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Demon Gate: Beyond the 9th Circle: The Rapture Was Just The Beginning.

Page 31

by Heath, Joel

  some poker.” Spencer said.

  Spencer picked up his hand and examined it. Spencer’s hand contained a possible

  straight; the only obstacle was the queen of

  diamonds in his hand, so after giving his ante he

  offered the queen in the off chance that the dealer

  would give him a five which would complete his


  The dealer slipped Spencer a replacement

  card, the four of spades. What luck, he had

  opened the game with a straight, but Spencer

  managed to keep his composure not showing any


  Lucifer’s hand held two Kings and the

  other fours giving him four of a kind. Spencer

  studied his opponent for a tell, any sign that there

  was a better hand in play. Spencer caught a slight


  “I fold.” Spencer declared.

  Spencer breathed a sigh of relief as he had

  not lost a lot on that hand, the cards were

  reshuffled and a new hand was dealt, no wild

  cards were selected this hand.

  Spencer’s hand had a pair of fives, a

  queen a nine and an eight. Lucifer’s hand boasted

  an Ace and a Jack.

  Spencer and Lucifer dropped in the

  required ante before inspecting their cards. Spencer offered the five of diamonds

  from his hand and the queen, hoping to get a

  flush, he instead received the ten of hearts and

  the five of Spades, he would have to bluff his

  way through this hand, or hope his hand was

  better than Lucifer’s.

  Lucifer saw no potential in his hand, so

  requested five new cards, all it offered was a pair

  of three’s a ten a seven and a six.

  “I’m in.” Lucifer said, throwing down a


  Spencer needed to overplay his hand, if he lost

  this hand it would cost him.

  “I’ll see your hundred,” Spencer said,

  then added “and two hundred more.”

  Lucifer’s brow crinkled almost in worry, but he

  agreed to the increase.

  “I’ll see your two hundred.” Lucifer said

  dropping the required chips into the pile.

  Spencer laid down his hand and Lucifer regretted

  making the play, they each held a pair, but

  Spencer’s pair was higher as were at least two

  other cards in Spencer’s hand.

  Spencer won the battle, but the war was

  still raging around him.

  The cards were reshuffled and new cards were

  dealt, no wilds were declared.

  Spencer couldn’t believe his hand, a pair

  of aces and two high cards. Lucifer’s hand held

  mostly diamonds. Spencer took three new cards,

  taking his high cards and giving him back a king,

  a seven and a four. Lucifer demanded only one new card, and that seriously worried Spencer, but

  he tried not to show it.

  “I’m in for two hundred.” Spencer said

  dropping two hundred into the pot.

  “I’ll see your two hundred and raise you

  thee thousand more.” Lucifer boastfully declared.

  Spencer saw a glint of worry on Lucifer’s face

  and so he didn’t believe that Lucifer had anything

  so he saw the bid and called Lucifer’s bluff. Spencer’s pair and high card was no

  match for Lucifer’s flush.

  Vince and Jessie approached the

  assembly Lucifer was going to use to open a

  portal to heaven.

  “Do you know what to do, Jessie?” Vince


  “I do, all we have to do is destroy the

  focusing crystal.” Jessie explained.

  Vince raised the sword that Spencer had given

  him and without warning a portal opened, behind

  them they could hear the sound of dozens, then

  hundreds of footsteps, with each step the sounds

  seemed to grow louder and more intense. First, a single demon who wore a

  skintight suit of black armor marched into the

  large room and approached Vince and Jessie. The

  sound of hundreds of billions of demons entered

  the room from beyond the archway, they were

  coming closer, within a minute or two they

  would be hopelessly outnumbered and then

  Jessie’s transformation took a huge leap forward; both of her hands and forearms turned a pale blue

  and grew claws.

  Jessie stretched out her hands and quickly

  collected the darkness and summoned two

  swords, much like Rodney in the fight in


  “Jessie?” Vince asked, concerned that

  Jessie was losing control.

  Jessie glanced back.

  “It’s okay, I’ll be fine. I can handle him.”

  Jessie assured, “I need you to destroy that

  crystal.” Jessie directed before lunging at the

  armored demon. Their swords clashed in a

  fantastic display of skill, Vince snuck around the

  portal to attack the crystal, a single blow allowed

  Vince to find an impregnable barrier and gave

  away his plan to the demon who broke off the

  stack on Jessie and went after Vince.

  “Vince,” Jessie shouted, “Look out!”

  Vince raised the sword and blocked the attack

  from the demon, by that time Jessie had arrived

  to deal with the threat the stopped Vince from

  destroying the focusing crystal.

  Spencer stared intently at his cards, the

  pot and his remaining reserve of chips which had

  been more than cut in half, Spencer now sat

  around twenty-five hundred dollars in chips,

  while Lucifer had thirty-one thousand and five

  hundred. Spencer held a hodgepodge of random

  cards, most of which were clubs, the three, five,

  Jack and Queen, the four of hearts stood apart

  from the rest of his cards. Lucifer held a pair of three’s the nine of spades, the ten and queen of


  Spencer’s best bet was to go for the flush

  as he only had one card to get that, Spencer

  offered up the four of hearts and the dealer slid

  over a new card, Spencer took a peek, it was the

  nine of clubs, he had a flush in his hand. His

  victory depended on what Lucifer would draw.

  Lucifer once again surrendered his entire hand, as

  the dealer gave Lucifer the new cards the pot

  went from Spencer smugly laid his ante. “I’ll bid five hundred.” He hadn’t

  considered the value of his hand against what his

  opponent could be holding.

  “I’ll see your bid, and raise you another

  five hundred.” Lucifer challenged, his voice

  betraying a subtle hint of doubt.

  “Five hundred?” Spencer asked

  dubiously, Spencer carefully weighed his

  options, the hand could be better, maybe he

  should fold, but Lucifer could be bluffing, he

  should call the bluff.

  “I’m in for another five hundred.”

  Spencer said tossing the required chips onto the

  pile. “You’re bluffing, I call.” Spencer boastfully


  Lucifer smiled as he lay down four kings

  and a queen.

  “Four of a kind, I win.” Lucifer gloated,

  “I see you’re almost out of chips. Perhaps

  have something else to wager.”

  “What did you have in mind?” Spencer


  “This next hand will be an all or nothing

  hand, if you win I will return Gretchen’s soul, but

  if I win you will give to me not just yourself, but

  your heart, mind, and your devotion so that

  together we will rule heaven, earth and hell.” “I don’t know, I haven’t been doing that

  well.” Spencer declared.

  “Nonsense, you’re doing fine.” Lucifer

  objected, “I’ll tell you what, I’ll sweeten the deal,

  if you win I will give you the treasures of my


  “What would I want with your old

  trinkets?” Spencer wondered aloud.

  “Within my coffers lie the secrets of the

  universe, which I offer to you in addition to your

  soul and Gretchen’s soul…If you can best me.”

  Lucifer offered.

  “If I have to go down fighting, then I

  accept your terms.” Spencer agreed.

  The dealer dispensed five cards to each player. Lucifer looked at his hand, and couldn’t

  resist a smile a wide as his realm, he had nothing

  to fear, this was the best hand he had seen all


  Spencer looked at his hand, and his neck

  lost all strength, hanging down, causing Lucifer

  to grin in sheer pleasure, victory was within his


  Vince dodged an attack by the demon. “We have to end this while you’re still

  you.” Vince said as he noted the transformation

  had taken another leap forward. The pale purple

  that was replacing her human skin was now

  visible climbing up her neck. “Let’s not forget

  that we can’t get through the barrier.”

  Jessie glanced at the crystal. The demon

  held out his sword to hold Vince and Jessie off. “I have a plan.” Jessie revealed as the

  demon came in for the attack. “Let the other guy

  do the work for you.”

  Jessie shoved Vince aside to protect him

  from the demons attack.

  “Do it, Vince!” Jessie called as Vince

  raced toward the crystal and the assembly, the

  demon turned to look, the portal, which he was

  supposed to guard was in grave danger.

  Vince reached the crystal and raised his

  weapon, and in the instant before Vince struck he

  dodged an attack from the demon, the strike was

  powerful enough to pierce the barrier around the

  portal assembly, the unwitting attack was spot on

  as it continued onto the crystal, shattering it, and

  severing the passage to heaven.

  As the crystal was shattered, it began

  releasing tremendous amounts of light and dark

  energy, Vince took Jessie and quickly escorted

  her to the glyph, the demon was caught in the

  energetic release, the collision of the light and

  dark energy caused him to disintegrate. Vince

  stepped onto the glyph hoping that it would take

  them to safety, it didn’t take them to the labyrinth entrance, it took them to the exit, at the base of

  Lucifer’s tower.

  “That’s it, we did it.” Vince said, but

  Jessie’s conversion was nearly complete, she had

  maybe ten minutes.

  Vince held Jessie as her strength began to


  “No, Jessie!” Vince mourned, “Hold on.” Lucifer grinned, he was ready to end the

  game and claim his prize, he slammed his cards

  down on the green felt.

  “Straight flush.” Lucifer shouted as he

  gloated over his now exposed hand which held

  the six, seven, eight, nine and ten of hearts. Spencer disparaged expression turned to a

  smirk, Lucifer was confused.

  “What are you smiling about?” Lucifer


  Spencer’s glance remained focused on the cards

  in his hand, it was driving Lucifer insane, not

  knowing what Spencer’s hand held, and then

  Spencer revealed everything.

  “I win Gretchen’s soul, my soul and the

  treasures of your kingdom.” Spencer said. “You had a Royal Flush?” Lucifer

  demanded, “YOU CHEATED ME!”

  Spencer smiled, “That’s right, and because you

  fell for it, it’s time to pay up.”

  The casino faded in the blink of an eye

  and Spencer found himself back on the polish

  obsidian of the tower floor.

  “NO!” Lucifer screamed as leapt for

  Spencer, pushing Spencer to the ground, No!

  You will serve me, so help me.” Lucifer said, but

  then Spencer glance fell on Lucifer’s left

  forearm, there was some blue crystal forming,

  and it was spreading fast.

  “No! Wait.” Lucifer screamed focusing

  on the crystal that had now encompassed his

  entire left arm and was quickly spreading over

  his chest, Lucifer stood and started backing up

  and bumped into the table as the crystal could be

  seen on his right arm, his legs and his chest, as it

  began to cover Lucifer’s head he gave a chilling


  “My horsemen were really my insurance

  against a total defeat. I may be bound, but, thanks

  to my horsemen, that sentence will expire before

  God has the time to mount a defense.” Lucifer

  said as his words echoed leaving a man encased

  in a giant crystal.

  The disembodied souls started moving

  upward and soon phased through the ceiling

  leaving Spencer alone in the tower.

  Spencer realized it was time to leave, so

  he ran from the room and down the stairs to find

  Vince and Jessie.

  “What happened?” Jessie asked weakly. “I won, I defeated and bound him!”

  Spencer announced proudly.

  “Spencer, how do we get out of here?”

  Vince asked, hardly hearing what Spencer said,

  he was focused on helping Jessie, maybe something could be done, but maybe that was

  nothing more than optimism.

  “I don’t know, Vince.” Spencer pulled out

  the book and began searching for the answer, but

  he couldn’t find one.

  “We might have a few minutes before we

  lose her.” Vince said.

  Spencer looked solemnly at Vince.

  “We may have to kill her, to spare her

  from this fate.” Spencer declared.

  Vince began to weep.

  “NO!” Vince shouted. “Not again.”

  Vince was referring to the events of his personal

  hell. He knelt at Jessie’s side.

  “It’ll be okay, Vince.” Jessie assured.

  “Just know that I love you, but I would rather die

  than turn into something that could free Lucifer.”

  Jessie meant her confession to give strength to

  Vince, but it just made things more difficult. “Do you want me to do it?” Spencer


  “No…” Vince said wiping an abundance

  of tears from his face, “I’ll do it.” Vince said

  before leaning over to give Jessie a kiss, which

  both relished. Jessie smiled and Vince stood and

  readied the sword, there was only another minute

  before the change took fu
ll effect.

  Jessie closed her eyes; she was at peace

  and ready to die.

  “I’m so sorry, Jessie.” Vince said. Vince hesitated and then reeled back as a light more brilliant than a thousand suns filled the

  darkest corners of hell.

  Spencer’s eye quickly adjusted to the

  light, it was not just beautiful, it was radiating

  joy. The light came from what looked like a

  tunnel, and exiting the tunnel was a familiar man

  dressed in an off-white cloak.

  “Michael!” Spencer called.

  Michael approached and knelt at Jessie’s side and

  examined her.

  “Is there anything you can do for her?”

  Vince asked fighting despair with hopeful

  optimism. Michael looked at Vince.

  “I’m afraid there’s nothing that I can do.”

  Michael said. “Help me; we need to get you out

  of here.”

  Michael helped Vince stand Jessie up and

  escort her to the tunnel. As they entered the

  tunnel the doorway to hell closed and the light

  began to grow.

  They continued to move toward an

  increasing light at the end of the tunnel even

  though they remained motionless.

  “Where are we going?” Vince asked. “Some place where the progression of

  Satan’s curse will be slowed.” Michael


  “Where is that?” Spencer asked.

  “You’ll see.” Michael said. Vince and

  Spencer clung to Jessie while they watched

  anxiously as the light grew brighter and closer until it was all around them. The tunnel closed

  behind them as the light rested.

  Spencer looked around to see brightness

  and glory that defy all description, all around him

  Spencer felt joy that he couldn’t explain, he

  examined all around. The scene in the

  background was that of a valley of green trees

  and grass.

  A waterfall of the purest water

  plummeted from high on the valley wall and

  cascaded down to the valley floor below, the

  waterfall reflected the glorious light of the sun.

  Perched atop a hill beneath the towering valley

  walls was a mansion that glowed with such light,

  glory and splendor.

  In the foreground there was a gate that appeared to be made of solid gold which

  stood in front of them and glowed with the most

  radiant light.

  “Michael,” Spencer began, “I don’t understand, where are we?”

  “Before you, stand the gates of Heaven, which you and your friends defended at

  great risk to yourselves.” Michael said.

  “Why are we here?” Vince asked. “In hell I told you there was nothing that I


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