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Herald of Shalia

Page 1

by Tamryn Tamer


  Let's Have Some Fun!

  More from Tamryn Tamer

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29


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  Let's Have Some Fun!

  That's our goal here. On it's surface it sounds good, right? Everybody likes fun! Well, it's important to clarify that when we say fun we're not talking about family board game night. We're talking over the top explicit content. Now, once again you're probably thinking that sounds good, right? Well, we really want to emphasize over the top really means over the top. This book is meant for adults. You've been warned.

  Other Series

  Herald of Shalia Series

  Herald of Shalia Book 1

  Herald of Shalia Book 2 (Coming Soon!)

  Forbidden Arcana Series

  Jinx (Book 1)

  Ariel (Book 2)

  Mirage (Book 3)

  Theia (Book 4)

  Sable (Book 5)

  Luna (Book 6)

  Talia (Book 7)

  Morgana (Book 8)

  Valaria (Book 9)

  Arcana Slice of Life Series

  Animal Magnetism (After Sable)

  Rank Zero (After Morgana)


  “I don’t see why you’re fighting me on this Sebastian,” the beautiful elf said. “You seem to want it as much as I do.”

  “That’s my point,” Frost growled. “I want this. You should question why I want power. You need to get them somebody reliable or heroic. At the very least they should be a good person.”

  “I think you’ll make a great herald Sebastian,” the white-haired goddess laughed. “You need to have a little more faith in yourself.”

  “Listen here,” Frost would have stepped toward her but the fact he was floating helplessly through the cosmos prevented any stepping. “I have complete faith in myself. I know the type of person I am through and through. That’s why I’m warning you.”

  “If you were really a bad person you wouldn’t be warning me about you Sebastion,” the woman who called herself a goddess floated toward him and poked his nose. “A bad person would never warn me.”

  “I told you to call me Frost,” he grumbled as the goddess effortlessly floated away. “And you’re wrong Shalia, it’s exactly what a bad person would do. Because that way, when I do exactly what I tell you I’m going to do, you’ll have nobody to blame but yourself.”

  “And what exactly is it that you’re going to do Sebastion?” Shalia smiled.

  “Frost,” he corrected for at least the tenth time. “Whatever I want. That’s the problem and that’s why I’m going to be an awful herald. I’m telling you right now, I’ll abuse the hell out of my power. Is that the type of herald you want?”

  “Sebastian,” Shalia grinned wickedly. “I’m afraid we’re out of time. The portal will be opening momentarily and if I’m going to beat my sister to it, you need to make a choice. Yes or no.”

  “Fine,” Frost answered. “I’ll do it. But I bet I’m going to be an awful herald.”

  “I’d take that bet,” Shalia said as a burning white portal appeared in front of them. “What are we wagering Sebastian?”

  “You know what Shalia,” Frost scoffed. “If you’re right and I’m wrong I’ll…”

  An orange haze illuminated Frost’s closed eyes as he reached for a blanket to hide himself from the rising sun. Unable to find a blanket, Frost opened his eyes and found himself laying in a field with three pointy-eared women staring at him.

  “Nice cosplay,” Frost chuckled while trying to figure out what was going on. His body was hurting all over and something was wrong with his vision. It was too sharp but that wasn’t his biggest concern. There seemed to be small flickers of light popping up everywhere like he was watching a screen rapidly fly through menus. The influx of information made his head throb so he closed his eyes.

  “Cosplay,” a woman said cheerfully. “Do you think that’s a compliment or an insult? He did say nice.”

  “It doesn’t matter,” one of the women said calmly. “What matters is what we do now.”

  “I have some ideas of what we could do,” the first voice replied playfully.

  “I’m sure you do Renna,” one of them laughed. “But Ena’s the one training to be a priestess. This situation is good practice for her.”

  “He’s a human,” the third voice said with clear disdain. Based on the pointed ears and the derisive way she said human, he figured they were roleplaying. “And he’s naked.”

  “Naked?” Frost laughed nervously as he opened his eyes and looked down to verify it wasn’t a joke. Sure enough, he was completely naked. Or at least somebody was because it sure as hell wasn’t his body he was looking at. “What the hell?”

  “Renna, Fayeth, run back to the village and inform the high priestess,” the one named Ena snapped authoritatively as the other two sprinted away faster than he thought was possible.

  Frost tried to get a better look at the women before they ran off but the influx of bright lights forced him to immediately close his eyes again. Their cosplay was unbelievably detailed, but that was all he really noticed.

  He tried to recall what’d happened the night before but the only thing he remembered were flashes of talking with a woman and his memories of her were slowly fading away. He reached out to grasp onto whatever he could, anything.

  He vaguely recollected agreeing to be something, but he had no idea what it was. It was definitely something important and he didn’t want to do it for some reason. He tried his best but before long everything faded away like a distant dream.

  “Was I drugged?” Frost asked himself while rolling onto his stomach to cover up as best he could. Being drugged would explain the headache and flashing lights, the body not so much. He moved his fingers and toes to check that he was in control of it.

  “Don’t move,” Ena said harshly. “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

  “Sebastian Frost,” he replied while trying to open his eyes again. “As for why I’m here, I don’t know. I remember a woman and…we were talking…I think she might have drugged me.”

  He wondered if he agreed to be some extra in their roleplaying adventure. Or maybe he was on the set of some porn. The women looked the part and his body was certainly porn worthy. His body, that was the problem. There wasn’t really a way to explain that away. His body was average and the body he was in exceeded average in every way.

  “A woman?” Ena said suspiciously. “Describe her.”

  “Everything’s a bit fuzzy still,” Frost said as he tried to focus again on his fragmented memory. He couldn’t recall her exact appearance but he remembered features. “Shoulder length white hair, violet eyes, and…pointed ears?”

  “White hair and violet eyes?” Something about the tone in Ena’s voice made Frost believe she had somebody in mind. “What was her name?”

  “Shalia,” Frost answered as the name popped into his head. He wondered why the name w
as so easy to recall while everything else was fading away.

  “Shalia?” Ena clearly recognized the name but from her tone he couldn’t tell if that was a good thing.

  He decided to try opening his eyes again to see if the strange colors had subsided. They hadn’t but they were no longer causing his head to throb and he was finally able to look at the woman he’d been talking to.

  She was so beautiful that Frost found himself staring and turned away. He focused on his surroundings and realized he was in a small clearing within a forest and wondered how he got so far from the city.

  His thoughts immediately gravitated back to his current situation and the cosplaying woman in front of him. She obviously knew that Shalia woman so maybe she’d know what was going on. He stole another glance of her.

  She had long golden blonde hair and her eyes were an impossibly bright cerulean. He imagined they were contacts of some sort because eyes like that didn’t exist in nature. She was also wearing extremely well-crafted ear prosthetics to complete her elf costume. Based on her looks and the quality of her cosplay, she was definitely a professional cosplayer.

  His eyes reflexively roamed down to her ample chest, wide hips, and long legs. He didn’t want to give her any more reason to think he was a pervert, but her nearly transparent white gown made that impossible. He looked away before something happened that’d make being naked in the field even more problematic.

  “I don’t believe your story,” Ena irritably. “You’re lying.”

  “My story? All I said was a name,” Frost replied while trying not to get distracted by the various glowing numbers and symbols floating around. They were certainly the side-effect of whatever drug he was given. He started to think he should probably find the nearest hospital and get checked out. “Where am…”

  “I’m asking the questions human,” the pointy-eared woman said angrily. “Shalia sent you? Just because we’re elves doesn’t mean we’re stupid.”

  “My head is throbbing and I’m not involved in your damn elf roleplay. I’m telling the truth,” Frost insisted while glancing at her. The material of her white gown was so thin he could see her lacey white underwear and wondered if she realized what she was wearing. She was obviously out roleplaying or doing a photoshoot with her two friends and forgot how she was dressed. He supposed it could still be a porn shoot but he’d never seen porn with such high-quality costumes. Maybe he was on an actual movie set of some sort. “Listen, I get you’re mad that I interrupted whatever this is, but...”

  “You’re a terrible liar,” the blonde elf sneered as he turned away from her again. “You must think I’m an idiot.”

  “No,” Frost said irritably. He was getting a annoyed that the woman wasn’t letting him get a word in edgewise. But, given the fact he was the one naked in the field, he decided to be diplomatic. “Can I have some clothes or a blanket? Maybe a towel?”

  “No,” Ena answered without a hint of empathy. “You have yet to tell me the truth. I’m not going to believe that nonsense about Shalia so stop lying.”

  “I’m not lying!” Frost insisted while glancing at the woman. Her gown clung to her curves like it was painted on and it was driving him insane.

  “Then why do you keep looking away?” Ena asked smugly. “You’re a terrible liar. You can’t even make eye contact.”

  “Because of the way you’re dressed,” Frost answered irritably.

  The pointy-eared woman looked down at her outfit and her face turned red. She adjusted her gown and crossed her arms to cover herself slightly while glaring furiously at him. It didn’t help much since he could still see virtually everything but he wasn’t going to push the topic.

  He wondered if he was involved in some weird sex roleplay scenario. But, once again, his brain was still avoiding the question of the body. He wouldn’t put it past himself to agree to some freaky roleplay party with a sexy woman, but he still couldn’t explain the body. He pinched himself to confirm it was real, and it certainly was.

  “This is a prank of some sort, right? That Shalia woman drugs guys and leaves them naked in a field then sends her friends to blackmail him or something,” he said knowing that blackmail didn’t explain the body. “Is this some Island of Dr. Moreau type thing?

  “Adding unintelligible nonsense to your lies won’t make me believe them,” Ena said contemptuously while shuffling uncomfortably. “And I don’t believe your Shalia nonsense.”

  “I don’t know what to tell you,” Frost said while trying to think of plausible scenarios to explain his body. So far, the theory that he was drugged, kidnapped, and experimented on was winning. “What do you want from me?”

  “I want you to be honest,” Ena blinked and he saw a small symbol pop up above her head. It’d appeared several times before but he was so distracted he didn’t really pay attention. He wondered what the symbol meant and the words Scan Lvl. 3 appeared. The symbol vanished and she looked even more irritated. “What are you really doing here?”

  He ignored her question and started focusing on the various numbers and symbols he was seeing. He began realizing that they weren’t simply random numbers and symbols but actual information. If he was understanding it correctly, Ena was a level twelve cleric. He could see her level, her class, and her strength levels. Both her physical and mental strength appeared as grey slivers. He was started to entertain two new theories. The most likely was that he’d suffered a mental break and gone insane.

  “You’re not going to believe anything I say, are you?” Frost said while trying not to entertain his second new theory on what’d happened to him. It was too implausible.

  “Not as long as you keep telling ridiculous lies,” Ena answered cynically. “Now, what are you hiding?”

  “What am I hiding?” Frost laughed as he jumped to his feet leaving himself completely exposed. He was momentarily shocked by how easily he was able to literally jump to his feet. He’d done kip-ups before but never so perfectly, the movement came as naturally as breathing. That was another point supporting his most implausible theory. “Where am hiding something?”

  “Not that kind of hiding,” Ena said as her face turned red. “I can’t scan you. You’re scanning me so I decided to scan you back, I can’t.”

  “I scanned you?” Frost asked somewhat confused. “I don’t even know what that means.”

  “That’s another lie,” Ena said angrily while reaching behind her back. She pulled a large wooden cudgel from her leather belt and Frost took several steps back as she pointed the cudgel at him threateningly. Scan popped up above her head again. “Now, why can’t I scan you?”

  Frost glanced at the Scan Lvl. 3 above her head and text popped up. He quickly read the description and the ability was supposed revealed the level, class, and estimated strength of the target. The only real limitation he saw on the ability was the target’s mental strength needed to be within a certain range of your own. He found himself once again entertaining the most implausible of his theories.

  “What level am I?” Frost asked while staring at his hand. He waited for numbers or symbols of some sort to appear but none did. He knew the fact he was even considering what he was considering was a sign he’d in fact gone insane but it was also the only thing that made sense. Everything around him appeared real, he was in an entirely new body, and Ena was a level twelve cleric attempting to use a magical ability on him.

  “That’s what I’m trying to figure out by scanning you,” Ena said while pulling out what was obviously a potion. She drank it and her scan ability gained a level. “Still nothing. What are you hiding? What level are you? What class are you? How did you get here? Are you from Zira or Rilia?

  “Zira? Rilia?” Frost shook his head. “I don’t even know how to answer that. I have no idea where I am, who you are, or what’s going on. From my end it looks like I’m in a game world of some sort. Which would be a dream come true if it were possible, but it’s not. So, I don’t know.”

  “Are you trying to say th
at you’re from another world?” Ena’s face contorted. “You really intend to stick with the ridiculous lie that Shalia sent you here?”

  “Ena,” the calm sounding elf from earlier emerged from the forest. Her blonde hair was tied into a long ponytail that hung halfway down her back and she had unnaturally bright green eyes. She wore a leather corset that she was practically popping out of, leather shorts, and knee-high boots. Naturally, Frost couldn’t help but stare. “Lysandra is on her way. She said not to do anything rash before she arrived.”

  “Rash?” Ena grumbled. “Fayeth! We have a human in our forest.”

  “Nothing rash,” the elf smiled politely while pulling out a large wooden bow and nocking an arrow. “As long as he doesn’t attack, we are not to attack.”

  “This is your last chance to give an honest answer,” Ena said malevolently. “The high priestess is merciless. She’ll torture you for days without breaking a sweat. She once starved a child for five days just for looking at her wrong.”

  “Ena, please don’t make up lies about me,” a beautiful voice echoed from a shadowy path. “I sent you to bed without dinner because you kept making rude faces and that was decades ago. Now, let’s get to the bottom of this.”

  “It’s you!” Frost said as the woman emerged from the woods. He turned to Ena. “That’s the woman I told you about, Shalia!”

  It was undeniably her. Her hair was a bit longer but it was still as white as freshly fallen snow, her eyes were like amethysts, and her skin was unnaturally perfect. Her gown was white and transparent but covered in gold embroidery. It looked like an upgraded version of the one Ena was wearing. He was positive it was her because she was also the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  “Shalia?” Lysandra smiled excitedly at Frost while aggressively adjusting her hair. After taking a moment to compose herself the pointy-eared woman smiled impishly at him. “While I find the comparison flattering, my name is Lysandra. What might yours be?”


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