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Dark Calling

Page 37

by Cheryl McIntyre

  “Are you all right?” he asks, offering her his hand.

  “When did you get back?” He stands her up, keeping her hand in his.

  “Just now,” he says. “Elijah told me the King has your mother.”

  She nods as she says, “The cord didn’t break. I never felt a thing.”

  “I never left. I called his phone and asked for a meeting. He was more than willing to come. I chose not to explain all this. I left that up to the Angels.”

  Keely sighs, relieved he’s back. Grateful she didn’t have to go through the pain of severing the tie again.

  “Oh, Keely,” her dad says. “Can you give this to Bryon?” He tosses her a tee shirt fresh from the dryer. “His had blood on it.”

  “Right here,” Bryon says behind her. She hands him the shirt and as he slips it on, her breath catches. It’s her dad’s old band tee shirt. Light blue with a smiling skull and cracked white letters arced across the chest that read, Vital Signs.

  Bryon looks down at the shirt. Runs his hand over his stomach, smoothing it. “I like this. Tell your dad I might just keep it for my collection.”

  She smiles and tries to remember how to breathe.


  Now is not the time for this. Keely’s love life is the least of her problems. Now that Asmoday is back, they can go after her mom. She clears her throat twice searching for her voice as she turns back to Asmoday. “Do you think you can find my mom?”

  “I know where she is.” Apophis says from behind Asmoday. Keely glares at him, unable to stop herself. He doesn’t seem to notice as he goes on. “He’d only take her where he wants you to follow.”

  “The Cimmerian Stairway,” Bryon says. Apophis nods once already bored with the conversation. Keely brushes past them into the kitchen. Elijah is standing close to Ramuell speaking quietly.

  “Where is the Cimmerian Stairway?”

  They look up at her, but neither answers. Keely raises her eyebrows, her neck grows warm with anger or fear, she isn’t sure which. She feels Asmoday come up behind her, when she turns her head she sees they’re all there. Nick and Bryon stand to the right of Asmoday, Lila to the left. Her team.

  Ambriel and Michael trail off from their conversation. “We’re coming too,” Michael says. Ramuell and Elijah exchange a glance.

  “It isn’t time,” Ramuell finally says.

  “Bull shit,” Keely utters. “I need to get my mom before that psycho hurts her.”

  Elijah sighs. “He won’t hurt her. He needs her as bait to lure you there.”

  Keely looks at him stupefied. “Then let’s go. You’re the ones that wanted me to do this in the first place.”

  Micah steps forward with an apologetic smile. “It isn’t time. We didn’t even recognize her,” he says pointing to Lila. “In the prophecy, her hair is much shorter. And you aren’t in it,” he adds looking over at Michael. “It just isn’t time.”

  “How short?” Lila asks. “My hair,” she adds. Micah thinks for a moment and raises his slender hand to his chin. Lila turns to Keely and holds out her hand. “Scissors?” Kevin places them in her hand before the word has finished leaving her mouth. She looks at him with surprise and he shrugs. Lila glances around the room deciding who she trusts with this task. Ambriel pulls the scissors out of her hand and makes the first cut. Lila’s hair drops slowly to the floor and a small squeak leaves her lips. Never in her life has she had short hair. Ambriel continues until Lila’s pink blond locks curl around her chin.

  Keely smiles at her. For a minute-long hair cut with sewing sheers, it looks pretty good. “Thank you,” she mouths.

  Lila runs her fingers through her hair. Brushes off the loose strands sticking to her clothes. “All right, can we go now?”

  Micah flashes a smile at her full of respect. “Looks right to me.”

  Elijah laughs loudly. “I love these people.”

  “Can we take cars this time?” Keely asks.

  Ramuell and Elijah exchange another look. “We need to travel another way,” Ramuell explains looking at Asmoday. “We need you to take us to Israel.”

  “Israel?” Keely echoes.

  Ramuell nods his head. “To Mount Zion in the City of David.”


  Keely looks up at Asmoday, feeling dizzy from the trip. He keeps is hands on her arms until the disorientation is gone. She looks around and watches the others appear. It’s almost mesmerizing as the air shifts subtly and wavers as someone who wasn’t there a second before suddenly is. One after the other they all appear.

  “That just doesn’t get old,” Bryon sighs as he looks around in awe. “We just traveled thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.”

  Micah reaches out to steady Lila as she sways and nearly tips over. She smiles up at him. “Thanks.”

  He arches a brow. “Any time.”

  “Humans are so easily amused,” Apophis says flatly. Keely isn’t sure if he is referring to Bryon’s comment or to the goo-goo eyes Lila is making at Micah. Either way, she mutters, “Shut up, Apophis,” before turning to Ramuell.

  “So what’s the plan?”

  Ramuell shrugs his shoulders. The gesture looks all wrong on him. “I expected something…more. In the prophecy, we fight.” He looks around them as if searching for something. “There’s no one here.”

  “It’s mid afternoon. We fight in the setting sun,” Micah says slowly. “I remember thinking how beautiful the sun was as it sank behind the golden temple mount the first time I read the prophecy.”

  Bryon says, “So we’re like seven hours early? That sucks.”

  “We could use the time to rest,” Israfil offers. He points over to Keely and Asmoday. “They need it.”

  “I can’t sleep while my mom is still missing,” Keely says.

  “There’s nothing we can do now. We’re too early. It’s better this way. It gives us time to prepare,” Ramuell states. “It offers better odds if we’re fed and rested,” he adds as Keely opens her mouth to protest.

  “Why can’t we find him? Sneak up on him when he isn’t expecting us?”

  “You have an argument for everything, don’t you?” Elijah asks Keely with a wily smile. “What if I said the sky is blue? What would you say to that?”

  “I have something to say right now, but I don’t think you want to hear it,” she simmers.

  Elijah laughs. “I probably don’t, but I bet it’s very colorful.”

  “Oh, it is,” she says flashing an annoyed smile. He chuckles, unaffected.

  “We do as the prophecy reads,” Ramuell states with finality. “We need a hotel,” he tells Asmoday who nods. A second later they are all absorbed in darkness as they make the next leap.


  “I just don’t understand why nobody will help me get my mom,” Keely says as she plops down on the lavish sofa in the pricey hotel room. “I’m doing everything you want. Why shouldn’t I get what I want in return?”

  Micah sits beside her. “Keely, I know this isn’t easy for you, but if we don’t do it exactly as we saw it, who knows what will happen?”

  “That’s just stupid. None of this was in the prophecy I read.”

  “Exactly,” Elijah says.

  “We have to do this right. We only get one chance. If we mess up, you could fulfill the wrong prophecy,” Ramuell adds.

  Keely crosses her arms. She knows what they’re saying makes sense, but her heart aches to find her mom. “We still could have gone in and, I don’t know…like, hid so we could surprise him. Have the upper hand for once.”

  “You and Asmoday are the only ones who enter and we don’t know what awaits you there. We do this how it is written. There’s no point in arguing. I have made too many mistakes in my lifetime. I cannot afford anymore. Not when it comes to something so important,” Ramuell states firmly. He turns toward one of the doors off the living room area. “There are two bedrooms with two beds in each. Angels in this one.” He points across the room to the other door. “Humans in that o
ne. I’ll wake you in a few hours. Try to rest.”

  “What about Demons?” Nick asks.

  “Asmoday can stay with Keely.” Ramuell reads the uncomfortable expression on her face and amends. “Because of his bond to her, I feel it’ll be more comforting for them both and therefore easier for them to sleep. As for Apophis, well, I have a special place in mind for him.”

  “I’ll just go back to my realm. You can send Asmoday when it’s time,” Apophis says dryly.

  Ramuell moves quickly in front of Apophis and slides a necklace over his head. “I don’t think so.” He steadies Apophis as he staggers. Lowers him to the floor. Apophis swings his arm attempting to fight off Ramuell, but the talisman leaves his muscles worthless. “I’m sorry, but I can’t have you disappearing on me now. Not when we’re this close. Just sleep.”

  Ramuell gestures for Elijah to help him and they carry Apophis through the door to the Angels room.

  “O.k. Well, on that note, I think I’m going to bed,” Lila says. She pushes back the door to their room and whistles. “Nice.”

  “Money is not an issue for us,” Micah says from behind her.

  “I see. I may not want to go back home when this is over.” Lila puts her hand over her mouth and stifles a gasp. She whirls around and stares at Micah. “I do go home, right? We all do?”

  Micah looks over his shoulder at Israfil who looks away quickly.

  “Oh my God. I die?”

  “You don’t die,” Micah says quietly.

  Lila sighs with a smile. It fades quickly. “Does anybody die?”

  “I shouldn’t discuss this with you. You should sleep.”

  Lila’s hand shoots out quickly, gripping his arm tightly. “I want to see it. Let me read the prophecy.”

  Micah pries her fingers from his arm with little effort. “I can’t, Lila.”

  “Don’t give me that. If I can fight, I can read it. I want to read it.”

  “So do I,” Keely says suddenly.

  “Yeah, me too,” Bryon adds.

  Asmoday pushes himself off the wall he was quietly leaning against and steps forward. “It will not change anything. We all must play our parts regardless of the outcome. There is not one of us who is not sacrificing to be here. Because we all know what the higher cost is. Leave it be.” He turns and walks into the bedroom.

  Lila follows him. She throws herself onto the bed closest to the window as he sits on the edge of the other bed. “I don’t know how you’re doing this,” she murmurs.

  Asmoday flinches as if she startled him. “What do you mean?”

  “You know how this will end for you and you’re still here. I hate to admit it, but that’s pretty bad ass, Asmoday.”

  He looks at the floral painting on the wall. “I love her,” he says as if that is all the explanation needed.

  Lila rolls over so she isn’t facing him. “People have done crazier things in the name of love.”

  Bryon and Nick come in and survey the room. “Nice digs,” Bryon utters. He lowers himself carefully to the bed next to Lila. “Mind if I share with you?”

  “Nope, just don’t hog the blankets,” she says without looking at him.

  “It’s bad enough I have to be in the same room as him, but I’m not sleeping in the same bed. He tried to kill me,” Nick says as he glares at Asmoday.

  “Well, come over here and snuggle with me, big boy,” Bryon teases. He pulls the blanket up offering a space for Nick.

  “Don’t be a jerk,” Keely says as she brushes past him. She plucks a pillow from behind Asmoday and tosses it to Nick. “You can sleep on the couch and I’ll sleep here.”

  Nick throws the pillow back on the bed. “I’m not sleeping on the couch and I’m not cool with you sleeping in the same bed as him.”

  Keely snatches up the pillow. “I’ll just sleep on the couch.” She does an about face and slams the door behind her. If she’s being honest with herself, she’s glad Nick is acting like a jerk. It makes staying away from him a little easier. She feels bad for leaving Asmoday in there, but what else is she supposed to do? Share the bed with both of them? Why not all three of them? At least this way she doesn’t have to choose.

  The couch is huge and really comfortable. She sinks into the plush cushions, snuggling to the pillow. Keely pinches her eyes closed as the bedroom door opens and closes quietly.

  “Keely? I’m sorry. I came with a peace offering,” Nick whispers. She opens her eyes and looks up at him. He stands over her holding a blanket and wearing a pitiful puppy dog look on his face. “Can I sleep with you if I promise to keep my opinions to myself?”

  She nods and wiggles over. He sits beside her and drapes the blanket over them. “I miss you,” he murmurs.

  Guilt weighs on Keely in a smothering way. Guilt for what she is keeping from Nick. Guilt that she’s here with Nick while Asmoday is in the other room. Guilt for what she knows she has to do soon. How can she be lying here with Nick, wasting her precious last minutes with Asmoday? How can she crave Nick’s presence so much and still want Asmoday? Still think of Bryon. What is wrong with her?

  “I need some air,” she croaks as she pushes the blanket off of her. Nick tries to grab her arm, but she jerks away from his touch.

  “Where are you going? You can’t just leave.”

  “I can’t stay here either. I need to…” She shakes her head. “I don’t know what I need. There is so much going on inside of me, Nick. I can’t explain it. You can’t understand it. I just need-”

  “Asmoday?” Nick closes his eyes. Places his thumb and first finger over them and presses. When he opens them again, there is so much pain staring back at Keely it causes her to take a step away.

  “I don’t know.”

  “You don’t just love him as your brother. No, because he’s not your brother. You’re in love with him?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “But you want him?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well what do you know, Keely?” Nick’s voice rises unsteadily.

  “I know in a little while he and I are going into the Cimmerian Stairway and I’m the only one coming back. I know that he is choosing to do this. And I know that the cord binding him to me will break and I will die inside.” She places her hand on the door knob. “I know I don’t want to hurt anybody, but I know I’m going to.” Opening the door, she hopes Nick will not follow her.


  The city is beautiful from the roof. The sun glares off the golden top of Mont Zion, hurting Keely’s eyes. It won’t be the last time that place will hurt her. She can’t even begin to fathom how something so glorious can hold something so terrible inside for her. She thinks of how it houses the stairway that she will ascend. How it actually is a wonderful place that will bring peace. Her mind is aware of this fact, but her heart still sees the end of something magical before it had a chance to truly begin.

  Hot tears run down Keely’s cheeks and she is furious. How can she feel sorry for herself? Why is she standing on the roof having a pity party? Squeezing her hands into fists, she turns back to the door just as it opens.

  “I know you want to be alone, but your Guardian did not think you should be. I tend to agree with him on this one. I can wait in the stairwell if you prefer,” Asmoday says.

  Keely shakes her head. Why doesn’t he know? How doesn’t he feel it? Can’t he sense how hard it is for her to not throw herself into his arms?

  “Oh,” she mouths. She understands. He doesn’t want her in his arms. Her stomach tightens sharply and she tries to turn away before she loses it. She doesn’t make it. With a pained gasp, Keely bursts into fresh tears.

  Asmoday cringes against her overwhelming sadness. He rocks back, fighting against his need to go to her. To hug her, kiss her, and make her feel better. His heart hurts physically as it pounds against his ribs. Hands ache to reach for her. He turns on his heel. Forces himself to walk away. Makes it to the door, but can’t manage to walk through it. He stares at the d
oor until it blurs into nothingness. His body quivers and suddenly he is in front of her, drawing her against his chest.

  Asmoday wipes the tears from her face and presses his head against hers. “Do not do that. Do not ever doubt how much I love you. I thought it would be easier if I pulled away now instead of waiting until...” He slides his nose over hers and brushes his lips across her forehead.

  “I just want the time we have left.”

  “Then we should make the most of it,” he breathes. His lips move to hers lightly, savoring the warmth of her mouth. He gives in to the desire he’s been fighting and allows his hands to caress her skin. Fingers hungry and greedy as they explore the curves of her body. His mouth shadowing his hands, kissing, tasting. Keely shivers and sighs. Asmoday’s muscles tighten in response and though he wants to move quicker, he forces himself to slow down. To stretch this moment. He doesn’t want to rush. This will be his memory of her. The memory he will replay in his mind as he meets whatever fate awaits him at sunset.

  Keely’s fingers tremble as she slides them under Asmoday’s shirt. He knows she wants to memorize him as much as he does her. He pulls the back collar of his shirt up and over his head. The sun is warm on his skin, but it falls short in comparison with the heat coming off of Keely. She trails her hands down his stomach and he pulls her mouth back to his. He has to remember her warmth. How right it makes him feel. How safe. How whole.

  He moves to her neck, running his lips down the side. Pulls the strap of her tank top off her shoulder and kisses there. She shivers again and Asmoday forgets he’s trying to take his time. Forgets he is supposed to be slowly appreciating each sensation. He picks her up and lowers her to the roof top. Hovers above her as he looks down at her. The way her hair fans out around her beautiful face. The way her green eyes look so vibrant in the sunlight.

  He pushes her shirt halfway up her stomach and lips follow fingers once again. Keely’s stomach muscles go taut as she sits up just enough to remove her shirt and Asmoday’s hands travel over the new sights. His tongue moves over her belly button. Slides up her stomach. He brushes his lips over her bra and across her chest, kisses her neck again.


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