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Royal Blood Complete Series Box Set

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by August Davies


  I fell apart around him, my orgasm firing on all cylinders as Alexander took me from behind. He grasped my hips and forced his way deeper and deeper inside me. I could barely hold myself up on the bathroom counter as he crashed against me with every thrust.

  How could he have so much energy? He just came in my mouth only moments ago.

  “I'm going to come, Connor,” Alexander moaned. His fingernails dug into my sides as he found his release. He called out my name once more before finishing and collapsing on my back. My arms couldn't hold the weight and I fell onto the cold counter.

  I wanted to tell him I loved him and that I would never leave his side. But I was too exhausted. That orgasm had taken everything out of me.

  We got dressed, watching each other closely. I wanted to trace every muscle of his body so I could commit it to memory. I wanted to undress him again and relive last night and this morning all over again.

  “Time to go now, Connor.”

  “Yes, sir,” I replied, doing a fake bow.

  Alexander grinned and collected our things. The sun burned brightly as we exited the motel; Alexander's car was right where we left it. I remembered my first ride with the top down and the vibrations beneath my thighs—how it turned me on so much. But nothing turned me on more than Alexander touching my naked flesh.

  I sat in the passenger seat and placed my hand on Alexander's thigh as he turned the key in the ignition. We weren't strangers anymore. Alexander was my boyfriend now.

  I wanted to say it out loud just to make this was all real.

  My heart jumped with glee. I was no longer a freak.

  We drove off and I enjoyed the nice breeze and the feel of Alexander's hand in mine. I wanted to ride around town all day with him. But we stopped outside of my apartment complex.

  “So this is where you live?” he asked.

  “Yep, until school is over at least.”

  “Any roommates?”

  “I did but she moved back to the states at the end of last semester.”

  “Why don't you invite me inside?” Alexander grinned.

  The thought of Alexander taking me on every surface of my apartment was a tantalizing image but I shook my head. “I would but I know what would happen if we were alone again. I just have to work on my history paper for a little bit.” The words felt so idiotic the moment they came out of my mouth. I wanted him so badly.

  “You sure you're not going to run away?”

  “I can't, my car is still at the pub.”

  Alexander smiled. “How about I have it delivered.”

  “That would be perfect.”

  Alexander leaned outside the car window and planted a kiss on me cheek. He put his sunglasses back on and started the Aston Martin. The thunderous roar of the engine vibrated in my chest. I waved and exhaled as he drove away.

  I went into my apartment and everything looked foreign. I had only been away for a day but it felt like an eternity. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge for something to eat—completely empty. I fixed myself a cup of tea instead and opened up my laptop to a blank Word document. I wanted to get down as much information as I could before I forgot. My notes from yesterday were pretty much useless.

  Flashes of last night distracted me from my work. How could I get any work done when Alexander was the only thing on my mind? But now I had the perfect subject. I typed the title at the top of the page:

  Prince Alexander

  Chapter Twelve


  I rode back to the pub, thinking about my love for Connor. My entire existence was built around my brothers. It was who I was. But my feelings were changing. I no longer desired to be the bad boy rebel prince. If I could go somewhere safe with Connor and live the rest of my life in peace—no more bloodshed—then isn't that what I should do?

  I found John, Hudson, and Bryce sitting around the meeting room table. Their faces were long but their eyes lit up when they spotted me. Bryce shook my hand as Hudson gave me a one-armed hug; a white shoulder-sling kept his arm close to his chest.

  John stood up and gripped my biceps. “I'm glad you're okay, Alexander.”

  “Me too,” I replied.

  We sat down at our seats. Our family had become so small. I ached inside for the loss of Charlie. He was my closest brother. I'd never forget him for as long as I lived. But how could we break the news to my parents. They'd be heartbroken. Mum, would bury herself in liquor and Dad would bury himself in work.

  I had to get revenge for Charlie. I had to make sure the family was whole before I got out.

  John sighed. “We all want the Russians to bloody pay but we need to think this through. We're hanging on by a string here. If we went against the Russians now, we'd all end up in body bags. As of right now, all the Russians involved in that deal are dead. Give me a chance to talk with some of the higher-ups in their organization. For all we know, Boris was doing this alone. Once I get more information, we can make an informed decision.”

  The one thing I wanted in the world—revenge—was finally within my grasp. But I didn't feel complete. Not without Connor by my side.

  Chapter Thirteen


  My paper was nowhere close to being started. There wasn't much information about Prince Alexander on the internet. His brother John was next in line of succession. What was I supposed to write about? I was close to asking the professor for advice.

  My mind was completely distracted.

  But I hadn't seen him in weeks. I tried to get a hold of him at pub but John told me he was really busy. I tried to call him at his house but I had no idea where he lived. The internet didn't give me anything.

  What if I was just another one of his conquests?

  There was just so much that happened to me over the past couple weeks.

  But he was the right one for me. I knew it deep down in the pit of my stomach.

  I needed to focus on my paper. All I had was a title that didn't say much. What did I want to covey? I didn't want to just recite his whole family history.

  The family aspect was the key.

  The words flowed through my fingers and into the computer. I wrote and wrote until my wrists began to cramp up.

  Outside the booming engine of a vintage Aston Martin approached. I saved the document and slammed the laptop shut. My paper would have to wait...

  Alexander was here.

  I checked my hair in the mirror and brushed it quickly.

  The doorbell rang and I tried to still my pounding heart. I opened the door, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers. Alexander's eyes went wide.

  Alexander finally smiled and stopped me before I could say anything. “You better invite me in before I take you right here in the hallway.”

  I grabbed Alexander's arm and pulled him inside. His mouth latched onto mine while his hands wandered underneath over my boxers.

  “I love prince,” he whispered to me.

  “I love you too, Alexander.”

  This rough and hard man was all mine.

  And I was his to do with as he desired.

  We would be a royal family soon enough.

  The End


  Copyright 2018

  All Rights Reserved.

  Disclaimer: This ebook is a work of fiction. Any resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is coincidental.

  No section of this book may be copied or reproduced without the author's permission.


  Nothing could stop me from getting back to him.

  Not even prison.

  Harley wanted it all. Money, fame, power, and a man by his side. He got too greedy and had to pay the price.

  David thought he had moved on. Harley was gone for four long years.

  But when Harley shows up back on David's doorstep, everything changes.


  Chapter One


  Time no longer matter
ed when I painted. Everything in my mind drifted away out to sea. My vision narrowed to a tunnel as the brush stroked against the blank canvas. Nothing came close to the calming effect of art. It put you on another planet—away from all the stress and distractions of the real world.

  But there was no paint on the brush.

  My hand made the movements of a conductor, guiding an orchestra, swiping the dry brush along the canvas, hoping for inspiration to strike. The white rectangle was telling me nothing. A faded image came into focus. I quickly dabbed my brush into some yellow and flung it onto the canvas before the image in my head dissolved. After some blue paint, I thought I finally had something.

  A beach and an ocean, David? That's so amateur. What were you thinking?

  I sighed and dropped the brush to the ground. A painting of an ocean wouldn't be good enough for my first art show. I needed a piece that would wow the audience. Something that could evoke an emotion. Get people talking about me.

  All that schooling and I couldn't come up with anything. A Bachelor's degree in Art couldn't help with being creative.

  My phone rang. A welcome distraction. “Barbara Ann” by the Beach Boys boomed out of my vibrating phone. I checked the screen and smiled.

  “Hey Lily!”

  “David, why the hell haven't you called me?”

  Lily was my roommate freshman year of college. Even though she was also an art major, we couldn't have been more different. Lily was too preoccupied with boys to really focus on art. Her idea of painting was throwing some streaks of paint on a canvas and calling it a day. I couldn't knock her for it though because she produced some really beautiful pieces. She had natural talent. I on the other hand did not. It took me weeks to produce a somewhat passable painting, sometimes not seeing the sun for days.

  “I'm sorry, Lily, I've been a little busy the past week.”

  “Oh the art show is next week! How is the painting coming?”

  I looked at the blank canvas and laughed. “Will anybody appreciate a framed white canvas?”

  “Paint the words The Beatles and it will be just like the White Album.”

  That was actually a pretty good idea. There were definitely people out there that loved that lazy approach to art. But it wasn't me.

  “That's really nice but I won't steal your idea, Lily. I need to come up with my own.” I walked away from my work station and into the kitchen, glad to be able to breathe in a different room.

  “How did you get in this art show again? I heard it's for some pretty big players,” she said.

  “My dad got me into it. Said he had to sell an arm and a leg.”

  “Of course it was your father, David.”

  Lily was making me feel guilty for being from a rich family again. Better to just change the subject. “Enough about me. Tell me how it's going with that guy...what was his name?”

  “Greg? Oh, we've been done for a week now. I actually have a date with this super hot guy I met at a bar last night.”

  Lily was always neck deep in men. In college, she was known for sleeping around and nothing had changed since.

  I rolled my eyes. “What's the new guy's name?”

  Lily couldn't wait to scream out his name. “Walter. He's an engineer or architect. One of those. Doesn't matter. The main thing is he has a brother that he's just as hot. And he's gay...”

  I already knew where she was heading and I wanted nothing to do with it. “No way, Lily. I'm not going on a double date with you.”

  “Come on, David. You've been cooped up in that apartment for too long. You need to get out and see the world.”

  She wasn't wrong. I couldn't remember the last time I actually left the apartment other than to get food. “Yeah but remember how the last double date went?”

  Lily huffed. “You're never going to let me live that one down are you?”

  I giggled. “Nope.”

  Lily had tricked me into going on a double date with her. Tricked me as in taking me to a bar to “have a couple drinks” and then ambushing me with a guy.

  “Just because the guy turned out to be woman didn't mean the date was bad.”

  I bent over the kitchen counter and rested on my elbows. “Taylor really was an attractive guy.”

  “Well I can promise you this next guy will be one-hundred percent male.”

  “No thanks, Lily. You go out and have fun.”

  “You're going to have to get over him eventually, David.”

  Don't say his name. Don't say his name.

  Lily continued. “It's been years since he's been gone. It's time to move on. Find someone who makes you happy. I just want the best for you, David.”

  “I know. I know. I'm really just not in the mood to date anybody right now. This art show is the only thing on my mind right now. And I barely have any time to finish this painting.”

  “I'm kind of glad we're not roommates anymore. I could never get any sleep when you worked for twenty-four hours straight.”

  “Oh really? You could never get any sleep? How about the guys you would sneak into your bed every night? Try sleeping through all that moaning.” We sounded like an old married couple arguing.

  Lily laughed. “Sorry, I guess I went a little crazy in college.”

  “God bless noise-canceling headphones.”

  A knock at the door interrupted our conversation. “Hold on a sec, Lily. There's somebody at the door. Probably my father coming over to teach me how to network or something for the art show.”

  I unlocked the front door and opened it to a memory from my past. My jaw dropped and the phone dropped to the floor. I could still hear Lily on the other line trying to talk.

  Muscles, tattoos, and that cocky smile.

  Harley was back.


  There he was standing in the doorway, his short blonde hair combed to the side He wore a dark blue apron covered in dry paint protecting his clothes. Exactly how I remembered him.

  My David.

  We stared at each other for an eternity. I wanted to take him in my arms, force my lips against his. But that wouldn't be appropriate. So much time had passed. How could I ever explain to him how much I missed him?

  “Harley?” David choked out. “What are you doing here?” He shook his head. “I mean how did you get out?”

  “Can you invite me in and we can talk?”

  David nodded and bent down to pick up the fallen phone. I followed him inside and was amazed at how nice his place looked. Dark hardwood floors, long white drapes covered the windows, and an amazing view of the town from the twelfth floor. His father had treated him very well since I'd been gone.

  David led me to the kitchen that looked straight out of a home magazine. I felt so out of place. My jail cell was literal hell compared to this.

  “When did you get out?” he asked, setting his palms down on the white quartz island.

  David was nervous. But why? I expected him to jump into my arms with tears in his eyes when he opened that door. What happened since I was gone?

  “Just yesterday. Nobody was there to pick me up so I had to bum a ride to town.”

  “...It's been a long time, Harley.”

  I walked around the kitchen island until I was only inches away from David. All those ancient feelings came back. They were always there. But they were dormant. “Four years. Four long years.”

  David put his hand on my chest to stop my advances. It'd been so long since I held him. I dreamed of doing it every day in that prison. My heart pounded against his hand. Something harder pounded in my pants.

  “How did you get out? You were sentenced to thirty years.”

  Why did he have to ask so many questions? One kiss from me and he'd forget about everything. I jerked off every day in prison to the image of David. Now it was time to make that fantasy come true.

  I backed away to give him space. David was obviously shocked at my return. Not exactly the warm reception I was expecting.

  “They let me out because o
f overcrowding.” The reason sounded idiotic in my head but that's what they told me.


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