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Renewed Magic (The Ancient Magic Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Stephany Wallace


  “I know. There is a reason Grandpa had this hidden. For someone to have power over animals and have them do whatever they want is both amazing and scary. Why would a spell like that exist?”

  He seemed to think about it while he held the hands of the monkey on his lap. It was still playing with Cyn’s hair. “Protection, perhaps?”

  Then I remembered how the monkeys had tried to protect me. "Get him away from me," I said pointing at Cyn.

  In the blink of an eye, the monkeys became agitated and began hissing and growling like before. They surrounded Cyn, making him scramble to his feet and walk away from me. Before I knew it, Cyn was all the way on the other end of the pool with his hands raised in surrender. I chuckled at his expression; he was scared of the monkeys.

  “Bring him back to me!”

  Their attitude instantly changed and they were friendly. They held Cyn’s hands and pushed his legs for him to walk towards me. One climbed on his back and patted his shoulder urging him forward.

  “All right, I surrender.” He said, sitting beside me again. The monkey on his back laughed, and Cyn chuckled. “Well, now I feel better leaving you alone. They can protect you.” He kissed my lips. “What else can you have them do?”

  “I don't know…” I said looking at their little faces. “Touch your nose.” I put my finger on mine, and they all followed. “Cover your ears.” They did. “Cover your eyes.” I put my hand on mouth, and so did they. I laughed. I turned to Cyn, and he was looking at me confused. “Get it? Eyes, ears, mouth. Get it?” I said covering each one and laughed again when the monkeys did it. Cyn arched an eyebrow, and I lost it. “Never mind.”

  “Are you certain they are following your command because of the enchantment, and not because they are simply imitating everything you do?” He asked, amused.

  “Good point.” I looked at their little faces and got up. “Jump!” I said jumping, and they all began doing it with me. “Jump, Jump, Jump!” They squeaked and shrieked excitedly jumping along. “Raise your hands in the air like you just don't care!” I waved my arms and laughed seeing them happy.

  “All right. That is enough, my Goddess.” Cyn said, chuckling and scooped me up in his arms.

  “Aaah!” I squealed again and wrapped my arms around his neck.

  “We should leave, my Goddess. It will be dark soon, and I'm starving.”

  I looked at the sky, realizing the sun was already setting. “Ok. Time to go my friends. See you soon.” I waved them goodbye, and they disappeared into the trees. “Oh, the journal. Hold my legs,” I said, letting go of his neck and bending backwards in his arms. I reached for the book while my hair touched the ground and pulled myself up again. “Now I'm the monkey.” I wrapped my arms around his neck again, and he laughed. Leaning in, he nuzzled my neck.

  “I hope that is not the case, my Goddess, because I want to do a few things to you tonight for which I need you to be all woman.”

  He bit my earlobe, and I shuddered. He chuckled kissing my lips, and I could feel my cheeks burning while he placed me on the boulder and climbed to the other side.

  Tonight was going to be interesting.


  * * *

  I jogged back to my hut while many scenarios ran through my mind. Had life given me another chance to be happy?

  After I had lost Gildas, I thought it impossible for me to open my heart to anyone else. He had been everything to me. I had given him everything I had to offer. My heart, my body… we had bonded. Become one. We had broken all the rules by being together, but I had no care for that because everything inside my heart told me I was his, and he was mine. He had loved me truly and openly, without doubt, or fear, never wavering. He had declared his love for me as clear as the morning light. He was proud of us. When I closed my eyes, I could still feel his fingers caressing my lips right before he kissed me. I could see his eyes looking into mine while he loved me. I swore no one would ever hold my heart again. I had sworn to him that I would always be his.

  All that was left of our love was a memory.

  I pushed Phelan away because I could not let go of Gildas. Of the promise, I made to him. Then he too was taken from me. Now Art wanted to love me, and I was not certain I could let him. If I did not, if I pushed him away too, what would be left of me? Should the love I held for Gildas seal my solitude? Could I not give myself a chance? What if Phelan could have been my opportunity to be happy? What if I was Art's?

  I opened the door to my hut and stopped walking. Art sat on the trunk at the foot of my bed. His head was low as he looked at his hands.

  “Good evening,” I said, bringing him out of his thoughts.

  He straightened and stood. I closed the door and moved towards him.

  “Could we talk?” He asked, unsure. It hurt my heart to see him this way. Our relationship had never been uncertain, yet after that kiss, everything felt strange between us.

  “Of course. Do you mind if I bathe first? I have just returned from my training.”

  He nodded and turned towards the hearth. He made a fire and filled a large pot with water placing it on top to heat. My heart warmed as the words he had shared with me in the forest rang true. He could take care of me. He always had. I looked at him silently as he moved with such familiarity around my place. He opened the partition and filled the tub with cold water. Hung a towel on the wooden rack next to the tub, and walked to the dresser opening the bottom drawer. He took out a sleeping garment he had purchased for me, placed it on the rack as well and went to check on the water. How many times had Art done this for me before? How many times had his arms been around me, enveloping me in his warmth when I woke up from a trance? How many occasions had he been there for me? Art was an exceptional man. He had been raised following the footsteps of his father, a man that lived, and breathed for his wife and family. When life had taken that guidance from him and Cyn, it had given them a higher one. The Mòr Sagart had raised them into exemplary men.

  Art was a nurturer. He thrived when taking care of the people he loved. He was a wonderful friend and Warrior. A protector and I had no doubt he would make an incredible husband.

  “Thank you,” I said, once he poured the hot water into the tub, and placed the pot down. I walked towards him, kissed his cheek, and stood next to the tub while he closed the partition. Taking my clothes off, I placed them on the floor and submerged my body into the bath he had made for me. I could hear his breathing on the other side of the room, and I asked myself if I could take this step with him. I already loved him a great deal as a friend, could I not love him as a man? I took a deep breath and leaned my head back, submerging my hair in the water. Reaching for the soap, I lathered my hair and rinsed it, then reached for the oil I had harvested from olives and spread it along the bottom half to my ends.

  “Is it ok if I speak?” Art's voice broke the silence.

  “Yes.” I reached for the soap sitting down and lathering my body.

  “I've been thinking about you. About the kiss we shared.” He became quiet for a moment. “I don't regret it, but I am sorry if I pushed you. It was not my intention to force you to do something you might not have been ready for.”

  Taking the bucket, I stood and poured the water over me. I rinsed my hair and reached for the towel.

  “I know you have been distant for a reason, that you needed time and the last thing I want to do is to drive you away from me by trying to force you to understand. I…”

  I took a deep breath and reached for the soft shirt and pants, putting them on.

  “I miss you, Eisha. If I set aside the love I feel for you, I still miss you.”

  My heart constricted. His voice was just on the other side of the partition now. I combed my hair with my fingers and stepped outside. He stood in front of me, and his face seemed pained. I stepped closer and wrapped my arms around his waist. He immediately embraced me, and held me close.

  “I miss you too.”

  I whispe
red, unsure that I could fully speak. I rested my cheek on his chest and closed my eyes. We stood there for a while, and I listened to the beat of his heart. It felt good to be in arms, so familiar, safe. He had always been safe. His fingers played with my hair, but we remained silent. What had I felt when I kissed him? I pulled back and looked at him. I tried to see Art as the man and not my friend. He was truly handsome. His jaw, his lips, the way his eyes followed my every movement. He was a sensual man. My palms slid up his chest, and I could feel the muscles tightening under my touch. He had a taught and built body from his years as a Warrior. His hands slipped down to my waist, and although I am not sure he meant to, he held me closer to him. I cradled his cheek and his eyes closed as though I was giving him relief. I could try to make him happy. I could do that much for him after everything he had done for me. Maybe this was my last chance to love again. I brought his head down to mine while I tried to remember our kiss. His forehead rested on mine, and his arms tightened around me.

  “I am scared, a chara,” I admitted, opening my eyes and looking into his. “What if we try this and it does not work? I do not wish to hurt you, and I certainly cannot handle losing you. Not you. I need you too much.”

  Love replaced the need in his eyes, and a brief smile touched his lips. “You will never lose me. No matter what happens, I will always be here, Mo Sgòthan. Always. I know you are scared, and I do not want to rush you, but please give me a chance to show you what can be. Please, let me love you.” His thumb reached my lower lip, and he caressed it. My eyes teared up. It reminded of Gildas at that moment. I looked into Art's eyes. “Did you like it when I kissed you? The way my lips felt on yours?”

  “Yes,” I answered honestly. A smile briefly curved his lips, but as soon as it came, it disappeared.

  His eyes searched mine. “Will you please give us a chance?”

  “Yes,” I whispered and slowly nodded. My eyes went to his lips. I wanted him to show me again what it felt like to be kissed by him… by someone who loved me. “Kiss me.”

  The words had barely left my lips when his were on mine. They were soft and warm and they moved against mine with such reverence. I pulled back and held his hand walking towards the bed. I laid down and he followed. I rested my head on his chest and sighed when he pulled me close. I missed him so much. His fingers lifted my chin until I was looking at him and he kissed me once more. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to get lost in the sensations. He kissed me, again and again, and each time it felt better than before. His hand slipped under my shirt and he caressed my back as he turned our bodies. The warmth of his fingers traveling on my bare skin made me tremble. It had been so long since I had felt this type of touch. My hand cradled his neck while he nibbled at my lips. His head tilted and he deepened the kiss, his tongue stroked mine and I felt my body awakening. It was as though I had been dormant all these years. Not being able to feel, and now he was helping me rise from it and experience every sensation. His fingers traced my waist making me whimper, the tingling spread over my skin. My breaths became faster and I did not understand much of my reactions. I only knew that I wanted him to kiss me. He claimed my lips again and I held his neck as though to stop him from leaving. His body was pressed against mine, and I could feel all of him on me. He held me even tighter. His fingers continued their maddening trail and then I felt his palm on my skin. It caressed my waist and slid upwards under my shirt. I knew what was to come, but I could not bring myself to stop him. I wanted to remember how it felt to be intimately touched. I needed to know what it would feel like coming from him. I wondered what it would provoke in me. I gasped into his mouth when his fingers reached my nipple, and he caressed it. He stopped kissing me but his lips lingered on mine. Our frantic breaths mixed. His hand moved and he cupped my breast, massaging it gently. My nipple tightened for him and his fingertips circled it. A small moan left my lips. Panic followed. I held his hand stopping him as he massaged my breast once more.

  “Art…” I said, almost panting. I could feel his hardened body against mine, but I was not ready for this. I could not. It was too much.

  “I’m sorry, Mo Sgòthan. Do you want me to stop?”

  “Yes. It is much too soon.”

  “I know. I'm sorry.” His hand moved from my breast, and I shuddered when his fingers grazed my nipple on their way down.

  I pressed myself to him, hugging him fiercely. “Do not go,” I whispered on his neck, and his arms tightened around me.

  “You want me to stay tonight?” I nodded. He took a deep breath. “I can’t stay the full night. Lia needs me.”

  I pulled away, looking into his eyes, confused. “How so?”

  He caressed my cheek. “She has been having a hard time ever since she arrived here. She doesn't want anyone to find out, but she sometimes wakes up screaming and crying during the night. She relives what they did to her. I have to be there for her. Keep an eye on her. I'm sorry.”

  “I understand. I feel terrible for her.”

  “Me too.” He caressed my lower lip again. “I will hold you until you fall asleep.”

  I nodded smiling. “I would really like that.”

  “Can I kiss you again?”

  I nodded and leaned closer feeling his lips move against mine. When the kiss ended, he pulled me even closer, and I cuddled on his chest. My eyes closed while his warmth enveloped me, and sleep dragged me under.



  * * *

  I sat on the boulder and looked towards the spot where I last saw her, but there was nothing but green.

  She said we'd see each other here, like we had for the past week, except it had been an hour and she still hadn't shown up. Sighing, I focused on the journal and placed my hand above it, hoping to find another new spell.

  "Talk to the journal, and it shall guide you…"

  Little Black Riding Hood’s words played in my mind. I frowned. "Talk to the book? What the hell did that mean?" I sighed. "Talk to the book. Talk to the book. Talk to the booook," I said, adding way too many o’s. I suddenly straightened, remembering how the letters had appeared. I had asked the journal to help me understand. I closed it and caressed the wood.

  “Please show me the next spell I must learn.”

  The journal shimmered, and just like that night, it opened, and the pages flew by until it settled on a short spell. It read Beannachdan Uisge— Water Blessings.

  I began to read over and over again trying to memorize it before attempting it. After a few minutes, I stood, put the book down and closed my eyes.

  * * *

  “Uisge talamh, Pàirt de mo smior,

  ag èirigh bho na domhainn,

  seall dhomh do beannachdan.”

  * * *

  “Water of Earth, part of my essence,

  Rise from the deep,

  Show me your blessings.”

  * * *

  The sound of water stirring from deep within the pool prompted me to open my eyes. My vision adopted a blue hue and the light from my hands flowed towards the water. It rose from the pool like a stagnant wave. It stopped near the edge, where the slab steps were. It stayed that way while the light flowed from me and into it. My eyes widened, I was controlling the water. It was at that moment I realized I had never seen Cyn’s hands do that. They always glowed, but the light didn't flow from them unless he was healing. My eyes returned to the wave when it suddenly fell, splashing on the rocks and leaving two fishes. They were small and slender with stunning coloring. They had turquoise and tangerine infused skin. Their little bodies wiggled and writhed trying to return to the water. I chuckled and picked them up.

  “It’s ok, guys. I’m not going to eat you. Off you go,” I said, throwing them back into the pool, and cleaned my palms on my jeans.

  I looked at the water intrigued. The spell had mentioned “blessings," and the waterfall had given me fish. I smiled. Nature was truly incredible.

  “Well done, High Priestess.”

"Crapola!" I jumped startled and turned to find Little Black Riding Hood standing behind me. Her face still covered by shadows.

  "My apologies, High Priestess. I did not intend to frighten you. I arrived once the water had risen, and it was not my intention to interrupt such beautiful magic. I was mesmerized, to be frank."

  I took a deep breath nodding. “It’s fine. I thought you were standing me up, and how many times do I have to tell you to call me Bri?”

  She bowed. “I apologize High Pri... Bri. I was detained and not able to come sooner. It was not my intention to make you wait for me.”

  I shrugged. “It’s ok I guess. I’ve been practicing spells anyway.” I looked at her wishing I could see her. “I still don’t understand why I can’t see your face. I already promised I wouldn’t tell anyone about you, and I even lied to Cyn so I could keep your secret. Something I’m not too thrilled about doing, by the way. Will you at least tell me your name?”

  She remained quiet for a moment considering my request. “I apologize High Priestess…”

  “Bri,” I said rolling my eyes.

  “Bri. I do not intend to cause complications between you and the High Priest. Nevertheless, my mission is of the upmost importance, and the less you know about me, the more it will allow me to help you.”

  I crossed my arms. “Yeah, you haven't told me why it is I need your help either. So what? You expect me to trust you and lie to everyone I know just because you tell me to? You have to compromise. Give me something to work with, here. Throw me a freaking bone!" I threw my arms up exasperated, and she chuckled.

  "My name is Asrhia, High Priestess. I am your humble servant." She bowed again but didn't say anything else.

  Sweet mother of all things stubborn! Why was she so freaking annoying?


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