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Dream a Little Dream of Me

Page 10

by Daniels, Cobie

  They walked and landed on their favorite bench in front of the Governor’s Palace. Kelsey tucked into Jason’s side, reminiscing of the past thirteen years. All the things they had done, the places they had seen, and the travel they had experienced. They laughed and reflected on how quick time seemed to be passing them by. It was hard not to stay focused on all the good things, but there was the cloud of uncertainty and the sharp pain that seemed to find itself in the middle of the tender moments like these, a pain and uncertainty that was brought on by a miscarriage six months prior to their anniversary. Jason pulled Kelsey close as they sat in a quiet solace, watching the other tourists walk by.

  Looking down at the ground, kicking some pebbles, the words just flowed out of Kelsey, “I’m still so sad, Jason.” Immediately looking at her and putting his finger under her chin, he lifted her gaze to him, lovingly kissing her forehead, then her lips. Once again he knew how to make her feel so cherished.

  “Kels, I wish I could make the pain and the disappointment stop. Just please know that I hurt right along with you.”

  “What if we never get pregnant again? It was six months ago. It’s not like we haven't been trying?”

  He traced his thumb softly over her lips. “It will happen when it’s suppose to happen.” Kelsey remained quiet as he continued, “If it ends up being just you and me walking this planet together, then so be it. As long as I’m with you, nothing else matters. Do you hear me?” Kelsey nodded her head yes while her eyes filled with tears. She threw her arms around him and held him close. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you,” she said quietly.

  “Oh, quite the contrary, love. I thank God every day that he gave you to me. How he ever saw me fit to be your husband still astounds me thirteen years later.”

  “Let’s start heading back and enjoy our room at the inn. How does that sound?” Kelsey leaned in, kissing him long and hard.

  “Sounds perfect.”

  One of the evening ghost tours was beginning in front of the Bruton Parish Church. As they walked by, Kelsey couldn’t help but stop and listen to the tour guide, in full colonial dress, as she spoke of the ghost that frequented the streets and buildings of Merchants’ Square. “It’s not uncommon on a quiet night like this to hear the cries of the infant daughter of Ann Burgess, as her mother sweetly sings her to sleep. For it was in childbirth that both daughter and mother lost their lives, and now their spirits roam the streets of the town trying to find their way back to their home in Isle of Wight, England.”

  In that instant, at the very sound of a location she had not been to in twenty years, her head jerked back in the direction of the tour guide’s voice. “You alright, Kels?” Jason asked, as he felt her reaction.

  “Yeah, it’s just that story is so sad, and hearing her say the Isle of Wight, England, just brings back a flood of memories of the weekend I spent there.”

  “Ah, you mean that summer you spent in England and put me through the torture of waiting for your official yes that you would marry me?” he said with a clever smile on his face.

  “You had not officially asked me or given me a ring, so I think the torture worked both ways,” she shot back with her own clever smile.

  They entered the inn with fingers entwined and approached the door of their suite. But before Jason opened the door, he pressed Kelsey against it and landed a passionate and demanding kiss, allowing his hands to travel up her sides, over her breasts, and then in her hair. Sucking all the air out of her lungs, Jason pulled back and rested his forehead on hers while they caught their breath. Kelsey opened her eyes and found Jason staring at her.

  “What?” she asked breathlessly.

  “Eighteen years later, even after thirteen years of marriage, you still do things to me, Kelsey. Kissing you like this reminds me how lucky I am.”

  Using both her hands, Kelsey held Jason’s head, kissed his forehead, his nose and lips, then slowly let her hands slide down to his pants where she deliberately began to unbuckle his belt, unbutton his pants, and push the zipper down.

  “Open the door, Jason,” she said breathlessly into his ear.

  He fumbled for the card, waved it across the magnetic strip, and they were in. Seconds later the “do not disturb” sign was slapped on the outside door handle. They landed hard on the four- poster, king-size bed, each taking a turn removing an article of clothing from one another. Kelsey pushed herself from the bed and slowly removed his shoes, then his socks; Jason, in turn, got up and began kissing the back of her neck, slowly taking off her necklace. Then removing her long dangling earrings, he kissed each earlobe and slowly unzipped the red dress that hugged her body so well. As he did, he allowed his forefinger to leisurely trace down to the base of her spine where he saw her black thong. He leaned into her ear and whispered, “You wore my favorite thong, I see.”

  “Well, you did pack my bags for me,” she responded with a half smile on her lips. He placed himself in front of her where they looked in each other’s eyes, and Kelsey began to unbutton his dress shirt. As she did, she replaced each button with a kiss on his chest. The farther down she traveled, Jason’s breath hitched. “Jesus, Kelsey.” As she pushed his shirt off his shoulders, she reached into his open slacks and stroked his very present erection with her hands. Jason hissed a breath and grabbed her hands. “Oh no you don’t,” Kelsey laughed as he spun her around and pushed her dress off her shoulders and let it drop at her feet. With her standing in a strapless black bustier, black thong, and black heels, it was all Jason could do to stay in control.

  “Oh my god, Kels, you are a vision.” Jason removed his pants and boxers, reached for the clip that was holding up her hair and unsnapped it, letting her caramel-colored tresses fall around her shoulders. Then reaching his splayed hand around to the front of Kelsey’s belly he slowly pulled her to him, so that her back was to his front, and began to kiss her shoulder and neck as he removed the rest of her clothing. Kelsey was on fire in each spot he touched with his lips. His hands continued to explore her body as he asked, “Do you remember the first time we made love, Kelsey?” Barely able to answer, she managed a yes. He continued, “It was so tender and so sweet and so deep. I’ll never forget the privilege of becoming the first to love you this way. The way you feel in my hands, in my mouth: I will never get enough of this with you.”

  Kelsey was a completely undone by him. The level of connection that one could feel with another human being, let alone her husband, was something many women simply dreamed about. Kelsey was living it. “Jason, I need you right now, please.”

  He let out a little laugh. “Patience, my love,” he whispered into her ear before nibbling her earlobe. He carefully and slowly bent her over the bed. “Leave your heels on,” he breathed into her ear. Jason moved behind her, slowly massaging the inside of her thighs, then moving his hand around to her front to find her center where he put in two fingers. “Oh, you’re so wet and ready for me.” He continued to slowly stroke his two fingers then added a third, hitting the spot. Taking his other hand, he used two fingers to roll her nipple. He was bringing her closer as she began to moan his name. “Jason?” “Yes, Kelsey, what do you need? “You know what I need,” she huffed out as he pressed and rubbed more intensely.

  He felt the spasms around his fingers as she bore down hard cried out. As she continued to come down, Jason entered her from behind replacing his hand with his hard cock. Kelsey gasped from the pleasure and the pressure as he began to move hard. His thrust became more desperate as he reached and took Kelsey’s long hair in his grasp and pulled as he moved. Kelsey cried out from the satisfaction as they both climaxed together. They collapsed on the bed, sweaty and still coming down from the after shocks; Jason wrapped himself around Kelsey, tenderly kissing her breast and lips. “I think the orgasm score is now settled,” he said with his eyes closed and a slight chuckle.

  “Mmhmm, maybe,” she said with her eyes closed as well and a teasing smile on her face. As they lay in quiet sated moments for a little lo
nger, Kelsey finally cleared her throat.


  “Yes, Kelsey?”

  “Can I take my heels off now?”

  He laughed, “Allow me.” He sat up, bent over her body and removed both heels and dropped them to the floor. As he came back up with the sheet, he kissed her hip then her shoulder then her lips and pulled her close as they both slipped off into a blissful sleep.

  They both awoke at seven a.m. to the strips of sunlight filtering through the cracks in the curtains. Kelsey rubbed her eyes as they both stretched and yawned. She shot up as she remembered. “Oh my gosh! Jason, your gift!” She jumped out of bed and grabbed the plush hotel robe and ran over to her large purse that held everything needed to survive the apocalypse. Grabbing the package, she jumped on the bed like it was Christmas morning. Jason sat up against the pillows and the headboard.

  “I truly hope you like it,” Kelsey said, biting her thumbnail and intently watching Jason open the package, waiting for his reaction. Jason’s eyes lit up as he slowly realized that he was holding the Tag Heuer Carrera watch that he’d walked by and admired so many times. “Kelsey! It’s amazing! No, it’s beyond amazing. I cannot believe you got me this!”

  Kelsey let out a sign of relief. “You really like it? You’re not just saying it, right?”

  “Kels, this is so awesome.” He reached for her, pulling her close. She placed her hands on her his chest as he leaned in for a kiss. “I haven't bushed my teeth yet,” she pleaded.

  “I don't care,” was all he gave her as he took her, pushed her hair back and began to kiss her chastely all over her face. “I love that you bought me something that I would’ve only admired from afar but never would’ve spent the money on for myself. I love that you looked so nervous while I opened it and worried I wouldn't like it. I love you, Kels, and I truly hope you know that you could have bought me nothing, and I would have been absolutely okay with that.”

  She placed her hand on his face, cradling his right cheek. “There was no way I was going to show up with nothing! I’m just thrilled you’re happy with it.”

  “I have the best life Kels, and you are all my reasons why.”

  They held each other, admiring the craftsmanship of such a gorgeous watch, and finally decided to get breakfast when both of their stomachs let out growls. They ordered room service with the plan of going nowhere. Jason spent the late morning returning some phone calls to his work site crews who diligently were working on the stadium being built for the new MLS team. The stadium was due to open in March of 2014. Jason had officially taken over their family construction company in 2005 when his father retired. While his father had created a highly successful commercial company, Jason was able to land the construction bid for the new stadium, making it the biggest contract in company history. He was completely confident in his crew and knew that they had the talent and work ethic to get the job done and done right.

  After enjoying their breakfast together, Jason got Mac on the phone. “How are we looking on our deadline?”

  “Everything’s perfectly on time, Mr. B. You just enjoy some time away. You’ve earned it.”

  “Good! Keep me posted. I’m only an hour away if you need me, but only if it’s an emergency, you got it?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  With that Jason ended the call and looked over at Kelsey who was lying across the bed, wearing a white tank top and lace panties. She had her headphones on and was reading her book. He slid into bed with her. As he grabbed her hand and began by kissing her palm and working his way up, she placed the book down, removed her headphones, and sank into the pillows as the slow sensual kisses took over her entire body.

  “Oh, did I disturb you?” Jason asked in between kisses.

  Barely audible, Kelsey responded, “Not at all, why do you ask?”

  “You just seem really into your book. While I was on the phone, I looked over and saw you all alone in bed; I couldn't resist coming over to check on you.”

  Jason slowly pulled her tank top down and freed her right breast from the constraints of her matching lace bra, taking the now-exposed nipple into his mouth. Kelsey threw her head back. “Jason, are we ever going to leave the room today?”

  Jason laughed, “Not unless you have somewhere to be, cause I’m not going anywhere.”

  They stayed wrapped in the sheets and in each other until dusk, when they finally decided that room service and turning in early was the only way they would recover from such a beautiful anniversary weekend.

  They checked out late Sunday morning from the hotel and made a quick stop by the office. There were a few employees working extra hours to keep the stadium on schedule. Jason never had a problem with paying his men overtime when it came to projects like this. He knew if he took care of them, they would let their work show for it. Kelsey ran in to use the bathroom while Jason grabbed some paperwork and spoke to the guys. When she came out, she saw Jason talking to Mac and someone she didn’t recognize. As Kelsey approached, Mac let out a holler, “Well, well look at you, misses, looking as lovely as ever I see.”

  Kelsey could not help but blush, and Jason always got kick out of that. “Hello, Mac. As always, the pleasure is mine.”

  Jason put his arm around Kelsey. “Mac was just admiring my anniversary present, Kels.”

  “It’s a gorgeous piece, Mrs. B. You did good!”

  “Thank you, Mac.”

  Kelsey looked over at the young stranger who never said a word the whole time. “Oh, let me introduce you, Kelsey, to Michael James Dupree, our newest employee. Mac has been teaching him the ropes of what it means to be a safe and sane dump truck driver.”

  Both reaching out to shake hands at the same time, Kelsey noticed that Michael had a hard time making eye contact. “A true pleasure to meet you, Michael.”

  Mac began to brag on the young man. “He’s doing a damn fine job learning the ropes. He’s patient, hard working, and may just be promoted to his own dump truck in the very near future.” Kelsey was shocked that Michael showed no emotion to all the accolades except for a half smile that never seemed to consume his face.

  “That’s very exciting to hear, Michael. Congratulations!”

  Jason beamed while giving him a soft slap on the shoulder. “Keep it up.”

  As they said their goodbyes, Kelsey tried to shake a raw feeling that came over her about Michael. Jason could feel her stiffen when they walked back to the truck. “What’s wrong, babe? And don't say nothing because I know better.”

  “What is the story with Michael?”

  Jason grabbed the handle of the door. “Hop in the truck, and I’ll explain on the way home.”

  As they rode, Jason told her the story of their latest hire, Michael James Dupree. He was twenty-one and being given a second chance by the judge after modeling good behavior in federal prison for the past two years. His rap sheet was extensive and began way back when he was in middle school. When he came in and asked Jason for a job, what he was really asking for was a new beginning. He’d told Jason his story and promised he would do whatever he had to do, work however hard he had to work, to never go back to a federal prison. His days of moving drugs across state lines were over. Jason was struck by his candor and his sincerity. He hired him with conditions and put him in the passenger seat of the dump truck crew with Mac, the head driver. Mac didn't pull any punches and understood about second chances. Jason knew that he could be a good mentor for Michael.

  Forty minutes later, they pulled into the driveway. Jedi immediately trotted over to the fence to welcome them home. Kelsey had stayed in silent reflection of Jason’s story for most of the trip, and now she just sat and stared out the truck window as Jason held her hand. “Promise me you’ll be careful with him, Jas. I know you’ve given other employees second chances, and it’s worked out, but from what you’re telling me, his history goes beyond recreational drug use. I mean—federal prison at the age of eighteen!”

  Jason sighed, “Babe. I know, but you heard M
ac; he’s doing a great job. The kid just needed someone to take a chance on him.”

  Kelsey took a deep breath and looked over at him. “Jason, I love how big your heart is. I love that you can run a successful business and keep your employees’ best interests at the center, but there was just something about this guy. If I were to describe it, it was sad, wild, and it made my insides ache. Just promise me you’ll be careful?”

  Pulling her hand up to his mouth and kissing it, he answered, “Kelsey, I promise I’ll be careful. Now your new boyfriend is standing at the fence and waiting for you to come visit him.”

  Kelsey leaned over and kissed Jason lovingly. “I love you, Jason Holden Bauer.”

  And lovingly, Jason responded, “I love you, Kelsey Jane Bauer.”

  July 1995

  The Party

  The workload for the summer experience abroad had not let up, but Kelsey was doing a better job keeping up and was beginning to enjoy herself. As week five of classes wrapped up around three on a Friday afternoon, she grabbed her large bag and made her way across campus, enjoying the bright sunlight. Getting used to the cloudiness and rain was another thing that Kelsey had to learn to do; so on afternoons like this, she found a welcome reprieve in slowing down her pace and allowing her head to roll back so she could enjoy the fullness of warm sun.

  She was jolted back to earth when she heard her name being called. She squinted as she opened her eyes, looked in the direction of the voice, and saw Gareth walking towards her. Gareth had just finished a pick up game of football on the lawn and was heading to his car. “Can I give you a ride?”

  “Oh, I appreciate it, but it’s so beautiful out today that I hate not to walk home and enjoy it.”

  “Well, do you mind if I walk with you?”


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