Alan Turing: The Enigma The Centenary Edition
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AMT learns 245, 249, 278, 285–6; see also Delilah;
and ACE plan 294, 328–9, 334;
lack of at NPL 338, 365–7, 376;
and Manchester computer 340, 349, 385, 391–4, 402–3, 478
Elizabeth II, Queen: as princess 371;
accession of 455
Ellis, H. Havelock 77, 458
embryology see under growth
Emmet, Dorothy 415
Empress of Scotland (ship) 253, 255, 273
endocrinology see hormones
engagement, to be married 206, 216, 264
engineering and applied science:
AMT’s mother’s family 3, 16, 23;
Morcom family 38, 49;
Beuttell family 56, 68, 136;
AMT and electrical engineering 140, 155, 181;
AMT and mechanical engineering 156–7;
then see electronic engineering
English Electric (company) 339, 366
ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator) 300–3;
influence 304, 306, 317, 335, 342, 347–8, 355, 365n;
as Turing machine 383, 385
Enigma (cipher machine):
description 166–70, 224;
general German use 147–8, 165;
indicator systems 171, 173;
use by German army 220, 223, 237;
German air force 185–6, 188–191, 200–1;
German navy 172, 187–90, 195–6, 198–201, 217–9, 222–4, 234, 243–4, 252, 260, 262–3, 288;
German security service 175, 187
Ennismore Avenue, Turing family home in see Guildford
Entscheidungs problem (of Hilbert, q.v.):
described 91–3;
AMT attacks 96–109;
and Church’s work 111–4;
related problems 143, 412
Eperson, D. B. 32, 34–5, 38, 43, 51, 129
Erewhon (Butler) 73–4, 361, 382, 406
Evening News 352
evidence, weight of 197, 250, 265–6, 344, 410n
examinations: Common Entrance 18–20;
at Sherborne 26;
School Certificate 31–2;
Higher Certificate 36–8, 50–1, 58;
Cambridge scholarship 42–44, 55, 57;
Cambridge degree (‘Tripos’) 60–1, 67, 88;
AMT is ‘B-star Wrangler’ 88;
doctorate, Princeton 131, 145;
AMT as examiner 145, 152, 482–3
Exeter 450, 490
extra-sensory perception 416
Faster than Thought (Bowden) 478–9
FBI 242, 498
Fellowship see under King’s College
Ferranti 393, 397, 399, 438, 441n, 446, 502n
Festival of Britain 446, 449, 540
Fibonacci numbers see numbers
Finistère (Peters) 486–7
fir cone 208, 281, 430, 435, 494
First World War: AMT as boy in 7;
reaction against 70, 87, 253;
ciphers in 146, 191
‘Fish’ (German cipher machine system) 228–30, 266–7, 276–8, 302, 312;
see also Colossus
Fisher, R. A. 197
floating-point numbers see numbers
flowers see plants; daisy
Flowers, T. H. 226–7, 265, 267–8, 290, 311–2, 317, 328, 336, 341–2
Foreign Office 146, 205, 234, 472n;
communications of 165, 236, 262;
see also GC and CS
formalism (in mathematics) 91, 425
Forrester, J. W. 354
Forster, E.M. 70–1, 73, 78, 254, 310, 388, 511–2, 518, 520, 524
four colour theorem 90n, 341, 341n
Fourier theory 134n, 278, 278n, 280
Fowler, Alex D. 249
Fowler, R.H. 95
Fox, Leslie 316, 344
France: AMT likes 10, 14–6, 18;
role in Enigma 157, 170, 185, 191–2, 194;
AMT in liberated Paris, 311–2;
holidays and saga-ettes 386, 396, 428, 448, 484–6
Frankel, S. 304
‘Fred’, see Clayton, F. W.
free-will see determinism
Freemasons, AMT sheds light on 68
Frege, G. 83–4, 91, 215
Freud, S., Freudian psychology 77, 459
Friedman, W. 248, 250, 252
Friends, Society of see Quakers
Fuchs, K. 499–500, 506
Furbank, P. N. (Nick) 388–9, 397, 415, 446, 483, 490–1, 496
Gabor, D. 345
Galileo 33–4, 418, 472
Gambier-Parry, R. 270, 287, 346
games: mathematical theory of 212–3, 373;
see also chess; draughts; Go; poker; Psychology; hockey; Presents
Gandy, Robin O.: meets AMT 186, 272–3;
as wartime colleague 279–80, 287, 289, 345, 355;
at Cambridge 371, 373, 381, 386, 388;
as friend, student and logician 396–7, 411, 428, 441, 446, 453, 459, 476–7, 479, 480, 482–5, 489–91, 494–6, 512;
writes of AMT 516, 520, 522
gastrulation 431–3, 437
Gauss 60, 83, 93, 134, 378
‘gay’ 448n; see sexuality
GC and CS (Government Code and Cypher School, at Bletchley Park 1939–1945):
origin 146–7;
AMT joins 148–9;
baffled by Enigma (q.v.) 147–8, 151
helped by Poland (q. v.) 157–8, 175–6
moves to Bletchley 160–1;
Enigma solved by Bombes (q. v.) 176–185;
problems of success 191–2;
AMT takes naval Enigma in Hut Eight (q.v.) 186–7;
is ‘creative anarchy’ 203–4;
has intellectual life 210–7;
Churchill’s role 205, 219–221, 240;
1942 crisis 222, 228;
AMT as chief analyst 228, 236–7;
coordination or lack of 217–8, 260–2;
relations with USA 235–6, 244, 260–3;
and battle of Atlantic (q.v.) 201, 217, 263;
electronics at 225–7, 231, 263, 267;
deadly secrecy of 237–40, 289; and computer plans 292, 294, 329, 331–3, 336;
post-war references 369, 374, 382–3, 410n, 448n;
see also GCHQ
GCHQ (Government Communications Headquarters) 386, 409, 438, 464, 496, 502n, 507–8
genetics 67–8, 384, 429, 431, 466
see also DNA
geometry: axioms of 41, 82;
also 90, 118, 161, 195
George V, King 109, 121, 462
George VI, King 122, 338, 455
Germany: AMT visits 52, 67, 88–90, 311–2, note 8.46;
anticipates war with 138, 144;
refugees from 86, 150–1, 480;
communications of see Enigma; ‘Fish’;
precursor of computer in 298–9;
see also Nazism; Second World War; Atlantic, battle of
Gervis H. S. 37, 52; Mrs Gervis 20
Gibraltar 48–9
Gillett, Miss 10, 51
Glass, S.J. 468–9
Gleason, Andrew M. 243, 355
Glennie, Alick E. 440–1, 478
Glorious (ship) 189
Gneisenau (ship) 189, 222
Go, game of 116, 128, 212, 249, 264, 443
Gödel, K. 92, 111, 115, 117–8, 133;
incompleteness of mathematics 92, 102, 125, 131, 133, 142–4, 495;
significance of this, if any 109, 144, 360–1, 378, 414–5, 419, 523, 540
Godier, Mme 14
Gold, T. 328, 375, 411, 512
Goldstine, H. H. 300, 355
Golia, F.L. 469
Golombek, Harry 227, 231–3, 265
Good, I.J. (Jack):
and naval Enigma 198, 204, 227–8;
and chess machines 212–4, 265, 360;
and ‘Fish’ 266, 277, 301;
writes on probability 344;
speculates with AMT 386–8, 391n, 411
p; Goodwin, E. T. (‘Charles’) 316, 337
Göttingen, AMT visits 89
Government Code and Cypher School
see GC and CS
Government Communications Headquarters
see GCHQ
Great War see First World War
Greece 486; Greek 22, 25
Greenbaum, Franz 480–2, 485, 488, 491, 496;
Greenbaum, Hilla and Maria 485–6
Grey Walter, W. 411–2, 446, 469, 469n
Griffith, R.J. 271
groups, algebraic theory of 81;
and AMT’s pre-war work 94–5, 118, 123, 126, 129–31;
and ciphers 81n, 172, 283;
and computers 293, 341;
and word problems 412, 441, 495;
and physics 81n, 495n
growth, biological 12–3, 207;
AMT’s theory of 429–437, 444–5, 447, 466, 476, 492–4; see also hormones
Growth and Form (D’Arcy Thompson) 207–8, 430
Guggenheim, V. 441
Guildford, Surrey: Turings move to 25;
as home from school 39, 44, 49, 58;
AMT visits from Cambridge 88, 109, 114, 126;
in war 206, 216; runs to 346;
visits from Manchester 439, 463–4, 488, 490, 509;
cremated near 528
Gypsy fortune-tellers 15, 496
Haeckel, E. 492n, 493
Haggard, Rider 6
Haldane, J. B. S. 150n, 403–4
Hale, Cheshire 157; AMT lodges at 395, 414
Hall, Admiral ‘Blinker’146
Hall, Philip 62, 94, 123, 130, 144–6, 440, 466, 473
Halsbury, Lord 438, 447
Halsey, R.J.290
Hanslope Park: AMT at 270–316;
revisits 345;
ambience of 270–2, 279–80, 286;
see also Delilah
Hardy, G.H. 60, 117–8;
contact with AMT 117, 155, note 2.11;
compared with AMT 118, 396, 440, 492, 521;
quoted on mathematics 61, 93–4, 120, 135
Hardy, Thomas 207
Harris, Arthur J.M. 22, 54, 59
Harris, David E.B. 54
Harrison, J. Fraser, AMT judged by 471–2
Harrison, Kenneth P. 62, 73–4, 79, 85, 88, 94, 156–7
Hartree, D. R.:
and differential analyser 155, 306, 335;
and ACE 306, 307n, 333, 335, 342, 347–8, 355, 357, 407;
and Manchester computer 341;
and Cambridge computer 342, 351
Harvard University: relay calculator at 299, 300, 302, 306–7, 408;
AMT attends conference at, 353, 356
Hazelhurst (prep. school) 7, 10;
AMT at 10–9, 416
headmasters see Nowell Smith; Boughey
Heatley, Norman G. 43
Hilbert, David 60, 252;
quoted 60, 135, 472, 520;
and foundations of mathematics 82–4;
Hilbert programme 90–4;
Hilbert space 80–1;
see also Entscheidungs problem
Hilton, Peter J. 227, 231–3, 240, 412
Himmler 254
Hiscocks, E. S. 307, 335n, 355, 368
hockey 11, 121, 128, 142
Hodge, W. V. D. 341
Hodgkin, Dorothy 410
Hogben, Lancelot 73, 120, 124, 303
Hogg, Peter 48, 52, 54, 58–9
Hollerith machinery see punched cards
‘Hollymeade’, AMT’s Wilmslow home, life at 426–8, 444, 452–5, 480, 484, 490–1
Home Guard 231–2
Home Office, Secretaries 71, 497, 504–5
homosexuality see sexuality
Hooson, Emlyn, AMT accused by 471–2
hormones, sexual 26, 405; treatment with 467–474, 476, 486, 505, 505n
Hoskin, N. E. 440
Hotelling, H. 344
housemaster see O’Hanlon, G.
Huskey, Harry D. 355, 365, 367, 372
Hut Eight (GC and CS, Bletchley Park):
AMT starts naval Enigma 186, 188–9;
develops new statistical methods 196–7;
more staff 195, 198, 227;
1941 successes 198–201, 217–9;
relations with Navy 187–8, 201–2;
AMT as organiser 204, 227;
complaints to Churchill 220–1;
U-boat Enigma lost 224–5;
Mediterranean war 234;
Hugh Alexander takes over 227, 262, 268;
marred victory 262–3
Huxley, Aldous see Brave New World
Hydra 435, 444
hydrogen bomb 302n, 413, 510, 519, 526
IAS (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton): before war 86, 117;
computer at 342–3, 355–6, 367n, 390n, 413
IBM 243, 299, 391n
Ibsen 74, 494
Iconoscope 321, 343, 356, 413
imaginary numbers see numbers
imitation game 266, 415, 417
index register (on computers) 393n
India, Indian Civil Service 2–5, 15–6, 25, 369
indicators (in cipher systems) 164, 171, 173, 185, 327
information, mathematical theory of 250, 410–1
Ingham, A. E. 62, 130, 133
inquest, on AMT’s death 488
Institute for Advanced Study see IAS
Institution of Radio Engineers 347, 352
instructions, instruction tables:
and Turing machine 106–8, 125, 292–5;
and Colossus 277, 301;
and Babbage 297–8, 302;
and ENIAC 302;
internal storage of 302–3;
and ACE 318, 320–8;
modification of 324, 359–60;
then see under programming
integers see numbers, theory of; Peano axioms
intelligence, human, concept of discussed 362–3, 424–6
intelligence, machine see under brain
Intelligence, Military, British see under GC and CS; also secret service (for MI6); security service (for MI5)
Intelligent Machinery (AMT’s 1948 NPL report) 377–86, 388, 416
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy (Russell) 81–5
iodine, iodates 18, 22, 39, 51–2, 56, 76
Ireland: AMT’s mother and 3, 4, 16, 132;
holidays 53, 67
Irvine, Lyn see Newman, Lyn
Italy, communications of 147–8, 187, 262, 268
Jabberwocky (Carroll) 66
‘James’ see Atkins, James H.
Japan, communications of 147–8, 234
Jeans, J. 40, 49, 51
Jefferson, G. 404–6, 423, 438–9, 450–2
Jeffries, John R. F. 161, 182
‘Joan’see Clarke, Joan
Johnson, S. Neville 373–4, 387, 396, 426, 464–5, 491, 503
Jones, R. V. 177–8, 204, 423
Jones, W. T. 136–7, 142
Jowett, Lord 505n
Jung, C. G., Jungian psychology 480, 481n, 515, 520
K-ray lighting system 56, 114–5
Karl (refugee boy) 150–1
Keen, H. (‘Doc’) 181, 227, 262n, 267
Keen, R. (‘Dick’) 272
Kendrick, A. M. 147, 195
Keynes, J. Maynard 70, 87, 94, 369;
moral philosophy of 70–1, 137, 309, 499, 518, 524
Kilburn, T. 390, 392, 398, 409
King’s College, Cambridge:
scholarship to 57–9;
AMT resident at 59–115, 133–6, 149–59, 370–89, 396–7, 446;
rows for 62;
Studentship, Fellowship at 88, 94, 144–5, 290, 370, 395, 397, 453, 466;
moral and social ambience 70, 74, 78, 87, 126–7, 149, 371;
as hall of heresy 483, 500, 509, 524;
links with GC and CS 147, 161;
web of connections with 155, 186, 198, 209, 230, 264, 273, 442
Kinsey, A. C. 459, 461
Kirwan, Evelyn W. (née Stoney) (aunt),
and family 4, 6
Kjell from Norway, Kjell crisis 476, 483, 494;
significance of 503
Kleene, S. C. 112, 114–5, 117–8, 129, 133
Knightsbridge barracks 58, 397
knitting, AMT’s efforts at 207
Knoop, L. 54, 57
Knox, A. Dillwyn 147, 151, 157, 161, 187, 208, 268
Knutsford, Cheshire 471
Labour party 307–8, 310–1, 362
Lake district 75, 269, 387
lambda-calculus 112, 114, 125, 129, 133, 401n
language, natural, used by computer 382–3, 423–4, 478
languages, programming 326, 332, 358, 367, 372, 401, 478
Laplace 64
Latin 8, 29, 30, 32, 239
law, criminal, on homosexuality 77, 458, 461–2, 466–7, 482;
change of 457, 479, 525n, 534n
learning, learning machines: 266, 358–61, 378–82, 416–7, 442–3, 450–2;
related to brain physiology 360, 379, 436
Lee, W. H. (‘Jumbo’) 271–2, 345, 366;
and Mrs Lee 279–80
Lefschetz, S. 117, 145
Leicester 428, 489, 495
level of description, in science, 64, 96, 107–8, 291, 372;
AMT’s definitions 383–4;
as used in Mind paper 405, 418–26, 522;
and in morphogenesis 432, 434
Levy, H. 404
liberalism 70–5, 264, 308–11, 425, 464, 524
Life Force (Shaw) see under Spirit
Lighthill, M. J. 444, 447, 477
lighting, electric 56, 68–9
Lind-Smith, G. 471–2
Lindeberg 88
Littlewood, J. E. 135
lobotomy 405, 470
Lockspeiser, B. 393
logic, mathematical:
AMT introduced to by
Russell 81–6;
introduced to Hilbert programme by Newman 90–4;