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Greek Fire: Book Two of the Guardians

Page 5

by Lawrence, S

  I raised Jason as my own. He was a happy, kind child, even in the midst of hell. He sought out those that needed comfort and gave them what he could until Hades caught him. Hades had made him to be a hunter, a killing machine - he didn't count on his heart. I know not where it came from, his kind soul. Maybe from she who carried him, the hound. They are beautiful, caring souls. Maybe some of her spirit bled into him. Was it Orpheus, or maybe I, who influenced him in a small way? However he got it, Hades was determined to drive it from him. He forced him to change, forced him to fight, and made him use his gift in unspeakable ways. I am ashamed that I sat by and did nothing for so long.

  One day, after he had been with Hades, Jason returned, and I saw the light fading from his eyes, from his very soul. The chocolate brown eyes that you see were almost constantly red, his anger blazing in them. I knew I had to do something but had no idea what. I went to Hecate, for she had given him the ability to travel through gateways from one world to another. It was destiny that I went to her that day, because the Fates were at her home. They came with us here when the rest of their clan went to the Far East. They had been the mystics on our world, the weavers of destinies.

  * * *

  "They sat and listened to my questions, my pleas for help, and when I finished, they told me of a vision and made a prophecy. The vision showed him in Danu's land, dragons and magic surrounded him. His voice was silent, his heart closed until a sparrow perched on his shoulder."

  I gasp, as she pauses, "A sparrow?"

  "Yes. Does that mean something to you?" she smiles, knowledge in her eyes.

  "I think you know it does. It is what my mother called me when she visited me and what Kai calls me even now. I unlocked his heart." A huge grin breaks across my face as I realize the connection.

  "Let me finish. The prophecy was next...

  It is heard in the sound;

  Peace will be found,

  Love will be felt,

  When family is chosen,

  There will be one to tame the beast,

  One who listens but does not hear."

  She looks at me, waiting for what, I'm not sure. "So, why did he leave his home in Greece?" I ask.

  "That I do not know. Damia watched him, as did her mother and on back through her whole line. She contacted me after she woke one morning and he had left. He said nothing and left no note. I reached out to him, but he ignores me. He ignores us all. I did find out from Morrigan that he had settled with the Druids, but that was only a few weeks ago." Sadness rolls off her, and I move to her side.

  "He has been with them for some years. He came to my aid after my torture. How can I help him?" I ask, reaching for her hand. She is a Goddess but also a mother who wants to help her son.

  "I do not know unless you know the one who listens but does not hear." She shrugs, and I smile, thinking it was very un-goddess-like.

  Chuckling, I whisper, "I just might."

  She starts, her gaze whipping to mine, and we both grin. "I'm very glad to have met you, Aislin, and it brings me joy seeing another who loves Jason as I do."

  We both jump when Jason's voice rings out, "You shouldn't have brought her here, Perséphone." He strides over, grabbing my hand, drawing me up. "I will take you back to my home, Kukla."

  Placing my hand on his forearm, I stop him and make him look at me. "Don't be angry. She just wanted to make sure you are okay and asked about Emma. Kai has been connected to me the entire time. You know he would tell you if I were in danger."

  "I know that he would burn this place to the ground if you had been in danger. Please, let's just go from here." The last is spoken in a pleading tone, and my heart breaks as I nod my head. One quick glance at Perséphone confirms her heart is breaking as well. She reaches for him as we sift to his home.



  We return to the garden. Kai leans against the doorframe, waiting. His eyes caress over me, but he waits to see what I will do. Smiling, I send love through our link, love and the need to speak to Jason. He nods his head once, turning. "I will be patrolling the grounds. I felt something earlier. I felt it a few times since this all started."

  Jason looks at him with concern, and asks, "Why didn't you say anything? We should be looking for whatever it is." He steps toward the door but stops and looks back at me, indecision warring on his face.

  Kai never slowed, his voice kept low to keep from waking the others. I couldn't hear it, but he sent his response over our link. 'That should keep him with you and give you time to speak to him, my love.' I smile at his scheming.

  Grabbing Jason's hand, I move to a chair pulling him with me. He resists only a moment. "So, your mother…," my eyebrows raise as I wait for a response. Shaking his head, he looks anywhere but at me. He is picking at his nail, and I realize he is really upset. "Jason, you don't have to talk to me about any of it, but she said some amazing things. I took a class once and the professor talked about how we always see other people's actions through the lens of our own reactions. What if you don't know everything about why she did the things she did? I know what a mother's love looks like and I saw it in her eyes. I'm not going to tell you everything she said, but one day you should listen to what she needs to tell you."

  His hand cuts through the air as he minutely shakes his head and stands. Turning, he rubs his brow and sighs, "Aislin, please. You have no idea."

  Moving to his side, my hand rubs along his back. Pursing my lips at him, I give him a look, "I don't, and no one else does either. You need to tell someone your secrets or they are going to eat you up."

  Drawing in a breath, I feel his anger rising and force myself to remain calm. His tone is deep when he grinds out through his teeth, "Do you tell yours? Do you tell the things that happened on that ship?"

  Flinching, my heart slows and time seems to freeze. Instantly, I see the self-loathing in his eyes. My hand clutches at my throat and I swallow hard. I look up to keep the tears in my eyes and whisper, "Not all of them, but I told Kai most. I whisper them in the darkness as he holds me tight, keeping the monster at bay."

  He steps to me, pulling me into a tight embrace, "I'm sorry, so sorry. I shouldn't have..."

  "Bubba, it is all right. You must let someone in." Clutching at his shirt,I refuse to let him go. It kills me watching this strong man struggle with his demons. I made my decision, I’ve said all I can about it tonight, so I'm going to broach another secret. "Perséphone also told me you were carried by a hound. Can we at least talk about how fucking crazy that is? I mean, amazing but crazy."

  Squeezing me, he pulls away, his hand drifting over his heart. When he turns, his eyes are filled with a soft red glow. I am rewarded with a smile that slowly builds until it lights up his entire face. "Would you like to see something no one has in a very long time?"

  "Ummm, hell yes!" I yelp, bouncing from foot to foot. I can barely contain my excitement. First a dragon and now what, I don't know. His eyes shine a blood red. I feel my eyebrows climb up my forehead as in the next instant, a massive black beast stands before me. When I say massive I mean, he is much bigger than an Irish Wolfhound and thicker. His tongue lolls out. I think he grins. A giggle bubbles up as I throw myself at him, fingers burying in his soft fur. I am lost in the magic of it all, laughing and staring at his face. Noise has me turning to see the boys gaping and more laughter bursts from me. "Well, this secret is out," I chuckle. He growls, baring his teeth, but it doesn't stop them. They rush to my side and stare at him.

  "Ya Bas, ye keep a secret like this from us!" Sean's face is scarlet in his outrage. I bite my lip, not sure if I should laugh or be worried.

  "Get tae fuck, Scabby bassa." Michael steps toward Jason his eyebrows drawn tight, his eyes looking at Sean and me. The beast snaps his huge teeth, shifting his weight from side to side. Both the men step back, sending each other a long look before they each cross their arms over their shoulders.

  "Jason! That was not nice. Don't you hurt his feelings! Let him explain," I
look to Sean and Michael. "You talk about me, I couldn't understand any of that with your thick accents. Well, anything other than fuck." I squeak as Jason is suddenly standing beside me. Hugging him tightly, I whisper, "You need to talk to them; this hurts them. Not all your secrets but at least explain this." Kissing his cheek, I move between my Druids and put my hands on their cheeks, giving them a look that I hope said be easy on him. I walk away, leaving them to talk, and go to find my love. I want to sit with him on the cliff and watch the sun come up. Today we need to find the Order - I must find Emma.



  I don't go straight back to the island. Watching the road and the sky, I make sure no one follows. Striding up the walkway, I feel her eyes on me and glance up. She stands on the balcony, and I pause when her hand rises, waving. Could she have missed my presence? If she did, it'll make my next step even easier. I had watched her friend, Aislin. She had sat crying on the cliff as the sun rose. The guardian tried to comfort her, but nothing eased her fears. I watched until Jason joined her, the tension in his body told me everything I needed to know. This woman, Emma, is the way to achieving everything I want. I will use her to destroy them all. Grinning, I wave back at her.

  In my office, I check and see that I received an update from the investigator with details of her early life, of her family's struggle, and how she pushed to get to a better place. It shows me that she becomes singularly focused on the things she wants, and I plan to be the next thing. Leaning back, I let my mind drift, imagining being her next obsession, chewing my lip as I rub my hands on my thighs. Shaking my head, I must prepare for our dinner.

  * * *


  Narrowing my eyes, I watch him move inside. I spent the night planning what I was going to do. The only thing certain is I must to escape this island. His smile chills me. He thinks it is reassuring. Well, it isn't. I thought a lot about what I will do to get out of here. Aislin survived rape and torture. I know he isn't going to do that. He thinks I don't know this is a game but I do, one that I plan on winning. Moving inside, I sit on the bed, pulling my knees up to rest my chin. I think of the documentaries daddy had me watch about POWs and how they would pretend to submit but would be fighting the whole time. I listened to daddy. I know he watches me and it takes every bit of willpower not to look at the camera. Easing off the bed and grabbing my bag, I walk to the bathroom adding a bit of slink. I close the door, lean back, and try to steady my nerves. It will be dinner time soon, and I know he will come. I pick through all of my clothes and pull out a pair of cutoffs and a cute top. He won't suspect anything like he would if I dressed up. Going out with Aislin over the years taught me how to garner attention in this type of outfit when I want to. I paint my toes and fingernails. Applying my makeup subtly, I highlight my eyes and freckles. Letting my hair down, I brush and brush it until it gleams like fire in the light, add a little product to help with the curls. I stare at myself in the mirror, adding a touch of gloss to my lips and nod my head. Just as I finish, he calls my name. I draw in a deep breath trying to stop my pounding heart. Putting on my games face, I turn. Let the games begin.

  "Just a sec," I call out and paste a smile on my face as I open the door. He is dressed in a blue tailored shirt that he knows brings out his eyes, eyes which are caressing up my bare legs. I am thankful for years of people leering at me while I dance. It steels my nerves. Just keep smiling, Em, Aislin's voice sounds in my head and strengthens my resolve.

  * * *


  Her pale skin fairly glows as she steps from the bathroom. She is wearing denim shorts frayed at the edges, and I can't help but let my eyes travel the length of her legs. I expected her to be dressed for dinner, but she looks as if she might be going got the beach. Annoyance bubbles up in me, but I smile at her.

  "Are you ready for dinner, Emma? I trust everything was fine while I was gone."

  Her smile widens, "Yes, everyone was very considerate."

  I hear the truth in her words. Good. Maybe she’s ready to trust me. She moves by me, and her hair tickles along my arm, and it takes much of my willpower not to grasp hold of it. "I thought we would dine down by the water tonight. There is no need for you to remain cooped up here in your room." Grasping her elbow, I lead her to the stairs.

  We walk along the path to the table I had brought by the water. Pulling her chair out, I urge her to sit. Moving to my own seat, I lean back and watch her watch the waves. Our food arrives, and as we eat, she talks about her home, about the city, and the music. I don’t fail to notice that she says nothing about her family or friend. Maybe she isn't as stupid as I thought. I look at her, her eyebrows are raised as she waits, and I know I missed a question. "I'm sorry. I was picturing your city. It sounds fascinating."

  "Awe, bless your heart. That's okay. I was just wonderin' how such a nice man like you got mixed up with all this."

  Blinking, I consider my answer. I could lie. A partial truth might help win her over. "Do you believe in myths, Emma? Did your very best friend tell you that they are real? I recall you saying when we first met that you two shared everything. It seems to me that something as big as the existence of the Gods and Goddess from ancient myths would be something she would tell you." Her face shows no reaction. "I have my answer then. She did tell you. What if I told you they are vicious, spiteful creatures? Would you believe me?"

  "I honestly don't know. I only know what Aislin told me. If they are as you say, then she is in trouble. Tell me your story," she leans towards me, elbows resting on the table.

  Truth. Her honesty is refreshing in a world of liars. I have a sudden desire to tell her everything, every degrading fact of my life.



  Rising from the table, he moves to Emma's side. Taking her hand, he pulls her up and leads her to some chairs facing the water. A fire burns low in a pit and the waves lap gently at the sand at their feet. She sits, pulling her feet up in the chair, and leans on her arm, looking at him. He turns his head out to the water and stares into the darkened sky. He doesn't understand his need to have her hear everything. Glancing at her, he makes his decision to start from the beginning, determined to make her understand why they must all suffer. Drawing a breath, he begins his tale.

  He was three years old when Hades decided he was a failed experiment. That's what the Greek gods do - they experiment. They consider themselves scientists and doctors. They strive to create things. They created him for one purpose -- to hunt the experiments that disappointed them. Unfortunately, Arias disappointed them also. He could not change from one form to the other. They had tried very hard to force him to, and he still bears the scars from their attempts. Hades’ plan was to kill him, and most days of his early life, Arias wished he had. Instead, for reasons he still doesn't understand, Hades banished him from the realm of the gods. One moment, he was cowering in a cage like the dog Hades wished him to be, and the next, he was in a strange place. Silence, except for one whispering voice, greeted his ears. Arias crawled toward that voice stupidly, believing he might find help.

  Sisyphus knelt before his offering to the God Hades. Anger filled his heart, and he prayed for help. He was no one, the offering was the last of his belongings. He spent the morning begging for food. He was better than this life. Everyone was against him. He was sure he had been cursed by some other god. He begged the god of war for help, wanting his revenge on everyone. All his life people had plotted against him, at least that is how he felt. The truth was, he was a horrible man and had been a horrible boy. He had been born greedy. His first words were a lie. He had murdered and schemed every day of his adult life. Maybe that is why Hades had heard him.

  A scratching noise stopped his venomous rantings. His head turned to the noise and there was a boy, beautifully broken, looking at him with hope in his eyes. Sisyphus looked up at the statue of Hades and thanked him. Standing, he walked to the boy and knelt before him, pulling him up by his thin arms.

  "What is y
our name, and how did you come to be here?" Sisyphus's eyes were hard as he glared at the child.

  "Arias. I don't know. I was in a cage and then here. Will you keep me safe?" His blue eyes filled with tears as he felt the hand tightened around his arm.

  Sisyphus didn't dare throw the brat away. What if Hades had sent him? Dragging the child by the arm, he left the temple of Nekromanteion. Many times during the long trek to his shack, the boy fell. He would hit Arias, never slowing down. The child scrambled to his feet as he tried to protect himself.

  Arias found himself in a new cage. He didn't understand this world he had been thrust into. The first few weeks were spent chained to the wall during the day and beaten each night. Sisyphus made it very clear that he only lived because Hades had sent him. Finally, he tossed him onto a corner near the shack and told him to beg for food and money. Warned of what would happen if he failed, Arias put his heart into voice. The toddler didn't comprehend his power, as he had never used it when he was in the underworld. His pleas and need flooded those around him. Evening came quickly as Sisyphus stomped down the street, clouds of dust billowing up in his wake.

  His mouth gaped at the food piled in front of the boy and he turned a slow circle, looking for a trap. He was sure one had been set for him. Arias smiled at him, expecting him to be pleased but was rewarded with a fist in his hair as he was jerked to his feet.

  "Grab the food!" Sisyphus shoved him toward the pile, while he grabbed up some himself. His eyes darted around the square looking for trouble. They rushed back to the shack. Once inside, Sisyphus slammed the door and kicked Arias to the floor. Food went flying from his tiny arms. "What did you do? How did you make them give you all this?" Spit flew from his mouth in his rage.


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