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Renewed Magic (The Ancient Magic Series Book 2)

Page 13

by Stephany Wallace

  He leaned in closer, and I was sure if I breathed too deep his lips would brush mine. “Do you not desire me?”

  “That is not why I came here.”

  Cathair chuckled and kissed me. It was so brief I wondered if he had actually done it, but my lips tingled from his kiss. I gasped and he leaned back on the chair. He observed me in silence for a moment, then took the last piece in the bowl and fed it to me. Stunned, I opened my lips and accepted it. He sucked his fingertips one last time and stood, taking the bowl to the kitchen. He reached for a shirt, I hadn't seen hanging at the bottom of his bed and pulled it over his head covering his chest.

  “Why have you come today, Lia?”

  I frowned swallowing and taking another drink of ale. I realized too late that I had eaten the full bowl of fruit with him and hadn't even tasted it. “I need your help. Seima told me you made the iron plates she used to stamp the clan symbol on the Warrior outfits. She said you are a blacksmith and that you can help me with anything I need.”

  He smiled. “If Seima sent you to me, there is nothing I will not do for you. I make the weapons for all the Warriors. Do you wish for a dagger? A sword? A chastity belt?” He smirked while my mouth dropped. “You might need one if you plan to prolong your stay with Art. I am not entirely sure why he has not claimed you yet, but it shall not be much longer. Is that why you say no to me? Because you want Art to be the one who claims you?”

  “Pero por Dios, este hombre se volvio loco!” I said, exasperated.

  "What language is that?" He asked, sauntering back towards me. Damn, he was sexy.


  “Hhmm, I wish to learn.”

  “Fine, I’ll teach you.” He smiled. “Now, will you help me?”

  “If you give me an answer first.”

  I rolled my eyes, if he asked me about claims again, I swear to God…

  “Why can I not claim you? I desire you, Lia.”

  “Ay, Dios mio!” I took a deep breath. “Ok, you are super hot, and I mean like freaking, I-might-melt-from-looking-at-you-too-long kind of hot, but this you are doing right now is not sexy. The whole ‘I want to own you act,’ it’s not my cup of tea. I’m sure the women here love it, and God knows Bri totally fell for the ‘you are mine’ bit, but that’s not me. So, if you really like me, you are going to have to find a different way to approach me because talking about ‘claiming me’ is not going to work.”

  He smiled and stepped closer, holding my waist and pressing my body against his. I instantly shuttered. “I like that fire in you. I will call it whatever you wish for me to call it, but you want me. I am certain of that, and I will make you mine, Lia. I give you my word.”

  He kissed me, and this time his lips moved on me. I could not find an ounce of fight inside. My lips parted in response and he took full control of my mouth. Damn, he was freaking sensual. The kiss ended before I had a chance to enjoy it fully. I was tempted to pull him back towards me and bite him. He walked towards the back of the hut, opening a wooden door I hadn't really noticed before.

  “When you are ready, join me in the workshop. I shall make you whatever you ask for.”

  I put the stones on the wooden counter of his workshop; trying my best not to stare at him while he worked the silver jewelry I had brought him. He had melted it, made silver wire from it and was now making me a few weaved bases for the stones I had brought with me. I wanted to make necklaces and give them as gifts to the girls here that had been so kind to me. Seima especially. He was also going to make me a few ring bases for the guys. The whole process had been so amazing to watch, it was hard not to look at him. He looked so Zen working on the silver, I could see he had a genuine passion for that. Of course the necklaces weren't really the reason I was here, but they would provide the perfect opportunity for me to talk to him about his father.

  “May I have the first stone?” I took one and handed it to him. He carefully placed it in the center and finished weaving the silver over it.

  He looked at the stone, then at me. “Who is this one for?”

  “Seima. It's Pink Opal.”

  He nodded and began to twirl the silver wire into a small flower. I smiled. “Do you wish her to find love?”

  I frowned, then my eyes widened. “Do you know what the stones are for?”

  He chuckled placing the finished pendant in my hand. “I do. Pink Opal is for emotional healing and bringing love into our essence.” He took a new piece of the wire and began to weave a new base. “Which stone are you using next?” I passed him the white stone with grey veins throughout and he looked at it for a second, then placed it on the base. “Is this for Briana?”

  “Yes, how do you know?”

  He smiled. “Patience and Peace.” He began to twirl a different flower on the stone. “The Howlite is an extraordinary aid for spiritual connection and understanding of others. It relieves anxiety and assists during meditation.”

  “How do you know so much about crystals?” I asked, intrigued by him. I would have never expected that from a Warrior.

  “How do you?” He asked, placing the second pendant in my palm.

  I took a deep breath opening myself to the memories. “My Grandmother. She was an incredibly spiritual person, and she truly believed in the power of crystals. She taught me about them, how they could heal and help with anything we might face, and how each stone could balance our energy. Our souls. I've collected crystals ever since.”

  He smiled looking into my eyes. His look was pensive then he reached for the multi-toned yellow stone in my hand. It was the one I had picked for Cyn. “Leadership and courage. He shall appreciate a ring.”

  He said, and reached for one of the ring bases he had already prepared, and became silent while he worked. I sat on top of the wooden table and watched him work. Every so often he looked at me with this strange emotion in his eyes, but I wasn't sure what it meant, then moved to the next project without saying a word. He expertly picked all the stones knowing exactly who they were for, but he still didn't answer my question.

  When he finished, he stood in front of me and placed all the pendants and rings on the table to my right. He arranged them in the same order I had given them to him and leaned closer, resting his hips against the table and in between my knees. He looked straight into my eyes.

  “Why did you come here today?” I swallowed. I still hadn’t come up with the courage to ask him about his father. I didn’t answer. He offered me a small smile. “Which colors do you see in me?” His question startled me.


  “Which colors does my Aura have?”

  My eyes widened. How the hell had he known? I had only told Seima about it and no one else besides her and Bri knew. I swallowed, still unable to speak. Cathair caressed my cheek and leaned closer, for a moment I thought he was going to kiss me again and I knew I should move, but I couldn't find the strength. I had no idea why but he was really hypnotizing. His hand moved from my cheek and he reached for something on the shelf behind me. He placed a square basket on the table and removed the lid. It was full of stones of all shapes and sizes. He searched through them and took a gorgeous crystal from the bottom. It was black and it had natural lines on it that formed geometrical patterns. Its center was a bright iridescent blue that darkened on the edges. It looked as if it was glowing from the inside. I had never seen anything like it.

  “It is a Labradorite. Have you ever gazed upon one before?” I shook my head. “It is a rare crystal, found in Scandinavia. It is known as the Anam Neart crystal.”

  Cathair pulled it out of the basket, and I noticed it was set on a square silver wire base similar to the pendants he had just made me. He pulled a chain from somewhere behind me and looped it through the hoop. Taking my hand, he put it in my palm and closed it around it, then brought it to his lips, kissing it.

  “It means Soul Strength, and it is essential for a Fiosaiche Fàil, which you are.”

  My heart lodged in my throat. That was the title
Seima had used when she found out what I could do. She had called me a Seer of Destinies. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t speak. I just looked at him. My pulse was going a hundred miles per minute but I was rooted in place. He kissed my forehead and opened my hand again, taking the pendant. He moved my hair out of the way, and looped it around my neck, securing it.

  When his gaze settled on me, he smiled and searched my eyes, but I wasn't sure for what exactly. “This was my father’s. He was a Fiosaiche Fàil, as well.”

  My eyes widened. “I can’t accept this Cathair, it’s too big a gift. If it was your father’s I…”

  “You have great need for it now. This stone provided aid for him while he was alive. The previous Fiosaiche gave it to father on his fifteenth birthday. It was meant to center him, and strengthen his essence throughout his journey. I am confident that if my father were alive, he would have given it to you. His successor.”

  My eyes teared up, and I held the stone tightly against my chest. I really felt like I had found a new family here. "Thank you."

  He nodded, putting the basket back on the shelf. “I will keep your secret. You need not worry.”

  “I don’t know anything about it other than the colors I see on people’s Auras. I know what each color means, but nothing beyond that. My Grandmother was able to read them but I never got the chance to learn. She passed away when I was a little girl.”

  “May her soul be at peace.”

  I smiled. “Can you help me, Cathair? Did you learn anything from your father while he was alive? I feel like I could do so much to help Bri, Cyn and the others if I could only learn how to use this gift that I have. Seima said that the Seer of Destinies played an important part in the Order. If that’s true and I can help Bri, then I could stay here for good. There would be a place for me here with all of you.”

  His eyes filled with concern. “You are leaving?”

  I nodded. “I’m not sure when yet, but soon. I have to go back to my world, my parents and friends will begin worrying about me, and I can’t just disappear off the face of the earth. I have to go back.”

  “That is why you came to see me today. You wanted my help.” It wasn't a question. I nodded. He took a deep breath. “I am truly sorry, Lia, but my knowledge extends to crystals and how he used them. Like you, he had an extensive understanding of them and how they could aid others. It was the only aspect of his life mission I was allowed to learn. The rest was spiritual. He never discussed it except with the

  Mòr Sagart. I wish I were able to help you, but I cannot.”

  I nodded again, disappointed. That had been my Hail Mary to stay here with Bri and everyone else. “Can you take your shirt off, please? I need a hug.”

  He laughed and removed his shirt, placing it on the table. I chuckled, leaned in and felt his arms tighten around me. I rested my cheek on his chest and sighed. His skin was warm and smooth as silk. Cathair was hilarious and truly irresistible. I had lost count of how many times we had flirted since I got here; then again I loved flirting with all the guys. It wasn't a normal day for me if I hadn't sexually harassed at least three of the Warriors. Art and Cathair included, of course. Things were different now, though. I thought Cathair was just flirting with me for the sake of it but he actually liked me. That kiss...

  “I am also sorry that you did not come here for me.” I heard him say and I pulled back just enough to see his face. His arm didn't ease up from my waist. He caressed my cheek with his thumb. “I had hoped this was all a pretense to spend time by my side.”

  I sighed. “I’m leaving soon, Cathair. I don’t see the point in getting into a relationship when I won’t be able to stay. To be honest, I had no idea you liked me this way, until today when you pretty much had your way with me on the kitchen table.”

  He laughed. “It was a kiss.”

  I arched an eyebrow and he laughed again. “That kiss was dangerous and persuasive. I do like you, I mean what is there not to like?” I said ogling his bare chest. He grinned. Damn he had a sexy smile. That goatee was all kinds of seductive. I sighed. “But what is the point? Why would we start something we can't finish?”

  He nodded, silent. “I do not wish for you to leave. I need more time.”

  “Why do you want me?" He frowned. “I mean, I know I'm gorgeous, absolutely irresistible, and you’ve never met anyone this awesome.” He laughed and I grinned. “Seriously though, aside from that. Why me? There are so many incredible women here. I can't believe you have been alone all this time. Wait,” I said, pulling back. “What is wrong with you? Do you collect crow feet, or some weird crap like that?” He laughed again and pulled me back into his arms. It was strange to me how comfortable I felt with him.

  “In my spare time, I do, along with their beaks.”

  “EW!” I shuddered, and he laughed, kissing my forehead.

  “Aside from that delightful activity, I am attracted to strong-willed women. I like a woman that respects herself enough to fight for what she believes in and desires. Whom can take care of herself.” He stopped and looked into my eyes. “Do not misunderstand my meaning. I do not imply that I would not care for my woman. I would protect her until my last breath and give her a family. A safe home to raise our children in, I would do anything for her, but I was raised to respect their minds and beliefs as well as their bodies. Warrior women have those traits. Nevertheless, it is rare for one of them to desire what I desire. In their minds they are born to protect and serve the High Priest. Having the kind of life I envision is not one of their aspirations.” He cupped my cheek leaning closer. “You are so different from the rest, from another world as you call it, however, you feel so similar to me in every way. I respect the woman that you are. That is why I want you. Because I think you could make me happy, and I you. No one knows what shall happen, perhaps you will leave and I will never gaze upon your face again, but I am certain of one thing. I wish for you to be with me for as long, or as little as you can allow me. Let this be. Please consent and I shall show you how it feels to be with me, decide afterwards if you want me or not. You said no one would claim you, then claim me. ”

  His hand moved to my neck and he held me to him. His eyes went to my lips. This time I was the one who leaned in. I reached for him and I was thinking more than feeling and I knew that, but I wanted everything he had just said. My lips touched his and the sensations burst through my body. He was too delicious and willing, I'd be insane to deny myself the treat. More than that, maybe he was right. I knew everything happened for a reason, and if some omnipotent power had brought me to this place, maybe there was a destiny here for me after all. Cathair could be part of my future.

  The need and hope in both of us grew from our lips until it consumed us. The chemistry between us was undeniable, and now that I had given myself permission it was like every cell in my body was bursting in anticipation. The kiss became hungry and desperate, while my body became plastered to his. I could barely breath but I needed to kiss him. His lips left me and I gasped for air. I looked into his eyes and they were filled with a want so deep my body responded to it instantly. It had been way to long since anyone had looked at me that way.

  “Lay with me, Lia, and let me give you one more reason to stay.”

  He whispered on my lips and I lost any reason I had left. Damn he was freaking HOT. I got down from the table, kissed him again, I pushed him towards the wall. His legs bumped against the chair and he fell sitting down on it. I fell on him. He held my waist and rearranged me on his lap so I could feel him, and holy guacamole, could I feel him. His hands grabbed my face and he pulled me even closer while he devoured my lips. I wanted him. Bad. I pulled my cotton blouse off, threw it on the floor, and then reached for the front close of my bra. That too fell on the floor, and I wrapped my arms around his neck while he pressed me against his chest anxiously. I moaned when his hands roamed my back following its curve and slipped under my yoga pants. This man was going to end me right here, right now. He stood and before I realized it
, his pants and mine where on the floor. I pushed him down on the chair again, and he pulled me onto his lap. I gasped and moaned when I felt him in me and I clung to him.


  I said breathlessly while his lips moved frantically on my neck and made their way to my breasts. His hips rose, pushing into me and I gasped again. Damn, he felt good.

  "No," I said pulling away from him, and looking into his eyes. He started at me confused and removed his hands from my back. He was panting just like I was. I cupped his neck and pulled him towards me again, kissing him. "I'm claiming you," I whispered on his lips and heard him moan, when my hips began to move on him.

  I opened the door to Art’s hut as slowly as I could. It was night already and I had no intention of explaining to him where I was. I was praying he wasn’t home yet. I stopped in my tracks when I heard the voices. Art was home but more importantly he wasn’t alone.

  “I know not what to do, brother. The more I am with her, the more I want to ask her to marry me. I see her and imagine her standing at the Handfasting Ceremony and I want to scream because all I desire to do is ask her. Briana is growing spiritually at a rate I could not expect. More than she or anyone would expect from her, especially in the past few days. Handling the enchantments and the magic inside her has become so natural for her. Every day that passes she becomes the High Priestess she was meant to be, and she is not even aware of how remarkable she is.” I covered my mouth trying not to squeal with Cyn's words. Holy guacamole! “I need it, brother. I need for her to be tied to me in this way. To know that we have been blessed by our Mother Goddess, and that we are one in the eyes of our people. That our union is finally sacred.”

  “Then what are you waiting for, Bro? If you want to marry her just ask her.”

  Cyn sighed, noticeably distressed. “I cannot put that pressure on her, brother. Not at this moment with all the progress she has made. There is so much being asked of her and she has finally found a way to accept and embrace what her destiny is. I cannot sacrifice that for the sake of pleasing my desires. I have stopped myself from asking her to be my wife on more than one occasion. I should not be enjoying her body without us being blessed. It is wrong. I am the Àrd-shagart, I should be setting an example not breaking our customs and disrespecting my people.”


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