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Red Wine and Roses

Page 7

by SJ McCoy

  “I didn’t … it wasn’t.” He shook his head looking frustrated, then he smiled and nodded and blew out a sigh. “I guess you’re going to think what you think about me, no matter what I say.”

  She laughed. “And we both know I’m right. It’s okay, you don’t need to pretend to be something you’re not. You told me you’re a womanizer, I appreciate you being up front about it. This way we both know what we’re doing. No strings, no complications, right?”

  She thought he’d be pleased to have it all out in the open, but he didn’t look very happy. Maybe she should stop being so forthright about it. She was grateful that he’d warned her what he was like; she probably didn’t need to keep bringing it up.

  The next song had started while they were talking, and he was moving her body with his again. She needed to get out of her head and enjoy this. Take her own advice that she’d been dishing out last weekend and enjoy every moment. She probably wouldn’t see him again after tomorrow, so maybe she should just make the most of it. Take all his lines as if he meant them, let the compliments wash over her—and maybe into her. It had been a long time since a guy had built up her ego. She should enjoy this, even if she did know that Cameron was just working his lines in order to get her into bed.

  ~ ~ ~

  Cameron smiled to himself as he watched Cole and Laura make their exit. He was happy to see them go. He hadn’t thought they’d leave for hours yet, but it seemed that Cole was eager to get his bride back to their suite. Laura had looked a little uncertain, but Cole had said something that convinced her, and now they were slipping quietly away. If he knew his brother, they might come back later, for appearance’s sake, but for now, at least, they were gone. Which meant he was relieved of his duties, and so was Piper.

  He led her off the dance floor and out onto the terrace. If anyone was watching, they’d think they were out here for some fresh air—not that he’d dragged her off to his room.

  “Hey, Cam.”

  He stopped and smiled at his little sister, feeling a little guilty. Not about being with Piper. Chelsea had only been telling him last night how much she liked Piper and how Piper was the kind of girl he should find for himself. No, he felt guilty because he knew Chelsea had a lot going on in her life at the moment, and he’d planned to catch up with her and see how she was doing. “Hey, Chelsea. What are you doing out here?”

  She shrugged. “I needed a breather.” She smiled at Piper. “Sorry, I won’t hold you up.”

  Piper shook her head. “You’re not. Not at all.”

  Chelsea gave her a knowing smile. “You’re too sweet.” She nodded at them and went back inside before either of them could say anything more.

  “Do you think she’s okay?” asked Piper.

  “I’m sure she’s fine.” Cameron wanted to sound more convinced than he did. Poor old Chelsea didn’t really know anyone here—other than their parents—and he doubted she’d want to hang out with them. She got along with them well enough, but things had been strained lately.

  “Do you want to go after her?”

  “No!” Cameron had to laugh at just how forcefully that came out. “Sorry. Part of me thinks I should go after her. But she’s a big girl. I can catch up with her any time. You, on the other hand, have managed to stay out of my reach for the last few weeks and …” His voice trailed off at the realization. He didn’t want to say it out loud.

  But Piper finished the thought for him. “And you don’t know if you’ll ever catch up with me again.” He made a face, and she laughed. “It’s true, admit it.”

  He frowned. He didn’t want it to be true, and he didn’t want to admit it. “No.”

  She raised an eyebrow. “No?”

  “No. I’m coming back up here next weekend, and I’d like to think that I’ll be able to catch up with you then.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise. Why had he said that? He hadn’t planned to come back next weekend. Cole, no doubt wouldn’t even be here—he’d be away on his honeymoon. “I see,” was all she said.

  He took her hand and led her across the terrace and down the steps which led away from the lodge.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To the beach,” he told her with a grin.


  “Don’t you want to?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I do, I just thought …”

  He chuckled. “You thought I was going to take you straight back to your room, didn’t you?”

  She nodded, looking a little shamefaced.

  He smiled and slid his arm around her shoulders as they walked. “Honestly, so did I.”

  “But now you’re not?”

  He had to smile at the look of disappointment on her face. “Not straight there, no. That just feels a little premeditated.”

  She laughed. “Well, it kind of is, isn’t it?”

  “I suppose.” Part of him was wishing he’d gone straight up to her room, but that had felt wrong. She’d taken it seriously when he told her that Mary Ellen said he was a womanizer. Now she seemed to think that he was just going through the motions to get her into bed. He didn’t like that. He didn’t want it to be that way. It didn’t feel that way to him. He liked her. He wanted to get to know her, and he didn’t just want to sweet talk her into bed then be on his way in the morning.

  They crossed the road, and he held her hand as they took the stairs down to the beach.

  “This place is so beautiful,” she said once they reached the sand.

  The moonlight sparkled on the water and reflected off her face.

  “You’re beautiful, Piper.” The words came out of him before he knew he was saying them. She was gorgeous—not in the overly made-up and perfectly groomed way that Larissa and the women at home were beautiful. No, she was a natural beauty. It wasn’t just skin-deep either. The beauty shone out of her; it was who she was, not just the way she looked.

  She laughed. “Thank you, and you are a very handsome guy. Now have we done the requisite number of compliments and the romantic walk in the moonlight? Can we go back now?”

  Cameron’s heart sank. She really thought this was just a ploy? He’d wanted to come down here with her and enjoy some time with her. He wasn’t just going through the motions. He shook his head.

  “We can’t go back?”

  He sighed. “We can if you want.”

  “You don’t want to?”

  He shrugged. Maybe they should. It seemed the whole point of being out here on the beach in the moonlight was lost on her. It seemed that anything he did would only be interpreted as another move to seduce her.

  “Oh!” She looked both shocked and excited at the same time. “I get it.”

  “Get what?” asked Cameron. He didn’t. He didn’t get it at all—whatever it was.

  Her smile looked a little guilty, but she looked thrilled too. “You don’t want to go back to the lodge because you’d rather … down here?”

  He frowned. Of course, he’d rather be down here. He’d thought a romantic walk in the moonlight would be something they could both enjoy. He hadn’t realized she’d dismiss it as him making a move. And what was she smiling about?

  She looked around. “Where though?”

  He stared at her, wondering what she meant. Then it dawned on him. She thought he brought her down here because he wanted to screw her down here? She didn’t think much of him then, did she?

  She came to him with a very naughty smile on her face and slid her arms up around his neck. “You’ll have to help me out of the dress first.”

  He looked down at her. How could he tell her that this wasn’t what he meant without offending her?

  She pressed herself against him, and the feel of her full soft breasts against his chest made him wonder what he should tell her. It might not have been his intention, but if it was what she wanted … who was he to deny her? He reached around her back and pulled the zipper down. She cupped his face between her hands and kissed him deeply. Wow. All of a sudden, he had no idea
why this was a bad idea. It was a great idea, and it was getting better by the second as her hands found his zipper and pushed down his pants. He pushed her dress off her shoulders, and it landed at her feet. She was unfastening his shirt, much too slowly for his liking. He helped her out, and soon it lay beside her dress.

  He put his hands on her waist and stepped back. Damn! She was amazing. Her full breasts were spilling out of a silky bra, and her panties hugged her rounded hips, a little triangle of silk covering the place he wanted to be. He ran his hands over her ass, pulling her against him. She gasped as his hard-on pushed into her belly, and he slipped his fingers inside her panties. Her ass was amazing. He filled his hands with her round cheeks and ground his hips into her. She clung to his shoulders and let out a little gasp as he brought his mouth down on her neck. She was so warm and soft and rounded. He needed to taste her.

  He growled as she ran her hands down his back then grasped his ass. This was no good. Right now, he wished they were in her room, and there was a bed he could throw her down on. He wanted to take his time and explore her body, but out here on the beach, that wasn’t going to be possible. He looked around. He’d take her here in the sand, or over against one of the trees if he had to, but he was hoping for something else. He couldn’t believe his luck when he spotted a double sun lounger under the trees. He took her hand and led her to it.

  Her eyes sparkled when she smiled at him. “Did you leave this here ready?”

  He bit the inside of his cheek. At some point, he’d have to set her straight about who he was, and what he was really like. As much as it irked him that she thought he was that much of a player, it wasn’t the important detail to deal with right now. Right now, the most important thing was to wrap an arm around her waist. Then to unclasp her bra. Then what he had to do was enjoy the surge that rushed through him when her plump breasts sprang free.

  She moaned when he dropped his head and took her nipple in his mouth. Her fingers tangled in his hair and he sucked hard. Then she was gone. Her breast left his mouth with a little popping sound. He looked up. Where was she going? He smiled when he saw. It seemed she didn’t want to wait. She was getting on the sun lounger and lying down, holding her arms up to him. Inviting him to join her—how could he say no?

  Chapter Eight

  Piper closed her eyes and lay back on the lounger. This was it! She was surprised that he’d brought her down here to the beach, but it was exciting. The cool night air against her skin heightened her arousal, and the sight of Cameron slowly lowering himself onto the lounger beside her almost had her begging for him to hurry. She held her arms out to him. This might be it; he might leave tomorrow and never look back. She really wasn’t worried right now. If he was the kind of guy who just wanted a quickie and that was it, then so be it. Right now, she was a girl who just wanted a quickie or a slowy or whatever he wanted. She just wanted him to take her, screw her, make love to her, or fuck her if that was his style. All she knew was she wanted him, and she didn’t want to wait any longer.

  She lay on her back and looked up into his eyes, expecting him to climb aboard and get on with it. She gasped as he propped himself up on one elbow and stared down into her eyes. He ran his hand down over her stomach, making her want to suck it in. It was no doubt rounder than what he was used to. He didn’t seem to notice, though, and the thought fled from her mind when his fingers dipped inside her panties. She knew she was making needy little noises, but she couldn’t help it, and she couldn’t stop it. She moaned as his talented fingers began to work her. They stroked over her opening at first. She wondered if he somehow knew that no one had crossed that threshold in a while and the gatekeeper might need awakening.

  The gatekeeper woke up in a hurry when his thumb began to circle her clit. She was hot and wet, and she was clenching involuntarily, desperate to welcome him inside. Her moan sounded as though it came from a long way off when he finally dipped a fingertip inside her. He was still holding her gaze, and she couldn’t help it, she giggled.

  He raised an eyebrow, a smile quirking at the corners of his lips. “You think it’s funny?”

  She shook her head. “Sorry. I was thinking that you won’t find it funny at all if you lose a finger, and that’s entirely possible as this point.” And why in hell’s name had she said that? She cringed, wondering what he might say or do, afraid that he might withdraw his hand and make his escape.

  To her relief, he started to laugh and increased the pressure of his thumb on her clit.

  “I’m not afraid to lose a finger. I’m sure you’ll give it back.”

  She moved her hips in time with his hand; she couldn’t help it. “Don’t say you weren’t warned.”

  He smiled and held her gaze as he slid two fingers inside her. Damn, that felt so good. Her hips were rocking of their own accord, keeping up with him as he increased the pace.

  “Are you saying it’s been a while?” he asked.

  She nodded, unable to speak as the pleasure mounted inside here.

  “So, you’ve got some making up to do?”

  She stared at him blankly. Unable to focus on his words while his fingers worked their magic. She moaned when he stopped.

  “I mean you have a lot of lost time to make up for?”

  She nodded and thrust her hips up at him. “Yes. Please!”

  He smiled and thrust his fingers deeper at the same time he closed his other hand around her breast. “I’d like to help you out with that. If you’re interested.”

  She stared into his eyes.

  “What do you say? Would you like me to help you make up for all the time you haven’t been getting any?” He squeezed her nipple and crooked his fingers deep inside her.

  “Yes!” She screamed the word as all the pent-up tension inside her finally broke loose, and her orgasm crashed through her. He worked her mercilessly as wave after wave of pleasure tore through her body.

  When she finally lay still, he moved his fingers again, sending an aftershock through her. She smiled. “Don’t worry, you didn’t lose them, I’ll give them back in a minute.”

  He smiled. “I’m in no hurry.” He thrust them deeper making her gasp and clench around them again.

  She rolled away from him, feeling a little embarrassed. She felt bereft as he withdrew his hand. What must he think? After all this dancing around each other, they’d finally gotten naked together, and she’d just come all over his hand instead of waiting for the main course. “I’m sorry,” she said and looked around for her clothes. Of course, they were over on the beach where they’d left them. She dropped her head and made to get up.

  He put a hand on her shoulder. “Where are you going?”


  He put his other hand on her other shoulder and turned her to face him. “I thought you just said I could help you make up for lost time?”

  She still didn’t lift her head.

  “Did you mean it?”

  Now she met his gaze. “I just ruined everything.”

  “How? As far as I can see, we were just getting started.”

  “We were? But I came, and you didn’t.”

  “So? You’ve got lots of making up to do. I was hoping you’d come again before I join you.”

  She stared at him. “How?”

  He laughed. “However you like.”


  His smile faded. “For quite a few reasons. I want to make you come; I want to see you come, and also because you turn me on so much that I know I won’t last too long.”


  “Yeah.” He gave her a puzzled look. “You okay with that?”

  She started to relax. “You like making me? You want to see me?”

  “Yeah.” He looked like he thought it might be a trick question. “Aren’t you used to that?”

  She shook her head rapidly. “No.” Just how was she supposed to explain what she was used to? She decided it’s better not to try. “I’m not, but I like the idea of it.”

  “Good.” He put a hand to her shoulder and laid her back down.

  She held her breath when he tugged at her panties and pulled them down over her knees and off. He ran his hands up her inner thighs and spread them wide open.

  Her nipples tightened, and a ball of anticipation hummed in her stomach when he looked down at her. He was looking between her legs. He lowered his head and Oh! She let her head fall back and tried not to moan too loud as he dipped his tongue inside her. She grasped at the edge of the lounger, but he reached his hand up and laced his fingers between hers. It seemed he was determined to lose a finger one way or another, she thought as she moaned again and squeezed his hand tight. His tongue was driving her crazy alternately lapping at her, then dipping inside, then swirling over her clit as he sucked. Her hips were moving again, rocking in time with him, lifting up off the lounger. He rested two fingers at her entrance, and she bit her lip, knowing what was coming and wishing he’d do it right now. He did. She lifted her hips again, and he thrust his fingers deeps inside her, setting up a frantic pace that her hips couldn’t match. She gasped and tensed, and her climax tore through her. Her hips thrusting and clenching as the stars exploded behind her eyes.

  She finally lay still, breathing hard. She was spent. Her eyes widened as he pushed himself up, then pushed his boxers down.

  “Now?” she breathed. Surely he’d give her time to recover?

  He nodded.

  “I don’t think I can.”

  Her body belied her words as he positioned himself between her legs. Her nipples stiffened, and her hands reached for him of their own accord.

  “You can,” he reassured her with a confident smile. “When you reach the point where you think you’ve got nothing left, that’s when you find out how good it can be.”

  She raised an eyebrow as he lowered himself onto her. “I already found out how good it can be.”

  He shook his head. “It’s about to get better.”

  She let out a little moan and clung to his shoulders as he spread her legs with his knees. “It gets better than that?”


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