The Curse Behind The Mask (Dirty Heroes Collection Book 6)

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The Curse Behind The Mask (Dirty Heroes Collection Book 6) Page 5

by Holly J Gill

  He gripped my jaw hard, and snarled in my face. “One more fucking word and I’ll gag you bitch.”

  My heart sank into the pit of my stomach.

  I should not have come here.

  I should not have listened to daddy.

  I convinced myself to try and have a good time, instead only bitterness and evilness shadowed me.

  Elijah slammed his fingers into my core without warning, his fingers roughly working in and out of me, stretching me to the max as I bit back a scream and sobbed.

  “What a fucking tight cunt,” his voice guttural and throaty.

  I tried not to say anything. The words were on the tip of my tongue as he embedded his digits into my pussy.

  I cried. The pain was shocking. He would steal my virginity at this rate. Not like this, I pleaded but knew nobody was listening.

  In and out his fingers masterfully drove into me.

  My body ached, I was torn, being made to feel like a slut, a piece of dirt that no one would want to touch.

  He pulled the chain that connected my nipple to my clit with his other hand…

  “Fuck…” I yelled out. I did not mean to.

  His fingers penetrating me harder and faster forcing me to wet myself, watching as I sprayed him.

  Elijah got another instrument and placed it on my clit and sent currents of fierce shockwaves through my innocent body. The sensation overwhelmed me. My breathing was ragged, out of control, as he played with my nerve endings. He tugged harder on the nipple chain forcing me to yell out. I glanced down to see my nipples turning blue. I whimpered under his manipulation unsure where I was meant to be concentrating.

  The toy was pressed harder to my sensitive nerve endings, forcing me to rip and jolt as much as I could. My mind was all over the place, my body weakened, and I was losing the will and fight I did have.

  Torrents of tears ran down my cheeks. I wished for all this to end. I feared what was yet to come…either him or a toy being shoved inside me.

  My nerve endings became more delicate and a sensation tore through me, like shattering glass, and sent my body into a whirlwind of destruction.

  Defeated. My entire body betrayed me as I was catapulted into a nightmare.

  “Remove her from the cross…I want her on the bed,” he ordered.

  I was terrified, unsure what his next action was going to be. I had to try and get away. I had to try and salvage the last piece of dignity and my virginity…I had to save it.

  The men came hurdling across the room like boomerangs to take me down. I was so pleased to lose the neck restraint as that hurt like shit, almost choking me.

  I was undone and carried to the bed where I was placed. The men moved away and I used that as my chance to try and escape. I turned my body around onto all fours and went to shift across the upper part of the bed, when my ankles were grabbed and hurled back down the bed.

  I kicked back and glanced over my shoulder to see Elijah.

  “I don’t think so little bitch,” he scorned.

  “Leave me alone…leave me alone,” I howled and tried to kick him. I fell chest first onto the bed with the chains still attached to my nipples, forcing them to pull hard and make me cry.

  I tried to get to my knees again and this time I won. I rushed to the top of the bed. I stared around the room and realized I had nowhere to go, I was surrounded by guards and Elijah. The woman remained seated, not looking the slightest bit bothered. What a bitch.

  I curled my body up, protecting it for as long as I could, only… Elijah’s eyes were full of venom and anger. I cowered away, and wiped away the tears on my cheeks. I didn’t want these monsters to see they’d won. I had nowhere to go. I was their prisoner and no doubt about to be taught a lesson.

  Elijah moved around the bed. I huddled up more, and pushed my heels under me to then wrap my arms tightly around my legs.

  Our eyes met. I gulped, forcing a large lump that dominated my throat down.

  My heart raced and my tummy was in somersaults. How could I protect myself? I was not strong enough to take on these people, even the woman was bigger than me.

  He kneeled on the bed and reached to grab me. I kicked out…getting him in the chest. He seized my foot and dragged me to his body. His hold was strong as I kicked and punched out. I managed to twist and get onto my knees before making a go for it to the opposite side of the bed, only he towed me back and flipped me over. He pried my legs wide open and I gasped at the sight of his naked dick.

  “Please no…please I beg you,” I cried.

  I tried not to stare at the thick, firm, wide length, that was never going to fit in me. He was too big. He was going to hurt me, and bad. Petrified to have his cock inside me aware he was going to tear me apart, force me to bleed and damage my insides. I don’t know what a man felt like in there and it scared me shitless.

  He pulled me closer to him so my arse hung over the bed and without hesitation…his cock lined with my pussy, and he plunged in, stretching me wide and fast to accommodate his engorged dick.

  He slammed inside me, causing me to wail. His thrusts deepened, sinking into my core. The pain that tore through me was excruciating. My insides feeling tortured by this mad sexual act. I took hold of the bedsheet, my hands forming into tight fists as he impaled me, stabbing his length in and out of my now broken and battered core.

  I was worn out. My screams fell on deaf ears. Overwhelmed with anguish as this man stole the only thing I had protected all my life. I never dreamed I would lose it in such a brutal way.

  I sobbed, feeling intense pain inside me, aware his cock was sheathed in my blood. I wanted to hate him. I wanted to call him every name under the sun, only it would never bring back what he took. I laid on my back bitter, and angry allowing him to continue torturing me.

  Each time he hammered me, he grunted and sneered at me. This was a game to him. My pain was his delight.

  My body was giving in when he pulled on the clamps, sending pain through me.

  I felt light-headed, and unfocused. I opened my eyes hazily to see him when my body became overwhelmed in shockwaves, and I blacked out.



  I suddenly bolted awake in my bed, my tummy churning. My vision clouded. I swallowed a lump that dominated my throat. Sweat poured from my body, I shook frantically, staring with cotton wool eyes around the room. My heart palpitated and my mind was a whizz of suspicion.

  Thoughts, nasty thoughts invaded my head, forcing bile to fill my throat. I pulled the sheet off and saw bloodstains, it could only mean one thing…it was Megan’s. I ran to get dressed eager to find out what happened, what I did. Where is Megan?

  The Queen. I remembered how she’d cursed me. She admitted she cursed me, ‘To make all men monsters, have them fuck their bitches, killing them if they wished too. I really don’t give a crap,’. What the hell did that mean? What curse? My mind was awash not understanding anything, she added, ‘just me cursing you to torture that little bitch…or better still, kill her’ where her exact words, only for some reason some of the curse lifted with Megan, why?

  I had so many questions that required answers.

  I had one mission, to find the bitch, the Queen. I had to find out what the Queen made me do.

  My heart hammered against my chest wall so hard I was sure it was going to shatter the bones and pour out onto the ground.

  I arrived in the dining room where I swung the double doors open and saw the Queen sitting at the helm of the table eating her breakfast.

  Her eyes moved to me. I rushed toward her, as she wiped the corners of her mouth with the napkin, and looked so casual, as if nothing was wrong. Her smug face told me she had won.

  “Where is she? Where is Megan?” I shrilled.

  She turned her head to stare at me. She tilted her head to the side before picking up her drink.

  “What have you done? What did you make me do?” I threw the questions at her with an agonising sensation in my tummy. Was she even
alive? Did I kill her?

  “Why should it concern you, nephew?” she said smugly.

  I swear, it took all my strength not to charge at her.

  “Just tell me where she is?” I growled. I hated this woman, I hated everything about her, including the hold she had over me. I had no idea what her real motive was, or why she made me into the monster I was. “I will not ask again.” I slammed my hands down on the table and glared at her.

  “Oh Elijah, you poor soul,” she scoffed.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” I scorned.

  “Oh, dear boy.”

  She carried on eating her breakfast.

  “Stop this bullshit and just answer me,” I raged.

  “Oh Elijah, I do hate it when you grow a heart. It’s pathetic. Have you not noticed anything?” She laughed.

  “What, what the hell are you talking about?” I huffed in annoyance. The woman was talking in riddles.

  “You do know who I am?” she said self-satisfied.

  “You’re the Queen, even though I have no idea how as you’re my father’s sister,” I informed her.

  “Oops, I guess the little prince was never told the truth. Like I give a shit. I’m your half-sister, I was a Princess, a result of his affair. I hold everything little brother. I released a powerful curse…”

  “What? You’re confusing me, how?”

  “Those details don’t matter right now. You, like the others, are cursed, releasing all evil, yet…somehow…you looked at the little bitch and it wore off.”

  It took a few seconds for what she told me to sink in.

  “So, all the shit that’s happening is because of you?”

  She clapped her hands and narrowed her eyes.

  “What did you make me do?” I shouted.

  “Oh, do sit down you’re messing up my breakfast!” Her voice was calm and uncaring.

  “Are you serious?”

  “We have to do the breakfast gathering, Elijah, and you need to have your grand entrance where you introduce yourself to your guests from last night. I am sure some will feel thrilled to have met you,” her voice snared.

  “You’re vile, born with a…” Her hand went up stopping me from saying another word.

  “Choose your words wisely my darling brother, I have powers remember. And right now you should be on your knees thanking me, not that I expect appreciation. I mean I never did get any from your Daddy.”

  “Is this revenge?” I questioned.

  “I simply opened the box of the damned.”

  “You opened the box?” Shock enveloped me. My body was shaking.

  “Come, we need to get you ready, it’s rude to keep your guests waiting.”

  “You need to answer my question.”

  “I need to do fuck all.” She wiped the corners of her mouth with the napkin again, before throwing it onto her half-eaten plate. She stood and made her way out the room.

  I was baffled at her conduct and I felt almost like rebelling.

  She had control, and for the first time, I wished I had the power to do something and stop her sinister ways.

  I followed her, despite my reluctance, afraid of what more she was capable of. She was the Queen, and she had my inheritance over me. She held the key to stopping me from becoming King.

  “You need to get ready, make a show, look presentable and not like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards…now go and you’ll be introduced to your guests like a true prince,” she told me as guards surrounded me. She was up to something, only what? She was giving me the creeps.

  They marched me to my room where I changed from my slacks into my black suit and tie with a charcoal shirt, leather gloves on and polished shoes. My heart raced and I just wanted to find Megan, and fingers crossed she was going to be at the breakfast. I had to see her. I had to make sure she was ok. I wished I knew exactly what happened last night, but I somehow knew I was the last person she wished to see.

  With the bodyguards surrounding me, I walked to the great hall where the guests were ready, and waiting for me. I had no appetite. My only mission was to find Megan.

  The large wooden double doors opened.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your host, Prince Elijah.”

  I inhaled a deep breath before stepping inside the room. Everyone would have their beady eyes fixed on me, including Megan, if she was even in the room. I resented this part. I walk to my seat and attempt to act like royalty when really it was the Queen who pulled the strings. I was her puppet, she toyed with me when it suited her. She owned me only what flared inside me was something I had never desired before, her life.

  The Queen, the evil corrupt Queen had opened the box that was never to be touched, she stole normality and left behind a trail of crazed, sex-starved people.

  I walked to my throne, if only my guests knew the truth. She sat beside me, her nose in the air, her eyes narrowed, her back straight. She was the Queen, she turned love into evil, only somehow, I fought it last night, I felt something, compassion, perhaps even love, until she cursed me.

  Breakfast was served and I scanned the room, checking over the women, looking for Megan. No one else in this room mattered but her. I searched the back of the room.

  And suddenly I caught a glimpse of a stunning young brunette. I’d found her. My eyes peered at her, with no intention of ever looking away. Tears ran down her cheeks, her eyes were bloodshot, bruises coated her cheeks and arms, my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach, I had my answers. She was hurt.

  My gaze never left hers, as I was once again entranced by her beauty. I watched as she wiped the droplets from her eyes. I sensed her anguish, her pain. I did that. No, I did not do that, the Queen did.

  She moved strands of her away from her face, and gazed at the guests beside her, two ugly men. I snarled betting the Queen put her there for a reason, to be ogled at by the creeps. Nobody in this fucking room would touch her.

  Where the hell was this sentiment coming from?

  She lifted her head and our eyes met and I felt an explosion through my body. The earth shook, my heart missed a beat and my stomach tightened. I’d never in my life felt anything like this for the opposite sex. Our gaze was intense, until she turned away. A waiter arrived standing in front of me while pouring a drink. I tried to look around him, but for some reason he moved in the same direction.

  He left and when I looked at the seat Megan was sitting in, she was gone…

  I scanned the entire room in a panic. I had to find her. I had to get to her. I had to explain. My heart sank into the pit of my stomach, alarm bells rang, where had she vanished to? I stared at the double doors and there was only one place she could have gone, and that was out of them.

  I rose and without saying a word I rushed around the tables and guests, my focus on the doors. I swung them open and looked up and down the corridor where bodyguard stood.

  “The girl…”

  “No idea, Your Highness.” He motioned.



  I had always dreamed of meeting prince charming, every girl dreams of that, and much to my surprise, I had found a prince. I was in the arms of a prince for one night, but the fairy tale, and true love were far from what I imagined it to be. It started off so well, perfect almost, and then he left the room and returned a monster. A nasty, evil venomous beast who took my virginity. How had that happened? My heart ached. My body was torn, ripped to shreds after such a horrific experience.

  He slammed into me without a care in the world. I would almost say, the man who left the room did not come back. It was like something happened, what, I had no idea.

  Either way, I was sore, my body was bruised, and as for my heart it would never heal. He damaged me. He spilled my blood without remorse. I could still feel his cock hammering inside me, battering my insides.

  The instruments he used; they were terrible. How could he? Tears fell from my eyes. My daddy always told me a prince would come and save me, what bullshit.

  When Prince Elijah walked into the breakfast room, I gasped. I never expected to see him, the man who… I sobbed. I wanted to collapse in a heap on the floor and die there. He found me; our eyes engaged… I had to get the hell out. I had to escape. I could not face what he did to me nor accept it. He degraded me, stole and imprisoned me, forcing me into something I did not want. I told him I was a virgin, and he defiled me.

  I woke up in the same room, bloodstains on the bed. Guards were all around me and a servant woman was there to help me get washed and dressed. I felt so degraded and worthless as she washed my body of the blood.

  After the bath I was ordered to have breakfast and the guards escorted me to make sure I never made a run for it. It felt like my humiliation was never to end. I entered the room where many guests were also seated, and I was told where to be seated. Classical music was played low. I glanced at the guards to find them stood behind me, hands clenched together at their groins.

  The music stopped and a bell rang and the guests swiftly moved to their seats and stood. I remained to stand when in came the Queen, full of brazier her nose held firmly into the ceiling. She wore a white floating dress and at the front showed her breasts covered with what looked like nipple tassels. I had no idea why I was still here what I did notice was a chair to her left, empty, certain that was for the so-called Prince.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome your host, Prince Elijah,” came a male voice to my left. The name…the fucking name, no please don’t tell me it’s... The Prince came into view… My heart sunk into the pit of my stomach. It was Elijah the same man who… Tears spilled from my eyes, I had been bruised and humiliated by the Prince.

  Unable to take the pain after our eyes clashed, I was certain a large part of me died and I became a corpse. I noticed the guards had gone. I managed to slip out. I found myself at the front door, there were guards but none appeared to be bothered. He opened the door and out I went. Outside the house I looked in every direction to decide which way to run to escape this hell-hole. I saw the forest at the front of the estate and made my run for it. The wind blew through my hair, I didn’t stop, but carried on. I feared what was coming, and running was the only option. I did not want a repeat of what he did to me last night. I valued myself more than that. I had to hurry, even if I was weak, sore and tired. I’d cried my heart out. I had nothing left in me, he took all my sanity, and crushed my soul.


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