Book Read Free

Dark Calling

Page 11

by Cheryl McIntyre

  “What do you mean?” Nick asks her. His voice is carefully controlled.

  “Both times he was surrounded by a bright light. Like, it was coming from him. From inside of him or something. It made it hard to see him.” She bites her lip. “I’m confused. Is my father bad then?”

  He leans forward. Runs his hands through his dark hair. “Never doubt that Keely. Never trust him. Never underestimate him. He is bad, just as bad as Lucifer. He will use you. He will hurt you if he has to, if he wants to. You don’t spend that much time living among Demons and have a good side. Please trust me on this. Trust that God knew what he was doing.”

  For some reason, Keely had found it easier to accept when she thought she was a monster. A Demon child. Now she’s believed to be the only surviving daughter of an Angel. Watchers are Angels. Who knew. “Oh. Oh. Watchers are Angels. Watchers are Angels? Then Bryon is…?”

  “Not an Angel. Descendant. Genus Lapsis. When an Angel falls in love, is granted permission from God, it’s a whole different story. So a very long time ago, a Watcher fell in love with a woman and many, many generations later, Bryon was born. He has the blood of a Watcher, same as you, only with God’s blessing.”

  “And you’re a Guardian. So does that mean…?”

  “That means some time back, a Guardian Angel fell in love and years and years later, I was born.”

  “Oh my God.” It’s Keely’s turn to pace the room now. She walks back and forth, chewing her lip. Tries to comprehend everything he has told her. This is just too much. “So, just because God wasn’t asked first, my father had creepy giant children and was sentenced to Hell? That seems a little extreme.”

  “God has a plan. You can’t just go against God and expect no repercussions. They fell as Angels and mated with human women. Two totally different species.” As if just remembering, he adds, “Also, we’re not sure how many daughters the Demon King fathered. Police records indicate there were twenty-two including you, but we haven’t been able to confirm that. The sperm bank burnt down, destroying the records, and we assume any of his leftover donation. When the Watchers fell, there were twenty-two of them. Twenty-two giant hybrid sons by twenty-two fallen Watchers. Now your father had twenty-two daughters—daughters that were supposed to be impossible to conceive. I think that is more than coincidence.”

  “Asmoday said I had the potential to change everything. What do you think he meant?”

  “I don’t know, but you cannot trust him. He’s a Demon. You may share a father, but your mothers are very different. He was born of Hell and is as dangerous as they come.”

  “I don’t really feel that way when I’m around him. I know I should be afraid of him, and I start out that way, but then I’m just not all of a sudden.” Her cheeks turn pink with heat because she knows why she doesn’t fear him.

  “He can charm you, Keely. He can take the form of anything or anyone. He can be whatever he thinks you want him to be. Be very careful. As long as he only comes to you in your dreams you should be all right, just don’t agree to stay. Do you understand?”

  “What will happen if I do?”

  Nick’s eyes lock with hers. “I’m afraid you might not come back.”


  Nick stares at the speckling of hair on the backs of his hands until his vision blurs. He is so absorbed in his thoughts that he doesn’t hear the knock at the door. Doesn’t feel the shift in the couch as Keely leaves his side to answer it. It isn’t until Lila is standing in front of him, hands on hips, staring expectantly that he focuses on his surroundings.

  “What are you doing here?” he asks slowly.

  Lila squints at him. “Well, I’m so happy to see you too.”

  Nick sighs. He doesn’t have the patience for Lila right now. In fact, he’s fairly certain his patience is all used up for the day. He has filled his quota with Keely and he’s a first come, first served kind of guy. “What are you doing here, Lila?”

  Lila clicks her tongue. “I came to check in.” She crosses her arms in front of her. “I wanted to see if you had figured anything out. From what we discussed yesterday, I mean.”

  “No, I haven’t.” He raises his brows. Is she really going to bring this up in front of Keely? “You could have called to check in.” He glances over at Keely, who happens to be watching them intently, then back to Lila. Slits his eyes in an obvious glare. Hopes she takes the hint.

  Lila plops in between Keely and Nick on the futon. “What are you watching?” she asks.

  “Seriously? Nobody is going to bother to elaborate?” Keely asks, her voice several octaves higher than normal from annoyance.

  “Lila is just referring to what I told you about earlier. About how I think someone may be playing both sides.” Lila raises a questioning brow. Nick ignores it.

  Keely looks at Lila. She looks back to Nick. Her eyebrows crinkle while she thinks. Would Nick say this in front of Lila if he thought she were the traitor? Keely finds this doubtful. So, if Nick doesn’t think it’s Lila, then that leaves Bryon and Dustin. Keely cannot imagine either one of them being a traitor. Of course, a few days ago she wouldn’t have been able to imagine them as Watchers either. Not that she knew Watchers even existed a few days ago.

  Keely closes her eyes. Forces herself to concentrate. Bryon just wouldn’t do something like that. Especially after he begged her for another chance. Not unless that was just an act so that she would trust him again. Dustin is much too in love with Lila to betray her. He is always staring at her and never seems the least bit interested in anything to do with Keely. However, if Bryon could be acting, then so could Dustin. Keely looks back to Lila. If Nick thinks she’s o.k. then she must be. Keely forgets she is staring at Lila as she thinks through this dilemma. Why does Nick trust her more than the others? Keely’s eyes trail over her profile. Then do the same to Nick’s. And that’s when she sees it. The same shaped chin. Similar irregular shaped noses. Although their eyes are different colors, the shape is identical. How could she have missed it before? It is so obvious now. Lila may be pale and petite and Nick tall and fit, but she is sure.

  “You’re brother and sister.” The words stumble out of her mouth, come out accusing.

  Lila and Nick exchange a look. “Yeah. I thought he would’ve told you that by now,” Lila states dryly.

  “I’ve been a little sidetracked. Keeping Keely safe kind of took priority.”

  “Well, you would just think that it may have come up in conversation over the past few days is all.”

  “You cannot be serious. Your feelings are actually hurt that I didn’t tell Keely you were my sister? It’s not like I avoided it. It just didn’t come up. Our usual topic of conversation is more along the lines of, ‘Your dad is trying to kill you,’ and ‘You can trust that I am not trying to kill you.’”

  “Except my dad isn’t trying to kill me,” Keely interrupts before Lila can make a reply.

  “What do you mean he isn’t? He sure could have fooled me,” Lila says.

  “You know, I never understood—”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. You’ve never understood that saying. Keely has been making dream visits and just told me about it,” Nick declares.

  Keely glowers at him as her cheeks warm. “It’s a stupid saying,” she murmurs through clenched teeth. “And like you said, there was a lot going on.”

  “Dream visiting. That’s…wow. I’ve heard of it, but I haven’t met anyone that can do it. So, you’ve visited your father?”

  Keely nods.

  “What did he say? Why do you think he wants you alive?”

  “He seemed surprised when I said something about Apophis trying to kill me. He denied wanting me dead. Apparently I’m worth more to him alive. I guess I’m supposed to do something.”

  Nick’s jaw tightens. Lila turns and looks at him. Keely can’t see her expression, but guesses what it must look like by the guilt clear in Nick’s. Confused, she is about to ask about it when Lila speaks.

  “No, Nick. Tha
t’s why you haven’t called Dad. You can’t do this. It will ruin you. They will never give you work again.”

  “Lila, just shut up,” Nick spits. He clenches his fists. Takes a deep breath. Rearranges his features as he says, “You really should’ve called.”


  “You’re wrong, Lila. I didn’t find that part out until just a little bit ago. I didn’t call Dad because I am still trying to figure out what the right thing to do is and who can be trusted.”

  “What’s going on?” Keely asks.

  “If your dad needs you alive, it changes things,” Lila begins.

  “Lila, I said shut up.” Nick’s voice booms in the otherwise quiet room.

  “Changes things how?” Keely whispers.

  “It doesn’t change anything, Keely. I am still your Guardian,” Nick answers firmly.

  “That’s not true. She deserves to know the truth, Nick.”

  “It is the truth. Nothing has changed for me.” Nick runs his hands through his hair. His eyes are blazing when he looks at his sister. “Lila, please.”

  After an agonizing minute of Lila staring at Nick, she puts her hands up. “I’m with you no matter what. You know that. But you have to tell her, Icky. She has to know what to expect. And this just doesn’t sit right with me. Something feels really… off.” Lila leaves quickly without another look in Keely’s direction.

  The ticking of the clock is the only noise for longer than Keely can bear. She knows something is wrong. Understands it means something bad for Nick and her. Knows Lila is against it, but will go along with Nick because she’s his sister. Finally, Keely slides off the couch. Kneels in front of Nick. “Talk to me or I’ll assume the worst.”

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Nothing? No, this is something. What’s going on? What is Lila so upset about? What did she mean when she said it changes things? What things?”

  “You ask a lot of questions.”

  “And you deflect a lot of questions.”

  Nick stares at her. His hazel eyes penetrating. “It really isn’t anything. Just an overreaction. Lila can be like that,” he answers.

  “You said you wouldn’t lie to me.”

  Nick flinches as if she slapped him. “Lila has such a big mouth.” Though he already knows the answer, he asks her anyway. “You aren’t going to let this go, are you?”

  Keely shakes her head.

  “It may be nothing.”

  Keely purses her lips to keep from screaming at him. How someone can infuriate her to the point of wanting to punch him, and at the exact same time, make her heart pound and her stomach flutter is so unnerving. “Tell me.”

  “As long as the Hierarchy doesn’t find out, everything is fine. Or, at least the same as it is now.”

  “The Hierarchy? The same Hierarchy that assigned you as my Guardian?”

  Nick nods acknowledgement.

  “Finds out what?”

  “That your dad needs you alive.”

  “I don’t understand. What difference will that make?”

  “It might not.”


  Nick smiles sadly. “Can’t we leave it at that?”

  “Sure. I’ll just ask Lila. She’ll tell me the truth.” Keely turns on her heel and heads for the door. Nick grabs her arm, stopping her.

  “You can’t leave.”


  “Because it’s not safe.”

  “Well, I guess you’ll just have to come with me then.” She tries to pull her arm away, but careful not to hurt her, Nick holds on securely.

  “It’s not that simple.” His eyes plead with her.

  “Just tell me, Nick. None of this has been simple. What is so different now?”

  “Now the Hierarchy may want you dead and I’m afraid I am not enough to protect you.” The words spill out of him, slipping off his tongue. Keely is able to pull her arm away from him now with little effort. She opens her mouth, then closes it. Tries again.

  “Why?” She recalls a conversation with Nick. One where he had said the Hierarchy would do whatever it took to keep her alive. Why would they want to kill her now?

  “Your dad wants you alive. Needs you alive for some reason.”

  That’s right. Back when they thought her father was trying to kill her, he had told her they would keep her safe. So now that he wants her alive… Well, apparently the opposite is true. “I just can’t win. One way or the other, someone is going to kill me.”

  “It may not be that bad. They probably don’t know yet. I don’t see how they can know. Not if we don’t tell them. And if they were to find out, they may just want to reassign me. But I am your Guardian. That doesn’t change for me. And if they were to do anything drastic, I’d be there. When I took my Oath, there wasn’t a declaration of who I was guarding you from. I will do whatever I can to protect you, Keely.” He is standing so close to her now. She looks up at his pleading eyes. “And besides, like I said, if they don’t find out, then there’s nothing to worry about. But no one else can know about this. Don’t tell anybody.”

  “You’re still not doing what you’re supposed to do. If they find out later, you could lose your job?”

  “You’re worried about my job?” He laughs. “They won’t find out.”

  “But if they did?”

  “They won’t.”

  “Nick! Just answer the damn question.”

  “I might not be assigned again. But they won’t find out if we don’t tell them. It’s all right. We have bigger things to worry about right now. Like who is betraying us.”

  Yes, there is that. Though Keely wants to argue more, she is almost glad she is sucked back into figuring out who the traitor is. Lila is surely out. She wouldn’t betray her brother. At least, Keely doesn’t think so. But she doesn’t think the others would either. Maybe Nick is wrong. Maybe there isn’t a traitor. Maybe Apophis is just that good. He knew where she lived. If he knew her class schedule, which wouldn’t be hard to get, then he would know there is only one bathroom near Mr. Giordano’s class. Mr. Giordano. Keely had forgotten about him. Could he be the one?

  “Who do you think it is?” she asks.

  “I don’t know. I want to believe my friends wouldn’t do something like this. I want to believe that they are better people than that, but the evidence is there.”

  “What about Mr. Giordano?”

  “It’s possible.” Nick moves back to the couch. Sits with his elbows on his knees, hands clasped together. “He’s a good man. At least, that is how I’ve always perceived him. He’s been like a mentor to me. He was my teacher. He taught me most of what I know. It’s hard to believe he would do this.”

  “Is it any easier to believe that Bryon or Dustin would?”

  He takes her hand as she moves in front of him. Keely is taken aback by the casual way he does this. Like it is second nature to him. Like he does it all the time. She stares at his bowed head. Her own head confused. For so long she has been afraid of men. Scared to let them touch her. Really, she was frightened to allow anyone to get that close. Now here is this boy, touching her so delicately. She may very well die at any moment. Someone may try to kill her—again. In spite of that, or maybe because of that, Keely finds she is no longer afraid. Right at this moment, nothing scares her. Not the fact that she is on the top of everyone’s hit list. Not her father. Not her brothers. And especially not this incredible boy holding her hand. Something in this gesture stirs lost emotions inside of her. Add that to the many things he has done for her or the countless times he’s saved her. This boy is willing to put himself and his job that is more than a job, more than a family business, on the line for her.

  “No. Not easier,” Nick says. He looks up and is caught off guard by the expression on Keely’s face. He has watched her for a long time and that is a look he has never seen her wear before. “Keely? Are you-”

  But Nick doesn’t get a chance to ask his question. Keely crushes herself into him. Her body against his bo
dy. Her mouth against his mouth. Her hands are on his neck, sliding into his hair. Nick hesitates for only a moment. Just long enough to remind himself there is no more of the Leech Demon in her. This is the action of Keely herself. He kisses her back. His hands lock into the thick waves of her hair. For a moment, they both forget. There is only each other.

  It is over too quickly. The buzzing of Keely’s cell phone causes them to pull away. Keely’s lips tingle as she pries the phone from her pocket and checks the caller I.D.

  “It’s my mom’s number.” She pushes the speaker button and holds it between them. “Hello?”

  “Keely? Oh thank God. Thank God you’re all right.”

  Keely’s hand shakes. “Mom?”

  “I’m here, baby. I haven’t been given a lot of time. I was told I have to give you a message. You’re supposed to go to Pandora this Friday.”

  Nick shakes his head. Drops his eyes. He can’t look at the confusion and hope on Keely’s face.

  “What time does he want me there?”

  Nick’s head jerks back up to look at her. She can’t possibly be considering actually going.

  After a moment’s hesitation, Keely’s mother replies dryly, “He says eight O’clock. He says don’t be late.”

  “I won’t be late, Mom. I promise. How is Daddy? Is he o.k.?”

  “He’s fine. He’s right here.”

  Keely closes her eyes, relieved. “Can I talk to him?”

  After a long moment, as Keely is beginning to think her mom lied, when she is losing hope that her dad is really all right, he speaks softly into the phone. “Keels? Are you there, Honey? How are you holding up?”

  “I’m o.k. Daddy. It’s so good to hear your voice.”

  “Yours too, Honey.” She can hear him breathing into the phone. It’s the most wonderful sound.

  “I miss you.”

  “I miss you too kiddo. Keels? You walk the dog.”

  Keely is silent for a second. Goosebumps raise across her arms as tears sting her eyes. “O.k. Daddy. I’ll walk him.”

  “Good girl Keels. I love you so much.”

  She inhales a trembling breath. “I love you too.”


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