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Revelry (Taint #1)

Page 10

by Carmen Jenner

  “I told you I’m not having sex with you.”

  “No I mean, sleep sleep? Like we did at Zed’s.”

  “Okay, I don’t really know how we’re going to do that on a plane, but should you—”

  “I’ll just …” Coop says, and he snuggles into my side.

  “Yeah, okay,” I mutter, feeling really uncomfortable wedged between the window and Coop’s shoulder. Because this isn’t awkward at all. Before long though, I start to drift off, surrounded by his warmth and his peppery sandalwood scent.

  When I wake I’m lying across two of the three seats, my legs are tucked up beneath me and I’m face down in his lap, and—surprise, surprise—I’m drooling again. What’s even more unexpected than me waking up with my head buried in his lap is that Coop is hard. Everywhere. I don’t know how we wound up in this situation again, but it has got to stop.

  “Sorry,” I say, and I attempt to sit up but he shoves at my shoulders until I’m back in his lap again. “Ow. What the hell, Ryan?”

  “Can you just … stay there?”

  “You want me to keep my head buried in your lap?”

  “This is the most calm I’ve felt since we boarded.”

  “Yeah, because he thinks he’s seconds away from getting his dick sucked,” Levi says, as he pops his head up over the back of the seat. He wipes the sleep from his eyes and yawns. “Thank fuck you came along, Red, or we’d have never gotten any sleep. Jesus, Ryan, next time pop a couple Valium before we hop a flight and save all of the other passengers the head-fuck.”

  “Shut up, Levi,” I say, feeling oddly protective. I sit up, because I can’t carry out a conversation when my mouth is this close to his penis. “How are you feeling? Did you sleep at all?”

  Cooper nods and closes his eyes. “Yeah.”

  “Well that’s good, right?”


  I look at the cabin around us. The overhead lights are on again and the hostesses are preparing meals. Most people are awake. Deb, Leif, Zed and Ash sit across the aisle from us, all crammed into the same row of seats. Zed’s head is on Deb’s shoulder, even though her body is angled away from him and her silk eye mask is pulled down over half her face.

  I frown and look at Cooper. “Why didn’t you ask Deb to come sit with you?”

  “It’s best not to disturb Deb when she’s flying.”

  “She’s your sister. I’m sure if she knew you were hurting she’d come sit with you.”

  He laughs. “You don’t know my sister.”

  The hostesses bring us meals shortly after and when the rubbish is taken away, Cooper stretches and lays his head on my lap. “Oh okay, we’re doing that?”

  “That okay?” he asks staring up at me with a hopeful expression. I have this insane desire to run my fingers through his curls.

  “Yeah, I mean I just woke up with my face in your lap, so I guess it’s only fair that you return the favour.” Only I don’t think I’ve ever been this self-conscious in my entire life. We’ve been sitting on the same cramped plane for several hours now without a change of panties and I’m pretty sure my crotch isn’t smelling potpourri perfect. Coop doesn’t seem to mind though, because he nuzzles his head into my lap. I’m pretty sure he’s deliberately trying to mess with me.

  “Hey can you maybe stop trying to burrow into my sacred space? I mean you could at least wait for an invitation.”

  “Am I likely to be getting an invitation?”


  He laughs. “Then why wait for it when I have this opportunity right here in front of me?”

  I roll my eyes, but when I glance down at him I find he’s really not kidding. His eyes are blazing with heat and that heat about sears the flesh from my bones. Seriously, the fires of Mordor have nothing on this guy’s gaze.

  “Cooper …” I begin.

  He sighs, and I swear I can feel his breath on my flesh even through my yoga pants. My hands automatically fly to his hair and tug through the soft black curls before I can even really register what I’m doing and my cheeks flood with heat. This is bad. This is really, really bad. He closes his eyes and presses his nose to my body, inhaling deeply and I could die, both from desire and mortification.

  I pull my hand free from his hair and squirm in my seat, thinking I may have to take a trip to the bathroom in a minute to relieve some of the tension. Cooper sits up, pulling my blanket out of my bag and spreading it over us. I have this insane urge to tell him not to touch it, that it’s my own, my precious, but I don’t … because that would be weird. He leans his head on my shoulder, and then he completely surprises me by placing his right hand on my upper thigh, beneath the blanket. I jerk with the touch and he silences me with a hushed shh in my ear.

  “What are you doing?” I ask just as quietly.

  “Distracting myself.”

  “Cooper,” I protest but his hands slides across my thigh to my pussy and I take a sharp shuddering breath.

  He presses his lips to the shell of my ear and whispers, “Let me do this, please. It’ll take my mind off of flying, just for a few minutes. Please?”

  The man is practically begging. I mean, I couldn’t really say no. Could I? Apparently my rabid vagina makes the choice for me because Cooper cups his hand over my pussy and it practically swallows him whole. Mercifully, he doesn’t venture beneath my yoga pants, and I’m glad for it. The feel of his flesh on mine right now would probably undo me completely.

  His fingers press against my clit and I open my legs wider for him. “Would you open your legs so readily for my cock, Ali-Cat?”

  I don’t answer because I’m incapable of answering, I’m flat out trying to hold my shit together and keep my face schooled into a bored-to-neutral expression so as not to alert anyone around us to the fact that he’s getting me off on an airplane.

  Cooper sweeps his fingers over my clit in a circular motion. My lips part, my heart hammers against my ribcage, and heat creeps up my neck and spreads over my cheeks. I’m so damn turned on, and it’s been so damn long since any man touched me there, that my orgasm builds within seconds. My nipples are aching to be touched, bitten, sucked, and licked. All of me is aching for more of his mouth and hands. I wet my lips, imagining his cock inside me, filling me, pushing into me over and over with beautiful, torturous pleasure. Cooper’s stroking speeds up, my breathing does too, and then I come. Hard and fast against his hand, and it’s so mind-shatteringly good that he has to muffle my quiet cry of ecstasy with a fake cough.

  “No fucking way,” Levi murmurs. I open my eyes as the last of my orgasm spreads through my body, making me limp, and causing another sharp breath to squeeze from my lungs. “Jesus Christ that was hot, Red.”

  “Turn around, Quinn,” Coop hisses quietly.

  “Do it again,” Levi commands.

  “What?” I ask, and there’s a protest on the tip of my tongue, I swear there is, but his fingers find me again and I jerk involuntarily. Trying to squeeze Cooper’s hand from between my thighs right now seems kind of pointless.

  “Coop,” I pant, though I’m pretty sure at this point it’s not so much a protest as it is a cry for more. I’m still sensitive. Too sensitive. Coop leans in and snags my earlobe between his teeth and with the press of his fingers against my swollen flesh, I come again.

  “Fucking incredible,” Coop whispers in my ear.

  “God I wanna taste her right now.” Levi growls and my eyes snap open to glare at him.

  “Never going to happen,” I whisper, when I’ve caught my breath.

  “Never say never, Red,” Levi says, as he jumps up from his seat. “I gotta go knock one out.”

  I bury my head in my hands. “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “What? You didn’t enjoy it?” Cooper asks.

  I give him a look. “Well obviously I enjoyed it. Jesus, Coop, that can’t happen again.”

  “I’m pretty sure it could.” He smirks. “In fact, we should totally just go for the trifecta, the holy trin
ity of orgasms.”

  “Stop talking.”

  Deb’s voice rings out from across the cabin. “I won, so pay up motherfuckers.”

  “You didn’t win,” Ash says.

  “It’s on a plane and he made her come, more than once.”

  “The bet was sex, Deb,” Zed says. “Do you need me to remind you of the difference between finger banging and a deep, hard cocking?”

  Oh my god. Did the entire plane hear me come?

  “Will you three please shut up?” I hiss. I’m mortified that not only was it obvious to Levi, who was sitting right in front of us, but also to the rest of the passengers.

  “Is there a problem here?” the stewardess asks. She’s not the one who Coop promised his guitar to—it’s the other one. The unpleasant one who told me I couldn’t board with the band.

  “Nope, no problem,” Cooper says.

  “I’m going to have to ask you to keep the noise to a minimum,” she says, looking at each of us in turn with her no nonsense school-teacher expression. Of course this makes us all laugh, because apparently the six of us are just big children. “You’re disturbing the other passengers.”

  “It won’t happen again,” Cooper says, and he ducks his head to hide his smile. He doesn’t do it often, and when he unleashes his grin, it’s … wow. I’ve never been one of those girls who’s struck dumb by beautiful men, but staring at that grin makes me think I’ve never really seen a man worthy of rendering me an idiot, not the way Cooper Ryan is worthy. He catches me staring and then he’s smiling for an entirely different reason.

  “You know, I could get used to flying with you, Ali-Cat.”

  I don’t bother to tell him that I could get used to having his hands on me, or that right now, in this very moment, I want to travel on all of the airplanes with him, every flight he has to take for the remainder of his life. I want to be on those beside him, if only to feel his hands on me again.

  Jesus Christ. Snap the fuck out of it, you stupid whore. He gives you two orgasms and suddenly you’re gonna give him every flight for the rest of your life? Wake the fuck up, Ali. He’s a rock star, and you … you’re just … someone who hasn’t felt the adoration in a man’s touch for far too long. This is not a big deal. It is not a thing. Nor will it ever be a thing.

  “I think we should make a bet of our own,” Coop says, leaning in to whisper in my ear. He gently squeezes my thigh, and it’s only then that I realise his hand has been there the entire time. How did I not feel it burning my flesh?

  “I don’t think we should even be talking right now, let alone making wagers.” I take his hand from my leg and let it fall into his lap, but he slides it between my legs once more and presses in hard against my clit.

  “One week and I’ll have you naked beneath me, your legs wrapped around my hips as I drive into you and you sink your nails into my back.” He nips at my ear as he says this, his hand working me over in slow circles again. “One week, Ali-Cat, and I’ll be seated balls deep inside you, and you’ll be screaming my name as you come.”

  “And if I’m not?” I pant and lick my lips as he strokes me faster. “If you’re not inside me? If I’m not sinking my nails in your back and screaming your name? What then?”

  “Then I walk away. I leave you the hell alone.” He stops his stroking, forcing an involuntary gasp from my lungs.

  “I hate you so much, Cooper Ryan.”

  He chuckles. “No, you really don’t.”

  God damn him, he was right. I have a lot of feelings swirling around in my head right now, but none of them are even remotely close to hate, and that frightens me more than the prospect of losing this bet.

  “Fine,” I agree. “I win and you leave me alone. You win and you get … what exactly?”

  “You, Ali-Cat,” he whispers, leaning in so that his breath washes over my sensitive flesh where my shoulder meets my neck. “I get you.”

  I could have kissed the ground when we touched down at LAX. Vanessa had arranged for minders, because apparently our fans had camped at the airport. Like all celebrities flying into LA, we hadn’t been able to bypass any of that fucking huge headache. Paparazzi were everywhere. Screaming fangirls were everywhere, and everyone else stopped to wonder what the hell was going on.

  We were used to fangirls, but nothing we’d seen so far had come close to this kind of hysteria. Barely dressed women hung over the barriers separating us from the fans, their tits practically falling out of their tiny T-shirts. Mothers and their teenage daughters were throwing panties at us, and while that was nothing new on stage, it was a whole other level of creep factor during daylight hours at a fucking airport.

  The other guys took it in their stride. Levi, of course, played up to the cameras. Ash was the first of us to head straight for the car, and Zed had escaped the minders, allowing himself to be pawed at as he took photos with several young fans. We autographed photos and body parts while the roadies collected our gear and then we were whisked into two waiting SUVs. I wanted a shower, a real bed, and yeah, a recalcitrant redhead. Surprise, sur-fucking-prise. I wasn’t getting any of that though—once we’d all filed into the two separate cars, our drivers had taken us to a hangar more than halfway across the airport where three tour busses awaited us.

  “From one moving death trap to another,” I mutter, as we pull up beside the giant black busses.

  “Al-fucking-right! That’s what I’m talking about!” Zed says, jumping out of the car before the driver can even open the door.

  He throws his arms wide and hugs the fucking bus, our new giant white Taint logo plastered on the side of the bus while Zed’s orange flames lick out from around it.

  “Coop, come here and look at this shit,” Zed says, and I step up beside him. He throws an arm over my shoulder and shakes his head. “We fucking did it, bro.”

  I nod. “Yeah, we did.” I feel this overwhelming sense of pride because despite all of the setbacks, and the countless hours we spent dreaming of this moment, dreaming that our little band could one day be as big as this, it takes a minute to process. Fame isn’t new to us, but fame on this scale? That’s an entire world away from where we’ve been.

  “It’s a thing of beauty, man,” Zed says, and his voice is tight, constricted, as if he’s suppressing tears. “I wouldn’t be standing here if it weren’t for you. You know that, right?”

  “Sure you would,” I say automatically, but he looks at me and his expression is so genuine, so full of life and so fucking vulnerable all at once, I know that saying anything to counter his words won’t be the truth.

  The truth is, Zed was given a gift at the same time that he was handed every fucking obstacle life could throw his way. He was a sick, weedy little kid with a junkie mum and an absentee father. He singlehandedly took care of his family, and stole whatever food he could without getting caught in order to eat.

  I think my mum took pity on him and Leif. She didn’t mind the extra mouths to feed, and she miraculously always had clean clothing in their size lying around the house. Sometimes they even had the tags still on them. The Ryans had never wanted for anything, but the Atwoods? Their childhood had been tough. Zed had always been a musical genius, but he lacked discipline. If he didn’t have someone to follow, he’d likely be wasting his life under a bridge somewhere in a coked-up high.

  “Thank you, brother,” he says, and tightens his arm, putting me into a headlock. I punch his kidneys several times and then he releases me and bangs on his chest, unleashing some fucking Tarzan call into the hangar.

  When we step on the bus, Zed and Deb claim bunks at the back. I wait until I see where Ali is going, because no fucking way am I letting her sleep near Levi unattended. Ash moves toward the back and sets his shit down on the bunk across from Deb and Zed.

  “Pick a bed, sweetheart,” Levi says. Ali tosses her bag on a bottom bunk and Levi picks the bunk opposite. “Coop, why don’t you take the other bunk at the back?”

  “Nice fucking try, dickhead. I’m not lea
ving you alone with her,” I say. “You’re not gonna win that bet.” I take the bunk on top, grinning like an idiot when I think about it metaphorically.

  “Oh, you think you are?” Levi steps closer, wedging Ali between us.

  She shoves at our chests and hisses, “No one is winning any fucking bet that involves me. God, I knew this was a really bad idea. Please tell me the next three months isn’t going to be like this.”

  We both watch her arse as Ali climbs into her bunk and then make out as if we weren’t thinking about all the things we wanted to do to her in that position.

  “Now if you could all shut the hell up, I have some sleeping to do.” She closes the curtain and Levi and I stare at one another.

  “She’s not fucking you, man,” I say. “You should give up now.”

  “She’s not fucking you. I got this shit in the bag.”

  Ali scoffs. “I’m not fucking either of you.”

  “Next person to say fucking gets my boot shoved up their arse,” Deb says.

  “You just said fucking,” Zed says, and my little sister who’s as much of a sister to him as she is to me jumps off her bunk and lays into him. Zed snags Deb around the waist in an attempt to get her to quit beating on him, but she shrieks and elbows him in the face, darting through a door at the back of the bus. Zed follows, his hands raised in the air the way we used to when we were kids. Back then nothing scared Deb more than the prospect of a horsey slap to the thigh—obviously very few things have changed.

  “Zed, I swear to god I will hurt you if you horsey bite me.”

  “Giddy-fucking-up, baby,” he shouts as she pushes open the door at the end of the aisle revealing a bright blue room, with a large U-shaped couch. From here I can see a fish tank lining the back wall illuminated with neon blue lights.

  Deb shrieks. Ash raises his brows at me. His ear buds are in his ears and he’d climbed partway into his bunk, now he follows the sounds of my banshee sister as she squeals, “Holy shit.”

  “No fucking way. Come look at this,” Zed crows. And Levi and I both move to the back of the bus. The room is pretty big, considering it’s a tour bus. There’s a flat screen attached to one wall, a fish tank built into the other, and the floor and ceiling are decked out with neon blue piped lights. It’s a pretty sweet set-up, and then Zed pushes a button and Deb’s legs go out from under her. She flops back onto the couch, which is no longer a couch but a queen-sized horseshoe-shaped bed that takes up almost the entire back room.


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