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Destiny Rules..

Page 7

by P. G. Van

  The woman lowered her eyes but did not say anything. We silently waited for her to speak, and minutes passed, but she didn’t say anything.

  “Mitch, let her go if she doesn’t want to talk to us. She means no harm,” I said and started to turn away when the woman looked up and said my name.

  I took a few steps closer to her and sat on a chair next to where she sat. I could tell Nick wasn’t thrilled about me getting so close to a stranger who he wasn’t sure if she was a friend or foe, but he didn’t object.

  “How can I help?” I asked in a soft tone.

  “Reetu… get her out.” It was a plea and something inside me twisted. The sadness in her tone, and the tears that trickled down her cheek, made it evident she had to be a very close relative to Reetu.

  “Are you her sister?”

  The woman nodded wiping away the tears with the back of her hand. “She did this for me and… she is stuck in jail.”

  I looked up at Nick and Mitch. “Can we remove the ties on her hands and legs?”

  “Ms. Nick…” Mitch started to say, but when he saw the look in Nick’s eyes, he stopped.

  “Do it, Mitch.”

  Mitch moved close to her and cut off the plastic ties with a Swiss army knife. “It’ll only take me second to tie you up again if you try to run.”

  “Mitch, that won’t be necessary,” I assured, and the woman looked at me with a hint of surprise and gratitude in her eyes.

  Mitch stood less than a foot from where the woman sat, and Nick came to stand next to me. The woman had her eyes lowered, but I could see the tears that kept seeping.

  “We tried to get Reetu out, but she refused to accept our offer to be released,” I said softly.

  The woman broke into sobs but did not say anything.

  I took a deep breath. “If you were following us to hurt us, then there is nothing to discuss here, but I get the feeling you wanted to talk to us, privately. What do you want to talk to us about?”

  When the woman didn’t say anything, Mitch lost his cool. “You either talk, or I will make you talk.

  “Mitch, please,” I urged softly, and he took a step away from the woman.

  “Reetu… she went to jail for me.” The woman finally spoke surprising us with the revelation.

  “Reetu was involved in some illegal activities, and that led her to the arrest.” Nick’s voice was soft yet stern.

  “No…she only wanted to get me out of the mess,” she sobbed.

  I cautiously put my hand on her shoulder. “Is Reetu your sister?”

  The woman surprisingly did not shake away my hand from her shoulder and instead took my hand in hers. “Please, get my sister out of jail. She doesn’t deserve this… I did everything I could to give her a better life… not to end up like this.”

  “We didn’t know Reetu has a sister.” I turned to look up at Nick.

  “No one knows… everyone knows her as Janaki’s daughter except for me.” Her eyes bore into mine.

  “I don’t get it.” My head was reeling from the what seemed to be a confused piece of information.

  “Reetu and I were in an orphanage for years after our mother abandoned us. Janaki came to work in the orphanage right after she had lost her child to illness. Reetu reminded her of her child, and she pleaded the orphanage to let Reetu be hers. I was happy my sister would have a home. That’s how my sister, Rani, became Reetu. Reetu was Janaki’s daughter’s name… and when Janaki passed away, Reetu came back to the orphanage. By then, the people who knew us as sisters were no longer around, and she was Reetu from that day on,” the woman said sending my mind into overdrive.

  Chapter 13

  “What is your name?” I asked in an effort to let my brain absorb the new revelations.


  “It’s nice to meet you, Raji, and it’s unfortunate we met under such circumstances.”

  “My sister is in a worse situation, and I didn’t send her away for this… I had no choice. She could have stayed away from this mess, but she got sucked right into it.” The woman sounded disappointed.

  She had mentioned something about a mess twice, and I wondered what she was referring to. “Are you in trouble? Do you need our help?”

  “I was… Reetu saved me, and she…”

  “Saved you from what?” I asked, my patience running out fast.

  “I was one of the many people employed to look for the chain, the chain that you have, the one that Reetu tried to get from you.”

  “What? Employed to look for the chain?”

  My heart dropped to my stomach when Raji nodded slowly.

  “Look for the chain… I mean who and where were they looking?” I was asking Raji the question, but my eyes were trained on Nick who appeared to be calm on the outside, but his eyes told me he was shocked, too.

  “Even with a college degree, I was appointed as a nanny in a Rajput family, just as many others were placed in various jobs that would allow them to find out if any of the family members had the chain.”

  I almost knew the answer even as I asked the questions. “Were you working for Nick’s extended family?”

  “Yes… and when Reetu called to tell me about the chain, I couldn’t believe the coincidence. She couldn’t escape it even when I sent her away… as Janaki’s daughter just so this company doesn’t also recruit her to do what I was doing.”

  I sat back into my chair digesting the details.

  Nick was the one to break the silence. “Were you forced to do this job?”

  “Yes… they owned my life, took away my college degree certificate, and made me work as a nanny.”

  “Who are these people?” I gasped.

  “Someone who wanted the money from the trust,” Raji’s voice wavered.

  “How did you know about the link between the trust and the chain?” I asked.

  “We read the King’s journals… and…” Raji said, and I interrupted her. “Which one, I’ve read through all his journals, and I don’t remember reading about the chain.”

  “It was in the palace library, and I found it when we had to spend a few days there when the orphanage got flooded. Reetu and I were so obsessed with the story… I didn’t think it would come to haunt us like this.”

  “Raji, this is destiny… all of this is happening because we were all meant to do something.” I tried to comfort her, but it only outraged her.

  “It was not my sister’s destiny to be stuck in jail. She did nothing wrong. This is all because of you people, and you need to get her out.”

  “False identity is punishable by law… she could have ended up there any day,” Mitch interjected, his tone cold as the Arctic.

  Raji looked at him, her eyes widened. “I only wanted her to have a better life and not have to do what I had to do.”

  “So, Reetu’s uncle and cousin are not really her… your relatives?”

  Raji shook her head slowly. “Years after Janaki passed away, her brother came looking for her daughter, and since Reetu was registered in the orphanage as her daughter, I told Reetu she should go with them.”

  “Why were you following us and how many other people have been watching us?” Nick’s voice was gravelly.

  “I only wanted to talk and beg you to help me, but I didn’t want to be seen by anyone.” Raji sobbed.

  “Who are you scared of?” I asked.

  “I… the people who hired me… they want the chain at any cost.”

  “Who are these people? Are they really after the money from the trust or…” I looked at Nick, and my voice trailed off when he slowly shook his head.

  “We tried to get Reetu out of jail, but she refused to talk to our lawyers.” Nick’s tone was calm.

  “Why? What did she do to end up in jail? Why did your people have to do that to her?” Raji asked in an elevated voice.

  Nick took a step forward, growling. “Why? You are wondering why she is in jail? She tried to hurt the woman I love, and for what she intended to do, she should s
erve her time. The only reason we even attempted to get her out is because of Sameera.”

  “Nick,” I said placing my hands on his chest to calm him down.

  Raji looked dejected and sat in the chair visibly shaken by Nick’s words. “I will do anything to get Reetu out of jail.”

  “How did you know where Nick was at all times?” Mitch demanded.

  Raji sat silently with her eyes downward.

  “Before we can help you, we need to know we can trust you. Please answer Mitch’s question,” I said sternly.

  “I… I know almost everyone who works for the trust fund and the companies. They mean no harm, they are just trying to help me get Reetu out.”

  “How can we believe what you say?”

  Raji started to sob. “I have no way to prove it, but all I need is to get Reetu out.”

  “Give us the name of every person who you know is involved in the hunt for the chain, and I will think about helping you.” Nick did not sound convinced.

  “Please… I don’t know who is doing all this. All I know is one person who I had to send my updates to… I’ve never talked to anyone in person.”

  “In all these years that you’ve worked for them, you haven’t talked to anyone?”

  Raji helplessly shook her head. I wondered who it was that had curated the plan to look for the chain and how they knew about it when it was only the immediate family who knew about the trust.

  Would it have been someone from the family? It didn’t make sense for the family to be involved since they were all equally or even richer than the trust fund from what Sanjana had told me.

  “Who did Reetu contact when she found the chain?” Nick asked, his tone still showing his anger.

  “She sent a text to the number I send updates to, and she talked to them directly,” Raji said weakly.

  “In return for your exit from the system?” Nick asked.

  “Yes, for all of our friends as well and…”

  Nick didn’t let her finish. “A life as the royal descendant for Reetu.”

  “She did it for me… she didn’t want the royal life.” Raji sobbed hiding her face in her hands.

  I felt the sadness grip my heart when I realized why Reetu was so desperate, enough to hurt someone else for her sister. I knew I would do anything for Nate but would never think about hurting someone else.

  “What is this group really after?” Nick asked looking at Mitch.

  “Money,” Raji grumbled.

  “Does Sanjana know this is happening?” I asked, surprised someone was able to run an operation for years without the knowledge of the Board.

  “She doesn’t know any of it nor does the Board, and I don’t know how they are managing to keep it under the wraps.” Raji fumed, her eyes glazed with angry tears.

  “How can she stop this group even if she knew?” Nick challenged.

  “This is true.” Mitch nodded.

  “Why don’t we talk to Sanjana and see if she can help us?”

  “Could she be part of it?” Nick asked, and I felt the chill run down my spine.

  “No,” I blurted inadvertently almost unable to accept Sanjana could be part of a fraudulent group.

  “You never know, Sameera.” Nick put his arm around me.

  “No, Nick… not Sanjana, it can’t be her. She doesn’t need the money… she is…”

  “What else would motivate someone to pour so much into a hunt for a chain and the only thing the chain unlocks is the trust… nothing else.” I ran my fingers through my hair.

  “What if… what if the chain unlocks the mystery behind the missing sword?” Nick said, his voice shaky.

  “No…” I couldn’t see how a chain could have so much importance.

  Nick turned to look at Mitch with the twinkle in his eye which meant he was on to something. “Mitch, find out what part of the trust was off limits to the Board or the orphanage or to the family. We might find something,” Nick instructed.


  “You are late,” Nate taunted me on the video call later that night. We were back in the palace.

  “I had to make sure Thatha and Nani had everything before they went to bed.” I winked.

  “They are in the palace?” Nate squealed.

  “Yes, they came to the meeting we had with the Board.”

  “How is Thatha taking it all?” Nate asked knowing how much it had upset our grandpa when on the surface it appeared that Rajaram left his family for the royal life.

  “He didn’t say anything, but I know it bothers him. I feel it, too, but I have no way to prove Rajaram left his family for nothing, and I don’t know how to prove it.” My voice came out as if I was dejected.

  “Meera, tell Thatha something that would make him feel better. We may never find out why someone walked away from the love of their life.” Nate had a point, but I wasn’t convinced Rajaram just decided to leave with no reason. It had to be a strong reason.

  “I can’t lie to him even if that would make him happy,” I said softly.

  “Guess what Naina did today?” Nate was good at digressing when needed.

  I laughed shaking my head.

  “She found my eyeshadow kit and put all the shades just around her eyes. Mind you, nothing in her mouth or the rest of her face.” Nate laughed, and I joined her. “You see what happens when you name your kid after me?”

  “Naina will be as cool as her aunt Nethra.” I winked.

  “I just hope she doesn’t hate me for the name you picked for her to match my name.” Nate laughed.

  “It’s funny, Ann said the same thing about Anya.”

  “Oh boy.”

  “Nate, thank you for everything.”

  “Shut up and go have fun.” Nate winked.

  “Yeah, Nick and I were going to take a walk, but Sam called, and he is on the phone.” I turned to find Nick still on the phone.

  “Did Reetu talk to anyone?”

  “Not yet, and that’s what Sam and Nick are talking about,” I said.

  “Did she do all that just to get her sister out?” Nate asked.

  “Yes, and she also made a deal to let everyone who was working on the mission go.”

  “I wish she had told us. Maybe we could have helped,” Nate stated.


  “Did you see the painting you were talking about? The one in which Reetu saw the chain.”

  “Yeah, the painting was good but what doesn’t make sense is how the painting had the chain when the chain was something Jasleen gave him, but he left the chain as a token with his son. Rajaram made a visit to the palace while he was still with his family, had the painting done and went back to give the chain to his son and then go back to the palace,” I said like I had no control over my words.

  “Why?” Nate was taken back.

  “I guess that is the question to be answered. What was Rajaram’s intention and reason behind doing what he did… the trust, the journals, and all the open questions?”

  Chapter 14

  The following day, I stood on the balcony off the living room in the palace enjoying the beautiful sunset.

  Nick was on the phone with Sam for probably the twentieth time in one day. I looked over at the endless greenery of the farmlands and the river flowing at a distance taking in the earthy smells. The sweet smell of the flowers layered into the beautiful smell of the moist soil reminded me of my grandparents’ village. I wanted to see my grandparents but was also looking forward to spending time in the beautiful village.

  I wrapped my arms around myself and took in a deep breath feeling an emptiness growing inside. I missed my little babies and loved ones, and I asked myself what I was doing in India away from them. I felt weak from the confusion. I badly wanted to go back home and see my family and their beautiful faces, but on the other hand, something held me back—something about the trust felt so personal, so close to and intertwined with our lives.

  My thoughts were interrupted when I felt Nick behind me. I smiled as he
wrapped his hands around me from behind nuzzling my neck. “How dare you enjoy the sunset without me?”

  My heart fluttered, and the warmth on my skin made my entirety come alive. The solemn feeling, the emptiness, and the doubt melted away as soon as he pulled me to his chest. “Nick, I miss everyone… like a moment ago I did and now…” I loosened his arms around me and turned around to look at me. “All I could think about was to go back home.”

  “You were going to leave me here, baby?” He smiled, bringing his lips to mine to plant a flurry of kisses.

  “I wouldn’t go without you.” I laughed.

  “I’m not going until I find the answers you want,” Nick whispered.

  “I don’t know if I want to find out… “

  “Yes, you do… we both do, and we are very close to finding out why Rajaram left his family.”

  “I feel like we are going after the story of the trust and not after the real question. As soon as we find out what made Rajaram leave, we should go back, and you be the judge of what we should do with the trust.”

  “Sweetheart, don’t sound so dejected. I got this, and we will find the answers to all the questions.”

  “I was really hoping to find my answers in the journals but…”

  “For a man to walk away from his family, there’s got to be a reason. It is not a case of him abandoning Jasleen for getting back to his royal life.” He protectively tightened his hold on me.

  “How do we find out?”

  “I get the feeling we are close… close to finding out everything. Mitch has a team look through the books in the library to find the journal Raji referred to, and Sam is going to talk to Reetu in a few hours.” He smiled making me feel hopeful about finding the truth.

  “Thank you, Nick.”

  “Baby… why are you thanking me?” He laughed.

  I smiled and brushed my lips against his. “How did I get so lucky?”

  “Isn’t that my line?” he murmured against my lips.

  I slowly pulled away to turn and face the setting sun again. “It is so beautiful from up here. I can’t think of being anywhere else but here with you.”


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