flak jackets and helmets with protective face covers.

  They had one more house to go to on this street before they would go back and drop these people off and get the next bunch. There were ten other vehicles filled with residents going house to house, trying to save their beloved pets.

  The next house was going to be a challenge. Apparently they were looking for a big and little dog, two cats, a bird, and a lizard. After the last several houses he had been to, he didn’t have much hope for the bird and lizard.

  Right before the vehicle stopped, Shane looked at the owner. “Okay, we’re only allowed three minutes to get in and out. If we can’t find and catch your pets, I’m afraid we have to leave them.”

  The woman nodded. Tony knew from going into the last few houses that this wasn’t going to be as easy as it sounded. Most of the animals had run the other way when they saw strange-looking beings walk into their houses.

  The vehicle stopped and the three ran to the house. The lady produced a key and opened the door. The rush of heat from the baking house hit Tony in the face, bringing with it the stench of dog feces and rotting fish.

  Stepping into the kitchen, Tony saw a cat take one look at them outfitted in all their gear and race away down a hallway.

  “Get the cats,” Shane ordered the lady.

  Tony couldn’t even begin to know what that poor lady was thinking as she hurried after the cats. Not only did she have a small amount of time to find her frightened animals, she also had to somehow ignore the horrible state of her home.

  Shane and Tony looked at one another and went into action. Tony went into a living room and saw a huge fish tank sitting against the wall. Dead and rotting fish were floating on top of the putrid, stale water. Next to it on the floor lay a large brown Labrador Retriever. Tony could see he was still breathing, but was obviously very stressed and dehydrated.

  Tony gently picked up the dog and started back toward the door. In the kitchen he met Shane, who was holding a little mixed-breed dog. It looked a little worse for wear, but still alert and wagging its tail.

p; “The lizard and bird are dead,” Shane said.

  The woman stepped into the room holding both cats. She gave a small sound of distress when she saw the dog in Tony’s arms.

  “We’ve got to go,” Shane said.

  Quickly they made it back to the vehicle with their prizes.

  The whole team spent most of the day helping the town rescue their beloved pets. Most of the people didn’t even mention the state they had found their houses in. They were just so thankful to recover their family members.

  * * * *

  It ended up being a few more days before Shane and Tony had their date at the bar. Tony was tired, it had been more than a week since the train had derailed and now it was just a waiting game until the propane was safely burned away. If he looked into the sky toward the derailment site, he could see the thick black smoke rising, letting everyone know that their journey hadn’t ended yet.

  “Here you go.” Shane set a beer in front of Tony before he slid into the corner booth. “The waitress should be bringing those wings, soon.”

  “Sounds good.” Tony sat back, letting the latest country hit song wash over him.

  “Tired, baby?” Shane asked.

  “Tired of being here. In a way this rescue is harder than any other we’ve ever been on.”

  “How’s that?”

  Tony took a moment to take a bite of a wing from the basket the waitress had just set in front of them, before she was off to the next table to take a drink order.

  “Most of our rescues are much shorter. Even if they last for days or more, they’re full of situations where you get huge adrenaline rushes and time flies. This one has a lot of time where we’re just waiting for a car to drive up, so we can have a heated discussion on why those poor people can’t go into town.” Tony looked into Shane’s intense blue eyes. “I want to go home.”

  “There’s some talk about the airport letting the planes that have been stranded there leave. I think most of the danger has passed. If the airport opens in the next few days, I’m going to recommend we head out.”

  “Hallelujah,” Tony said.

  “Hey, look who’s here! How about you boys come and play a game of pool?” Tony looked up to see a grinning Joey standing by their table. Of course there was the ever-present unlit cigarette hanging from his mouth. Tony wondered if he ever lit it.

  “Prepare to lose your shirts,” Shane said. He and Tony slid out of the booth and followed Joey to the room that held four pool and a pair of foosball tables.

  “I’d love to lose my shirt with you,” Joey said quietly into Tony’s ear.

  Tony looked at Joey. He was about Tony’s height and built but had sandy blond hair and a deep working man’s tan.

  “Sorry, that’s not going to happen.”

  “You got something going on with Shane?” Joey asked.

  Tony thought about being covered by Shane’s big body every night and waking up in the morning aching, wanting the hard cock rubbing against his ass to slip inside, desperately. Unfortunately that wasn’t going to happen until there wasn’t a roomful of teammates surrounding them. Tony had to smirk a little. He had seen Treb get up and go to the bathroom, suffering from the same serious case of blue balls that he had.

  Looking at Joey, Tony said, “Yeah, we’re together.”

  Joey’s eyes narrowed for a moment and then he turned and picked up a pool cue, and the game started.

  The group had a good time laughing and joking around. The guy with Joey was fun and had a wicked sense of humor. One game flowed into the next and Tony found he enjoyed just the act of being with Shane, like he had been for the last week or so. There hadn’t been any big drama, just getting to know one another and to Tony’s surprise, learning to live everyday life together. Although he should amend that thought. They were living the everyday life of a member of the Rescue for Hire team.

  Toward the end of the third game Tony felt a hand brush his ass in a warm caress. Turning to smile at Shane, Tony was surprised to see Joey standing next to him.

  “Joey, I said I was with Shane.” Tony could feel his temper starting to spark.

  “You think Shane would share you and make a threesome with me?”

  “No one is sharing or making a threesome with Tony. Back off, Joey.” Eyes flashing, Shane pushed between Tony and Joey. Tony could see Shane was ready to throw Joey across the room. He couldn’t stop his cock from pressing tight against his zipper, he was getting so turned on by Shane’s display.

  Joey raised his hands in surrender. “No problem. Let’s finish the game.”

  With a few quick and precise shots, Shane ended the game. Not saying a word to anyone, Shane took Tony’s hand and briskly led him out of the bar and down the street. About half a block before the motel, Shane pulled Tony into a darkened doorway and pushed him against the entry wall.

  Harsh dominating lips covered his and Tony opened his mouth letting Shane in. Tony found himself being pulled under into the sensations Shane was creating with his lips and tongue.

  Long minutes later, Shane lifted his head. “We need to get back to the motel.”

  “Shane, I need.” Tony was rubbing his cock against Shane’s thigh just about ready to burst in his pants.

  “I know, honey. Come on.”

  Shane grabbed Tony’s hand, practically dragging him down the street and into the motel room. Ignoring everyone else sleeping in the room, he went straight through to the bathroom. In the bathroom Shane turned on the shower.

  “Strip,” he ordered, pulling his own shirt off.

  It took only seconds for Tony to get naked. Turning, he stepped into Shane’s embrace and lifted his head for the kiss he desperately needed. Shane covered his mouth and moved him until he felt the cool wall pressing against his bare back.

  The two men continued to kiss as their bodies rubbed together, straining for release. Shane reached down and took both dripping cocks into his hand, squeezing them together.

  That was all it took. Tony was coming, his moan muffled by Shane’s lips. With a low grunt, Shane’s hips sped up, cock powering, causing delicious friction against his dick. Then Tony felt the warm flow of cum spread against his belly.

  A few more kisses, and then Tony stepped into the shower with Shane and they both quickly washed up. Happy and for the moment sated, Tony followed Shane out of the bathroom to their makeshift bed.

  Once they settled, with Tony’s head on Shane’s shoulder, Treb leaped out of his bed followed by Damian. Tony watched as they both headed to the bathroom like their tails were on fire.

  “Thanks a lot guys.” Alex said from his corner roll out.

  “What?” Tony asked, trying to sound innocent, but already hearing the low moans coming from the bathroom.

  “You come in here, hormones flying all over the place. Go into the bathroom and put on a show that was better than phone sex. And now I have to wait my turn to get in the bathroom,” Alex complained.

  “Sorry Alex,” Tony said.

  “Hmph.” Alex rolled over and was enfolded in Leo’s arms. A few minutes later, Treb and Damian came out of the bathroom and Leo, with Alex right behind him, went into it. Tony couldn’t help but smile. At least they all would be sleeping relaxed this night.

  The next morning Damian’s phone rang. He listened and then spoke a few words back into the cell and then hung up.

  “Get packed everyone,” he said. “The plane has been released for takeoff. We’re going home.”

  Chapter Nine

  Tony drove his truck down the road that held his and Cade’s driveways and decided it was time to take a stand. Pulling the truck over to the side of the road, he turned it off and shifted to face Shane.

  “I’m taking you to Cade’s house. I think we need to slow things down. I have stuff to think about and, I mean, we haven’t really known each other for very long.” This was so hard. Tony knew he needed a small break to figure things out.

  “Are you sure, baby?” Shane would give the man one night. Th
en he was packing his overnight bag and heading over to Tony’s. That was all the slow Tony was getting.


  Tony drove Shane to Cade’s house and dropped him off at the door. He was a little hurt when Shane didn’t even kiss him good-bye. But he knew this was the right thing to do. Yeah, it was the right thing to do. Maybe he had made the right decision. Yeah, it was right. Maybe.

  Tony let out a huge sigh of relief when he drove down the long wooded driveway to his castle. That’s what the guys called it. The outside was made of stone and it had a huge turret on one side. When Tony had had it built, he knew he wanted a round master bedroom in the turret. The inside of the house held spacious rooms with hardwood and tile floors. The guys thought it was odd, but he didn’t have hardly any of the modern electronic fun stuff the other guys, especially Jack, had in their homes. Tony just hadn’t bothered. He figured if he decided he wanted something he would put it in. Except in his office. In there, the walls were covered in monitors, and the computer system was too advanced to talk about. In that room, he was pretty much unstoppable.

  Throwing his bag on the floor, he headed through the spacious house and out the backdoor. Making his way across the huge deck, his eyes were on his two beautiful babies standing in the corral watching him. As he got closer, they started snorting and prancing around, knowing their beloved owner was home.

  The two horses were Tony’s solace. Riding and taking care of them was what kept him sane in a world he sometimes didn’t understand. Ducking under the fence, he ran his hands over both of his beauties, checking for any signs of malnourishment or harsh treatment. He’d paid two teenagers to take care of them when he was gone and he wanted to make sure they were doing their job. He shouldn’t have worried. They looked happy and healthy.

  After making sure they had fresh water and giving each a final loving hug, he went back into the house. Taking a box dinner out of the freezer and throwing it into the microwave, Tony grabbed a beer. The house felt empty.


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