The Lords of Valdeon

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The Lords of Valdeon Page 27

by C. R. Richards

  "You are modest, My Lord De Vincente! Everyone knows the Jalora favors you. It has given you great honor and the devotion of the Valdeonian people."

  "I will hear no more of this! I am a servant of the Jalora. Never will I conspire against it!"

  His body went rigid as the Jalora's great power wrapped about him. Its presence invaded Wolf's nostrils and mouth until he thought it would suffocate him. Blinding light assaulted his eyes and then suddenly dimmed. The Jalora had come among them and it had chosen Wolf as its temporary vessel. The rangers fell upon their bellies, faces to the ground. The other men backed away in terror.

  "Look at his eyes! They glow with power."

  "On your knees, men of Valdeon!" Jaguar motioned to the stunned men in the crowd. "The Jalora has come unto us."

  "In Wolf, my servant, I am most pleased." Wolf 's mouth opened and the Jalora's power flowed from his lips as it took over his body. He did not resist. He was its servant and would give himself in any way it needed.

  "War is coming. Prepare yourselves as best you can." Then its voice turned inward for Wolf's ears alone. My sheep need their shepherds. Keep those you need with you. Send the rest back to their homes. You must also ensure Jorge Pacarro is protected.

  "Yes, holiness. It will be as you say." Wolf kept his eyes closed and waited for the room to stop spinning.

  I am most pleased with you, Xavier the Wolf. You have earned my complete trust. Soon I will give you a very special gift. Hold on to the hope you have, child. You will not be disappointed.

  Then it released him as abruptly as it had come. Wolf leaned against the dais, exhausted. Jaguar hurried to help him into a chair. The unflappable young man was pale with fear. Neither of them had experienced the Jalora's full presence with this much power.

  "Rangers and men of Valdeon, the Jalora commands you to return to your homes. Prepare for war."

  Wolf turned to face three faithful men kneeling a few feet away from him. Cesar, Fausto, and Jorge stared at him, open mouthed. They well knew what had just happened was rare.

  "And you, Jorge Pacarro, will stay close to me."

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Jorge turned the page of his book. He'd read it twice and was ready for a new piece of literary treasure. Wolf, however, wouldn't allow him to go into the streets of San Leonora on his own. The ranger had in fact forbidden him from, as Wolf put it, "wandering, spying, or otherwise putting himself in danger." The Lords of Valdeon had been overly protective of him since the Jalora had come among them through Wolf the day before. The sudden disappearance of Julian's valet didn't help matters. The creature of evil was hiding somewhere, waiting for its chance to cause more mischief.

  Giving up on the book, he closed it and tucked it inside his waistcoat. Jorge extinguished the crystal lantern. Moonlight flowed into the gardens, enveloping him in its silver light. San Leonora was known for its romantic atmosphere. No location offered a more breathtaking, dreamlike ambience for lovers than the gardens surrounding the Palace of Kings. It was his great misfortune to be without wife or frivolity this trip.

  The aching in his arm reminded him such youthful pursuits were best left to others for a time. He stretched his wounded arm. He'd had worse injuries, but Cesar made it a point to bring up Jorge's reckless foolishness. With so many nursemaids scolding him, he'd been grateful to sneak away on his own for a bit of reading in the gardens.

  Moonglow, pale and delicate, fell upon his outstretched hand. Tiny sparkles of white winked against his skin. More of the glittering white fell upon the grass and foliage about him. Then a powerful presence entered the garden. It brushed at the hairs on his arms. Jorge recognized the presence from his many years of service as squire. The Jalora walked its garden this night.

  His keen eyes lifted toward the path winding among the foliage. Xavier the Wolf's body walked toward him in the moonlight. The ranger was completely nude, even his boots were missing. Wolf held his sword outstretched before him. His eyes were ablaze with the power of the Jalora.

  "Wolf?" Jorge carefully approached him. It wasn't wise to test the ranger's patience, especially when he wasn't sure he was actually speaking to Xavier De Vincente. "May I assist you in some way, my lord?"

  "Behind me, squire." Wolf's grip tightened upon his sword, sending the blood rushing from his knuckles. "We must find him! His enemies draw closer and he is without protection."

  Jorge came to stand at his elbow. He'd known Wolf long enough to read the fury upon his face. This ranger was ready to kill. Wolf shouted a fierce battle cry and dove into the trees. Sweet Erthe Mother. It was no easy task to keep up with a ranger at his top speed, but Jorge had been a squire. He knew his limits and how to push himself. Bolting in amongst the broken branches, he followed as best he could.

  Breathless, Jorge stumbled to a stop at the garden's cherry orchard. The ranger's body was a glowing outline among the thicket of cherry trees. Swinging the sword's tip along the treeline, he growled incoherently at the shadowed branches. Wolf was growing agitated, and in his current state, it could only mean death for anyone in his way — friend or foe.

  "Seth! Where are you? Come out. I'll protect you. This I swear!"

  Five armed men came out of the thicket. They began to circle the disoriented ranger. Jorge threw off the sling on his arm. He burst into their path, drawing his hatchet as he put his back to Wolf. A storm of confusion and treachery was descending upon Jorge as his country began to crumble about him. Its salvation rested upon one man. Xavier the Wolf must be kept safe to lead their people out of this turmoil. He was willing to give his own life to ensure it.

  "Stay away from him, traitors! On the ground, Seth! Hurry."

  Then the impossible happened. Xavier the Wolf swung his sword at the trees, their trunks falling in an explosion of bark and power. Jorge had just enough time to throw himself to the ground before the debris and blade came his way. Half of the men attacking them weren't as fortunate. Their bodies fell into bloodied pieces upon the ground.

  Jorge stared up at the Wolf as the great power left his eyes. He'd never seen anything like the strike Wolf had just used to demolish the orchard. Even Cardinal Dragon didn't possess such power. The Jalora had changed the ranger standing before him. It had given him more power in an uncertain world. The realization gave Jorge hope.

  Wolf staggered. Jorge hurried to his feet and helped the ranger stand. A shout to his left was a reminder they'd had company within the gardens. One of the fools, still covered in tinder, leapt forward to attack them. Jorge let lose his hatchet, striking the man in his throat. His friend turned tail and ran through the trees. Jorge didn't follow. He stayed beside the stunned ranger instead. The traitor's death would wait for another time.

  "Wolf?" Jorge gripped the ranger's chin in his hand. "Can you hear me?"

  Wolf lowered his sword and stared about him. "Jorge? What has happened? Where am I?"

  "You are in the gardens of the Palace of Kings." Jorge stepped away when he was satisfied his words were getting through. "Yes, you have come back to us." He yanked his hatchet from the dead man's throat. "I was reading when I saw you charging as if you were in a great battle. These fools took advantage of your…dream to attack you."

  "Dream? It seemed so real, as if I were really there."

  "You were calling for someone named Seth. Who is he?"

  Wolf shook his head, blankly staring into the ruined stumps of the orchard. "I don't know."

  Well, whoever this Seth may be, it sounded as if he was in great peril. Jorge took Wolf's blade from his shaking hand and rested it against a broken tree trunk. If this Seth was important to Wolf, then he was important to Valdeon. Perhaps time would restore Wolf's memory.

  Jorge whirled around when other bare feet stomped into the garden. The young Lords of Valdeon and several landowners from both sides stared at the scene. Wolf's squire came behind them, carrying a robe across one arm. He helped Wolf into the garment, picked up his lord's sword, and guided his disoriented master bac
k toward his bedchamber.

  "Get back to bed, all of you!" Wolf's squire nodded to Jorge. It was as close to a "thank you" as Basilio would ever give.

  The Lords of Valdeon circled around him. Though the Jalora masked the countenances of its rangers, nothing could keep raw emotion out of the eyes. These young men looked to Wolf for leadership and guidance. Seeing him in such a helpless state had shaken them. Jorge shook his head as the anxious young men asked their silent question.

  "Very well, probe as you will. It is important you see what has happened."

  Their prodding began, gently at first. Jorge gripped at his poor head as their touch took on a more urgent need. A dull ache was beginning to form. Finally, they stood away when they were satisfied they'd seen everything.

  "Come, we must stay close to Wolf this night." Jaguar kept his weapon at the ready and took point as they headed toward the palace.

  Lady De Vincente stood in the double glass doors opening onto one of the garden's many patios. She was a vision in burgundy robes, her long hair falling to her waist. A lovely hand stroked her husband's arm as Basilio helped him inside their rooms. She clutched at the neck of her robe and turned to face the Lords of Valdeon.

  Jorge heard a low whistle of appreciation behind him. He turned, realizing the landowners had followed. One of them, a young man with wandering eyes, took in Dulcina. Jorge stepped between them, blocking the young fool's view. Xavier De Vincente was a jealous man. He would not tolerate any disrespect or improper admiration of his good lady.

  Dulcina swept before Jorge and gripped his hand. "What has happened, Duke Pacarro? I understand from Basilio you protected my husband this night."

  "My Lord the Wolf has had another vision from the Jalora, my lady." Jorge shared a smile with her when the landowners started their excited whispering.

  "He will be angry with you, Jorge." She gripped his arm fondly. "But, I can only thank you and will help pass along this news of another miracle. He cannot be angry with us both for long."

  She was absolutely right. Word would spread quickly of Wolf's miracle. The ranger wouldn't like it, but they couldn't afford talk questioning his sanity. Jorge turned his attention to the giddy landowners. If they were not in awe of Wolf before, they certainly were now.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Sunlight pierced through thinning branches to illuminate the damage within the palace gardens. Wolf's ranger eyes took in the snarled trunks and bits of human remains. Several soldiers stomped around the ferns conducting their gruesome duty. He gripped his belt tightly. The incredible destruction had been done with a flick of his blade, and he didn't remember any of it. Was he losing his mind?

  "My Lord De Vincente?"

  He turned from the window with a restrained sigh and waved away the drink Basilio offered to him. Jorge, Cesar, and Fausto stood to one side of the room. The Sacred Guard had positioned themselves close to the wall in a discreet half circle. His gift of discernment came unbidden to surround the men in the room. A mixture of awe and concern swirled about their bodies. He forced the sudden surge of fear from his own energy. The Jalora's power had grown stronger within his body over the past few days. Such increase usually came when the Jalora granted a ranger a higher rank among the legion, but Wolf was certain this occasion was different. He was gaining power while other rangers among them were losing their gifts. The bearer of the Mongoose Ring, a low-ranking young man from central Valdeon, had been taken to the transport ship's infirmary after his powers had been almost completely drained. He'd have a miserable trip home.

  "As I was saying, my lord, tensions run high in San Leonora. Rumors had to be managed." Jorge lifted his chin, sending his warrior beads rattling. "I did what was necessary."

  "You told a blatant lie." Wolf paced before the disturbingly calm Jorge Pacarro. "And you used my wife to spread it."

  "Such dreams experienced by a member of the Sacred Guard are best heeded, my lord. You must admit there has been a change in you since your, um, experience with the Jalora in HQ."

  Wolf couldn't deny the changes in his body and the strengthening of his ranger powers. He was ashamed to admit it, but Wolf was unsettled by these changes. He'd asked for guidance before the doors of the throne room, but the Jalora hadn't answered the respectful pleas. His trust in the Jalora was absolute of course, but he wished it would explain what was happening to him.

  "Yes, My Lord Pacarro, I don't know the extent of these changes. Last night's dream has forced me to take action."

  The attempts on their lives and the threats to his family were symptoms of a larger problem. Valdeon was no longer the country he'd known. War was coming. Nothing would be the same for any of them again.

  "The Jalora tasked me with your protection, Jorge. I can no longer do so here within the Palace of Kings."

  Wolf raised his hand in warning. As a former squire, Jorge understood the risks of questioning the Jalora's wisdom or its commands. The Pacarro tribesman wasn't going to like being treated as a sacred Valdeonian artifact. He must be kept safe. If it meant sending him away, so be it.

  He turned to his squire, Basilio, who had been trying very hard not to comment on their conversation. "Send the captain of our small schooner to me. Go to Duke Pacarro’s rooms and pack his belongings. Take Ferret’s squire with you to help. Jorge and Cesar leave for San Lucida tonight."

  "What?" The rust hue of Jorge's face turned into a deep shade of purple. "I want to stay beside you, Wolf. You'll need help!"

  Cesar Santiago remained where he was, arms folded and face calm. He'd anticipated this, though Wolf had not breathed a word to anyone about the Regent's Medallion. His old mentor was not easily fooled. He'd most likely seen the changes in Jorge's energy and guessed the rest.

  Fausto hurried forward to rest a hand upon Jorge's shoulder. "I don't like leaving Wolf here alone either. You must trust him, Jorge. He does this for good reason."

  "Xavier De Vincente has always had and will always have my trust."

  Jorge nodded to Wolf and joined Cesar beside the door. They followed Basilio out into the hall. Wolf grew troubled when he noticed the twinkle in his old mentor's eyes as they left. Cesar had accepted the command to return home a little too easily. He'd been suspiciously quiet during their conversation.

  "I can see the wheels turning in your head, Wolf." Fausto came to stand beside him. "Our old friend will not be sent away so easily. I can take him back to San Lucida myself if you'd like."

  "I have another task for you, Fausto, if you will see to it. Dulcina and the children, they must join the rest of the family in San Rudalfo."

  Fausto nodded and gave him a troubled smile. "Have no fear, my friend. I will see them home safely."

  "I wonder who Seth is and if he escaped those men?" Otter's young face puckered as he gave voice to the question Wolf had thought about most of the day. He and the other rangers had remained close to Wolf since they'd found him with Jorge in the garden. Anxious to make sense of such troubling things, they'd speculated on various theories all morning until Wolf's head ached.

  "Have I not said I don't remember!" Wolf shook his head and gave the young man a quick smile. "My apologies, Otter. I hadn't meant to take my frustrations out on you."

  He'd gone to bed holding his wife. One moment he'd just closed his eyes. The next moment he was standing naked in the garden with Jorge holding his chin. Seth. Jorge told him he'd been searching this person out to protect him. His unsettled mind remembered the vision of the young man he'd seen before the Orb. Could they be one and the same?

  "San Leonora has grown dangerously unstable. I fear we cannot stop the violence headed our way. The Jalora has sent the other rangers to their homes to lead their armies against uprising. We don't have enough rangers to patrol all of Valdeon. I must try again to send word to Dragon. We need the legion soon whether or not the rest of Andara grows restless. The Altar must be protected."

  War. This was Edmund D’Antoiné’s doing. If he hadn’t run away from his dut
ies, that dark-hearted offspring he called son wouldn’t be running wild. Wolf’s thoughts turned to his own family. San Leonora had grown dangerous. He must send Dulcina and the children to safety. His wife hated to split up their family, but she had to leave him this time.

  Raising the subject with his wife had proven harder than he'd anticipated. She'd planned a picnic with their sons to cheer him. They'd found a grassy spot in the gardens and spent the afternoon watching their children play. Twilight turned to night. Still the words would not come. In their chambers, he held her. Their parting would not be an easy one.

  Orange bands of gentle morning sun peaked through the window to stretch across their bedchambers. Sunlight fell upon his wife’s sleeping body. He was a blessed man. Out of all her suitors, Dulcina had chosen him. Many a maid had thought him handsome, but his disposition chased them away. His family was fond of teasing them. The mighty Wolf had finally been tamed by a gentle soul like Dulcina.

  He stroked her hair gently and kissed her. "I love you."

  "My lord rises early this morning." She yawned, rubbing a soft cheek against his stubbly one. Dulcina opened her eyes and frowned when she noticed him dressed in his uniform.

  "You and the boys must return to San Rudalfo this morning, my love. Tempers grow heated in San Leonora. I’m no longer confident the chancellor can maintain order within the city."

  His wife brought her hand behind his head and pulled him in for a kiss. "We go where you go, and we stay where you stay, my darling." Dulcina breathed a kiss in his ear. "I’m not afraid."

  Wolf pulled her to him. "I’m afraid for all of you. Please go home to San Rudalfo. The family will protect you for me. Think of our future."

  He rested a hand on her small belly. It would grow larger soon. Their other sons had been born in outpost infirmaries by legion doctors. He wanted her home when the baby arrived this time, with family and friends nearby.


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