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Merciless: An Irish Mafia Romance (Wild Irish Book 4)

Page 10

by Vi Carter


  Once we are in the hall, I can sense that Shane wants to say something. “Say what you want to say Shane.”

  “It’s Darragh. He’s acting … strange.”

  We enter the garage and the lights come to life.

  “Isn’t he always acting strange?” I fire back as I get into my Bentley. She smells familiar, and it reminds me of who I am and who I need to be.

  “What happened in the forest?”

  “We have a meeting-“ I check my watch “-In eight minutes. This will have to wait until later.”

  Shane nods and closes the door. Darragh arriving last night in my apartment was unexpected. He wasn’t keeping it together like I thought he might. I had promised him more answers, so I needed to avoid him. The whole truth I could never tell. But I could tell parts of it and hope with enough truth that he would fill in the blanks like he had in the forest. My chest tightens and the unexpected shift has me rubbing it.


  Gregor is at the door when I arrive.

  “Everyone on the list is inside.” I enter the room that holds only ten people. But I hope its ten people who join us. Their talking ceases as I step into the room. Shane arrives only a moment after me. His smile is immediate. Two of the guards on the list shake my hand eager to impress. I selected one from Nobber and one from Kells. Most of our guards that we had on our payroll were Navan. So it never hurt to have them from different areas.

  “I want to thank you all for coming on such short notice.” I start and Shane makes his way up to me. His arm still isn’t fully healed, but he has smartly gone without the sling, and his suit and smile give him the polished appearance that we want them to see.

  “We know you are all new to the area.” I make sure my eyes touch each member; some might work, others won’t. Judge Harper is new and his stern face and hard grey eyes are filled with suspicion.

  “So we wanted to introduce ourselves. I’m Liam O’Reagan and this is my brother Shane O’Reagan.” I give Shane a moment to look at each person. “We run most of the hotels, and other business in the Co. Meath, Co. Cavan area.”

  “That’s what you asked us here for, to brag?” It’s the judge that I knew wouldn’t be easy.

  “To connect, Judge Harper. It’s always good to know your neighbors.”

  “And your enemies,” he says back.

  I nod at him. “Of course.” I move on not entertaining him. We had three judges, another would have been nice, but I wasn’t wasting time on him. My research said he had two young grandchildren that he cared for. Their mother was in rehab for a drug addiction, this was knowledge I felt I could use.

  “So if you ever need a hotel to stay in or someone to talk business with we are here.” Six, I count six that will work. That looked happy, that can read between the lines.

  “Now enjoy the refreshments.” A buffet of tea/coffee and some pastries is set up.

  “Talk to the two guards and give them the run down. They are in. Mr. Jordan the solicitor has a drink problem so when you speak to him don’t forget the brandy.” I glance at two others. “Peter is a barrister and his partner in the workplace and outside is George. Their wives don’t know. Can I leave you with them?”

  “I’ll have every one of them on board.”

  He will because I just gave him the easier ones. My first to approach is Judge Harper.

  “We are very grateful you came,” I say. He’s helped himself to a coffee, so maybe he’s not as eager to leave as he might like us to think.

  “I wanted to meet Liam O’Reagan. I’ve heard a lot about you.” Placing my hands in my trousers pockets I keep my voice low.

  “I have also heard a lot about you Judge Harper. How is your daughter?” His hands rattle as he places the cup and saucer on the table. “I hope rehab is helping her, with two small children left behind, times must be very hard.”

  He doesn’t answer me and when he goes to pick up his coffee, I touch his hand briefly. “You can leave that there. Thank you for coming.” I hold out my hand and he takes it. I like the fear that flashes across his face.

  “I’ll let you out.”

  “I was actually enjoying the coffee.” How I love when people back track.

  “It didn’t seem sweet enough for you.”

  “It’s sweet enough.” His words are dry but we are finally on the same page.

  “Good. Then stay and finish it.”

  As we move around the room, only two seem rattled by us and we don’t need anyone unsure. We either want people who are afraid of us or want to impress us. The ones who are unsure just won’t work.

  Once the room is empty, I sit down.

  “I know there is something wrong Liam. You seem - different.” Shane sits across from me and I’m unsure of what is wrong. I always had a lot going on, but it’s all starting to slip through my fingers.

  “You really want to ask about Darragh,” I say not focusing on him. His concern wasn’t for me. It was for Darragh.

  “Yes, but I also want to know what’s going on with you.”

  “Nothing is wrong, and Darragh will be fine.”

  The door opens and Gregor looks in. “That’s ready for you boss.” I nod at Gregor.

  “I’ll see you at home,” I tell Shane. He doesn’t answer me and I don’t look back as I leave with Gregor. We move down through the staff quarters of the castle. The deeper we go, the less people we see, until it’s cobwebs and dust. “Has he spoken?” I ask as I hunker down through the tunnel.

  “Yeah, too much.”

  I’m standing to my full height now as I enter the lowest level of the castle. Four archways circle us and I let Gregor lead.

  “Barry.” I greet him and he tries to look at me from over his shoulder, but his restraints won’t allow him to see me fully. Stepping into his line of sight I glance at Gregor to explain all the marks on Barry’s face.

  “He tried to run, twice.”

  “I don’t know who you are but I didn’t do anything.” Fresh blood still drips from his trembling lips.

  “I’m Liam O’Reagan, Darragh’s brother and you skipped bail Barry.”

  He’s trying to look behind him again. “Darragh,” he calls.

  “He’s not here. In fact he doesn’t know you’re here.”

  “I have money.”

  I nod and pretend like that is an option. “From the banks you robbed.”

  His brows furrow. “I didn’t do it. I wasn’t even there. I have a cousin in England, my mam has arranged for me to go there. I won’t be trouble to no-one.”

  “You’re a problem for me Barry.”

  “Where was he when you found him?” I ask Gregor but I know already.

  “On your property Mr. O’Reagan.”

  Barry sinks back into the chair.

  “That doesn’t sound like you were going to England.”

  “I was trying to warn Darragh.”

  “About what?” I stuff my hands in my pockets.

  “About the guards knowing we did the bank job.”

  “Ah so you did do it.”

  He shakes his head in denial. He was a half-wit. How much had he spilled to the wrong person? If we handed him over he would be tried and sent to prison, but how much would he say. If he ended up dead? Well, the dead can’t talk.

  “So England is it?”

  “Yeah, my cousin Rodger is letting me stay in his room. He has bunk beds.”

  “Sounds fun Barry.” I cut off his restraints.

  “Can I go?” He asks once he stands.

  “Of course. Safe journey.”

  His smile is wide as he takes one final look at Gregor while wiping blood onto the sleeve of his jacket. I wait until he is a few steps away before I give Gregor the nod. They disappear under the arch but I can hear it all. The moment Gregor tightens his arm around his neck from behind. The struggle to get away, the kicking of his runners. The gasping for air. The small thuds could be him trying to hit Gregor. They shift and the thuds gr
ow softer before they cease. The loud thud is the body hitting the ground and I walk towards the arch.

  Barry’s open eyes stare up at the brick ceiling.

  “Bury him and send word that he was seen on a boat for England.”

  My phone bleeps in my pocket, removing I stare at the warning and growl.

  A breach in the basement.



  I hate being alone, and I miss Jan more than ever. I start to clean. I don’t know what else to do. It takes me thirty minutes to put the space back together. I go through all the presses looking for anything that might help me but I don’t find a thing. Liam was really thorough when he removed anything that he considered a weapon. I want a shower but after the last time I decide to just brush my teeth and clean my face. I don’t let the water run, but only turn it on when needed. I want to be able to hear anyone coming. I finish cleaning over the bathroom and return to the bedroom. His suits are all in the same perfect order that I saw in the kitchen. Top row is shirts nearly all white, the second half is suit jackets, below them is trousers and the final slot was reserved for shoes that looked identical to me. The side of the wardrobe was kitted out with shelving that held t-shirts and jogging pants in an array of colors. Closing the door I open the second one to see his more personal stuff. He’s a boxer’s man; nearly all his socks are black or navy. Nothing is out of place, everything is perfect. I have the urge to ruffle it up. Closing the doors I move to the bed where I lie down. I don’t know how he lives down here with no windows. The AC is on but everything feels so artificial. The lighting dims during the day but it’s still there. Lying here lets my mind roam to my parents, my country, even to my uncle. I get back up and go into the living room. The door that leads out of here looks so large now.

  “Wanda,” I call and my pulse flickers waiting but she doesn’t respond. I try saying her name in a deeper voice. But she isn’t fooled. I keep trying but nothing happens only I make myself laugh as I try to do Liam’s serious voice. I eat another tin of peaches and tidy up after. Lying on the couch I close my eyes. Grey clouds fill my vision, roaming fields that surround my home are all around me. I inhale deeply, but it’s not the smell of freshly cut grass, or the smell of the sun as it dries up the rain. I smell Liam. Opening my eyes, I stare at the ceiling.

  The wail of a bell has me sitting up and moving off the couch. I lie flat on the floor as the door opens and someone bursts in. It sounds like more than one person. I try to remain still. Clamping my hands over my mouth I try not to breathe too loud. Whoever is here couldn’t hear me anyway over the wail of the alarm. I can’t hear them move, so I’m not sure if they have left. I don’t want to sit up and ask for help, whoever broke in here won’t help me. I might become a target. Liam seemed to have a lot of enemies. I doubt my uncle knew this before handing me over, or maybe he did.

  The sound of the alarm stops and I’m all too aware of my breathing. So is whoever is in the room. Footsteps are slow but they are moving towards me and I’ve nowhere to go. A woman appears above me.

  “Found her,” she calls over her shoulder but doesn’t take her eyes off me. “It’s okay. We are here to help you.” She smiles softly at me.

  A man appears and stares down at me. “Good work, now let’s move before he gets back.” Their accents are different from Liam’s. It’s the girl who reaches down and helps me off the floor.

  Her short blond hair is cut neatly to her head, but she wouldn’t be mistaken for a man. She has curves were they should be. I’m up on my feet and she gives me a reassuring smile, I’m thinking that everything might be okay, maybe they are saving me. I’m returning her smile, mine is a little shaky.

  The world goes black as something is pulled over my head. I try to rip it off but my hands are restrained. The ground leaves from under my bare feet and I claw at the hands that tighten around me.

  “Stop it.” His voice is close to my face.

  I start to scream. “Help!” Flesh clamps over my mouth and muffles my words but I don’t stop. Arms tighten around my legs and the chaff of a rope is painful as it’s tightened. I wriggle trying to get free.

  “Keep her still.” The woman’s voice is abrupt, and she sounds like she’s under pressure. I use all my strength and continue to wriggle and kick as I continue to scream. The air in the sack is hot and I try not to focus on how sweaty it feels or how dizzy I’m getting. I’m airborne now and blood rushes to my head. A large shoulder digs into my stomach. Using my fists I hit as hard as I can until my arms are yanked painfully together and my hands are tied.

  “Get her into the van now.” We are moving, light flickers across my eyes and disappears. I’m trying to control my labored breaths. The moment fresh air touches the sack I know I am outside. I start to scream. I hit the ground hard, the air knocked from my lungs. Hands grip me under the arms and I land heavily on another hard surface, the light is gone and I’m plunged into darkness. Doors close and I move back until my back hits a wall. The floor under me rattles as the van starts up. Shuffling to the back of the van, I throw my weight at the doors but nothing happens. My fingers search for a handle but I can’t find one. Rubbing my face with my joined hands I try to get the sack off my head, but it won’t budge. A primal scream claws up my throat as the van shifts under me. I throw myself against the door again in blind panic.

  “Help!” My screams start to reduce along with the air. Lying flat I try to control my breathing. I didn’t want to pass out. If I did, I feared what I would wake up to. Why were these people taking me? I should have ran into Liam’s room and tried to block the door. I had thought for just a moment that they were going to help me. The van stops.

  “You need to sign here.” I can hear someone speak. I move until I’m in a sitting position. “Help!” I shout but my voice is low and breaking. This was my only chance. “Help.” I shout louder and start to move to the front of the van to get closer to the man’s voice.“Help me!”

  “Is someone in the back?”

  “Rats that we caught.” It’s the woman’s voice. “Larry go check and make sure none of them got out of their cages.”

  “No I’m a person. Svetlana.” The van shifts and light comes from my right and I rush to it, but large hands wrap around my neck pushing me back in.

  “Yep, one got loose,” Larry shouts.

  No air is getting to my burning lungs as his fingers tighten around my throat.

  “Maybe you should stay in the back.” The woman suggests and I’m released as he closes the door.

  “Scream again and I’ll snap your fucking neck.” He keeps a hand clamped down on my chest and I couldn’t scream even if I wanted to. Right now I’m struggling just to stay alert.

  “I hate rats.” I focus on the conversation and Larry growls in frustration at the delay.

  “Yeah we better get going before the rats start to chew on Larry.” The woman laughs, and the man joins her. A phone rings.

  “One moment.”

  “Everything okay in the back.” The woman hisses low.

  “Yeah just stop talking to him. What’s taking so long?”

  “Just stay calm. He’s just answering the phone.”

  Larry tuts and I swear his hand feels heavier on my chest.

  “What company did you say you worked for again?” The man asks and I can hear the nervousness in his voice.

  “Rat Killer’s” The woman answers.

  “I just need to check your paperwork.”

  “What paperwork?” Larry growls above me.

  Even I know he is delaying and that meant that Liam was coming.

  “Hold on.” The woman warns before the van moves quickly back. I slide along with Larry to the opposite side of the van; we stop and start to slide back towards the front. We collide with each other; my head hits the floor hard. I fight off the darkness. Larry lands on top of me cutting off the last bit of air.

  “He knows. I had to ram the barrier.” The woman’s panicked voice re
aches my ear. We are sliding again.

  “Slow the fuck down,” Larry screams.

  “I can’t. We’re being followed.” I hit another steel wall; this time my left arm takes the brunt of the impact. The burn starts at the shoulder and runs into my fingers. I hiss in pain and try to brace myself as the woman screams at us.

  “Hold on.” Her shouts are filled with alarm and I reach out searching for something to hold on to but I find nothing. I’m floating in the air, my arms raise on their own accord and the moment only lasts a second as I impact with the floor before I’m flying again, but I brace myself for the impact that happens quickly. My body slams into the glass that shatters on top of me. The sting grows, a million small needles pierce my leg before I hit a hard surface and everything stops. A horn sounds. I think it’s ringing in my ears but as my hearing clears, I recognize it as the sound of the van horn. Moisture starts to pour around my hands. It’s cold, and it soon covers my hands completely and continues to spread up my arms. I need to move. The gentle gush of water tells me it’s pouring into the van and filling it up fast. My legs scream in agony but I need to move. I don’t know which way is up or down.

  “Help.” My throat burns as I scream. The horn still rings and the water level continues to rise. “Help.” The creak of metal has my head turning in that direction. Light burns my eyes but I’m screaming reaching out to it. “Help me. Please.” A shadow casts across the sack, taking half the light with it.

  “Take my hand,” Liam’s voice is above me and I look up but I can’t see him. I reach out my tied hands, the pain in my wrist has me crying out but I keep my hands outstretched. Water fills around my feet and rises quickly to my knees.

  “I can’t reach you,” Liam’s words have me trying to jump higher, my leg burns and throbs and I fall down into the water. It feels like the van shifts as I push myself upwards.


  I break the surface of the water.

  “I can’t reach you,” Liam says again and I can hear him shift before a loud splash sounds in the water. He left me. He left me to die here.


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