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His Lady Brat

Page 5

by Melinda Barron

  He could see she was having trouble coming up with words to say what she would do. “What will happen is you will think twice before you try and embarrass other men’s wives. Why do you do that?”

  “It’s none of your business!”

  Jonathan knew he’d touched on a nerve. Something in Belinda’s past made her hate women, mostly the wives of men with whom she’d shared her bed. He wondered what turned a proper lady into a mistress. He knew lots of ladies who acted as mistresses. It was no secret. But all of them he could think of kept a low profile, and they certainly never taunted the wives of their lovers, past or present.

  He wondered if he would be able to get inside Belinda’s mind to see the reasoning behind her action. He doubted that she’d let him in easily. And the spanking she was about to receive wouldn’t make her any more receptive to being open with him.

  But it had to be done. Maybe, just maybe, it would work toward making her a person who didn’t take out her hatred on others.

  “Take a few deep breaths, Belinda,” he said. “We still have a few hours before the tea, and you have to go shopping with Charlotte.”

  He wasn’t particularly looking forward to this. Spanking women at Club meetings was one thing. Those ladies enjoyed being spanked, they liked the sensations, they liked, dare he think it, the humiliation of being taken over a knee in front of others. Spanking someone for punishment in front of others was totally different. There was a whole new aspect to it when you had an audience.

  He knew that Belinda was not going to just bend over and take the spanking. That was why he’d told her beforehand.

  “Are you calmer?”

  “This is why you spanked me last night, isn’t it? You’d planned this all along.”

  “Yes. I wanted you to have one spanking under your belt, so to speak, before today. I hadn’t planned on doing it at the Ellington house last night, though. I’d planned on doing it at your house.” He wanted to hold her again, but she kept her distance, glaring at him as if he were a snake in the grass. “Your actions last night changed my plans.”

  “I would try to get out of it, but I know that I can’t,” she said. “Something tells me you would humiliate me even more. Could I ask a boon of you, please?”

  This was something he had not expected, but he decided not to deny her, at least in making the request. “You can ask, Belinda. I can’t guarantee that I’ll grant it.”

  “Please, don’t do this on my bare bottom. Not in front of people.”

  The look she gave him almost made him reconsider. It wasn’t a look of anger, but a look of anxiety, fear. It was not a look he expected to see on her face.

  Jonathan shook his head. “I’m sorry, little one. It’s not as if you’ll be naked, though. You’ll still be wearing your clothing. I won’t bare your bottom until you’re across my lap.”

  “Then you truly do want to embarrass me. That’s all it will do, you know.”

  Her tears were dried now, but she didn’t look angry. If there was one emotion he could tie to her expression right now it would be pleading. If given the chance something told him she would get down on her knees and beg him to reconsider. But she was too proud for that.

  “No, that’s not all it will do,” Jonathan said. “The sting will be much harsher on your bare skin, especially with a hair brush. You’ll remember this spanking much longer than you remember the one from last night.”

  “If you continue to treat me like this I will never like you, Jonathan,” she said.

  “That is not what I’m here for, Belinda.” He went back to the bed and sat down. “This is what’s going to happen once we get to the house on Park Lane. We’re going to go inside and take tea. I want you to talk with Clarissa, get to know her. You’ll see then the effect that your words and actions have had on her.”

  Belinda continued to pace. Jonathan studied her profile; her face looked as if it were set in stone.

  “When I’m ready to deliver your spanking, you won’t fight me. It will go much easier that way, for both of us. I will move to a settee, and you will lower yourself across my knee. Do you understand?”

  She nodded. “How long are you going to spank me?”

  “The spanking will last as long as I think it needs to.”

  “Will this be the last spanking I receive from you?” She looked at him with hopeful eyes.

  “Probably not, Belinda. We’ll see how things go.”

  * * *

  As soon as Belinda had left with Charlotte, Jonathan retrieved his horse from a nearby mews and made his way to Park Lane. He still wasn’t used to the idea that his best friend was a duke, but luckily Andrew didn’t treat him any differently. He was admitted to the house immediately, and found Andrew sitting in the library.

  “You stink,” Andrew said as Jonathan entered. “I can smell the sweat from here.”

  “I’ll clean up before tea,” Jonathan said before he plopped down in a chair opposite from Andrew. “I feel like a cad.”

  “Let me guess, she cried,” Andrew said.

  “Twice, once last night and once this afternoon,” Jonathan said. “This afternoon’s tears were real.”

  “Horse crap,” Andrew said.

  “Horse crap?” Jonathan asked with a laugh.

  “I would say, well, the s word, but I promised Clarissa I would watch my tongue,” he said with a laugh. “Do you need a snort of scotch to build up your courage for what you know needs to be done?”

  “Scotch would be good,” Jonathan said. “Fill the glass.”

  Andrew got up and filled two glasses, and then handed one to his friend before he sat down.

  “If you want out tell me now,” he said. “Clarissa is feeling guilty about the whole thing, too.”

  Jonathan took a big drink from his scotch. “I keep telling myself she should have learned her lesson last night, but I don’t think she did. She’s excited about spending my money, I know that. But she is terrified about being spanked in front of Clarissa.”

  “You shouldn’t have told her beforehand,” Andrew said. “It would have been better for her to walk in here this afternoon and be hit with it. That’s what happened to Clarissa, she got hit with it even in Bath, when people were talking behind her back about the blonde in London who was attending parties with Taylor.”

  “I know, I know.” Jonathan downed the rest of his scotch. He got up and refilled his glass.

  “You’re falling for her,” Andrew said after Jonathan had taken his seat again.

  “Not in the least,” Jonathan said. “Which, I think, is why it bothers me. If I had feelings for her it would be easier for me to just spank her, make her stand in the corner, and then leave her.”

  “I go back to my original statement, only this time I will use the word that, if Clarissa heard, would get me in trouble. Bullshit. I know you well, Jonathan, and you’ve never, ever, had feelings for a woman before. If you didn’t have feelings for her you would, as you said, just do it and leave. The fact that you’re questioning it means she’s gotten under your skin.”

  “You don’t know what the horse crap you’re talking about.”

  They both laughed, and Jonathan took another drink. He knew he needed to pace himself if he was going to be sober enough to spank Belinda and keep hold of his senses.

  “She’s lucky you’re not doing it in front of the Rakes,” Andrew said.

  “I would never let her know about the Rakes,” Jonathan said. “I don’t trust her. Which brings me to a second point. We need to be careful about what we say around her. She’s the type who would blackmail every one of us.”

  There was a short pause, and then Andrew sighed heavily. “Clarissa won’t like it, but if you don’t want to go through with it, I’ll spank her.”

  “No,” Jonathan shook his finger at his friend, feeling a little silly with the movement, which his mother used to do quite a bit. “If it has to be done, I will do it.”

  “That’s what I thought you’d say.” Andre
w laughed, then took a drink. “Listen, you won’t have to deal with her after today if you don’t want to; just spank her, and be done with it.”

  “We’ll see,” Jonathan said. “We’ll see.”

  * * *

  “I think the forest green one would make a beautiful riding habit.”

  Belinda looked up from where she’d been studying a space on the floor. Although she’d ordered almost ten dresses already, there was no joy in it. She felt as if she were weighed down with stones and about to be thrown in the Thames.

  He was going to spank her in front of Clarissa, and the witch had obviously known about it last night, because she was the one who had invited her for tea.

  “Tea and spankings,” Belinda said.

  “Excuse me?” Charlotte said.

  “Oh, nothing,” Belinda said. She was pretty sure her words were not convincing, because Charlotte laughed.

  “Tea and spankings,” Charlotte said. “Sounds like an entertaining afternoon.”

  Now it was Belinda’s turn to say, “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, don’t think you’re the only one that enjoys being spanked,” Charlotte said. She’d leaned in close to Belinda and lowered her voice. “I’m happy to see that you and Barton connected, if that is the case. Although I didn’t think he was much of a spanker. Good hot sex, yes, but I’ve never noticed him doing much during the…”

  Charlotte’s voice drifted off, and Belinda was pretty sure it was because of the shocked look on her face. “During the what?”

  “Oh, I’m just rambling,” Charlotte said. “It’s just that Dalton has never said anything about Jonathan having a… different approach to things. Of course, many men use spankings as a means of discipline in their relationships.”

  “Does your husband do—it?” Belinda could barely bring herself to say the word out loud. She was embarrassed that Charlotte had heard her mutter the phase under her breath.

  “Oh yes,” Charlotte said. “Many husbands do, as I said. At first I was embarrassed, and I was mortified. But now it just seems, well, just seems a part of our relationship.”

  “Don’t you feel demeaned?”

  “Not in the least,” Charlotte said. The seamstress was back, holding up a bolt of dark blue fabric.

  “Definitely,” Charlotte said. “That will make an extraordinary evening dress.”

  “Of course,” Belinda said. She nodded and waved the woman away.

  “I must say you’re not really into this shopping spree,” Charlotte said. “If Dalton had told me I could order seventeen dresses I would be jumping up and down with delight.”

  Belinda waved the seamstress away again. “You do realize that this is all a show?”

  “What?” Charlotte cocked her head a bit, and Belinda could tell by the look on her face that she knew nothing about what had been happening, or was about to happen this afternoon.

  “Barton and I are not together,” she said. “He’s trying to make it look that way so that people will give up on the idea of me being after Andrew.”

  Charlotte laughed. “I find a great deal of humor in that statement.”

  “Why?” Belinda asked. “It’s the truth.”

  “Barton is well off, that is true, but he would not spend this amount of money on you if he were only doing it for show. Trust me on this.”

  Belinda wasn’t sure how to respond. She knew the deal she had made with Barton, and it had nothing to do with feelings and the possibility of a long-term relationship. Was this some sort of strange way for him to take her as his mistress? Was he afraid she would say no and this was his way of getting her to agree? If so she thought it was awfully strange.

  She needed to bring it up with him, obviously. And she needed to let him know that, no matter what he thought he was doing, she would never be his mistress.

  * * *

  Belinda tried to keep her hands from shaking as she drank from her teacup. She would be damned if she would let Barton know how nervous she was. Andrew and Clarissa, who knew what was about to happen, were calm and happy, as if spankings were an everyday event in their lives.

  Finally, after what seemed an eternity, Jonathan cleared his throat.

  “Well, I think we all know why we’re here.”

  For the first time since arriving, Belinda saw nervousness flicker across Clarissa’s face. As quickly as it had appeared, it disappeared. She nodded and her husband patted her clasped hands gently.

  “We do,” Andrew said. “Lady Strauss, I hope you know why.”

  “I understand that Lord Barton has inserted himself as a power figure in my life, thinking that he has the right to try and make my life miserable.”

  As soon as the words were out, Belinda knew that was exactly what she had done to Clarissa through the years. When Clarissa’s first husband, Taylor, had been Belinda’s lover, she’d flaunted the fact all over London, hoping to embarrass the young duchess. She didn’t know why Clarissa got under her skin; she just knew that she did. Now, she was continuing the torment, even though she had nothing to do with Clarissa’s current husband.

  “We’ve discussed this,” Jonathan said, his voice low.

  “Let’s just get it over with,” Belinda replied, her voice full of sarcasm. “Do I get the chance to say something in my defense? Something to commute the sentence?”

  “If you wish to apologize again, I think now would be an excellent time,” Jonathan replied.

  “I’ve already done that. Must I keep repeating myself?”

  “Today will be the end of it,” Clarissa replied. “I am willing to forget the past, after today, if you are willing to stop attacking me.”

  “Agreed,” Belinda murmured. She bit her lip to keep from apologizing again.

  “That means you will no longer insinuate that you are sleeping with my husband,” Clarissa said. “You will no longer flirt with him, or make people think that you’ve already been in his bed.”

  “I understand,” Belinda said. She once again bit her lip. “I don’t know how many times I can say it. I am sorry. I won’t do it again. Let us get this the hell over with so Barton does not have a reason to be in my life anymore.”

  She knew she shouldn’t have used a swear word, but it just slipped out. She was so angry, and so confused. Charlotte had made it seem as if Barton was using this whole thing to try and take her as a mistress, but Barton had let her know, quite often, that was not the case. She wanted to ask him right now, but she knew now wasn’t the time.

  In her mind she knew he would think she was trying to stall what was about to happen. She didn’t want to stall the situation. She wanted to get it over with. Now.

  “I apologize for my words,” she said. “I am not happy with this situation.”

  “Very well,” Andrew said. He stood and offered his hand to his wife. “We shall allow you a few minutes to prepare in privacy. Darling?”

  Clarissa nodded, then reached under a pillow and pulled out a hairbrush. She handed it to Jonathan and the two of them left the room.

  Belinda stared at the brush. This would hurt much worse than his hand, and to have it done in front of others. She opened her mouth to argue, and then clasped it shut again. She would be damned if she would let him know how frightened she was.

  “Big of them to leave,” she said.

  “They are trying to spare you any undue embarrassment,” Jonathan replied. “You should take advantage of the time and bare your bottom while they are not here.”

  He stood and walked to a settee, sitting down in the middle. He sat the brush next to his right hand and watched her intently.

  Belinda smoothed her sweaty palms down her skirts and stood in front of him. He indicated that she should stand on his right side, and she did so.

  “Lower your bottoms,” he said softly.

  “Jonathan,” she whispered. “Please.”

  For just a moment, she saw sympathy pass over his face. Then, his features turned stern. The idea that he actually wanted her as his mistr
ess disappeared.

  “Now, Belinda. There is no out in this situation, you know that.”

  She nodded. She took a deep breath and put her hands under her skirts, unlacing her pantalets and pushing them to her knees. The sooner it started, the sooner it was over.

  Jonathan helped her settle across his lap. She shivered when he lifted her skirts and bared her bottom. His hand was warm against her bare skin as he caressed her behind.

  She forced herself to remain silent. She would give him no excuse to prolong this torture. He continued to caress her behind until the door to the study opened. Belinda tensed and started to rise, but Jonathan pushed her back into place.

  The room remained silent. Seconds later, the smooth side of the brush rubbed against her backside and Belinda gasped as the first stroke fell. The sound echoed in the room and the second one landed in the same spot.

  “Ow!” He delivered five more swats to the same cheek before moving to the second one. The swats were harsh and stung.

  Belinda fought back tears. She would be damned if she would let him, or his audience, see how this affected her. It stung, truly, but more than the stinging was the embarrassment of being over Jonathan’s knee, with her now reddened behind in the air while others watched.

  The brush continued to mark her behind as her mind reeled. Some of the strokes were harder than the others, and stung worse. But the outer pain was nothing compared to the things she was feeling inside.

  She truly thought for the first time how her harsh words and actions had affected young Clarissa. If she had felt half the embarrassment Belinda was feeling now, then she must have felt great pain from Belinda’s actions.

  “I’m sorry, Clarissa,” Belinda whispered, her tears finally falling. “Truly, I am. Please, believe me.”

  “Enough, Jonathan,” Clarissa said. Her voice was wobbly and Belinda knew that the duchess was as uncomfortable with this situation as Belinda was herself.

  “Are you sure?” Jonathan rubbed the brush against Belinda’s behind.


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