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Page 14

by Lisa Harris

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “Yeah, it’s just that I …” He pushed his breakfast aside and looked up at her. “I meant it when I said I’d probably do the exact same thing you’re doing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t think that this situation won’t affect you. When the shock of everything that’s happened the past twenty-four hours starts to wear off, it’s going to hit you hard.”

  “Psychology 101?” She smiled, wanting to lighten the mood, but she knew he was right.

  “I didn’t have to take psychology to know that.”

  “I’m okay. Really. If I wasn’t, I’d step away from the case, but I can handle this. And once we’re done, I promise to take a few days off.”

  He reached for her hand. “And spend them with me?”

  “You might have to fight for time with my mom, but yes. I promise.” She looked up and caught his gaze. “But let’s forget about that right now. You brought me breakfast and coffee, which means I’ve got about twenty minutes to begin putting a dent into the past three months I missed, and I, for one, don’t want to talk about my work.”

  “Okay … it’s a deal.”

  She sat down on one of the barstools next to him, knees touching. Wishing she had more than twenty minutes to catch up.

  “And you? How are you? You haven’t even gotten over jet lag yet.”

  “Liam keeps catching me up in the middle of the night reading. I think he just doesn’t want me out of his sight. I missed him so much while I was gone.”

  “He struggled while you were gone, but in his own wise six-year-old mind, I think part of him understood.”

  Tyler picked up his coffee and took a sip. “Have I thanked you for checking on him so much?”

  “Yes, and you’re welcome. He’s a great kid and you know I love him.”

  “Yesterday he gave me a long list of everything the two of you did together. I knew you’d be there for him, but you really went above and beyond the call of duty.”

  “Don’t worry, I enjoy hanging out with him.”

  She added a couple spoonfuls of salsa to her burrito, then closed it up again. She really had enjoyed every moment of her time with Liam. Because being with him made her feel like Tyler wasn’t quite so far away.

  “Tell me about this job opportunity,” she said.

  “I got an offer from a private company, working as a director of their cyber security. It’s a great opportunity, with high clearance levels.”

  “Meaning if you tell me, you’ll have to kill me?” she asked.

  “Something like that.” Tyler laughed. “I have a meeting set up for Friday with their CEO. I’ll learn more then. What I do know is that the job is here in Nashville, heading their cyber team to analyze critical threats.”

  “Wow … that sounds perfect.”

  “I think it could be. At least on the surface. I haven’t given them an answer yet. It will keep me busy, but it only requires minimal travel, which means I’ll be home with Liam most of the time. So the job would be challenging to me and yet give Liam the stability he needs.”

  “Sounds like a perfect match,” Nikki said. “What about your house? Any interested buyers?”

  “My Realtor’s showing the house again now that I’m back. And I’m planning to start looking for something else. My mother brought up the idea of my buying a house with a mother-in-law apartment when we move.”

  “And what do you think about that?”

  “It would be wonderful to have her right there. She loves helping me look after Liam, and it’s a tremendous help to me. If she were closer, it would be even easier. I think I’d worry a lot less. Knowing she was always there if I needed her.”

  Nikki caught the hesitation in his eyes. “But you sound uncertain.”

  “I told her there were a lot of things to consider. Like us.”

  “What about us?” she asked. Nikki couldn’t look at him while she asked. She picked at her burrito, eyes down, barely breathing. Finally she looked up and faced him, and faced her fear. “You’ve gone through a lot the past year and a half. Losing Katie and the baby. Becoming a single dad. I don’t want to be … the convenient answer to your life.”

  Tyler laughed. “I’m not looking for a nanny or a housekeeper, if that’s what you’re worried about.” His smile faded. “You should know that by now. But if I’m pushing you—”

  “No, it’s not that.” She took another sip of her coffee. How in the world was she supposed to tell him that they might not ever be able to have the life they’d talked about? That she might not ever be able to give him the family he wanted?

  “Trust me, you’re anything but convenient,” he said, breaking into her thoughts. “Nikki, for the first time I’m able to think about life after Katie. I can actually see a future that makes me happy.”

  “What do you see?” she asked, looking up at him.

  “You and me together. These past three months made me realize I want that. And not because it’s convenient, but because of the simple reason that I’m in love with you. I want us to look at moving forward and someday … have a family together. I want Liam to have brothers and sisters.”

  She felt panic rush through her.

  “Am I scaring you?” He took her hand and pulled her toward him. “If I am, I’m sorry, but—”

  “No, you have nothing to be sorry about.” She shook her head.

  “You know, this is my fault. Everything’s out of order.” Tyler let out a low laugh. “I haven’t even asked you out on an official date, and I’m talking like we’re ready to walk down the aisle. I shouldn’t be pushing you. I just … I missed you while I was gone, Nikki. Every single day had me wondering why I decided to go, even though it was probably the best thing I could have done. Just tell me we’re heading in the same direction.”

  “We … we are. I’m sorry if I sound like I’m hesitant, because I’m not.” Nikki paused, knowing that eventually she’d have to tell him the truth. But the last twenty-four hours had been a blur that had left her head spinning, both physically and emotionally. “This is just the first time we’ve spoken about us face-to-face.”

  “You’re having doubts?”

  She looked up and caught his gaze. “No, I’m just …”

  She didn’t know how to tell him.

  He leaned forward. “If you want to take things slower, I understand. Anything you want is fine. I’m not trying to rush things between us—”

  “I know. And what I’m going through right now has nothing to do with you. I’m just distracted and this case has drained me.” She glanced at her cell phone. “In fact, I probably need to get going.”

  She wanted him to pull her into his arms. Wanted to forget everything that had happened. But she didn’t know how to let it go. Didn’t know how to tell him what she was thinking.

  “Okay,” he said. “But I need you to know that I’m here for you. If there’s anything I can do …”

  But it wasn’t about the case.

  She looked down at her half-eaten plate of food. This wasn’t how she’d imagined his homecoming, but she wasn’t sure she could deal with the added emotions right now. Maybe when she was away from this she’d be able to think clearer.

  “I need to go.” She finished off the rest of her coffee, avoiding his gaze. “But thank you for breakfast.”


  “I’m sorry. I really am.”

  More guilt washed through her. She was trying to avoid talking about what really mattered. But putting off the conversation wasn’t going to change the facts.

  “I’ll let you know when we wrap up the case,” she said, “and then I’ll make up for all of this. I promise.”

  “Liam wanted me to ask you to come over so we can have pizza and watch movies.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “And we’ll talk some more. Go out on that first date. Alone.”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “I’d like that.”

  He stood up and drew her into his
arms. “Just promise me you’ll be careful.” He locked his hands together around the back of her neck.

  She nodded. Needing him to go. Wanting him to stay. “I promise.”

  He brushed his lips across hers, hesitating for a few seconds before pulling away. Being with him made her want more of him, but she didn’t know if what she wanted was ever going to happen.


  6:52 a.m.

  Nikki grabbed the lampshade that had fallen over during the struggle. The bulb had shattered and now lay scattered across the floor. She already regretted her decision to let Tyler walk out the door. The timing might be all wrong, but she should have told him to stay. Should have told him the truth about what the doctor had said instead of letting it continue to simmer inside her. How were they supposed to have a relationship if she couldn’t be completely honest with him?

  She grabbed the dustpan and brush from the small utility closet and started cleaning up the mess. She’d tell him when this was over. When she could talk to him without any distractions. He deserved the truth from her. Not her excuses.

  A knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. She dumped the shards of glass into the trash can. If Tyler had come back …

  She glanced through the peephole, then swung open the door. Gwen stood next to Jack holding three coffees in a cardboard takeout container. A patrol car sat against the curb outside the apartment building.

  “I know you told Jack you were coming in later this morning, but when I found out what happened, I decided we needed to come by and see you now,” Gwen said, taking a step into the room. She looked Nikki over from head to toe, as if she really did want to make sure she was still in one piece. “So how are you?”

  “It’s been a rough twenty-four hours.” Nikki rubbed her temples, still feeling the tension pulsing through her veins. “But I’m okay. At least I will be.”

  “Rough?” Gwen shook her head. “Seriously, Nikki, that plane crash would have been enough to do me in. And then the prison incident …” She set the coffees on the island next to the one Tyler had just brought her. “Looks like someone beat us to your daily morning java jolt.”

  “Tyler came by with breakfast and coffee, but I could use another round of caffeine.” She took a sip, hoping the energy boost would also settle her nerves, then pointed at the ones Tyler had left. “There’s a lot of burrito left if you’re hungry.”

  She didn’t want to throw it out, but her own stomach churned at the thought of any more food.

  “I already ate, but thanks,” Jack said. “Holly’s got me on this elimination diet to discover food allergies, and anything I do eat has to be organic.”

  “You, on an organic diet? Seriously, Holly really is rubbing off on you.” Gwen laughed. “Though now that you mention it, I can’t remember the last time I saw you with a burger and fries or cheese-crust pizza.”

  “True. And you also might have noticed,” Jack said, patting his flat stomach, “that I’ve lost five pounds and feel—and look—at least that many years younger.”

  “Don’t push it,” Nikki teased, thankful to have the spotlight off herself for the moment. She pointed toward the back of his neck. “You still haven’t managed to get rid of that rash.”

  “Rash? What rash?” he asked, reaching up to feel his neck.

  Gwen laughed. “She’s kidding, Jack.”

  Nikki smiled, then took a sip of her coffee. While she appreciated the distraction, she couldn’t stop thinking about Erika and Lily. And how if she was just given the chance to talk to Cipher one more time they might get some of the answers they needed.

  Jack leaned against the counter and caught Nikki’s gaze. “What are you thinking?”

  “That I need to go in and give an official statement this morning, but after that”—she set down her drink—“there’s no way I’ll go back to sleep, and I’m going to go crazy sitting at home.”

  “Which is why if I were you, I’d be putting in for time off and heading off for a few days in the Smokies, or maybe rock climbing,” Gwen said. “Anywhere you can avoid thinking about what you’ve just gone through.”

  A few days away would do her good, but she couldn’t forget her dream about Lily and Sarah. Nikki could feel her heart racing and her palms sweating. She took in some deep, calming breaths to tamp down the adrenaline surge.

  She glanced at Gwen. “Did he tell you what else we found out while talking to Erika’s brother last night?”

  “That Russell and Erika had a baby? Yeah. But I don’t get it. Is this situation her testifying against him, or are we looking at a custody case?”

  Nikki shook her head. “My guess is both.”

  “Then why didn’t the FBI tell us about her? The fact that there’s a child out there who’s also missing seems pretty relevant to the case, if you ask me.”

  “Apparently Erika insisted that Lily was kept out of things for her own safety.” Nikki shivered despite the fact that the air conditioner was set too high. Someone was leaving a trail of bodies behind. And keeping secrets worth killing for.

  “I knew you would want some information on him, so I stopped by the station on the way over,” Jack said. “While I was there I found out something interesting. They just ID’d our fake marshal. He was definitely connected to Russell.”

  “So Russell was behind the swap.”

  “Looks like it.” He dropped the file he’d been holding onto the island. “As for Cipher, unfortunately, he’s not talking yet, even though there’s a good chance he’s looking at the death penalty now.”

  “His file?” Nikki asked.

  Jack nodded. “His real name is Freddie Jenkins. He’s a local thug for hire. The last time he was arrested, the judge gave him twenty-five years with no chance of parole.”

  Nikki drummed her fingers against her coffee cup. That might explain the motivation for him risking a prison escape. At his age, twenty-five years might as well be life. But the bottom line was that right now, Cipher was her only connection to Brian Russell. She’d spent the most time with him. If anyone could get him to talk, she believed she could.

  “Cipher has answers. We need to talk with him.”

  “We?” Jack’s brow rose. “Forget it. You know Carter will never go for that. Besides the fact that he was involved in the deaths of two people and injured two others, the DA has just taken over the case and doesn’t think we need to be involved.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding.” Nikki’s frown deepened. “They don’t want us involved?”

  “No, but there’s also another small detail, in case you forgot. Less than twelve hours ago he was holding you hostage at gunpoint. None of us want you around that man.”

  Nikki swallowed her frustration. She might understand their position, but she wasn’t ready to simply walk away. “What if I can get him to talk—”


  “Hear me out.” They were both eying her like she was crazy, but at the moment she didn’t care. “During the hostage situation, I connected with him … even if it was only for a brief moment. If I can get him to talk, I might get information out of him that could lead us to Russell. Information we need right now in order to find Erika and her daughter.”

  Jack frowned. “We all agree that we need to talk to him if we can get the DA on our side, but let Gwen and me handle this.”

  “I know you can handle things, but—”

  Jack’s cell phone rang. He pulled it out of his back pocket and took the call.

  “He’s right, you know,” Gwen said, taking a long sip of her coffee. “You’ve gotten us this far. Let us do the rest.”

  Am I just being stubborn, God, or would what I could do really make a difference?

  “Who was that?” Gwen said as soon as Jack hung up.

  “It was the hospital where Justin Peters is recovering.”

  “And …” Nikki prodded.

  Jack glanced at Gwen, then back to Nikki. “Peters is awake and he wants to talk with you.”

minutes later, Nikki stepped into the large hospital elevator with Jack and breathed in the smell of disinfectant. For the most part, hospitals had never bothered her. It wasn’t like walking through the claustrophobic halls of the prison, where hundreds of inmates had completely lost their freedom. But today, everything had her on edge. Maybe it was the lingering scent of death, bringing with it the reminder that she’d come far too close in facing her own immortality.

  Life was so fleeting.

  We never know which breath might be our last, do we, God?

  Had those same thoughts run through Sarah’s mind the day she’d been abducted? Had the day she’d been abducted been her last one alive?

  Nikki pulled her mind back to the issue at hand. Gwen had stayed back at the precinct in order to try to set up an interview with Cipher. Which meant for now, Nikki needed to stay focused on what she wanted to ask Peters so they could put an end to this.

  “You sure you’re up to this?” Jack asked, punching the elevator button.

  She gritted her teeth and nodded. She had to be.

  The doors slid open on the third floor in front of the nurses’ station. Except for a few beeps from monitors, the floor was quiet, with only a few nurses doing their normal rounds.

  Jack held up his badge as he strode across the tile floor to address the thirtysomething nurse wearing purple scrubs and an eyebrow ring. “We’re with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, here to see Justin Peters.”

  “Of course. I was told they were sending up two of their agents.” She glanced down at a clipboard. “He’s in room 303, to your left. Officer Poole is outside.”

  “Thank you.”

  Nikki started down the wide hallway, asking herself the same question for the past thirty minutes. Why did Justin Peters want to see her and what information did he have for her? Did he know where Erika was? Had he been trying to protect his sister and then realized he couldn’t?

  A guard sat slouched in his chair outside Justin’s room. Chin against his chest. Arms in his lap. Sleeping.

  Nikki frowned. So much for the security measures they’d put in place to keep Peters safe.


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