The Lords of Valdeon

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The Lords of Valdeon Page 26

by C. R. Richards

  The Jalora drew them down King's Row and forward toward the busy shops of San Leonora. Darting between the townsfolk, they were streaks of ash on a gusty wind. An urgent prod of power directed Wolf down a small alley. The San Leonora Library's ornate roof peeked over the top of the other buildings. He knew now who they were rushing to save. Jorge Pacarro. The urgent prodding of power was understandable now. Jorge's body was the hiding place for the Regent's Medallion. If he were in danger, it was also.

  His keen ranger sight could make out several blades flashing in the distance. The alleys intersected into a small open space littered with trash and discarded crates. The attackers were circling their prey slowly, gauging his strength. One of them cried out as a hatchet sunk deep in his chest. A head of war beads twisted around as its owner yanked the blade out of his kill and brought it up to meet a new opponent. Jorge was bleeding, but still not beaten. His attackers had made the mistake of misjudging their prey. They were discovering how deadly a Pacarro warrior could be in battle, especially when he was cornered.

  Beware the high ground!

  Wolf stopped at the entrance to the open space, scanning the roof tops above them. Something was suspicious about the scene before them. The men attacking Jorge hadn't bothered to post lookouts to watch for patrols or the Pacarro tribesman's allies. They were leaving their backs completely unguarded. Their confident strikes directed at their victim appeared experienced. These were no amateurs.

  Lucio the Ferret bolted forward, racing into the open space. Wolf thrust an arm out to slow the impetuous youth down, but it was too late. The trap had been sprung. An old crate smashed to the ground a few feet to Wolf's left. He chanced a look around the building's corner, turning his gaze upward. A man waited at the top of iron rod stairs attached to the back of the building. In his hand was a musket aimed at Lucio's head.

  Jorge's death would please the black-hearted prince holding their leash, but the assassins' true targets were the Sacred Guard. Such disrespect and open treason could only mean one thing. Wolf was losing the fight for Valdeon's stability.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  A musket's boom echoed against the building walls. Stone chips exploded at Lucio's feet. He twisted his body, putting one of his attackers in the sniper's line of sight. Wolf sheathed his weapon and crouched at the corner.

  "He has us pinned down, sir." Berto knelt beside him, growling with frustration as another shot struck close to Lucio.

  "The gunman couldn't have reloaded so quickly. They have another hidden somewhere." Wolf stretched the Jalora's power out into the rooftops. "Berto, across from us. The other gunman has taken up position in a rear window on the third floor of one of the shops."

  Berto nodded. Pulling the hood over his head, he disappeared against the backdrop of brick and wood. The others waited for Wolf's next order. Their two youngest fidgeted slightly at the prospects of their first real battle. Wolf turned his gaze upon them, capturing their attention.

  "We aid a friend today, but this battle is larger than such things. Traitors strike at the heart of the Jalora's home. They threaten Valdeon. No mercy will be given to these traitors." Wolf's look was hard. "Attack when you hear Berto's signal for the all clear. I will take care of this gunman."

  He bolted forward, staying low against the wall. Above him, the gunman was reloading his musket. Their eyes met. It had just become a deadly race. Wolf gripped the iron rod with both hands and summoned the Jalora's power. His advanced rank in the legion gave him stronger powers than most. He pulled with all the might he had, ripping the iron away from the wall. It crashed to the ground sending the gunman rolling across the stone. He reached for the musket, but Wolf's boot slammed down on the weapon. It broke in two with a loud snap. His blade arched upward, severing the traitor's head from his shoulders.

  Glass exploded into the open space as Berto's prey flew through the air. His broken body fell into the midst of the attackers surrounding Jorge. The fighting stopped. Jorge's opponents stood motionless when they noticed the Lords of Valdeon. Fear was on their faces.

  "Protect the innocent. Punish the guilty." Wolf's voice thundered around the walls.

  The Lords of Valdeon swept into the group of men. Their blades moved with deadly speed, cutting through bone and flesh. Weapons swinging at empty air, the traitors failed to strike the untouchable blades. In moments the battle was over. Only the Lords of Valdeon remained standing.

  Tulio the Rabbit stared at the dead as he wiped blood from his blade. Something was missing from his eyes. Wolf regretted Tulio's loss of innocence. He would never be the same again, but he was a ranger tasked with a sacred duty. It was not an easy life sometimes.

  "We have seen the Jalora's will done this day. You honor your ring."

  He gripped Tulio's shoulder and nodded to Otter. Pride replaced their somber reflections. They sheathed their weapons and joined the other, more experienced rangers keeping careful watch on the rooftops above them.

  Jorge wiped his hatchet clean upon one of the dead men's waistcoats. "My eyes are glad to see you, my lords! I thought I was a dead man."

  "You very well might have been." Wolf helped him to his feet. "Why were you wandering the streets alone?"

  "A man may wander if the mood strikes him, my lord." The beaded head tilted to regard him. "It is the very young and the very old who need show caution."

  Wolf grinned reluctantly. "And the very outspoken. You’ve made many enemies in San Leonora."

  "One more vengeful than the rest, I dare say." Fox kicked at one of the bodies. "Julian has many pets."

  "His valet, Armando, is particularly deadly. It cornered me like a bloodhound."

  "It?" Fox lifted a fine eyebrow.

  "Julian has brought a creature of evil among us. I knew the man, Armando. He was one of Leo's Lion Friends. No marks appear on this creature's arm. I believe we are dealing with a changeling. It showed me its true nature a few moments ago. Some magic hides its sharp ears and inhuman black eyes."

  "Are you saying a mythical creature is running around the Palace of Kings?" Otter's youthful face struggled to hide his skepticism.

  "Not for long." Wolf eyed the rooftops uneasily. "We'll take care of Julian's valet soon. Right now, we must meet with the other rangers. Jaguar. Take point. Ferret. You're with me."

  Wolf pulled Lucio aside. He was furious with the young man. His impetuous act had almost gotten them all killed. He folded his arms and gave the young ranger what many subordinates had come to call Wolf's "I'll make you wish you were back home" look.

  "Jumping into a circle of blades without a plan was foolhardy."

  "But, Jorge was in trouble." Ferret's words faded when he looked into Wolf’s face. "Yes, Wolf."

  "You’re a leader of men now." Wolf tapped on the dark green crystal of Ferret's Heart of the Warrior Ring. "The men who follow you will watch your every move. If you’re impulsive, they’ll fear your actions. Take time to make a clear-headed decision and they’ll respect you, because they know you respect their lives."

  Ferret nodded and looked down at his boots. Wolf noticed Jorge had turned his head and was listening. The tribesman nodded his thanks to Wolf.

  "Well, Jorge. I think young Ferret’s skill with a blade has already surpassed his father."

  The young ranger looked up with a mix of surprise and pleasure. Flattery and other such sentiment were not easily pried from Wolf's lips. Such nonsense served only to distract men away from the pursuit of bettering oneself.

  "My young lord is impressive." Jorge nodded sagely. "It is a pity his father was not here to see him fight. Cesar will burst his buttons with pride!"

  "You’ll have your chance to tell the tale. We’ll take you to the ranger quarters where it’s safe."

  "Yes, well I had better tell the tale well. I'm sure I'll have more than one proud father listening."

  The other young rangers began to swagger up the alley, pretending Jorge’s compliments didn’t please them.

  Wolf took t
he lead as they moved through the backstreets. Anxious to avoid more traitors, they used their cloaks to move about unseen. Jorge managed to match their pace though he was wounded. Sending the Jalora's power of sight and perception before their path, Wolf found friends rather than foes awaiting them. Two rangers stepped out of the shadows and saluted as their group approached Stallion’s Gate.

  Owl stepped forward. "We've put the palace guard on high alert, sir. What has happened?"

  "My Lord Pacarro was ambushed by friends of the bastard prince. Have a guard put on Armando, Julian's new valet. Tell them to show care. He's dangerous. Come, we must go to HQ."

  "Owl, fetch the legion doctor. I will escort the Lords of Valdeon to Headquarters." The other ranger, Griffin, pulled his blade.

  "Yes, sir." Owl saluted and then hurried toward the infirmary.

  "The others await us in the hall." Griffin led the way through the palace gates.

  Headquarters was located in an elegant three-story villa just inside the gates. It had housed the Valdeonian rangers and their families for centuries. Squires on sentry duty pulled open the doors for them. The building was no less elegant on the inside. Ancient stone halls were lined with drawn images of animals and murals of the Valdeonian countryside. Hardwood floors made from the ancient forests outside Varianne stretched along the corridors.

  Griffin eased closer to Wolf. "You have a guest waiting for you in your office, sir. It is a matter of great importance."

  The elaborately carved wooden doors of the dining hall stood open as they approached. Several conversations halted abruptly as the Lords of Valdeon entered the room.

  "What’s happened?" Cesar’s voice thundered up to the ceiling.

  "Jorge was ambushed by friends of Julian." Wolf rested a hand upon his mentor's shoulder. "We have sent for the doctor."

  "They dare touch the squire to a Lord of Valdeon!" Cesar turned purple when he saw his son who now held the title. "You know what I meant. And what were you doing wandering about by yourself, Jorge?"

  "My lord need not fear. His son and the other Lords of Valdeon were victorious." Jorge came to stand beside his lord, maneuvering him toward a chair.

  "Get the duke some strong drink!" Fausto clapped his hands together and winked at Wolf. "You’ll need a wet throat to tell us this tale."

  "Berto." Wolf leaned closer to his second. "Take the Sacred Guard and make sure we weren't followed. Meet me back here in ten minutes."

  He followed Griffin to his office. The lights in the hall surrounding the door had been extinguished and the surrounding rooms deserted. Griffin opened the door for him and then pulled his sword to take a guard position in the hall.

  A fully cloaked ranger stood behind Wolf's desk. He'd drawn the curtains in the office, casting it into darkness. Wolf closed the door. When they were alone, the ranger lighted the lamp. Violet glowed from his Falcon Ring as he threw the hood from his head. Gray curls had overtaken his darker hair. Though he was in his middle years, no man dared push Bishop Falcon's temper. He was one of the most powerful rangers in the legion.

  "I bring words of warning from Dragon, Xavier the Wolf." Falcon stepped from behind the desk. His trousers and boots were covered with filth. A weary face took up his glass of bourbon and he gulped it down. This ranger had traveled hard.

  "Why has Dragon not answered my pleas for aid?" Wolf's heart constricted. He feared he already knew the answer.

  "We have received no messages from you, ranger." Falcon lowered the glass with a frown. "We'd begun to fear the worst. News of Leo's death and the Lion Ring's disappearance has begun to spread about Andara. The legion has its hands full squashing panic in the United Realm. Our powers have begun to fade, Wolf. Many of your comrades have faced ambush and injury. I was sent here in order to bring hope back with me."

  "I have none to give, Bishop. The Jalora has closed the golden doors to the Altar of Providence. The bastard prince of Valdeon and his murderous pet have lain violent hands upon my son. A few hours ago, Julian's allies set a trap with the purpose of killing one of the Sacred Guard. Evil attacks us."

  "I'd hoped to lend aid for a few days, but this news must be taken back to Dragon." Falcon slammed the glass upon the desk. "I've left a special request for Lucio the Ferret's assistance on your desk. Under the circumstances, I will understand if you cannot part with him right now."

  He moved to the window and unlatched it. Turning to Wolf, he extended his hand and they shook in farewell. "San Leonora isn't the only Valdeonian city in peril. I came on horseback from the north. The inns and byways are full of strange men spreading discontent. Be careful."

  Wolf joined the others and moved to the podium at the head of the mess hall. A long table stood behind him. The Lords of Valdeon traditionally took their meals upon it. A chair at its center stood empty. Leo. His memory was another fixture in the room. Wolf looked out over the dozens of faithful lords. All eyes turned upon him as he waited for them to quiet down.

  "I go to meet with the rangers now; you will wait here until we return. I warn you, don't try to pass through the doors into central headquarters. The Jalora only allows its rangers and their squires within those walls."

  They bowed low as Wolf moved through their numbers toward the doors to central HQ. Gasps of amazement and whispers of awe filled the mess hall when the great doors opened by themselves. The Lords of Valdeon, with Wolf at their head, went inside to join the rest of the Valdeonian rangers.

  He marched the Sacred Guard past the ancient drawings depicting the animal rings of Valdeon. White marble, of a lesser grade than the throne room, stretched across the floor, pulsing with the magic of the ancients. Being in this legion haven always renewed Wolf's strength and faith in the legion. He wasn't alone. The young lords of Valdeon too breathed in the power. They looked strong and confident. Good. They were ready to stand before their countrymen and legion comrades.

  The twenty-two rangers of Valdeon stood at attention and saluted the Sacred Guard as they entered the room. When a Jalora Master sat upon the Altar of Providence, these rangers would act as the Altar Guard, taking up the duties normally held by the Lords of Valdeon. The elite Sacred Guard's duty shifted to a more important role, guarding the Lion who was the living embodiment of the Altar and the Jalora itself. Though that had not happened in more than a hundred years, the Valdeonian rangers kept themselves at the ready. Only the Jalora knew when it would walk upon the earth.

  Jaguar gave the order to stand at ease. They obeyed with solemn faces. Wolf had briefed them about the Lion Ring's disappearance and Leo's death when they'd first arrived. Shock and fear had been their response. Now they waited with acceptance.

  "I have had a message from Dragon. News of Leo's death and the Lion Ring's disappearance has begun to spread about Andara. The legion has its hands full squashing panic in the United Realm. Many believe the legion's days are over. Evil prepares to spread across the land. We are all that stand between the Altar of Providence and disaster." Wolf paused, allowing his words to reach their hearts. "We must help the government continue to function. Evil must be kept at bay."

  "Yes, Wolf." Commitment was in their voices, but very little hope.

  "Since Leo's disappearance, times have grown hard for Valdeon. The dangers will be much greater now that the Lion Ring has been lost. We have no lion heir to lead us. Already factions lusting after power are plotting to take the throne. Beware, rangers, of plots against the throne and against the chancellor." He met each of their troubled gazes. "Be strong in your dedication to the Jalora. Do not listen to the men of Valdeon. Only the Jalora's wisdom will see us through these times."

  Devotion radiated from their numbers. Wolf nodded, letting the knot in his stomach ease. The rangers were of one mind at least. That would make things a bit easier in the coming days. He turned and led the rangers down the corridor and into the mess hall where the prefects loyal to the throne waited.

  Wolf took his place upon the dais with the young Lords of Valdeon standing be
hind him. The other rangers moved into the crowd, mixing with the landowners from the west and those loyal from the east.

  "You can see how dangerous San Leonora has become." Wolf pointed at Jorge Pacarro. "Earlier today my sons were threatened by the butcher De Costa."

  Wolf waited for their cries of outrage to die down. "The bastard prince has grown brazen in his contempt for the Jalora. Mark me, my lords. He will try to take the throne by force."

  Several of the landowners began to murmur anxiously amongst themselves, but the rangers remained silent and stoic. They knew he wasn’t exaggerating for effect.

  "What should we do, My Lord De Vincente?" A young man dressed in the garb of the southwest stood at the back of the room. "Would you have us make you our new king?"

  "Yes! Wolf is the only man to save Valdeon from civil war!" One of the minor eastern prefects jumped to his feet at the center of the crowd.

  "But what of the Lion?" Another voice joined the banter. "Xavier the Wolf doesn’t bear the Lion Ring!"

  "Perhaps the Jalora has decided to replace the Lion with the Wolf?"

  Blood drained from Wolf's face as he stared in shock at the group of men. They had no idea of the dangers they were bringing upon Andara. He beat his fist upon the dais to settle them. Sweat was dripping from his hair. He wiped at the wetness on his forehead with a shaking hand. If these great fools hadn't the sense enough to be frightened, Wolf was terrified for them. What had he done to make them speak of such blasphemy?

  "Stop this talk of treason!" He looked out across their sea of faces. "Are you mad? Will you bring down the wrath of the Jalora upon our nation?"

  Oath breaker. Memories of Leo's disappointed face, their harsh words, and his own failure to stem the tides of unrest filled Wolf's mouth until he thought he'd vomit.


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