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Greek Fire: Book Two of the Guardians

Page 15

by Lawrence, S

  I gasp as bright red eyes appear out of the darkness. They glow, and a deadly growl whispers through the darkness. I would have rather heard the loud ferocious growl he had directed at Arias. We held each other's eyes as he glided toward me, closer and closer, neither daring to be the first to look away.

  For me, it isn't dominance or pride. It was something so much more. I'm certain my life is on the line. I couldn't stop staring. He was terrifying and beautiful at the same time. I know I should stop but I can't. Every fantasy I've ever had about meeting a werewolf is streaming through my head. This was no werewolf, though he made even the movie werewolves look like puppies. I'm certain if I stood, he would still be taller than me.

  His fur is black, and I mean black, except the tips of his ears, which were silver. I long to rub that fur and bury my face in it. It reminds me of this vintage coat I once found; it had been made out of silver fox fur and was the softest thing my hands have ever felt. I'm against fur for clothes but I spent long minutes rubbing the collar of that coat over my skin. I just know his fur is even softer. The growl is constant. I draw in a deep breath holding my ribs as I do and huff it out. It's now or never.

  "Jason?" I whisper it. The growl intensifies. "Do you go by another name?" His massive head tilts, ears flopping over, as he bares his teeth. Holy shit, his fangs are huge. I hold my hands up and out, wincing in pain. I swear his eyes narrow and I hear him sniffing at me. If I reached out, I could touch him now. I wonder if his fur really is as black as it appears.

  "Well, I at least need some light. So eat me or let me get up." Red eyes study me, white teeth seem to glow in the darkness. I hold my breath, thinking this will be just my luck. "Do you think there is a way to make fire in here?" I wonder if he can talk. He turns and starts walking back the way he came, pausing when I don't follow. "You must bear with me. Everything hurts." He growls again, walking away. Great there goes my savior, leaving me in the pitch black. Typical.

  Using the wall, I brace myself as I rise. My eyes water, lightning bolts of pain shooting through my body. I shuffle like an old lady in the direction he turned, fingers sliding along the stone wall, smoothed by time like glass. We travel for what seems like miles at a snail's pace.



  She shuffles right by me. She is wincing with each step. The other male hurt her badly. I will enjoy tearing him to pieces. I woof at her, and she turns, hand never leaving the wall. I realize her human eyes can't see anything. It is much brighter here in the main chamber, even though it is still dark. Huffing, I rise and go to her. Brushing against her, her fingers hesitantly bury in my fur. I'm pleased at the sound she makes.

  "So soft. I knew it," she sighs.

  I step away, pulling her with me, leading her to the large stone table in the center of the room. I smell the ancient blood that once seeped into the stone but I also smell charcoal. Turning my muzzle, I grip her hand in my teeth, careful not to break her delicate skin. She pulls for a second and then calms. I lead her hand to the wood and stones.

  "Ooo, smart… Dog? Daddy taught me how to start a fire, so don't you worry. I can do this." She pats me before fumbling in the darkness.Much time passes before she strikes the stones together. A tiny spark lights up the darkness for a second. A giggle breaks from her. It doesn't last.

  Twenty minutes later, she is still fighting with it. "Are you fucking kidding me? Oh my god, light, damn it!" Her tears start to fall just before she hits her fist on the ground. "Ow! Shit! Shit! Shit!" Pressing the heels of her hands into her eyes, she draws a deep breath, holding it in.

  Blowing it out, she turns her head to look at me. "I need tinder, like dry grass or something. I don't suppose you have anything like that handy?" I growl at her, and she leans her forehead on her knees, closing her eyes. Humans. I stand and move away looking for what she needs.

  Jason is buried deep in me at the moment; that witch locked him away. He likes her, but pack scares him. Alphas aren't scared. I'm Alpha. Pausing, I look back at her, study her. She could be a good mate. Never before did I want a pack. Not until recently, not until Aislin. She is beta. She needs help, protection. Jason wants to save people, even from himself. I am death, I hunt, I kill. The men Jason chose as brothers, they are pack, they are strong. Jason thinks he helps them but doesn't realize they help us, also. Pack. Standing, I glance at the woman again before moving way to find her things to burn.

  It doesn't take me long to sniff out some old rags and a few old scrolls. I carry them back to her. Bumping her legs, I drop them at her feet. She smiles before her arms slide around my neck, her face burrows into my fur. I shudder. Never has anyone touched me like this. I'm the thing that haunts nightmares. "My hero, thank you," she whispers.

  I move back as she begins to make a little nest with the things I brought, and then the sound of stone against stone fills the silence. Sparks land in the little nest and a tiny flame forms. She gasps as she leans over, blowing gently, flaming the fire to life. She adds small pieces of the wood until a little fire burns between us. Her tear filled eyes come up, meeting mine. I growl, lips pulling back to reveal my fangs. Her eyes widen as she finally gets a good look at me. I rise, stepping back into the shadows, rejection stinging my heart. Jason was right.



  My god, he is massive, and I was right, jet black fur. His glowing red eyes are terrifying. Rising, he moves away, and I realize my reaction hurt him. Raising my hand out to him, "Wait, please, I'm sorry. I just, well, I'm not sure what I was expecting. I mean, Powaqu told me you hunted them, but now I can understand why they fear you." Another step back into the darkness. Shit. "Crap, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it how it sounded. I mean you are terrifying. Fuck, that isn't any better. Okay, shut up, Emma." I hold my other hand out, hoping to stop him.

  "Let me start again. Thank you so much for helping me. Thank you for not killing me. I'm not sure how it all works, but if Jason is in there, thank you. If not, then still, thank you." I smile, probably a little too big, but I don't care. "By the way, your fur is the softest thing ever. And even though I think you look fierce, I think you are beautiful. Okay, shutting up now."

  I pray he doesn't kill me now that he's offended. Laying down still in the shadows, his eyes are on me and he doesn't move any further away. I turn my eyes to the fire. Staring, I wonder what's going to happen now. We are locked in here, no one in or out. If Arias is to be believed, none of those mythical beings I keep hearing about or meeting can find us. No food, no water. Daddy taught me how long I can survive and it ain't long. Tentatively, I touch my face; it is swollen and hurts something fierce. Pulling my hand away, I hold it in the light. At least no fresh blood is on it. I check my ribs and torso next, triaging my injuries. None are life threatening, so that's good. I try to remember everything daddy taught me about broken ribs and the hazards, but I'm certain my lungs are okay. I wish I had something to bind it with, but shallow breaths will have to do. My hair raises, looking up at intense red eyes that are studying my movements, his nose raises, and I hear him sniffing the air.

  "I look pretty bad, don't I?" I sigh, not the way I would chose to meet Jason. "He didn't like that I wasn't excited about being raped." A deep growl echoes around us before he lunges to his feet. I jump, startled, as he races away. Oh god, is something here? I strain to hear or see what sent him running. The fire starts to die down and I fumble around the room picking up everything I can find that I think might burn. Jumping at every tiny noise, my nerves are on high alert and I realize I'm shaking. Shock. Daddy's voice whispers through my head. I need to be careful. Putting more debris on the fire, I put my back to the stone table and lean back, shivering. Pressing a hand to my face, I realize I'm clammy. My heart starts pounding more, and I am gasping as my teeth begin to chatter. I'm so pissed. I'm probably going to die here, and I'm so angry at myself for so many things. I think of everything I missed out on because of my need to prove I was good enough.

  It was me I was good enough for
, I realize that now. How many times was I jealous of Aislin, her home, her grandfather, even her curves because they were things I didn't possess? Now I'm never going to get a chance to live. The dog is probably going to end up eating my dead body. I hope if he does, he rips Arias apart… Slowly.

  I think I hear him coming closer and turn my widened eyes, searching. I lock eyes with him as darkness takes me. My last thought is bon appetit.

  I wake with warm surrounding me. I smile when fur tickles my face. I lie as still as I can, savoring his presence. I have no idea how long I was out but I realize I needed the rest or maybe I needed my beast. He moved to my side after I fell asleep. Okay let's stick to the truth, Emma. I passed out, fainted like a true southern belle. My fingers rub some of the fur between them, and I think I would gladly do it again if it brought him to me. I feel such peace with him near. He moves his muzzle toward me, and I freeze. His eyes meet mine, and something deep within him reaches for me. Something broken like me.

  I reach for him and he growls. Pausing, I hold my hand there waiting. I think he must be used to only pain touching him. Those he is sent after must always attack the beast. So I wait. His hackles rise and then he is up sprinting away, and I'm trying to make sure my previously cushioned head doesn't bounce off the floor. I watch until he disappears.

  "Don't you worry, boy. I learned long ago how to love a wounded animal." My mom's face drifts through my mind and I realize daddy wasn't the only one that taught me the important things. I'm staring at nothing, lost in my memories when Arias' voice rings out. I tense before coming to my feet. I grin. He can't get in. I hobble up the path toward his voice. He is going to lose his mind when he finds me here. I hope he hasn't brought different witch.

  I'm about to step into his line of sight when teeth close around my hand, clamping down. Wincing, I look at my beast. I widen my eyes, questioning him, as he pulls me back. I kneel, leaning near him. He stiffens and growls but holds steady. My mouth brushes his sensitive ear, and I whisper, "I'll stay hidden, but be careful. The one who helped me said he had more witches."

  His massive head tilts, and he looks at me. I swear, if he can look surprised, he does, and then it's my turn as his pink tongue slides up the side of my face. I grin as he turns and stalks toward the barrier. I shuffle quietly to a better spot, hoping to get a view of the confrontation. I can't see Arias but my beast appears almost regal, even if his hackles are raised and his lips are pulled back. Arias is speaking, but I can't hear everything. I shift, trying to lean forward, and a few stones roll away from me. One massive ear swivels my direction as a series of deep barks fill the air. Grimacing, I freeze. He's going to maul me if Arias heard that.

  Arias is on a rant, screaming, and it drowns out the noise. He is going on about how no one understands how awful those that created him are, because if they did, everyone would join him in destroying them. The sad part is I agree with some of it, so far only seeing the destruction and pain they create. What Aphrodite did to me was unforgivable. I'm ready for some revenge of my own but wonder since they also made Jason and Kai. Aislin spoke of meeting Morrigan and from what she said that goddess is wonderful. Maybe the Greek ones are just a bad group.

  I'm drawn from my thoughts by Arias’ voice, shrieking in his rage now. I can hear his fist pounding on the barrier, and I lean out, wanting to see. It's like something from a movie, and I fight the urge to laugh. Jason is sitting calmly staring at him, which, if his face is anything to go by, is making Arias even madder. His next words shock me.

  "This is where they dumped me so long ago. Did you know that? Right here in this temple. One minute, I was in a cage in the Underworld, and the next, here. I was given to a horrible man. They thought he would kill me, but instead, he did so much worse. Everything is falling apart. I understand now I have no leverage with you, so instead of torturing you until you open the portal, I'm going to kill you. Destroy their prized project." Holding his hand out behind him, he smiles. I notice the other man from his house standing in silence. He places a bow in Arias’ hand.

  Raising it, he draws an arrow back, aiming at a now standing and growling beast. RUN. Why doesn't he run? Maybe the barrier will block it. The thud is sickening. The howl that comes from him is worse. I race out, not caring if Arias see me. Wanting him to. Wanting him to see me with Jason. His eyes widen and his mouth drops open as I race to my beast’s side.



  Glancing up at the sky, I can make out the first hints of the dawn. Drawing a breath, I look at the others. My hands are clutched together, knuckles white with worry. Gregor holds Damia to him, his weathered hand rubbing slow soothing circles on her back. Sean and Michael flank Raven. She has a hand on each of them, an interesting dynamic. Perséphone is standing staring into the water, but her magic flows out as she searches. I realize it's because of my connection with Kai that I'm aware of it.

  It's been too long. He should have returned, or at least, we should've gotten Emma back. Something has gone wrong. I'm angry that he left, angry that they let him. Kai squeezes my hands. He's sorry I'm upset but not sorry he didn't stop Jason.

  Kai leaps to his feet, and everyone startles. I climb from the floor where he dumped me in his haste. I'm about to ask when he races for the door. I follow and so do the others. I'm not surprised to find the boys already have weapons in their hands.

  Kai has stopped and dragon eyes are scanning the grounds, and we all tense. Michael moves to the right and Sean fans left. I feel wind on my back and look over my shoulder to see Raven rising into the sky. Damia and Gregor remain just inside the door and step to the side as Perséphone strides through face, twisted into a beautiful rage before smoothing. Someone is here. The Goddess walks by Kai, laying a hand on his shoulder gently before moving on. She glides out into the garden and kneels down.

  "Come out, little ones. None here will harm you. Unless you're here to spy." Her voice is filled with peace and love. The seconds tick by. Nestor's feet shuffle, and I glance back at him. Reaching back, I pull him to my side.

  My eye are filled with concern. "Do you sense something, Nestor?"

  "No, nothing. I hate to say it, but my powers are useless, unless you are looking for someone traveling." Shrugging, he lets his gaze go back to the garden.

  We all freeze as two very large foxes creep from the bushes, tails flicking in distress. They look at the goddess and then the larger one's eyes travel over the rest of us, landing on me. Glancing over its shoulder, it yips and is dashing our way. The next instant, the smaller one is hot on her heels. In a flurry of motion, the Druids move in front of me. Raven dives down, catching the lead fox's eyes. They slide to a stop just feet from my friends. The smaller one stares at the larger, and I feel the power because Kai does. He moves slightly, placing himself in front of me. I sigh and shove him aside, moving around him.

  "They came to find me. Let me through." I walk to them, all the while explaining my hope of news of Emma, with the knowledge that they will all protect me if it is needed. "I'm sure you all can save me from them, if need be." I state it out loud for the boys and for our visitors. Kai lets his dragon come forward and rolls his power over them, amber eyes narrowed in warning. I stop a few feet from them and wait.


  The foxes glance at each other and around. The smaller shrinks back. The larger shifts, and an instant later, a beautiful woman stands before us.

  "Emma sent us. She said to tell you ‘I see you.’ We need to hurry. It took us too long to get here."

  "You know where she is?" My voice is breathless with my relief. I lock my knees to keep from collapsing to the ground.

  "Yes, and I will take you to her. She is safe from him. I… We made sure of it. But before we go, we need to save the others."

  Sean is staring at her. "Others?" Everyone hears the suspicion in his voice.

  "Yes, my friends." We all whip our gazes to a petite woman standing where the smaller fox had been. She is magnificent. "My name is Mimi
and I have been held for longer than I can remember by Arias. I locked Emma in a chamber with Jason's beast. I locked them in and Arias out. I will open it, but first, we must save the others from him. He will be very angry with us both. Powaqu risked much to save both Emma and I from him."

  I step towards her but she shrinks back, so I freeze. "Where are your friends?"

  Her face turns to the inlet and her arm rises slowly, "There." We all look at the house.

  Michael studies her, "You set the wards."

  It was a statement, but she answers anyway, "Yes."

  "Drop them and we will get them." It is Kai who speaks, he's moving to the cliff. "Aislin, stay with them here." He glances at me and I nod he will stay in my mind and I in his.

  The timid one, Mimi, walks to the edge of the cliff and raises her arms. Her voice is melodic and soothing as she chants. The Druids stare at her. Those of us that sense her power are awed by its magnitude. Her hair flows out and her eyes flicker gold. Nestor can't stop staring at her. When he glances away, Sean and I grin at him. I shake my head.

  Kai shifts, and Nestor stumbles back a step at his massive form. The little fox is visibly shivering, and he moves to her side. He doesn't touch her, just stands as close to her as he can offering comfort, knowing if he touches her it will only scare her more.

  Sean and Michael climb on Kai's back, grinning like fools. I chuckle as he dives over the side of the cliff and two very unmasculine yelps reach our ears. They are holding on for dear life when the dragon levels his flight, circling us once. Raven laughs, taking to the air.


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