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Awakened By Power (Empire of Angels Book 3)

Page 4

by Zoey Ellis

Thea’s mouth opened in surprise. She had completely forgotten that they had still wanted Thea to look for her.

  “You found her?” she asked, immediately curious.

  “Since your attack, we have had several Powers working on locating her,” Laylah explained. “And we discovered a full picture of her location and circumstance earlier today.”

  A blend of wonder, relief, and nervousness stirred in Thea. Her mom had been found; finally she and Dad could get answers.

  “Thea,” Laylah said, her tone serious. “Your mother is living in the Demon Realm. She has become a demon.”

  Thea’s stomach dropped and her breath left her in a gust as though she’d been punched. It took a moment to process the words. Her heart pounded, her palms became sweaty and soon she was gasping for air as her mind swam. A demon? Her mother was a demon?


  Zak’s voice floated through her daze. “Thea, are you okay?”

  How the fuck could she be okay? She lifted her gaze and looked around the table. The Dominion League looked back at her with various expressions; some worried, some curious, some resigned.

  “Go on,” she croaked to Laylah.

  “We need to send Power angels to kill her,” Laylah said, softly. “But we need your help.”

  “To do what?” Thea asked, trying to swallow the lump in her throat.

  “Your mother rarely leaves the Demon Realm. We need you to make contact with her and lure her out.”

  A shudder ran through Thea’s body. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. “You want me to help you kill my own mother?” Even though Thea hadn’t known her mother growing up, there was more to her that Thea needed to know. Like why she damaged her father’s mind and why she left them.

  “Angels feel extreme pain in the Demon Realm, so we cannot send them in. We need your mother to come out. You are the only one who is capable of reaching her.”

  “You are seriously asking me to help you kill her?” Thea rose from her chair slowly, her anger and disbelief rising. “No trial, no questions, no investigation? You just want her dead?” She glared at Laylah with disgust. “I thought you were supposed to be the good guys. I thought you wanted to know the reasons for her actions.”

  “They no longer matter,” came the serious voice of another angel to the far right. “We know she stole from the Stream, conceived a child she wasn’t supposed to have with a human she was denied from mating with.” He shrugged. “Her being a demon makes it easier.”

  “For who?” Thea shouted, suddenly burning with anger at his flippant attitude. “Who the fuck does it make it easier for? For you? You all sit here in your fucking pretty room passing out orders and assignments, but you’re not the ones out there having to deal with the horror of it all!” She shook uncontrollably, barely registering that she had shifted into her angel-form. “You don’t even seem to register that the child she wasn’t supposed to have is the same child you’re sending after her; the same child that you sent searching for her; the same child who gave you all the initial information you have about her. What benefit is there for me to search out my mother only for you to kill her? Her reasons of why she left matter to me!”

  Suddenly she was in the air and some members of the Dominion League rose out of their chairs, watching her.

  “You’re liars and hypocrites,” she spat. “You only need me when you want something and you don’t even tell me the whole truth. You don’t give a shit about me.” A choking sob escaped, and her lip trembled as she realized the truth of her words. “You pretend you’re doing what’s best for the Realm but what about what’s best for me? You locked up my mate and want to kill my mother, but you wouldn’t even give me any answers when I was suffering and ill. You wouldn’t even let my mate come and see me when I needed him.” Her tears blurred the room and her throat ached. “You’re cruel and unjust, and I will not do any-fucking-thing you say!”

  At that moment, in the height of her intense anger, her angel-form began to vibrate and pulse. Her halo swirled and expanded. It was looking for him. Her mate. He was the only one who could make her feel better. A severe craving for him rose in her, the need to be held by him, to be pressed against his chest while he murmured to her. Cam had always been able to soothe her, to make her feel loved and warm and taken care of. Would she never have that feeling again? She burst into tears.

  “Cam!” Thea screamed, between sobs. “Cam!”

  Strong arms enveloped her and pulled her back down to the ground, but it wasn’t Cam.

  “It’s okay, Thea,” Zak said, holding her close. “It’s okay. Calm down.”

  Thea collapsed onto the ground and sobbed, while Zak knelt next to her trying to talk to her and comfort her.


  A hand touched her shoulder, and when she looked up, Asteroth was bent over her, his face crumpled with worry. “Your mother is not the woman she once was, Thea,” he said softly, as though it pained him. “She is a shadow of her former self. She is a demon, not dissimilar to the demons you vanquished without thought. It would be a kindness to kill her.”

  Thea calmed a little, pressing her lips together, hesitant. If that was true, if her mother was suffering, shouldn’t Thea end it? Would Dad want to know that her mother was a demon now? She shook her head and she breathed deeply. No, it would break him. The wild emotions swirling within her chest, that threatened to overwhelm her, settled a little.

  She glanced up at Asteroth, her face wet and snotty. “I want Cam.”

  Asteroth lowered closer to her. “We do not have any power over the Thrones, Thea. It is they who hold him.”

  “You can petition them,” Zak said from her side. His voice was bitter. “You should have been doing so all along. After all he has done for the Angel Realm, all he’s done for the human world, you have left him to rot in that cell.”

  “We cannot interfere,” said a female angel from further away. All of the Dominion Angels had risen from the table and crowded around either side to watch Thea. “We were there at the sentencing. We can’t interfere now.”

  “Then you are weak,” Zak spat, his own anger quiet but clear. “The Thrones cannot possibly know what it takes to track and kill some of the most lethal demons that have threatened humans, that have threatened us. But you do. You know all he has done, all he has seen, everything he has gone through to keep us and the human world afloat.”

  “He reveled in his darkness, Zak,” a deep male voice said. “And you harbored it. The rules are there for a reason.”

  Thea listened to the conversation, somewhat in a daze. Zak helped her to her feet, but she was unsteady, suddenly exhausted.

  “There are rules against Nephilim being treated like Power angels too,” Zak said, turning to them as Thea settled on her feet. “And yet that is what you’ve done. You could see the effect on Thea after the last assignment, you knew of her attack and that her natural mate had been imprisoned. And yet you still continue to abuse her by expecting her to do this assignment anyway. Just because she is able to come here, just because she has proven to be capable, doesn’t give you any right to discard the rules. And you did so anyway.”

  The entire atmosphere stilled. Most of the Dominion League looked shocked, a couple of them furious. Asteroth was crestfallen, while the normally confident Laylah seemed hesitant.

  Zak didn’t say anymore. He helped her out of the room and took to the air, carrying her like a child. His warmth was comforting, but it couldn’t compare to Cam’s tender hold, his kisses, his scent, his fierce protection of her. She no longer had that. The misery of that thought settled so deep in her bones she grew numb.

  Zak was still waiting after she used the pressure vape and got ready for bed. He spoke to her but she couldn’t take it in. Ignoring him, she climbed into bed and fell into a restless sleep.

  In her dream, she was walking across a never-ending, flat, red landscape of burning hard rock. It singed her feet, causing a searing pain she couldn’t escape, and yet sh
e couldn’t scream. There was nothing for miles around except a red sky and a rocky landscape; no buildings, no people. As she walked, a feeling of horror engulfed her, increasing in intensity until she could hardly bear it. And then a soft laughter sent a shudder through her. She turned, but couldn’t see anyone. Another giggle came from behind her but when she looked, no one was there. Then, a light touch stroked her arm and her heart nearly leapt out of her chest. Thea looked around wildly and saw a shadow sliding toward her. She backed away, but it snaked and curved around her. The laughter grew louder and more menacing, setting Thea’s teeth on edge, and then the shadow lunged forward with a vicious growl.

  She woke up, thrashing around in her bed, her heart pounding. Feeling her cool bedsheets, she calmed, forcing herself to look around and take in her surroundings. Terror still gripped her and she tried to catch her breath.

  She tried to go back to sleep, tossing and turning for a long time, fear simmering within her as she blinked away tears at the horror of her dream. It wasn’t just the images, it was the feelings it inspired; hot terror and eerie dread mixed with choking anxiety. She flipped over onto her back; sleep wouldn’t come while she was feeling like this. Closing her eyes, she thought of the only thing that brought her any kind of peace. Memories of Cam. She thought back to that moment he healed her after saving her from the Spectra demons. He had touched her so tenderly, looked at her so fiercely, and buried his face in her hair; he didn’t even know her then.

  She smiled and flicked a strand of hair between her fingers. Cam seemed to love her hair. He ran his fingers through it all the time, grabbed it with his large fist, and immediately undid any up-do hairstyle she tried to wear. Once, when he was in one of his dominant moods, she’d been writhing and moaning on all fours, her legs spread wide as she threw her pussy back onto him, when he stopped her.

  Wrapping his hand around her hair and holding it above her head, he’d said, in that gravelly, low voice, “Don’t move unless I demand it.”

  She panted her agreement and stilled, feeling the slight pull on her scalp.

  He gripped her hips tighter and slid into her. She tilted to accept his length, relishing the sweet sensation of being completely filled.

  “I said don’t move!” He tugged her hair, and the sharp pain on her scalp sent prickles scattering throughout her body and a spark to her nipples. She moaned and stilled.

  He pulled out until only the tip was in, and then pressed in again slow. She whimpered. Incredible threads of pleasure spiraled throughout her body.

  “Your body is amazing,” he murmured, running a hand over her lower back and ass cheeks. “I’ll never get enough of it, Thea. Never keep it from me.”

  Her body was far from amazing, but she wasn’t about to argue with him now. He squeezed her ass as he continued to fuck her slowly, and she grew wetter as the pleasure became more intense.

  “Roll your hips,” Cam ordered.

  As she did, he angled himself to hit that sweet spot inside her.

  “Again.” The order came out as a growl, and his voice vibrated through her as she rolled her hips again.

  He sped up, increasing the pressure and hitting against that spot when she did as he commanded.

  As her orgasm built, he slowly pulled her hair toward him, tipping her head back and arching her back. The feel of him, the pull on her scalp, the clear strain of his own pleasure in his rough voice as he continued to issue commands, caused her orgasm to explode within her, bursting through every nerve.

  Thea sighed, a peaceful calm settling over her at the memory. She rolled onto her side as the lingering fear of her nightmare melted away. She drifted off into a deep slumber, tranquil for a long while. However, at some point the terrifying images edged back in, filling her mind and taking hold of her senses, but dissolving into nothing as soon as she woke up.

  Chapter Four


  Cam clenched his fists and paced in his cell as he waited for someone to come.

  Whatever the fuck they were doing to Thea, he felt it. Her anger, despair, and disgust pierced his connection to the Stream and yanked him out. The rawness of her emotions forced him to shift into his angel-form, which caused the energy that was supposed to prevent him from using his Power ability to disperse and linger around the outer edges of the cell. Soon the jagged potency of her emotions faded into a mellow discontent, but it didn’t make him feel any better. After a while, she quietened and her feelings changed. Her attention was… on him. In a good way—a pleasurable way. His angel-form preened, and he tried to stay focused. He kept feeling for her, trying to determine what was going on but her feelings soon faded out of reach. He exhaled harshly. She needed him. Her angel-form was calling for him, he was sure of it.

  He continued pacing, his mind on Thea, wondering what happened. Surely they didn’t have her back out on assignments? But then, he had no idea how much time had passed since he saw Zak. Time seemed to stand still while in the cell, even while connected to the Stream. He desperately hoped she wasn’t hurt. He roared, releasing his pent-up frustration. It was his own fault he wasn’t with her.

  Eventually, the door to his cell opened and Zak stepped in, watching him closely.

  “What’s happened to her?” Cam growled, every muscle in his body tense. “Tell me she’s okay.”

  “She’s okay,” Zak said.

  Cam relaxed a tiny amount. “What happened?”

  “The Dominion League told her that her mother is a demon living in the Demon Realm. They wanted Thea to lure her out.”

  “Are they crazy?” Cam asked, incredulous. “They thought that wouldn’t affect her? She’s not a Power!”

  “They tried to—”

  “Don’t defend them, Zak!” Cam bellowed. “You’re always defending them and their shit choices. How could they think it was a good idea to—”

  “I’m not defending them, Cam,” Zak interrupted, his hazel eyes blazing. “I agree with you. They’ve treated her poorly—I told them as much.”

  Cam turned in thought and continued to pace slowly, somewhat calmer. “What’s happening now?”

  “She’s been in her quarters for the past two weeks since that meeting. She’s only left every two days to call her friend but that’s all.” Zak paused. “Her mood is low, Cam. She barely talks, hardly eats, and I don’t think she’s sleeping well.”

  Cam nodded. “That’s how she was before when we were searching for her mother.”

  “No. This is different. Her mood is… different. I can’t explain it.”

  Cam exhaled in annoyance. “What is her healer doing about it?”

  “It’s not a physical issue, it’s an emotional or psychological one. He’s trained to heal angels, not Nephilim—there’s only so much he can help her.”

  “Fuck!” Cam exclaimed. “You need to do something.”

  “I am,” Zak replied. “I’m trying to get you out of here.”

  Cam slowed to a stop, realizing Zak had come to see him in his cell instead of in an interview room. And he hadn’t moved from the door.

  “How are you here, Zak?” he asked, suspicion coiling in him.

  “The Thrones asked me to come in to see you,” Zak said, shifting on his feet. “They’re concerned that you have somehow disabled the Power-proof energy that should be keeping you restrained.”

  “So they sent you in here in case I was in a murderous mood?” Cam said, laughing bitterly.

  “They thought I could calm you.”

  Cam didn’t respond. They weren’t wrong; he did feel calmer.

  “How have you done it?” Zak asked.

  “Thea. Her distress…” Cam took a moment to organize his thoughts. “I felt her distress while I was connected to the Stream. She was calling for me and the feeling of it pulled me out and made me shift. I didn’t do it on purpose.”

  To his surprise, Zak grinned.

  “Is that… good?” Cam asked confused.

  “Yes,” Zak said. He glanced to one of the w
alls in the cell; they were all mirrors. “It means your connection with Thea is more powerful than the Thrones expected. Your Fall would be detrimental to her. If they decided to inflict that sentence, it would affect her as if you were mated. It is also further proof that she is your natural mate. I have already been petitioning them to release you on these grounds and this helps your case.”

  “I don’t care about all that,” Cam said, irritably. “I just want Thea to be okay. I need her to be okay.”

  “She’s only going to be okay with you, Cam,” Zak said.

  “But how long will it take before I get out of here, Zak? She’ll be alone all that time.”

  Zak watched him. “Actually, the Dominion League wanted to pair her with Elyon for the assignment.”

  “What?” A hot anger burst within him and his angel-form bristled. “You better be fucking joking.”

  A ghost of a smile played on Zak’s lips.

  “You think this is fucking funny?” Cam snarled. “I don’t want him anywhere near her!”

  Zak turned to the same mirrored wall, an eyebrow raised.

  Before Cam could say anything, the door opened again, and Adonai stepped in, looking annoyed.

  “You are antagonizing him,” he said to Zak, disapprovingly.

  “I’m making a point,” Zak responded curtly.

  “Your point is moot,” the Throne snapped. “His fate is already decided.”

  “The Dominion League are petitioning you,” Zak thundered back.

  Adonai scowled. “It is a minor inconvenience.”

  “I will go to the Seraphim if I have to,” Zak said, hotly. “You cannot ignore all of the raw evidence in front of you. You could be accused of Envy.”

  Adonai’s face twisted with fury. He glanced at Cam, his mouth tightening. “Get him out of his angel-form,” he growled at Zak, “or I will be forced to keep him in an unconscious state.” Without another word, he left.

  Cam crossed his arms, a morbid amusement bubbling up in him. Whether or not Zak’s plan to get him out worked or not, at least he was pissing off Adonai. “Tell me what’s going on.”


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