Book Read Free

Dark Calling

Page 30

by Cheryl McIntyre

  “And funny. Don’t forget the funny.”

  “Funny looking.”

  “You’re just jealous,” Bryon scoffs.

  “You are pretty awesome, Bry. You’re really good at making me feel better.”

  He pulls the car into Lila’s driveway. “I hope so. If you need me, you know where to find me.”

  “Yep. Thanks Bryon.”


  “Out,” Kimberly demands, her glower fixed on Nick. She points to the door as she descends the steps.

  Nick lifts himself off Keely. “I’ll wait outside until Bryon gets here.”

  Keely nods, her cheeks hot. Once the door is closed, she stands to face her mom. “The Hierarchy said I have to be guarded around the clock. I think it’s more because they don’t trust me, but they pretend it’s to protect me. Oh, yeah, they aren’t going to kill me. Thanks for being there today, by the way.”

  Kimberly lifts her head. Back straight. “Nick is still your Guardian?”

  “Yeah. You’d know that if you had gone. He’s not in charge anymore, but he’s still my Guardian because of our relationship. They’re o.k. with it.”

  “I’m glad it all worked out,” Kimberly says as she moves past Keely.

  Huh? That’s it? “Yeah, I can tell. You should reel your excitement in a little,” Keely mumbles. She stomps up to her room and slams the door like any mature adult would do.

  She looks around her bedroom expecting Asmoday to be waiting for her. But he’s not. Keely feels tired and disappointed. And very confused. She curls up on her bed, hugging her pillow. Picks up the faint scent of Asmoday. Presses the pillow to her nose and inhales deeply. “I am a horrible person,” she murmurs to herself.

  How is it possible to be kissing Nick one minute then be missing Asmoday the next? It’s incredibly sick and twisted. Nick’s right. Like usual. It runs in the family. They are all a demented bunch. Keely shoves the pillow hard against her face and screams. Throws the pillow across the room.

  Asmoday sidesteps being hit in the head and raises a brow. “Rough day?”

  With a gasp of surprise and embarrassment, Keely sits up quickly, making herself dizzy. “Where were you?”

  Asmoday smirks. “Why? Did you miss me?”

  Her face warms. “Minutely.”

  He stares at her for a moment before exhaling slowly. “I needed a moment to regain my composure. I was worried I would react badly.”

  “Oh.” Because of the unexpected make out session with Nick. “Oh.”

  He nods. “But as you can see, I am calm now. I’m getting better at this.” He sits beside her on the bed. Like he’s accustomed to doing, he pushes the hair off her shoulder. “What was the Hierarchy’s judgment?”

  Keely raises her hands, palms up. “I’m alive. I have to go to school at the Academy. Train in the evenings. Tutor on the weekends.”

  He nods as if in agreement. “That was a wise judgment. You need to understand how to use your accolades.”

  “There’s more.” She crinkles her nose, worried how he’ll react to the rest. “They want to talk to you.”

  “To me? Why?”

  “Because they want to know whose side you’re on.”

  “I am on whatever side you are on,” Asmoday says.

  “That’s what I told them, but they have this White Warrior who is basically a lie detector. They want to be sure. They’re waging war with the Demons. On the Demon King in particular. They think it’s the only way to ensure the prophecy never gets fulfilled.” She watches him closely. Concentrates on his emotions.

  He nods again. “They are very wise. When am I to speak to this White Warrior?”

  “I don’t know. I guess the sooner the better.” She tilts her head. “You’re o.k. with this? With going to war?”

  He meets her eyes evenly. “It is the only way you will be safe.”

  She breaks away from his gaze. Stares at her hands. “When I talked with our father last night, he told me about the betrothal. He said it’s the reason we feel like we do. Did you know?”

  “I knew we were to marry. I should have guessed that was the reason for the bonded feelings.”

  “He said the bond will seal and we will be like one person. He said it would happen soon.”

  “I see.”

  “Don’t you care?” Keely asks incredulous.


  “What if I care?”

  He lifts her chin. Examines her face. “You don’t.”

  “Yes I do. I mean, I’m confused about it. Part of me doesn’t want to break the cord because I don’t want to feel the pain of it, and there’s a piece of me that likes this, whatever this is with us. But there is still a big part of me that wants my life back. I want to be with Nick. I want to kiss him and you not be involved. I want to know what I’m feeling is really coming from me.”

  “Keely, you must come to terms with this. You cannot be with Nick. You are betrothed to me.”

  “I’m not marrying you. We’re going to war. I don’t have to do what he says. And even if we weren’t going to war, I still wouldn’t marry you. You’re my brother.”

  “Yes, about that,” he begins. He runs a hand through his hair nervously. “Do you recall when you asked me if I was lying, by omission, I believe you called it?”

  Keely swallows. “Yes.”

  “You said allowing you to believe something that wasn’t true was equal to lying.”

  She nods. Those weren’t her exact words, but they’re close enough.

  “My mother is human. She was imprisoned in Purgatory for hundreds of years, where her body was suspended between life and death. She owed a debt of punishment because in her human life she committed suicide. She suffered for hundreds of years alone. The only contact she had with anyone was my father. She was beautiful I am told and he could not control himself when he was near her. He also could not stay away from her. My father tortured her daily. Raping her repeatedly. Eventually she became pregnant with me. From the story I have been told, as I grew inside of her and she began to feel me move, I healed her soul.

  “She gave birth to me. Looked at my face for only a moment before she was exiled from Purgatory and her soul admitted into Heaven.”

  “That’s so sad, Asmoday. I’m sorry.” She bites her lip as she thinks. “So, you’re not really a Demon?”

  He shakes his head. “I am a Demon, Keely. My true father was an Original Demon. One of the offspring of the first Watcher’s who fell. His father was your father’s second in command and returned with the other Watcher’s to Heaven. They were friends until that day, your father and my grandfather. When my true father died the final death, I was an infant. Your father was disappointed in his children. He knew he needed a daughter for the prophecy and had finally discovered a way with modern technology. Because of my age, he decided he would raise me as his own child. Groom me to be worthy of wedding his daughter that would fulfill the prophecy of damnation. He would have vengeance tenfold. Your father felt betrayed that my grandfather returned to God’s graces. To raise me in his image, to wed me to his daughter that will destroy the worlds, it was to be the sweetest revenge.

  “What I am trying to explain, is, I am a Prince because your father gave me the title. Not because I am from his blood. I am not your brother, Princess. I am simply yours.”

  “You’re not my brother?”

  “No. So your reservations about marrying me can be dismissed.”

  “You think it’s that easy?” Keely feels like a shattered mirror. There are pieces of her everywhere.

  “I do not understand,” Asmoday says. His eyebrows crinkle with confusion.

  Keely closes her eyes. Tries to think this through. She fights against his feelings, willing her own to come through. “I’m glad I’m not quite as sick as I thought I was. I mean, at least now I’m not attracted to my brother.”

  “You are attracted to me? I suspected, but it is nice to have it confirmed.” He smiles at her and she feels herself blush.<
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  “Not the point I’m trying to make. What I mean is that’s the plus side. The not plus side is you’re not my brother.”

  “I was under the impression that was on the plus side.”

  “Not when it comes to the Hierarchy. Or my mom. Or Nick. I love Nick, Asmoday. I still want to be with him.”

  “You may want Nick for now, but that will change. I can wait.”

  “You mean the cord? For the bond to seal? That’s not fair. I won’t choose you because I want you over Nick. It would be fake. Like I was being forced.”

  “I don’t believe that. I think you will choose me because you will understand me. The real me. You will see how much you changed me. I told you before, you taught me how to love, how to put someone before myself. You did this to me. If Apophis hadn’t killed your sisters, and I had this connection with any other, the prophecy would already have been fulfilled. I wouldn’t have cared. It’s because of you, your love and kindness that I am who I am today. Because of how I feel about you. You will come to see this. You’ll know me like no other knows me. And I will know you like no other could ever know you. What we will have will run deeper than anything you could have with Nick. And I will never judge you. I will always let you be you because I will understand everything you say. Everything you do.”

  “I can’t think right now. This is too much. Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “At first, I didn’t tell you because I found your discomfort humorous. After I connected with you, I didn’t tell you because I didn’t know how the Hierarchy would react to it. I was not convinced they would be willing to give you the aid you need if they knew the truth about me.”

  Her brows merge. “You still should have told me.”

  “I would have preferred you to know. Maybe if I had, you would be mine by now.”

  “I don’t belong to anyone, Asmoday. I want to be my own.”

  He nods slowly. “When I say I am yours, I mean my heart belongs to you. I will never love another the way I love you. I will never lie to you. I will never hurt you. I will never leave you. I will always be here when you need me. And I will do anything for your happiness.”

  “Oh,” Keely manages to stutter the one syllable. There are too many thoughts and emotions battling each other inside of her. He has her all twisted up.

  Asmoday reaches for Keely. Cups her face and caresses his thumb over her cheek. The sensation of touching her like this is incredible. He doesn’t use any of his charms on her and she isn’t stopping him. She isn’t cringing away from him. With his other hand, he touches his finger tips to her lips. Keely closes her eyes. He continues over her chin. Down her neck. Stops at the indentation between her collar bones. His hand rests against the warm skin over her heart. “This is all I ask to be mine. When you are ready.”

  Keely opens her eyes and Asmoday is gone.


  Keely is alone. Really alone. Just her and her thoughts. There was a time when she preferred things this way. Back when she didn’t have much to think about. It seems so long ago. So much has happened. So much has changed. She’s changed. Maybe this is all a dream. A very long, very elaborate dream. She will wake up soon and find everything the same as it was before. Her biggest worry will be her senior year of high school.

  Only, this doesn’t make her feel better.

  She heard somewhere that God only gives you what He knows you can handle. Or something along that same line. But how strong does He think she is? And why does He have to give it all at once?

  Though, she supposes, she could have it worse. How terrible is it for her to be torn between two guys that care about her? Or three.

  Of course, that’s not her only problem which is really the point. Right?

  Then why can she only think of Bryon, Nick, and Asmoday?

  “Ugh!” Asmoday said if she needed out again he would take her, but where is he now? She knows the answer already. Knows he isn’t here because she needs to be alone. She needs to think. But she really wants out of this room. Really, really doesn’t want to think. Maybe if she puts it off long enough it will work itself out all on its own.

  Not likely.

  If she ignores it, she could wind up losing all of them. Then she’d truly be alone.

  A light knock sounds at her door. “Keel, it’s Bryon.”

  Keely opens the door happy for the distraction, but nervous to see him after the confusing feelings she’s been having. “You have good timing.”

  “One of my many wonderful attributes. I also come bearing gifts.” He holds out a shopping bag.

  “What is it?” She takes it from his hand and peeks inside. “Oh, thank you!” She pulls out the box housing her new cell phone. “You are awesome! This is a way better phone than my last one.”

  Bryon smiles at her. “Just try not to lose this one.”

  “You got me a phone case too?” She runs her fingers over the smooth black and pink zebra stripes.

  “It came with it.”

  Keely scrunches her brows. “You went to buy a phone and the salesperson gave you a pink case?”

  Bryon takes the box from her and starts opening her phone. “I had to pick it, but it was free. Are you a detective now?”

  “It just seemed weird. I’m so glad I have a phone again. It’s like walking around without pants.”

  Bryon grins. “I feel naked without mine too. Thus the reason I took the time to go pick this up for you. Plus, you shouldn’t be without one, being who you are.”

  “You mean a Doyenne? Or a Demon Princess? Or the girl that can end the world?”

  “I mean the girl who has bad guys after her.”

  “Oh, yeah. That too. Forgot that one.”

  Bryon plugs the charger into the wall and connects it to the phone. He plops down on Keely’s bed and lies back. Puts an arm behind his head and starts reading the manual for her new phone.

  There is something so comforting in this for Keely. It’s like old times. It’s exactly what she needs. “T.V. or music?”

  Bryon looks over the top of the mini book in his hand. “I’m cool with either one.”

  Keely flips the television on and begins channel surfing. “So how’s Lila?”

  “She’s how you would expect her to be. In denial about how she feels. Covering her feelings up with being really pissed off and feeling guilty about it all.”

  Keely rests the remote on her leg. She knows that feeling. “She shouldn’t feel guilty. She didn’t do anything wrong.”

  Bryon throws the phone manual on Keely’s night stand. “I know that. You know that. Hell, Lila probably knows it too. But people can’t help how they feel.” He stares at her and sighs. “You want to get out of here for a little bit?”

  Keely smiles. “Yes,” she says stretching out the word. “Where we going?”

  “I wanna go buy a cowboy hat.”

  “O.k.” She opens her mouth. Wants to say more, but it’s Bryon, so she doesn’t. Just shakes her head.

  “I want to forewarn you,” Bryon says seriously. “It’s very possible that I may start talking with a southern accent.”

  “That’s all right as long as I can do my British accent.”

  He squints and shakes his head. “No. That’s stupid. Those don’t even match. Can you do a country backwoods toothless mumble? Because that’ll work.”

  “Ew. No. If you get to be southern, I get to be British.”

  “Gah. You’re ruining this for me, Kiem. What if I get you a cowgirl hat?”

  Keely bites the inside of her lip as she thinks it over. “No. I don’t want a hat.”

  “Fine. We’ll be British on the way to the store, and then we’ll be southerners on the way back.”


  Bryon holds out his hand and they shake on it.

  Keely yells to her mom that they’re making a run to the store and rushes out the front door before Kimberly can stop her.

  Bryon laughs at her. “Should we be running to the car?”

  They look at each other and smile before taking off into a sprint. Bryon slides across the hood and Keely is laughing so hard by the time she shuts the car door, she can barely breathe.

  “Did you see that?”

  Keely nods excitedly. “Very Dukes of Hazard.”

  “Right? And where are the Duke boys from?”

  Keely raises her eye brows. “I don’t…I don’t know?”

  Bryon pulls away from the curb and shakes his head as if he is disappointed in her. “The south, Kiem.”

  “Hey, we had a deal.”

  “Well bloody hell. Right you are,” he says in a very high pitched British accent. Or at least his version of a British accent. “Cheerio bloke. Oh, Crikey, I left ma knickers at home.”

  “You are terrible at this. I’m utterly ashamed.”

  “This is why I wanted southern accents. It’s your own fault. Now you just have to deal with it.”

  “You’re smiling. You’re doing it on purpose! Cheater.”

  “I’m smiling because it’s funny.”

  “Whatever. What’s this new obsession with the south about anyway?”

  Bryon smirks at her, one of his super cute moves he uses on girls. Sometimes he forgets she’s not just any girl and tries it on Keely. “I decided I want to be a cowboy. Or that I am a cowboy, actually. So I need a hat of course.”

  “You are not a cowboy, Bryon.”

  “Uh. That’s what Lila said. Girls just don’t understand. I need to talk to Nick about this.”

  “Nick’s not going to tell you you’re a cowboy either. Sorry.”

  Bryon turns into the parking lot and searches for a space. “Speaking of Nick, what’s up with you guys?” he asks. Though he’s been waiting to ask her this question since he got to her house, he couldn’t figure out how to turn the conversation that way until now.

  “What do you mean?” Keely asks.

  “Why am I with you instead of him?”

  Keely takes off her seat belt, but doesn’t make a move to leave the car. “We had a fight. But we worked it out. I think. Well, not really.”


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