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Bad Boy Confessions - 3 Book Bundle

Page 13

by Amber Burns

  “We can’t continue like this, Dave,” Adel finally spoke and her voice had never sounded as icy cold as at that very moment. “I can’t put my dreams and career plans at risk like this every again. I have sacrificed too much to be here now. This passion, this wild desire is not worth it. It will die out soon anyways.”

  She did not look at him as she spoke. Her arms were crossed at her chest, her brows held that frown, which he craves to kiss away. He knew he was not welcome to do that. Dave wanted to reassure her that his intentions were serious, that he would do everything to support her, to fit her schedule, to help her achieve his dreams. He made himself swallow his own promises. It was not the time for that.

  “I am leaving for New York,” she finally said. Rage wanted to hug her fiercely. He was so proud of her. They could maybe try a long-distance relationship. He wouldn’t even mind moving to New York if she would have him there. Rage could think of lots of other options as well, he would do everything to make this work. Her next words crashed all of those hopes, though.

  “I want you to forget about me. We will never see each other again.”

  With that, his sunshine turned on her heel and left.

  Dave ‘Rage’ Carter had promised to never dream and never experience his dreams crash. Now, he was standing in the middle of the street, watching the only woman he had ever loved leave, and he knew there was nothing he could do about it. At least not now. Rage had always tried to save himself from a heart break. His women were bad girl one night stands who didn’t care to keep in touch. But now…he was now standing in the middle of the street with a bleeding heart, and he knew even the tough tattoos and leather vests would not protect or hide it.

  There was only one think Dave could promise to himself at that moment. He was never going to give up on her. He would simply wait for the right time to come.

  Chapter 5

  Rage saw her in his dream last night. Again. She was wearing a platter tutu made of red tulle with a red tank top, which perfectly underlines the swell of her breasts. As always, in his dreams, Adel was performing her dance on his bike. Her delicate figure looked adorable on the rough leathers and shiny metal of his vehicle.

  Her eyes were sparkling with desire. The golden ring around her bright green arises was lit by some demonic fire, which threatened to burn his already heated body to ashes. Her light brown hair covered one of her shoulders while the other exposed her ivory skin. Rage remembered how it felt to touch that soft delicate skin, to lick it, to taste her, to cherish her scent in his nostrils. Even now, a year later, he could still remember her natural scent mixed with the soft lilac scent of her perfume, and then also the scent and taste of her arousal.

  Adel straddled his bike, then slowly leaned backward, raising her long legs she placed them on the handlebars. She was barefoot, and Rage growled. He imagined kissing her tiny perfectly manicured toes one by one. She would shiver feeling his rough skin and the tickle of his beard. Her perfectly manicured red toes against his wild beard.

  Then she smiled and pushed him away. With another delicate ballet move, she turned on the bike. With her belly on the seat, her legs still on the handles she bent forward and ran one of her hands long the back wheel of the bike. Her long hair curtained around it and Rage wishes he would turn into that tire and feel her fingers caress him.

  Rage winced. His cock burned like a heated iron bar. And he was daydreaming in the club, where he was supposed to occupy himself with his bookkeeping job. No such luck.

  One year and two months since she had left for New York. She had turned down any attempt he had made during this time to stay in touch. He had planned to go and see her. Damn, he needed to see her as desperately as he needed to breathe air. But won’t it be violating her will? She had been crystal clear that his presence was going to distract her from her dream career – something that cost her years of hard work, endless hours of training and rehearsals. Would he dare to jeopardize her dream with his presence? Even if that meant the meaning of his life?

  Dave ‘Rage’ Carter respected her dreams. He would stay here, daydream about her until he fucking went nuts or kicked the bucket because of all the unsatisfied desire gathered inside him, but he would never force his presence and desperate need on her if she did not want it.

  Rage sighed. The dream had vanished, leaving him in the reality of his small office. He could call Nastia and check whether she had any news from Adel, but he hesitated. They had become good friends with Nastia during this year, and she had been kind enough to keep him updated on her success, but she had been suspiciously silent recently. That made Dave worry. What if something had happened to Adel? Nastia would not give precise answers. She would simply shrug and say that Adel was going through some rough times and that she needed some time to herself. Rage could wait an eternity and then some only to hear that everything was fine with her.


  It had been almost two months since the injury, which had turned Adel’s whole life upside down. Adel was finally living her dream life - after one year of hard work she had received a lead role in one of the new performances to premiere in the new season.

  It took only one misplaced step, just a blink of distraction. And here she was – a bird with an injured wing, with only determination to recover and fly again keeping her from falling apart.

  Who was she kidding? She was falling apart. Day after day, she was doing her rehabilitation exercises, massages – every procedure that had been prescribed. Yet, the recovery was too slow; the pain sparkling through her leg with every step was still unbearable.

  Adel refused to give up. Adel would never give up.

  Recently, since she had more and more time to be killed at home, she started thinking about Dave. She refused to call him Rage – nothing about the man reminded her of rage, well, maybe the tattoos covering both his arms and chest. But once she had gotten used to them, she enjoyed the view of his colorful skin. Now, from the distance of more than a year, she could remember her short hot romance with Rage as calming and empowering. The man had set her on fire, gave her the adrenaline she needed to rock on her audition and get the place in the company she dreamed about. And she had had to sacrifice him to keep that achieved goal.

  Now, with her injured leg as a bitter reminder of her miserable failure, Adel could give everything to have that powerful wild man by her side – she knew she could rely on him, she was not afraid to be weak around him.

  Leaving New York and returning home would mean admitting her failure. Was Adel ready for it?

  Chapter 6

  “Hey bad boy, I need to tell you something, but first promise me you won’t freak out,” said Nastia with a nervous chuckle. Was she kidding him? Rage was never someone to take such a warning on phone lightly, but coming from Nastia, it could mean only one thing – it had to do something with Adel.

  His heart was beating like a raging beast. He was gripping the damn phone so tightly, it could crush any moment.

  “The fuck I would not freak. Spit it out, girl,” he was already heading toward his bike and could reach her place by the time this conversation was finished.

  “Are you a badass biker or a fucking drama queen?”

  She was definitely trying to lighten his mood, which was only making him worry more. If something was wrong with Adel, he needed to know it immediately.

  “Nastia, now!” He growled. If he needed to browbeat her to get his answers, he was going to do it, without a single moment of regret.

  “It’s about her,” she started, and already that was enough for him to know things were bad. Adel’s best friend was a tough chick. She had been through a lot and had always kept her cheerful mood, no matter what. Her grim voice chilled Rage. “She’s back home. With an injury...”

  "How bad is it?" Dave felt the ground vanish from under his legs. He ran his hand through his beard. It felt almost like a physical pain to hear that his little perfect ballerina would be unable to dance. Dave was
no stranger to pain – neither physical nor mental. He would happily agree to take as much as he had endured during his military years and even twice more to free Adel from the pain of disappointment and devastation she might be going through now. But that was a vain wish. He had to concentrate on what could be done here and now.

  “She seems ok,” Nastia’s voice was small. She did not trust those words either. “She said she’s here for a few months only – to recover at home, where she had friends and family to care for her. She’ll be back as soon as she can dance.”

  Rage let out the breath he didn’t realize he had been holding. She would be alright. She should be alright!

  “I’m heading to her place now,” he started his bike right away. He was not going to wait for Nastia’s approval. He had to be by her side, tell her he believed in her. Rage realized how grim his own situation was – his every breath was about that woman.

  “Alright. She didn’t want me to tell you that she was back, but man, she’s so miserable, so devastated with fear and tortured with all the medical treatment… I hope I’m doing the right thing telling you.” He could hear Nastia’s concern as she tried to justify her decision. Dave knew better than anyone else how stubborn his beloved ballerina could be at times.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll make it all right. I promise,” he said as the road took her closer to his love with every word he spoke. He thanked Nastia for her trust in him. He could never thank her enough.

  By the time Dave hit the brakes and parked in front of Adel’s place, he had played the scenario in his mind again and again. He had had thought of thousands of smart words to comfort her, yet all of them had evaporated from his mind leaving only the bitter taste of dust in his mouth. Any words he could’ve said would be just pathetic.

  Enraged by his own confusion, he knocked at the door with more urgency that he had intended to. He tried to collect his scattered thoughts running both of his hands through his unruly hair. A moment later the door was swung open, and she was standing in front of him. It felt like the air was too thin to breathe. She was much tinier than he remembered – a fragile little thing reminding him a crystal ballerina from a music box. Such a fragile thing.

  “Don't you dare pity me," she hissed with tears threatening to pour out of her eyes any moment. She threw herself into his arms and closed them around his neck in a deadly grip. He could feel her ragged breathing on his chest, the wetness soaking through his shirt.

  Dave took her into his arms, breathed the scent he had missed so much, he wondered how he had lived so long without inhaling it.

  “Never, baby. Whatever hardship there is, you’re gonna nail it, I know. You’re gonna go back and own that stage. I will see you there. You hear me?" He squeezed her in his arms placing hundreds of kisses on her head. He was not going to let her fall apart. "God, I missed you so much," he whispered again and again in between frantic kisses.

  “Is that why you are here?” She looked into his eyes. The green of her irises was even brighter wetted with her tears.

  “I’m here because that’s where I need to be. For whatever you need me – I’m by your side,” he vowed. He meant every single word he said and hoped she believed him. He was a fool to stay away for so long.

  Adel regarded him for long moments. Her eyes had gotten sharper – more determined, more desperate. Rage feared of what he would find there if he delved into the very depths of her endless gaze.

  “What if I need you to fuck me senseless? So hard, that I forget everything else around me. Can you do that, Rage?”

  It was the first time he had heard her use his nickname. She was the only one who had stubbornly refused to call him anything but his real name. He got it now – she did not need Dave to hold her, to make love to her. He needed Rage – the biker in his leather cut – the wild beast to devour her, to fuck her pain away.

  If that was what she needed, Dave was going to give it to her. More than anything in the world he would want to be caring and tender to her, but he had promised to give her everything she needed, to let her use him to heal her wounds. He could be the bad boy she desired.

  “Wrap your legs around me,” he spoke in his commanding voice, which he knew was turning her on so much. He lifted her tiny body in his arms and walked toward her bedroom.

  Wild and rough, he reminded himself.

  Dave tossed her body on the comforter and climbed on top of her. As he watched her from above, her eyes blazed with desire. The gold ring around her irises sparkled like flames of fire. She watched him, as he quickly removed all of his clothing, leaving only the leather cut-off on his naked body.

  All of this tension had already made him harder than he cared to admit. He grabbed his cock into his hand thrusting toward her.

  “Is this what you want, baby?” He asked running his hand roughly up and down his shaft. So close to her lips, he could feel her breathing on the heated skin of his head.

  “Y-yesss,” she moaned. She opened her mouth trying to reach for him, but he pinned her with one strong arm.

  “You’ll get it only when I decide to give it to you, not before.”

  With his hand on her chest, he could feel her heat racing. She was breathing through her mouth, her whole body was already shaking with need.

  God, he so wanted to capture those lips with a tender kiss, to whisper into them how much he loved her. Instead, Dave tore her top off her and ripped her jeans open making sure the button jumped off and hit the floor with a loud click. Adel let out another moan as he stripped her off her clothes. Her panties were ripped into two between Rage’s strong fingers. He brought them to his nose and inhaled her scent. So maddeningly sweet.

  Spreading her legs wide open, he grabbed her hips and pulled her ass up. Her cinnamon colored clit was already was already dark with desire. Dave rubbed it with his bearded jaw, and Adel whimpered with need. Her hands reached for his head, but she hesitated, waiting for his instructions.

  “Rub your tits for me, baby, while you watch me eat you out,” he ordered. Her whole body trembled. Licking her lips with her pretty little tongue, which he craved to bite at that moment, she cupped both her breasts with her palms and started playing with them for him.

  He could not reach for her tongue yet, but he bit at her clit and the hard bead jerked in his mouth. Then he started lapping at her juices. No tender caresses, no flickering on his tongue around her opening as she loved it. He ate her out as if feeling some basic insatiable hunger inside him; he devoured her flesh as if she was the finest delicatessen. And she was – sweet and flavored, the more juices he drank for her, the more she would give him. Though he was holding her hips to support her body, but Adel placed her legs on his forearms and easily started thrusting herself into his mouth. She needed more; he could read that urgency in her movements. God, she was going to be the end of him.

  Dave thrust his tongue into her as deep as he could, and she welcomed him. Adel shook and moaned with every thrust of him. Her insides quivered every time he pushed his tongue deeper. His fingers rubbed at her clit with every thrust of his tongue.

  As heat built inside her, Adel’s movements became jerkier. She was not screaming his name and begging for release. But she had requested for a bad boy, and that was what she was going to get. Dave pulled back as he knew she was just a breath away from climaxing.

  “Please, Rage…” She moaned, and he loved his nickname on her lips. He could explode only from listening to her repeat his name again and again. Not yet. He squeezed the base of his cock and hissed. This wild ride was just staring, and it was all about her satisfaction.

  Rage lowered her body and leveled it with his cock. Still kneeling between her legs, he wrapped her legs around his waist and using her juices as lubrication, slowly eased his cock inside her. He let himself go into her for only an inch and then pulled back. Her pussy throbbed in disagreement. Rage heard a silent curse escape her lips.

  “Give it to me,” she hissed at him.

  Dave pushed back
inside. This time, he let himself go a bit deeper and stay a bit longer, before pulling back completely again. Adel whimpered and shook her head. He hated seeing her pussy so empty and so in need, but that was only making his wicked plan more pleasurable. As he pushed and pulled out once again, she sank her fingers into his forearms. Pain and pleasure blazed inside him. As shy and fragile she was, he loved the wild insatiable side of her – the desperation of a wounded bird. And Dave let himself fuck her and hard as he could. He sank into her deep, letting his balls hit at her butt, then pulled back only to push again harder and wilder.

  The desire to kiss her lips was maddening her. Dave leaned over her body, but instead he bit at her nipple, and Adel screamed. The dark nub hardened immediately. He then licked and kissed it to sooth the sting of his bite.

  "More," she demanded, and this time, it earned her a sudden spank on her ass. "Ohh,” escaped from her mouth.

  That was all it took. The last drop of his determination was gone; Dave pulled her toward him and crashed his lips against hers. He took her mouth in a rough kiss – invading its sweet depth, biting her tongue, drinking in her warm sweet taste. When he pulled away, her lips were darker and shallow – so kissable, that he did not deny him of that pleasure again.


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