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Saving the Preacher's Daughter (Dogs of Fire: Savannah Chapter #1)

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by Piper Davenport

  I stared at him. I couldn’t believe that a couple enjoying a romantic dinner would register on the things that would ‘ruin’ Brad’s evening. It bothered me. Enough that I sat quietly and picked at my salad. I couldn’t stop covertly glancing at the other table. They were so in love. She giggled a lot while he whispered to her, close to her ear, kissing her cheek, her neck, her lips.

  My heart raced and my nether regions tingled. Good Lord, he was sexy.

  “Willow,” Brad rasped.

  “Sorry, what?” I asked.

  He sighed. “You’re angry with me.”

  “No, not at all.”

  “Why are you so quiet, then? I usually have to ask you to stop talking.”

  I forced myself not to scowl at him. “Would you excuse me for a minute? I have to use the ladies’ room.”

  I rose to my feet (as did Brad) and I headed to the bathroom. I was suddenly so angry I could spit. Not the appropriate emotion for a future senator’s wife.

  As I was washing my hands, the lady with the sexy man walked in. She gave me a lovely smile and said, “I absolutely love your dress.”

  She was British. Of course she was. She simply oozed class.

  “Thank you so much,” I said. “I was thinking the same thing of yours.”

  “My husband surprised me with it today... along with a weekend away without the children.”

  “That’s so sweet,” I said. “You look very happy together.”

  She nodded, her expression growing dreamy. “He’s the best man I’ve ever known.”

  “Have you ever been to Savannah before?”

  “No. It’s beautiful. I feel like three days won’t be enough time.”

  We chatted for a few more minutes and I gave her a few “locals” favorites, then headed back to the table, nearly running into her husband.

  “Sorry, babe. Didn’t mean to startle you,” he said.

  “You didn’t.” I smiled.

  “My wife still in there?”

  I nodded. “Yes.”

  “You okay?”

  “Yes. Ah...” I frowned. “Sorry, I’m being rude.”

  “How exactly are you being rude?”

  “I’ve been taught staring is rude.”

  “I’m flattered you’re starin’ at me,” he joked.

  “It’s just that you look very familiar to me.”

  He crossed his arms. “Oh, yeah?”

  “I can’t quite place it.”

  “Well, since I’ve never been to Savannah, I’d imagine it’s not me who’s familiar.”

  I sighed. “Maybe not.”

  “Hatch, stop flirting.”

  I turned to see the blonde walking toward us. Hatch chuckled. “Was makin’ sure you didn’t fall in.”

  “Oh, you’re hilarious,” she retorted.

  I blushed... again. “Well, I should get back to my fiancé.”

  “He’s a handsome young man,” the blonde said.

  “Thank you.”

  “I’m Maisie, by the way,” she said, reaching her hand out.

  I shook it and smiled. “Willow.”

  “Oh, that’s such a gorgeous name,” she breathed out.

  “Thank you. Mama loved it as well,” I said, my heart a little sad. “I really hope you enjoy Savannah. I certainly love living here.”

  “Thank you for the suggestions,” she said.

  “You’re welcome.” I left them in the hallway and made my way back to the table. Brad stood as I approached and held my chair for me, leaning down to kiss my cheek quickly before taking his own.

  I was a little surprised... he never showed me any kind of affection in public. I liked it. I liked it very much.

  Hatch and Maisie returned to their table a few minutes after me and Maisie shot me a sweet smile. I focused back on Brad and we finished our dinner.

  Once Brad paid the check, we rose to leave just as Hatch called out, “Nice to meet you, Willow.”

  I smiled, but Brad looked like he was about to combust. “Let’s go,” he snapped.

  I glanced at Hatch, I don’t know why, but when I did, I saw his expression form a scary glare toward my fiancé. He moved to leave the table, but Maisie grabbed his arm.

  I gasped, ignoring Brad’s order. “Give me a second,” I said, and walked to their table.

  “You okay, babe?” Hatch asked.


  “Your... companion. Not likin’ the way he’s talkin’ to you.”

  “Oh, he’s fine. He blusters sometimes.” I waved my hand dismissively. “Were you ever in San Diego?”

  “Used to live there.”

  “Do you have a Harley... um... Fatboy?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Because I think I’ve met you... in a mall parking... I’m not sure where. I was little, but I remember a motorcycle and running toward it, and then the next day we went to Disneyland.”

  “Were you with your mom? And you told me it was mean to say ‘fat.’”

  “Yes,” I said excitedly. “It was you! I knew I’d never forget your eyes.”

  He grinned. “Oh, yeah?”

  “You do have lovely eyes, darling,” Maisie said.

  “Willow,” Brad growled, taking my arm. “We’re leaving. Now.”

  “You need to get your hands off her,” Hatch warned.

  Brad released me immediately.

  I could feel unadulterated rage pouring off my fiancé, so I slid my purse over my shoulder and smiled at Hatch and Maisie. “Well, it was very nice to meet you both. I hope you enjoy your visit.”

  “Thanks, love,” Maisie said.

  Hatch nodded, but continued to watch Brad closely as he turned and started toward the doors. I followed, a little apprehensive about his irritation, but not regretting having met the couple.

  * * *


  Saturday afternoon, I was sittin’ on one of the club’s sofas, knockin’ back my second beer, new girl on my lap (I think her name was Annette), and she’d just given me the blow job of a lifetime... hence the reason she was currently on my lap. If she was gonna work that hard to suck my dick, she deserved a little more quality time with me.

  “Dash!” Badger bellowed.

  I didn’t move. “What?”

  My fellow club brother stalked toward me. “Hatch and his woman are walkin’ in.”

  “Shit.” I set Annette aside and rose to my feet. “He’s early.”

  “Yeah, man, I fuckin’ know.”

  “Where’s Doc?”

  “He’s runnin’ late. He asked us to ‘entertain.’”

  “Fuck,” I breathed out. “Hatch’s woman’s high-class.”

  Badger laughed. “Yeah, but she married Hatch, so she’s gotta be cool... right?”

  I glanced around the clubhouse. Pool table, bar, TVs with some football game on, and half-dressed women makin’ out with half-baked and/or drunk club brothers. “Let’s hope so,” I grumbled, and we headed toward the front doors.

  Hatch Wallace was the Sgt. at Arms for the Dogs of Fire in Portland... the original chapter. He’d been in the San Diego chapter before moving to Portland, and he was now visiting Savannah. He’d been close buddies with Doc, our VP, so the official word was he’d decided to come out and assist with some club business, and bring Maisie for a few days to see the sights. That’s all we knew, but I had a feeling something else was goin’ on.

  Hatch walked in ahead of his woman, but had her hand in his as they stepped into the lobby area of the clubhouse. Fuck me, his woman was smokin’. She was about five-feet-seven, blonde, legs for days, and she wore clothes that looked like they cost more than my bike. Shit, her sunglasses alone probably cost more than everything I own.

  Introductions were made and Hatch pulled a jump drive from his pocket. “Doc’s runnin’ late,” he said. “I told him I’d drop this by so he could look at it before we hook up with everyone at Barney’s.”

  Barney’s was our favorite hole-in-the-wall bar and pool hall. When we wanted
to meet up with friends who weren’t club brothers, or were members of other clubs, we went there. Barney’s was known by all as neutral ground for all clubs, and tonight a bunch of us were meetin’ to play pool and shoot the shit.

  “He’s gonna be here in twenty,” I said. “You wanna wait?”

  Hatch shook his head. “Promised Maisie we’d do some sightseeing shit.”

  “Oh, nice, love,” she deadpanned, speaking like the fuckin’ Queen of England. “Blame me.”

  He laughed. “Do I look like a man interested in touring every haunted mansion in Savannah?”

  “If you know what’s good for you, you will.”

  I forced myself not to grin. This bitch was hot and funny. Wicked combination.

  “He can call me if he has any questions, but tell ’im I’ll probably ignore him.”

  Badger chuckled. “Okay, man.”

  “It was lovely to meet you both,” Maisie said.

  “You too, babe,” I said.

  “We’ll see you tonight,” Hatch said, and headed back out the way he came.

  I walked back into the common room to find my chick had moved on to another brother, so I grabbed a fresh beer and joined Badger at the pool table.

  * * *


  Saturday morning, I awoke with a heavy heart. Brad and I had had a pretty intense discussion last night and he’d left me on my doorstep without a kiss.

  He was angry with me that I’d spoken with Hatch. It was not appropriate for a senator’s wife to ‘associate with those kinds of people.’ When I pointed out I wasn’t his wife yet, his face got a strange strangled look on it, and he’d turned and walked to his car. He didn’t stay and hash it out. He didn’t let me give him my point of view. He just left.

  I remember stomping my foot in frustration before letting myself into the house. The thing about Brad was he was always well-behaved. He never raised his voice, he wouldn’t do more than chastely kiss me, he never displayed public affection. His emotions were always controlled. Basically... he never showed passion of any kind and it was beginning to wear thin. Really thin.

  “Button?” Dad called from his office as I walked downstairs for breakfast.

  I peeked inside. “Hi, Dad. You’re up early.”

  “I have to head to church in a bit.”

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Of course. I just have to get some papers to Eleanor to copy for tomorrow’s sermon.” He smiled. “Did you have fun last night?”

  I sighed. “Honestly? Not really.”

  I filled him in on the entire evening and he smiled. “You’ll work it out.”

  I nodded. “I know. I just wish he’d show some Christian kindness, you know?”

  “He’s just trying to protect you, honey. Cut him some slack.”

  “I will,” I said, although, I wasn’t sure I was telling the truth. “Want some coffee?”

  “I’ve already had two cups.” He pushed away from his desk. “I should head out.”

  “I’ll swing by in a few hours and see if there’s anything I can help with.”

  He cupped my face. “You’re a good girl, Willow.”

  “My daddy raised me right.”

  “Oh, did he? Remind me to thank him should I ever meet the man,” he said smiling playfully. He kissed my cheek and left the room.

  I heard the lock on the door clank and then his car leave the garage. For the next three hours, I puttered around the house, checking my phone at least twenty times. No texts from Brad, and no responses to the three I’d sent.

  Deciding I was done feeling sorry for myself, I grabbed my purse and took off to the church. There was always something happening on the weekends, so I was sure I could find something there with which to occupy my time.

  About two miles from my destination, I felt a jolt and then my car rocked sideways and I knew I’d blown a tire. “Great!” I hissed. This was all I needed.

  I really didn’t want to get dirty changing a tire, but it was either that or walk to the church, and it was surface of the sun hot today, so I didn’t have much of a choice.

  I limped my car to the side of the road and popped the trunk, sliding out and walking to the back. After grabbing the jack and tire iron, I hefted the donut onto the pavement and slid my keys into my jeans pocket. Before I had a chance to hunker down, a roar had me looking toward the church... a motorcycle and its occupant was heading my way, probably coming from the bar.

  I tented my hand over my eyes and watched as he pulled his bike up next to me. My heart raced as he climbed off and removed his helmet. Good lord, the man was beautiful. I shivered, suddenly feeling very guilty that I’d just thought that.

  “You need some help?” he asked.

  “No thank you.”

  He smiled and I found myself swallowing convulsively. “How about I change that tire for you and get you on your way before you melt?”

  “I’m quite capable of changing my own tire.”

  “Don’t doubt it, babe, but I happen to hold the record of quickest tire changer, and that’s on a semi, so figure I could do it for you.”

  I bit my lip, trying not to smile. “Did you get a major award?”

  “Fifty bucks, but no trophy or leg lamp. Felt a little gipped, to be honest. That lamp woulda looked great at the compound.”

  “Fifty dollars is a nice chunk of change.”

  He chuckled. “Bought a lot of beer.”

  “I’m sure you did.”

  He slid his leather jacket off and set it on the hood of my car. “Can’t in good conscience leave you out here to fend for yourself.”

  He brushed past me, and before I knew it, my old tire was in my trunk, as were the jack and tire iron, and he was brushing off his hands as he approached me again.

  “Wow,” I said. “You weren’t kidding.”

  He chuckled. “My name’s Dash.”

  “Willow,” I said. “Thank you for doing that. Can I pay you?”

  “Hell, no. Just drive slow on that donut ’til you can get a replacement tire.”

  “I will.”

  “You have far to go?”

  I shook my head. “Just heading to the church.”

  “Right. Well, you drive slow, Willow.”

  “Thanks. I will.”

  I climbed back in my car and headed to church... my mind on a man who more than likely would never step foot in one. I walked into the building and peeked into my dad’s office.

  “Hey, sweetheart, everything okay?”

  I nodded. “I was moping, so I thought I could come and help with the kids.”

  “There’s my girl.” He looked at his watch. “Bible study’s going to start in about five minutes, I’m sure they could use you. A few extras showed up.”

  I nodded, deciding against telling my dad about the flat tire. If Dad knew I’d let a biker help me change it, I’d probably get an earful, so I figured I’d run down to Wal Mart on the way home and have them deal with it.

  “I’ll see you later.”

  “Okay, honey,” he said, and I headed to the nursery.


  A week after the incident with the sexy as fuck Willow, I backed my bike into a space in front of the bar and set my helmet over the handlebars before heading inside. Badger was hangin’ with Shutter and Fletch in the back, so I walked toward them, stopping at the bar for a beer on the way.

  Badger gave me a chin lift. “Hey, man.”

  “Hey. You get that shit sorted with the delivery?”

  “Yeah. Doc’s happy.”

  I nodded. “Cool.”

  The Dogs ran a few bars and nightclubs in the area and we’d been dealing with some issues with liquor delivery... there were a couple assholes who considered themselves part of the Dixie Mafia. They weren’t mafia, so much as pains in the asses. The Mafia didn’t claim them, but they certainly wanted to be part of it, so they continued to create trouble for the Club and other business owners in the area.

  We racked a gam
e of pool just as Hatch walked in with Doc and Doc’s current obsession, Olivia Worthington. She was hot, and she seemed okay I guess, but she came from money, and none of us could figure out why Doc was chasing after her so hard. He’d always said he hated southern belles and their penchants for snobbery, and it wasn’t like he needed her money.

  Hatch was stayin’ for another week to help deal with the delivery shit, but his woman had gone back to Portland to take care of the kids.

  Everyone said their hellos and Doc headed to the bar to grab a drink for Olivia... that was when all hell broke loose.

  The front door of the bar slammed open and a woman screamed, “Help me!” over the din of the music and voices. I stalked toward her and realized it was Willow. She was covered in blood, and clearly in shock, so I grabbed her gently and pulled her further into the bar.

  “Ow,” she squeaked, and I realized the blood was hers.

  “What happened?” I demanded.

  “Someone shot my dad,” she rasped.

  “Fuck me!” Hatch snapped. “Willow?”

  “You know her?” I asked.

  “We met a while ago,” he said. “Doc, you got your shit?”

  Doc was already moving to the door.

  Willow fisted her hand in my shirt. “Help.”

  I laid my hand over hers and nodded. “I’m gonna help you.”

  “No. Daddy. Someone shot him.”

  “Badger!” I yelled over my shoulder. “Get a crew to the church, make sure you’re armed.”

  “On it,” he said, and gathered the Dogs and a few guys from the Predators’ crew, while I guided Willow to a chair.

  She tried to move around me, but I held firm. “Wait, Willow, I need to check you―”

  “No!” She pushed at my hands.

  “Is there somewhere private we can go?” Olivia asked.

  “Right,” I said.

  Willow craned her head toward the front door. “I need to check on―”

  “No,” I ground out. “We need to figure out where you’re bleeding from.”

  She pushed at me again. “There were two.”

  “We’re gonna figure it out, honey,” Olivia promised.

  Willow’s face drained of color, and considering I was fairly familiar with the look, I caught her as she passed out. “Shit!” I hissed.

  “Back here, Dash,” Raven, one of the bartenders, said. “Bring her into the office.”


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