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Crimson Blade

Page 16

by Corey Soreff

  Eucibous raised his arms to the side as he shook his head in apology. "Sorry, but I don't do this for money."

  "What?" Ginin asked. "What do you mean you don't do this for money?"

  Eucibous dropped his arms and looked up at Ginin with a smile. "I do this for fun." Eucibous then sprang, punching forward. But his fist hit only air, as Ginin vanished into the shadows. Clasping his hands together, Eucibous stomped the ground as he cast a tremor spell. The ground shook around him in a span of twenty feet, any standing on the soil would lose their footing. Then pulling his hands apart, and quickly clapping them back together, he cast another spell while maintaining the tremor. "Ignite!" Eucibous yelled, and a ring of flame surrounded the border of the small earthquake, sealing off Ginin's escape.

  "Your only chance of survival is to fight." Eucibous said calmly as he relaxed, cracking his neck as he separated his hands once again. Maintaining the weaves of the tremor and ignite during a fight were no problem.

  Then a foot connected on the side of Eucibous's head, stunning him for a millisecond, which was enough for Ginin to swipe at his ribs with his dagger in the meantime. Normally the spell protecting against being cut would have absorbed a lot of damage, but Ginin was strong, and the dagger was enchanted. It broke through the defensive spell and scratched Eucibous on the ribs, though barely.

  "Flash!" Eucibous roared, and blinding light flashed briefly throughout the area, taking away Ginin's sight for a moment. "Shockwave!" He yelled again, and a concussive blast burst in all directions from his body, stunning the assassin. "Illuminate!" This time as Eucibous cast his spell, a light surrounded Ginin, encompassing his entire body.

  When the stun wore off, Ginin tried to return to stealth mode to again hide within the shadows. It worked, but at the same time it didn't. He was stealthed, but the illuminate spell still showed Eucibous where he was. Ginin cursed. Snapping his wrists, daggers dropped into his hands and he threw them at Eucibous.

  "Barrier!" An invisible shield blocked the daggers and they dropped harmlessly to the ground. Eucibous smiled, then coughed. Blood trickled down from his lip, and he clutched the small cut on his ribs in pain. He laughed. "Poison! I should have known." Even such a small wound could be fatal.

  Ginin stayed where he was, hoping the poison would finish off his opponent. How long has it been? Thirty seconds? A minute? He should be dead soon. "That is basilisk venom. It will be painful at first, but you will die quickly. Soon you will be paralyzed, and the pain will cease. It was an honor to fight you."

  Eucibous coughed again, but the smile never left his face. "You count your chickens before they hatch. Purge!" He clenched his fists and looked to the skies as he screamed, as fire and pure energy swarmed up from the ground, enveloping him. His blood boiled and his skin burned, but Eucibous did not cease his casting. Intense heat and pure magic swam through his bloodstream, destroying all traces of the poison within. Simultaneously, he was cooling his own blood with another spell, which took incredible concentration and precision. If it didn't cool fast enough, his insides would be destroyed. In moments, the fires died down and sunk back into the ground, and Eucibous remained standing.

  Ginin was dumbfounded. Without an antidote on hand, he had never heard of anybody surviving such a poisoning. This man had just boiled his own blood and survived. But he must be tiring. Seizing the moment, Ginin ran forward, daggers in both of his hands. One dagger shot forward, missing as Eucibous dodged by turning his head to the side. The first attack always missed, however. The instant Eucibous dodged the first blow, Ginin had already spun and the same dagger then threatened to catch Eucibous on the other side of the head from the direction he dodged in. But that failed as well. The dagger met thin air as Eucibous bent backwards, the dagger flying over his face.

  Stopping himself from falling to the ground, Eucibous hurled himself back forward, and caught Ginin on the forehead with a head butt.

  Ginin staggered back in pain, but didn't slow. He dropped quickly to the ground, and swept his leg in a kick hoping to trip Eucibous.

  Eucibous casually hopped over his leg, but made no other move.

  Ginin was surprised when Eucibous began slowly clapping. Is he mocking me? His eyes glanced at the giant sword on Eucibous's back, and he cursed under his breath as he realized Eucibous had not even gone on the offensive once.

  "You have two options." Eucibous said calmly.

  "Excuse me?" Ginin asked.

  "I can kill you now, or you can join me. So far there are only two of us, but we are The Crimson Blade. I will only recruit the strongest I encounter, and only then if I deem them of worthy character." Eucibous pointed at Ginin and grinned mischievously. "You have proven interesting, Ginin the Shadow! I find it difficult suppressing my urge to continue our fight, but I don't wish to get carried away and lose you."

  "Is this some sort of joke?" Ginin asked. "How do I know you're not bluffing? I seem to have the upper hand in this fight."

  Eucibous narrowed his eyes and his look went from a playful one to more serious. He then allowed his aura to fully reveal itself, letting his magic flow freely, his willpower evident. All while staring Ginin in the eyes.

  Ginin wasn't sure what change had come over the man, but in that instant it became difficult for Ginin to stand. His knees trembled involuntarily, and his body's instincts shouted at him to flee. He was calm but panicked at the same time as his mind shot warning signals that he tried to ignore. Warning signals telling him that in front of him stood a predator, and he was the prey. The world seemed gray, and hope seemed nonexistent. This man was not bluffing.

  For the first time in his life, Ginin fell to one knee. He did this on purpose, not due to the difficulty in standing. He kneeled, one knee on the ground, one bent with his foot planted in front of him. He bowed his head in submission, placing it on his right knee. "I will serve you."

  Eucibous laughed cheerfully, and pulled Ginin to his feet. "You will serve no one. You are a Crimson Blade now. We fight only the strong, and we are a beacon of might to be feared across Adanantus, no, the world. You are not my servant. You are my friend. Welcome to the Blade, Ginin the Shadow."

  Ginin stood, looking Eucibous in the eyes, and for the first time in years he felt admiration. This man will do great things.

  "Welcome to The Crimson Blade! That makes three of us!" Shouted a voice from above.

  A man dropped from the tree branches, landing right next to Ginin. Almost six feet tall with dark hair, the man stood proudly holding a long halberd. He wore green leather armor, and a green headband. "I'm Lok." The man said with a smile, extending his hand.

  Ginin shook his hand. "I am Ginin." Then he burst into laughter. "This whole time, backup was in the trees?"

  "Backup?" Lok laughed. "Euc doesn't need backup. We've been keeping an eye on you for a while. We both wanted to see you fight in person. We came here with the intent of testing you."

  "You never meant to kill me, to fulfill the contract?" Ginin asked, looking at Eucibous questioningly.

  "I never liked Lucius anyway," Eucibous answered with a laugh. "And I don't appreciate him trying to kill off such a skilled warrior merely because he fears your progress."

  "Only we are permitted to kill off the strong ones," Lok said, winking.

  "And if I wasn't as good as you hoped?" Ginin raised an eyebrow.

  "Then you'd be dead." Eucibous answered flatly. He clapped Ginin on the back playfully, and they began walking. "Let us get drunk! Ale and women to celebrate!" Walking away, all three of them were laughing.

  "Perhaps we can stop at the guild and pay Lucius a visit on the way." Ginin said nervously, wondering if his new comrades would approve.

  "No need," Lok chuckled, amused by the request. "When Lucius asked Euc to take the contract, Euc killed him."

  Memories of his friend Ginin swarmed over him as he looked at the figure behind Sargath. How is this possible? He wondered. He had personally buried his friend, watched him die. Ginin was wearing a hooded
cloak, but there was no mistaking him. He could barely see his eyes under that hood, but he knew those eyes. He knew that stance. He knew that dagger.

  Sargath was on his knees, choking as his own blood clogged his lungs. He immediately began weaving magic, breezing quickly through multiple hand movements and signals required for the necessary healing spells. He closed up the open wounds on the front and back of the neck, but the interior damage was a problem, as well as the loss of blood. He continued working with fervor to heal himself as much as possible, confused as to what happened and how the dagger had made it through his defensive spells.

  Ginin was not about to wait for him to work his magic. He leapt at Sargath, circling around to his front, then launching forward with a deadly combination.

  Sargath screamed in anger, and an invisible force sent Ginin flying twenty feet back, landing with a roll to reduce the impact and quickly returning to his feet. Eucibous had tried to counter the blast with his own Godwill, but had been knocked back a pace anyway.

  Eucibous looked over at Ginin. "Ginin!"

  Ginin didn't answer his friend. He only ran forward again, intent on taking down the God.

  Then Sargath stood on his feet again, looking good as new. "That was quite the surprise." He looked at Ginin rushing towards him. "Aren't you supposed to be dead?"

  Again there was no answer from the assassin, and Ginin faded from view as he stealthed. Eucibous took advantage of the distraction and teleported quickly behind Sargath. He pulled his massive sword from his back and swung it effortlessly at Sargath's midsection, all within milliseconds. But before the giant blade made contact it seemed to hit an invisible wall, sending painful vibrations up Eucibous's arm. Stoneskin? Impossible. My attacks should break stoneskin. He kicked forward, and his foot was stopped also. The bastard was somehow maintaining a shield with the Godwill.

  Eucibous jumped back a step, and just in time. A pillar of the hottest fire in all the planes rose from the ground where he had been standing. Eucibous wasn't sure if his defenses could take that level of heat. Retreating back a few more paces, Eucibous launched a fireball forward. A fireball was one of a magic user's most powerful spells, and Eucibous's fireball was three times the size and three times as powerful as a normal fireball. The fireball connected with the unseen shield surrounding the God, and the flames billowed around him harmlessly.

  "Well, nobody said killing a God would be easy." Eucibous chuckled to himself.

  Just as the fires receded Ginin reappeared at Sargath's back, lashing out with dozens of dagger strikes within seconds; Each attack landing in the same spot as the sword, foot, and fireball.

  Eucibous watched, hoping that the repeated attacks on a concentrated area of the shield would weaken it. But no such indication presented itself.

  Sargath began laughing, and his laughter echoed throughout the arena. Nobody was watching anymore, every last man and woman in the stands was unconscious from being in the presence of so much raw power.

  "This is the difference between us!" Sargath yelled with confidence. "Behold!"

  Sargath was still facing away from them, confident that even from behind they could not deign to hurt him. Then he briefly released all his power, allowing them to see what they were up against.

  Eucibous was astonished. Not because he was afraid or impressed. He was astonished because he was unwillingly forced to his knees. Raw energy consumed the entire arena, and dozens of unfortunate citizens died as their hearts stopped from the pressure.

  Sargath then capped his power again, controlling it. "Now imagine that power in a compressed form!"

  Ginin had collapsed upon the release, and pulled himself back to his feet. And again, he disappeared into the world of shadows.

  Sargath slowly turned around, his sharp yellow teeth spread in an ignorant grin. He extended his palm, and using the Godwill he compressed his aura into a sphere; The sphere of pure energy formed in front of his palm, hovering in the air. Then it flew, appearing as a blade of light traveling at an incredible speed.

  Eucibous had been prepared to dodge, but then realized too late that it wasn't aimed at him. The flash of light shot in another direction, and Eucibous screamed.

  "Ginin!" Eucibous yelled.

  Ginin appeared, his stealth spell broken as the attack pierced him through the chest. A large gaping hole was where his heart should have been, the outer edges of the wound already ceasing to bleed from being burned instantly by the beam.

  Despair crept into Eucibous's heart. He was watching his friend die for the second time. He didn't know how his friend had returned, but now he was being killed again, right in front of his eyes.

  "Sargath..." Eucibous began, preparing to let loose a storm of threats and anger.

  Then Ginin sprang. Unfazed by the blast, Ginin hurled four daggers at once straight at Sargath. Sargath blew them away using the Godwill without a problem, but suspicion began to show on the God's face.

  Sargath wasn't the only suspicious one. Eucibous had just watched his dear friend have a hole blown through his chest, completely obliterating his heart. Yet still his friend stood. Still his friend fought. What the hell is going on here?

  Sargath was not afraid at all, but he was confused. "What trickery is this? An illusion?" Sargath looked at Eucibous. "I knew your magical abilities were extensive, but from what I have gathered, necromancy is one skill you never pursued."

  "I'm just as confused as you." Eucibous said, digesting the situation. "Ginin, tell me what's going on." Again, no answer.

  "Why are our front lines not advancing?" Marcovius asked one of his officers.

  The man swallowed. "Sir, the reports indicate that our front lines are busy fighting one man."

  "One man?" Marcovius asked angrily. "One man? Thousands of goblins can't defeat one man? Is it Eucibous?"

  "Judging from what I've heard of the crimson warrior, I'd say no. This man fights with a halberd, and wears green." The officer's eyes quickly darted in another direction, then back to Marcovius. "And would also seem that two men are fighting our cavalry from within."

  Marcovius slammed the table in front of him that was littered with maps and battle plans. "Ridiculous! Weaklings! I'll go meet Lok. Send a few of our best magus to meet the other two."

  "Yes Sir," the officer answered with a salute.

  If you want something done, you gotta do it yourself, thought Marcovius. He grabbed his sword and shield and stormed out of his command tent, pushing his way through the lines. "Useless goblins," he muttered. Then he searched his mind for the mental link he shared with his friend. "Seth. Dispel the other pocket."

  Lok had just decapitated a troll when he felt the brief rift in time and space. One glance in the direction it came from was all it took to realize that this battle was going to be a lot harder than they thought.

  All the knights standing by waiting for Lok to clear out the fodder were dumbfounded, staring in the direction of the rift. "We're doomed," one knight uttered. That sentiment was repeated by many.

  They had already been outnumbered by about fifteen thousand, plus they had dragons. And now another host had arrived.

  The knights talked among themselves, wondering how they could possibly win now. For not far from the enemy army, another army had appeared. An army of the dead.

  This isn't Ginin, Eucibous told himself. Concentrate. If Eucibous allowed emotions to overrun him, he could lose. No, he would lose. And he knew it. Casting high level spells took incredible concentration, you can't be thinking about your dead friend. Then his attention shifted to the arena entrances, where the doors had just opened. Out of the combatant hall strode the other fighters of the tournament, who had grown sick of watching.

  Eucibous laughed. "Perfect. Jorge! Velion! Thundrin! Dennas! Come to me!"

  All of the warriors he named came to him. Gathering around Eucibous, they wondered why he had called them.

  "You four fought well today. I hereby invite you to join The Crimson Blade. Whether
or not you accept, we need you right now. The world needs you. As we speak, the Liche King's armies are outside the city walls, battling the knights. We are outnumbered, and I also just felt a strong magical presence appear outside the city, an evil one." Eucibous stood tall, looking down at the other fighters. "I'll hear your answer later. But for now, I would ask of you your assistance in this battle. I can deal with this. I need you four to go assist the armies, and deal with this new threat. The fate of Adanantus is decided today."

  It was easier than expected, which was a pleasant surprise. They already seemed to look up to Eucibous, and eagerly offered their aid. They all agreed, and proceeded to rush out of the arena towards the city gates.

  "Kuldric, Rorik!" Eucibous yelled.

  Rorik materialized next to Eucibous, without letting his guard down. His eyes were focused on Ginin. "I came here to ask you about Ginin's whereabouts, and the validity of his death. It is quite the coincidence he is here."

  Eucibous wanted to hear more but now was not the time to discuss Rorik's motives. "If it's even him," he replied. He was concerned about the aura that was emanating from his friend Ginin. It was...hollow.

  Kuldric approached, slowly and cautiously. "You...called me?"

  Eucibous nodded. "I would have sent you with the others, but this is your destiny, no? The champion of light, in the epic battle against the God of darkness." Eucibous grinned sarcastically. "I ask for your help. And yours, Rorik. And Rorik, when this is done, I'd be glad to have you replace Ginin, if you wish to do so."

  Rorik was still staring at his idol. "I'll consider it. Why did you keep me here?"

  "Something is wrong here, that's not the Ginin I know." Eucibous said. "I'd like you to keep an eye on him, and be ready if he turns against us."

  Rorik beamed. "I'd love to."

  Eucibous looked around at the remaining warriors that had survived the tournament, analyzing each of their expressions with suspicion as they stood aside wondering what to do. "Kuldric, be careful. The liche is still missing." Out of the remaining fighters, the most suspicious one left was obviously the Orc, Ugthar. he could have lost to Jarec on purpose to divert suspicion. I hope I didn't just send the liche away among those four, he thought.


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