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The Wild, Wild Anybody's Guess: Aloha!

Page 9

by Jayha Leigh

  Dragging herself out of bed, she fired up her laptop so she could catch up on her e-mail. Besides the weekly update on Evil Twins there were caveats threatening the complete decimation of her entire collection of electronics should she miss the wedding. As if. It’s not every day that her best friend got married. Attacking her e-mail in order of import ‑‑ Atlanta’s first, then the rest of the Posse ‑‑ she noticed an unfamiliar address. Taking a moment to scan the subject line, she laughed realizing that it was no one other than the Ianikut Maksim Aleksandrovich. Noticing that there was an attachment, she opened the e-mail and nearly choked on her Skittles.

  No, that motherfucker didn’t send a picture of himself looking like all of her fantasies combined. Damn, only Ianikut could make dress pants and a dress shirt look so good. Of course it helped that the shirt was unbuttoned showing the eight pack that begged to be licked. But even that wasn’t what caused her to cream her panties. What brought her to the brink of orgasm was the pose. Even though it was a picture, Ianikut’s eyes were locked directly on her. Ianikut’s hair was loose. He had one of his big, capable hands on his impressive cock, and the expression on his face clearly said that he wanted to fuck her. No, not that he wanted to fuck her, but that he was going to fuck her and when he did, she would love it or actually she would recall that she’d loved it after she regained her senses. She bet that she’d be in any condition to do a damn thing but take him.

  Aloha wanted to take Ianikut ‑‑ every way she possibly could. Sighing, she enlarged the picture, lay on the bed and imagined how she’d make love to him. First, she’d straddle the big Russian, grab a fistful of those glorious, raven locks and kiss her way from his mouth to his neck as she lightly raked her nails over his flat nipples. He was so much bigger than her that she could get lost in his embrace and that only turned her on more. She bet that he would hold her hips down forcing her to grind against him harder and harder until she climaxed all over herself.

  After she came, she imagined lying against his chest while she caught her breath. Ianikut would softly caress her, telling her how he was going to fuck her. Speaking in that hypnotic voice, she imagined his words would be like caresses. Oh, she needed this man. Biting her lip and squeezing her legs shut, she rose from the bed on shaky legs, and replied to his e-mail.

  Did your boyfriend take that picture before or after he got in your pants? Chuckling, she hit send and shut down her laptop. As she slowly caressed herself, she wondered what Ianikut’s response would be.

  * * * * *

  Seeing a response to his e-mail, Ianikut smiled. He wondered what his angel thought about the picture he sent. Did it make her hot? When he’d taken that picture, he had to stop himself from freeing his cock and stroking himself to completion. Sitting back in his bed, he opened her response and growled. Boyfriend indeed. Ianikut knew that she was merely teasing him but the beast taunted him. The beast advised him to hunt his woman and show her how hetero he was. As soon as he had her in his arms he was going to demonstrate how much man he was and it wasn’t merely because of his ridiculously-big bank account, intellect, or cock…but because he had her as a woman. Growling, he responded to her response.

  I’m all man, angel moya, and when you return, I’ll be more than happy to prove that to you…all winter long.

  For the next two months Aloha taunted and baited him ‑‑ the Ianikut Maksim Aleksandrovich. Ianikut spent that time telling her how he was going to fuck the insolence right out of her. And consequently, he spent his days with a hard cock and his nights taking cold showers. He couldn’t wait for Atlanta’s wedding day ‑‑ not because he was anxious to see her married off, but because he would finally get to see Aloha, touch Aloha, and take her scent into his body.

  Chapter Eleven

  Ianikut’s possessive streak insured that he spent the majority of the brief wedding ceremony eyeballing the berserker’s brothers ‑‑ especially Egil ‑‑ Steele’s oldest brother and his best man. As maid-of-honor Aloha should’ve been escorted by him, but as far as Ianikut was concerned he was not only the best man but the only man. If any male present thought that they were getting anywhere near his woman, they’d have an ass whipping to go with that stupid thought. Although they snickered, no one challenged or reprimanded him when he planted himself next to Aloha ‑‑ and remained there for the duration of the strangest damn wedding he’d ever attended.

  As soon as Atlanta reached his side, the berserker started off with heavy petting. He stopped making out with her just long enough to vociferously declare his ‘I do’ before laying a kiss on Atlanta that you had to be over the age of twenty-one to witness. Only the litany of throat clearing prevented the berserker from ripping off Atlanta’s dress and fucking her right there. As it was, Steele practically had Atlanta undressed during what had to be the world’s quickest photo shoot.

  The berserker was so enamored with his bride that they missed the entire reception, which is why he was currently sitting smack dab in the middle of Atlanta’s living room with the rest of the Posse watching them razz the newlyweds. Ianikut listened to the commentary with only half an ear as he was still trying to control his hard-on reminiscing about how his angel had looked in her bridesmaid dress. He’d had a hard dick for damn near three months and her outfit wasn’t helping matters. Not only was the dress not neon; it wasn’t nearly long enough to be considered a dress. Later, he would admonish her about how much of her person had been on display.

  His petite angel was a stacked little something. Whereas everyone else witnessed Steele practically devour Atlanta at the altar, he’d been busy multitasking. While ogling Aloha, he concentrated on keeping his incisors from descending, doing his damnedest to keep his cock from bursting through his dress pants, and shushing the voice in his head that taunted him to toss Aloha onto the ground and fuck her into submission. The three and a half months he’d been without her had driven him to the brink.

  Ianikut snapped to attention upon hearing Aloha exclaim something about a field trip to who gave a damn where. He set down his glass of cranberry juice before he inadvertently crushed it to pieces. The fact that the love of his life thought that she was going to go man-hunting anywhere would’ve been laughable had he not thought that she would embark on such a trip just for the adventure. What if she were to find a man that she was interested in? He would hate to have to kill a man, but he wouldn’t hesitate to do so if it meant keeping Aloha by his side. It was best that his woman find out about his possessive side before he had to resort to murder.

  Ianikut wasn’t overly possessive, but being that he had yet to claim his woman and the room was full of unattached males, he was edgy. Aloha’s careless remark had inadvertently roused the beast. Though the majority of the room’s occupants were unaware of his distress, he knew that his brothers were concerned for he could feel their alertness. They were waiting for all hell to break lose.

  * * * * *

  “Aloha?” Ianikut inquired in a deceptively neutral voice.

  Aloha paused in her commentary to answer him. “Yes, Ianikut?”

  “You’ll have to postpone your little adventure.”

  “Why? The south of France is always fun, especially this time of year.”

  “Because,” he said as he got up and approached her. “I don’t think that it would be in the best interest of any male who made a move on you.”

  “Ianikut, no one’s going to make a move on me,” Aloha protested.

  “Yes, angel, they will.”

  “There’s nothing about me that says that I’m in the market for a man.”

  “Not being escorted by a dangerous motherfucker would be enough for other males to risk their worthless lives to attempt to court you.”

  “Worthless lives? Don’t you think it’s just a little arrogant to deem someone’s life as worthless, even if the someone is some imaginary man?” Aloha huffed.

  “No. I’m merely stating a fact. Trust me. I’ll destroy any male who attempts to take you from me.”

  “Ianikut, what’s wrong with you?”

  “Nothing’s wrong with me, angel moya. You’re beautiful, and why you don’t see that is beyond me,” he said as he silently approached her. “And beyond that, you’re mine,” he said silkily before leaning down to take possession of her mouth. Ianikut kissed her until her knees went weak…until she struggled for breath…until she surrendered to him. Only then did he release her. Pleased to see her eyes unfocused, her lips swollen, and hearing her harsh breathing placated the beast in him ‑‑ momentarily. Being apart from her for three months had worked him up good and proper.

  * * * * *

  Aloha knew two things without a doubt. One, Ianikut wanted her and the only thing on earth that would stop him was a ‘no’ from her. Two, there was no way in the actual or virtual world that she was about to say ‘no.’ Nuh-uh no freaking way. She’d pined for this fine motherfucker for damn near five years. Four years of lusting after that orgasm-inducing voice and months of lusting after his thought stopping body and do long math in his head intellect.

  “Ianikut,” she breathed. “I need…”

  “As do I, angel,” he responded as he hustled her out to his car.

  Ianikut practically threw her into the passenger side and buckled her in before scrambling across the hood and getting in. If she hadn’t been so aroused when he’d inadvertently grazed her nipple, Aloha would’ve appreciated the Duke boys move. Ianikut’s unintentional caress coupled with the massive hard-on that had been rammed against her tripped her fuck-me-hard-and-right-this-minute gene. She reached over and gently cupped him much to his surprise…and pleasure.

  Ianikut hissed when Aloha caressed him. She knew that she was severely testing his iron will, but dammit, she wanted to test it. The diva in her wanted to bring this big man to his knees. She wanted, no she needed to see him lose all of his cool…and know that she was the catalyst for him losing his decorum.

  “Aloha, unless you let go, I’m going to fuck you right here, regardless of who’s inside watching,” he made a sound somewhere between a demand and a plea.

  “You’d risk another man seeing all of this?” She asked as she grabbed his hands and placed them over her breasts.

  “Though I’m normally the epitome of propriety, all bets are off when it comes to you, angel. Staking my claim by fucking you into multiple orgasms won’t be a problem for me.”


  “Because you’re mine. Full motherfucking stop.”

  “But,” she said.

  “You’re mine, angel. You’re my woman and other males need to know and heed that. If the only way to make them understand that is by continuously fucking you so good that you scream out my name in pleasure, so be it. You are mine and the only way any other male can have you is via my death and the death of my brothers. Aloha, you may see me and think that I’m nothing more than a soft, rich boy, but angel, I assure you that I am all man, all the time and so is every male in my lineage. People don’t fuck with us because the Aleksandroviches are known for being motherfuckers you don’t want to cross. Not only would my brothers fight to the death to help me keep you, they know that I wouldn’t hesitate to waste every man on this planet to keep you and that includes them.”

  Aloha looked into Ianikut’s eyes and knew without a doubt that he wasn’t joking. He meant every damn word. “Fine, then,” she pouted and scooted back on her side of the car. She wasn’t sure how it happened but fifteen minutes into the drive, she was thrumming herself to the brink of orgasm. One hand plucked at her nipple, while the other stroked her pussy.

  * * * * *

  Ianikut held onto his control by a thread ‑‑ a microscopic thread. Their lengthy separation, their racy e-mails, his vivid dreams all conspired to drive him to the brink. His body was rock hard, the beast was close to the surface, and everything within him prompted him to claim what was his. He knew that Aloha didn’t even have an inkling of the true depth of his feelings. Had she known how hungry he was, she would’ve kept her hands far away from her cunt. Witnessing Aloha pleasuring herself not only enhanced his hunger, it teased the beast. And the beast wanted, no demanded, a taste of her now. Luckily, there was ample space to pull over. Clicking on his emergency flashers, he threw the car in park and unsnapped his seat belt. Turning to her he proclaimed, “Mine,” as he slapped her hands away from his succulent treat. Bending over, he gently tugged her nipple with his teeth before pulling it into his mouth for a taste. While suckling, he jerked her panties down and spread her thighs wide. Closing his eyes, he breathed in, savoring the scent of her arousal. Her scent damn near intoxicated him. Growling, he yanked her to him and thrust a finger into her creaming cunt. Her scream would’ve concerned him had he not been witnessing the pleasure that crossed her face. Tangling a hand in her braids, he covered her succulent lips with his and devoured her cries of pleasure, stroking her to multiple waves of orgasms.

  He thoroughly enjoyed the way Aloha came. She panted in staccato. She clawed at him, as if he was her lifeline; she ground herself so tightly to him that it was as if they were on the verge of melting into each other. Though he’d pleasured many women, none had looked so beautiful in her pleasure, none had ever touched his soul like the woman in his arms.

  Ianikut had to have more. Emitting a chorus of rumbles, he pushed his face into her cunt wanting to taste her. Licking her with firm strokes, he worked her clit furiously wanting her to flood his mouth with her nectar. Her nectar was ambrosia and she was his immortality.

  Being that he still had to get them safely home he reluctantly pulled away from his treat but smirked at the picture that she presented. She was reclined in the seat gasping for breath. Her tasty breasts spilled over the tops of her demi bra. Panties around her ankles, he could just make out the barest hint of that delicious cunt. If he hadn’t been so aroused, he might’ve taken the time to appreciate her lingerie. As it was, he could barely concentrate hard enough to tell you the color of her bra and panties, although he looked right at them.

  * * * * *

  Aloha was stunned out of her reverie when Ianikut brought the car to a halt and reached across her to unsnap her seatbelt. Before she could ask what was going on, he already stormed her castle and assaulted her senses. Moaning from his ministrations, she panted in time with the orgasms he was busy supplying her with. Realizing they were on the side of the road, she took a moment and gave thanks, grateful for dark window tint and light traffic. By the time she came down from his ministrations, Ianikut already had them both buckled in and was once again on the road.

  Aloha realized that she should probably move her bare ass off of the supple leather of his seat, especially since she felt as if she was coming rivers. She moved to do just that but stopped when Ianikut growled his displeasure at her actions. The feeling of lust that ran through her intensified at the provocative picture that she knew she presented. Damn, Ianikut, for being so damn fine and for having the clarity to drive them home rather than dragging her off into the woods and having his way with her. The fact that he had the wherewithal to drive them home gave credence to the reputation he had sown as a man who was calm under pressure. If it wasn’t for the fact that his normally perfectly coiffed hair was in disarray instead of lying obediently in the neat queue that he favored, and his face was sticky with her nectar, Aloha might’ve thought that he was unaffected by their passionate encounter.

  Even before the garage door closed behind them, Ianikut had her over his shoulder and was having his way with her. It was obvious that he had a fascination with her ass as he was busy running his fingers over her plump cheeks. By the time that he reached the bedroom, he was well into the process of undressing her. Her shoes made clunking sounds as he tossed them aside, and the swishing sound her jeans made as he tossed them aside too. She heard the rending of her shirt as he impatiently ripped it off. The only reason that her panties were spared was because he’d stuffed them in his pocket as soon as he yanked them off. By the time they made it to his bedroom
she wore only her demi bra and she was quickly divested of that.

  Placing her on the bed, he once again spread her thighs and greedily lapped at her cunt. Damn, damn, damn, he knew how to eat some pussy. Tightening her legs around him, Aloha screamed out a climax before collapsing onto the bed.

  While she was experiencing the aftereffects of her climax, Ianikut rose to his feet and hastily tugged off his clothes. His clothes didn’t fare any better than hers. Only a few of his shirt buttons managed to survive as he ripped the shirt from his body. She watched his shoes sail across the room and briefly wondered if he would inadvertently break one of the windows. Hearing his zipper, she quickly dismissed such mundane thoughts. If he broke a window, fuck it, he had plenty more. He tugged his trousers and underwear off simultaneously and then bent to remove his socks.

  When he was finally standing naked in front of her, she could only gasp at his beauty. Ianikut was hands down, inarguably the most beautiful man she’d ever laid eyes upon. Standing 6’7” with his black hair spilling down his back, all he needed was a wind machine to fan it out behind him. If book companies could see him as he was now, the supply of romance cover models would quite simply be shit out of luck.


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