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Merciless: An Irish Mafia Romance (Wild Irish Book 4)

Page 15

by Vi Carter

He’s standing now and I fear I’ve pushed him too far. My plan was to keep him on my side so he would continue to trust me but I couldn’t seem to control my mouth around him. His hand appears in front of me and I look at it.

  “Take my hand.”

  Looking into his eyes is like looking into deep pools of ink, they show no emotion and I hesitate but eventually I take his hand and he helps me stand.

  Once I’m standing he releases me and I follow him into the living room. When he opens the door that leads out of this room I hesitate.

  “Where are we going?”

  He doesn’t answer me but steps through the door. I follow him. The room we walk into sends a shiver up my spine. I’m not wearing shoes but the cold that spreads through me has got nothing to do with the cement floor under my feet. It’s a chair that is the center of the room. It’s bolted to the floor. The large wooden contraption has straps for the feet and arms; I’m stepping away when Liam focuses on me.

  “Sit in it.” He says.

  I’m shaking my head.

  “You said you were a prisoner.” His anger grows too quickly.

  I take another step back. “I want to go back to my room.”

  “That’s not your room. That’s my room. Sit on the chair.”

  I glance back at the door, the beat of my heart is loud and thrashes against my ears. Fingers tighten around my arms, I hadn’t heard him move. A weakness enters my legs.

  “I said sit in the chair.” He pulls me over to it and I’m in it, shaking my head. He seals the straps on my feet and then my hands, my stomach curls in on itself and I close my eyes. All I see is Holic. He would make me strip from the waist up; his eyes had burned a path into my naked flesh. The first time I had thought he was going to rape me, but when he had told me to turn around and kneel I had felt relief and fear. The anticipation of not knowing what was going to happen had driven me to scream at Holic. “Just do it.” Whatever it was I couldn’t wait any longer, he hadn’t hesitated at my words. My skin had split open easily as the whip had connected with my flesh. Pain like I’d never experienced before, even when I broke my nose, or broke my heart when my parents died, lashed out across my back. My roars left my throat raw; my cries for help ceased and turned to sobs of agony. No one came, no one would now.

  “Just do it,” I say to Liam keeping my eyes closed. I had no idea of what he was going to do with me. But I refused to look at him. I refused to wait. I refused to let fear control me anymore. Nothing happens and I slowly open my eyes and glance up at Liam.

  “When people disobey me, I hurt them.” He kneels down now so we are at eye level.

  My vision blurs but I force back the tears.

  “When someone questions me, I remove them.” His words ring with truth and I can’t look away from the black abyss of his eyes that hold a coldness that I haven’t seen before.

  “I’ve never come across a problem I couldn’t fix.” A long finger touches mine, I can’t move as my wrists are strapped. The feeling isn’t unpleasant; I’m just waiting for him to hurt me. “Until you.” His eyes roam across my face before his attention goes back to my hand as he continues to run his fingers in-between them.

  I swallow when he pauses while waiting for the blow. “If you want to be a prisoner, I can treat you as such, but if you don’t, then this is a final warning Svetlana.”

  His focus is back on me and I hold still almost not breathing.

  A final warning.

  Words fail me so I nod.

  He touches the strap on my wrist but doesn’t release me immediately. “I need to hear you say it Svetlana.” There is a touch of triumph in his eyes.

  “I will obey you.”

  His standing, I’m very aware of how he isn’t unbuckling me. “I don’t want your obedience.” He’s leaning in now, gripping the back of the chair and he’s too close. His breath brushes my face and I try not to turn my head away from him.

  “I don’t want to be a prisoner.” My words come out in a growl.

  Liam’s lip tugs up slightly. “You’re strapped to a chair and you’re giving me attitude.” Why does he sound so amused, yet his body still leans in towards mine in a threatening manner contradicting his tone?

  For the first time I look away from him, I don’t know if I should be brave or afraid. I wasn’t sure which way he would tip his hat. A heavy exhale is released from his lips drawing my attention back to him.

  He moves down into a kneeling position again. “You are not making this easy.”

  Once again I bit my tongue not allowing the remark that wants to burst from my lips to form.

  His eyes flicker to my lips before he leans in, the smell of him surrounds me as he presses his lips against mine. He doesn’t close his eyes and neither do I. There is a challenge in his stare, push him away and he wins, let him kiss me and he wins. He continues to press his lips against mine and when I don’t respond he breaks the one sided kiss.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” I ask and kick myself immediately knowing I should stay quiet.

  “You kissed me while I slept. You’re alert and have the capability to turn your head away. But you didn’t.”

  My face burns. “I didn’t kiss you back either.” My heart beats faster as he leans again, his lips barely touching mine.

  “But you want to.”

  Did I? Was he right? I knew the answer deep down. He hasn’t moved and like he said before, I didn’t turn my head away. I don’t want to and I hate him for that. Black orbs like the bottom of a lake pour into me and I can’t find the ability to look away. The ground trembles under my feet and I think it’s my body’s way of dealing with Liam’s full attention. The tremble rises up my legs and Liam moves back. Small stones bounce along the concrete floor and then the sound of several alarms blare in the room. I’m pulling at my arms trying to get out. While my eyes snap to the ceiling looking for cracks that I can’t see.

  “Let me out,” I squeal as I continue to pull at my arms. The trembling has stopped but the alarms continue to blare.

  “Stay here.” Liam isn’t looking at me and dread worms its cold fingers around my spine.

  “Please Liam untie me, don’t leave me like this.” He pauses and curses before coming back to me. He can’t untie me quick enough, the thoughts of being buried alive has me taking terrified peeks at the ceiling.

  “Go back to your room and don’t leave.” I nod as I fold my arms across my chest and gladly leave the concrete box behind me.

  “Svetlana.” I pause and glance at Liam, my stomach twists. “Don’t even think of leaving.”

  I nod again because that’s all I’ve been thinking about. He disappears out of the room with a look of uncertainty on his face. I don’t linger any longer but know this is the best time to put my plan into action.



  “What’s happened?” Shane asks as we meet in the hall and continue outside. Finn is standing in the courtyard and we all pause. A large cloud of smoke is visible.

  “Darragh took the quad.” Finn frowns as he speaks.

  We start making our way across the field. If Darragh had only gone now at least that ruled him out of causing whatever this was. The closer we get the wearier I feel.

  One of the outbuildings is a pile of rubble, Darragh looks up as we approach, and he’s holding something in his hands. His clenched jaw and drawn eyes tells me this isn’t good. Taking the device from his outstretched hands, I stand out of a stream of smoke that’s blowing in our direction now with the change of the wind.

  I’m turning it over in my hands when Shane appears over my right shoulder. I take a quick look at him before handing him the device.

  “It’s a timer,” he says glancing up at me and Darragh.

  “For what?” Finn asks as he swipes smoke away.

  “Considering we are standing beside a pile of rubble my guess would be a bomb.”

  “You don’t have to get smart Darragh.” Finn shoves his hands in his jea

  “It’s a warning,” Shane’s not focused on any of us as he speaks. His eyes are drawn to the forest.

  “A warning for what?”

  Shane hands me back the device and starts to walk away. “I’m not sure.” He fires over his shoulder.

  “What aren’t you saying?” Darragh steps up beside me and Shane stops and turns to all of us, guilt churns heavily in his eyes, as his eyes flash to Finn before returning to me. “Whoever shot me, has come back to finish the job.”

  I’m examining the device again, it’s definitely a bomb, the warning is clear. “You need to get more security on the ground.”

  Shane nods and turns away again. I’m staring at the rising smoke wondering how many other people heard the bang or even felt the tremble. “We need to keep the Gardaí away from this. No doubt someone has informed them already.” My phone rings. “I think we are too late.” I say before answering to Stephen. “Delay them for about ten minutes, then you can let them in.”

  Hanging up I hand the device to Finn. “You need to hide this.” He sprints off across the field clutching the device.

  “Was there anything else you saw?” I ask Darragh as I try to see beyond the smoke and rubble.

  “No, but it’s still pretty hot.”

  “You hit a gas pipe,” I inform Darragh.

  “Why is it always me?”

  “Do I look like I would hit a gas pipe?” I question.

  He grins. “Liam making jokes.” His smile falters and he squints out across the field.

  “Is that…?” I turn and follow his line of sight; someone dressed in all black is racing across the field.

  “God damn it.” I’m moving as fast as my legs will allow me. The small frame is female and there is only one who I know would be running away from me. She’s fast as she disappears into the forest. I should have locked down the basement. I curse myself as I slow down and listen for movements. She’s noisy as she crashes through the forest and is easy to follow. Our distance closes in and my anger is growing. I had given her, her final warning and yet she still disobeyed me.

  A part of me doesn’t want to catch her yet, the chase is pushing the blood quickly through my veins. She’s three trees ahead of me, her heavy breathing and loud footsteps make me pause and allow her to get a little further ahead. I catch up with her easily again, a flash of red hair has me springing out from behind a tree and I clamp a hand over her mouth before pulling down the black hood. Red curly hair frames her face. Green eyes stare up at me before she sinks her teeth into my hand.

  The pain has me immediately releasing her but her teeth don’t leave my hand. Twisting her other arm behind her back, I push it until she screams and releases me, but I keep pushing her arm, just stopping before it breaks.

  Blood seeps from the four small wounds on my hand that’s already swelling. Releasing her arm I grip her head and direct it towards the tree, they collide with a heavy crash and she slumps. I grip her before she lands on the ground and sling her over my shoulder. My hand throbs with pain and I hold it away from myself while I balance her using my good hand. I don’t step out of the forest but lay the girl down as I search for blue lights or some movement but I don’t see anything. Taking my phone out of my pocket I ring Darragh while keeping my eye on the sleeping form at my feet.

  “What’s happening?” I ask him.

  “I’m just informing the selective rapid response team about my re decorating accident.”

  “Don’t get arrested,” I warn him; no doubt they heard every word he was saying.

  He snorts. “I’ll try not to.”

  “I’ve some baggage to bring in to the house.”

  He shuffles before speaking again. “How much time do you need?”

  “Fifteen minutes.”

  “No problem. Mary is just about to put on the kettle.” I hang up and leave the Gardaí in Darragh’s hands.

  My hand seems to be getting worse as I hoist the girl up on my shoulder. I move in a hunched sprint across the fields. The smoke from the outbuilding stills bubbles into the air, it would block anyone from seeing me from the house. I stay in the field that runs along the front of the house. Stopping a few times I dump the girl onto the ground. Her pulse flickers in her neck, and I focus on it as I hunch down in the grass and do a quick sweep of my surroundings. Blood still oozes from my hand. Wiping it in the grass I bit the inside of my jaw before picking up the girl and hoisting her over my shoulder again. Shrubbery that grows thick in the front gardens gives me cover as I make my way to my secret entrance. There is a gap, its short but I still need to be careful. I use my injured hand to get my phone out of my pocket; I try to ignore the pain as I ring Darragh.

  “Are you still entertaining?”

  “Yeah I’m about ready to break out in dance.”

  “Good.” I hang up and shift the girl so she’s in my arms; her head rests against my shoulder as I carry her across the few paces towards the entrance. Once I clear the door, I move quicker.

  Each step is filled with a thrill and fear. I’ve never felt this kind of fear before. If Svetlana is still here when she had an opportunity to leave, my heart picks up at the thought, but sinks when I think about her not being here, while I was chasing this girl maybe she was getting away.

  I’m moving faster. The body on my shoulders starts to stir as I enter the entrance room. Her moans have me moving faster until I move into the next space. I pass the chair that I had strapped Svetlana too before opening the door to the small room that I had kept Darragh in. Dropping her on the bed, her eyes open wide but I’m out the door before she can start protesting. Closing the door I go into the living quarters. I don’t call her name as my eyes quickly scan the empty living space. The bedroom is empty. Her corner is vacant.

  She left.

  My chest grows tight with an ache and I rub it with a clenched fist trying to untangle the knots that threaten to suffocate me. Moving deeper into the room I try to remove this feeling but it seems to grow. My limbs are heavy as I make my way to the bathroom. Turning on the taps I use both hands to capture the cold water before splashing it on my face. The cold liquid feels good.

  Glancing up into the mirror movement behind me captures not just my attention, but it tugs at something deep down inside me. Blue eyes stare back at me, fear makes them wide and tears have left marks on her face.

  My skin tingles as I dab it with the towel before turning to Svetlana. She’s still standing in the shower, still staring at me without saying a word.

  “It was an outbuilding that collapsed.” I explain the earlier tremors.

  She nods and blinks. “I thought it was an earthquake.” Her voice trembles as she speaks. She wets her lips and swallows before taking a look around her again. She seems distracted.

  “We don’t have earthquakes here.”

  She steps out of the shower. “Good.”

  Wrapping my fingers around her wrist stops her departure from the bathroom. “Are you okay?”

  Her blue eyes snap up to mine. They search my face, her mouth opens and closes several times but she finally looks away and slowly removes her hand from mine. She doesn’t step away from me. I want to know what she’s thinking or what really has shaken her up.

  My body stiffens.“Is someone here?” I ask her moving her behind me immediately. Reaching for the gun in the band of my trousers my fingers don’t touch cold metal only the fabric of my pants. I had removed it earlier.

  “No just me.” Her small voice comes from behind me. She still looks rattled. I hate it. I want to remove the worry from her eyes. Was it the chair? Had I scared her too badly? My phone rings and all she does is look up at me with doe eyes.

  “I frightened you?” I question wanting to find out what was bothering her.

  Her lip rises slightly but her eyes still hold such weight. “No.”

  Taking a step closer I want to touch her. My phone continues to ring but I ignore it. “You look afraid.” She swallows and folds her arms over he
r chest. Standing over her she appears so small but I know she isn’t fragile. The marks on her back tell me her strength, her defiance shows me her bravery and that makes me want her more than I have ever wanted a woman before.

  “I’m just tired.” Her head dips and I hate not seeing her eyes. Touching her chin gently I raise her face until she is looking at me, this time her eyes are different. The fire is back in them. Her desire has me looking at her lips.

  “Don’t lie to me,” I move my head closer.

  “Never,” She whispers but she sounds as distracted as I am. I want to kiss her. But I also want her permission.

  “You are a very bad liar.” I focus on her eyes and they smile up at me briefly before they darken again.

  “I want you to kiss me,” I tell her.

  The rise and fall of her chest has grown rapidly, her breast brush against my chest. I continue to hold her face gently as I wait for her to either step away or give into the desire that is clearly there between us.

  My phone starts ringing again.

  “You should get that.” She steps away from me and I take the phone out of my pocket and walk into the living space not allowing her rejection to affect me. I never had to ask for a woman’s affection, so a dismissal had never happened before.

  “They are gone. They bought my story.” Darragh sounds happy with himself. “What took you so long to answer?”

  Svetlana moves past me quickly and into the bedroom, her bare feet move silently across the floor. I watch her until she disappears out of view.

  “Are you there?”

  “Yes. I had my hands full.” I leave the living quarters.

  “Who was running across the field?” Darragh sounds like he’s moving too.

  “That’s why I have my hands full; I think she’s the same one who bribed the security at Finn’s wedding.”

  “Did she say that?”

  “No.” I move towards the door and open the small slot so I can see her she’s awake and pacing the small space. She pauses and looks at me but doesn’t speak. I close the slot.

  “Then how do you know?”


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