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Red Hot Bikers, Rock Stars and Bad Boys

Page 160

by Cassia Leo

  “Did you get anything back on the trace we ran?” Dehgoies asked him.

  The other male seer was watching him curiously, his sharp, amber eyes holding a scrutiny that made Dehgoies nervous. He flattened his own expression, but only saw that smile tug a bit higher on Terian’s full lips. Realizing he would probably have to tell the other Rook something, or risk Terian going behind his back to try and determine more on his own, Dehgoies gave him a tiny nod, and sent a pulse of warning his way, indicating it would have to wait until Raven had left.

  Terian’s smile widened. His expression relaxed.

  “No, brother,” Terian said, from the velvet-padded chair where he flopped his body down, a leg over one armrest, nursing his drink. “But I went looking for her...your little friend.”

  Dehgoies turned on him, sharper than he’d intended. “What do you mean?”

  Terian made a subtle, reassuring gesture with one hand.

  Then, glancing briefly at Raven, he flipped his long leg off the armrest where he’d just arranged himself. Dehgoies felt Terian’s pause, as if he’d heard something in Dehgoies’ voice, or perhaps felt the tension ripple his light...or perhaps because he wanted Dehgoies to know that he wouldn’t reveal too much with Raven in the room. Standing in one fluid motion, the auburn-haired seer glanced back over his shoulder at Dehgoies again.

  “...I didn’t find her,” he added, letting a note of reassurance live there, however briefly. “I did find a few other toys for us to play with, though...if either of you were feeling so inclined.”

  Dehgoies didn’t get up.

  Instead, he watched warily as Raven followed Terian to the door of the larger of the suite’s two bedrooms. After the faintest pause, Dehgoies also let his light follow theirs into the adjacent room. He let out a surprised laugh when he realized what Terian had done.

  “Jesus, Terry,” he said, laughing again as he rose to his feet. He knew the relief was probably audible in his voice, but didn’t care. “How the hell did you get them up here?”

  Terian smiled at him from the doorway, watching as Dehgoies made his own trip to the drink cart, frowning at the empty bottle of Woodford. He tossed it in the trash where it landed with a loud clanking sound as it hit the other bottles there...right before he picked up a half-full, glass carafe of the cheaper stuff, pouring it over what remained of his ice. He dug into the ice bucket with his fingers to add more, then took a long drink, clicking humorously again when he lowered the glass, glancing back at the bedroom doorway.

  He refilled his drink from the bottle, replacing the alcohol he’d just ingested so he wouldn’t have to get up again as soon.

  Terian smiled at him again when Dehgoies put down the bottle, meeting his gaze.

  “Ye of little faith.” Terian motioned towards Raven dismissively. “...She’s long-winded. Maybe you didn’t realize how long you two were shouting at one another on the street.”

  “Yeah, but...” Dehgoies scanned the room behind the two of them again, still smiling and clicking softly, in spite of himself. “...All of them? Really, Terry? Why?”

  “The mongrels seemed as hungry as their bitch,” Terian explained, shrugging unapologetically. He gave Dehgoies a wry smile. “Should we flip for who goes first? She, in particular, is in serious need of being violated...she was panting even before I used my light. And you should have seen how she reacted, when I told her you’d be here...”

  “No,” Raven cut in, her voice irritated again.

  Dehgoies glanced at her, tensing.

  He couldn’t read anything in her shockingly blue eyes, or even in her light...other than that darker annoyance and what might have been sparks of jealousy still. He knew the coke was probably getting in the way of his scan, but he didn’t care about that, either. He did pick up the basics. Raven, however pissed off she was at him, also looked turned on. She was turned on enough to affect his own light. The coke only helped with that, even before she measured him deliberately with those turquoise eyes.

  “Want another line?” he asked her with a smile, inclining his head towards the bag.

  She walked directly to the bar and to him, reaching them both in a handful of strides. Seeing that harder look rising to her eyes, Dehgoies stepped back in reflex, his new drink still clutched in one hand. He looked down at her warily, but Raven scarcely paused, grabbing hold of the front of his belt and jerking him towards the bedroom doorway, past which Dehgoies could feel at least six human lights, in addition to their three seer ones.

  He was hard in about three steps, feeling sparks off of Raven’s light.

  “...You can have first go at the worms, Terry,” Raven said scornfully to the other male. “If you’re so desperate to defile yourself...which you undoubtedly are.”

  She tugged Dehgoies, stiff-legged, into that dimly-lit room, his hand still clutching his drink. Terian cocked an eyebrow at the taller seer as they passed, and Dehgoies shrugged, giving him a thin-lipped smile in return.

  “...This ridvak piece of shit has some serious apologizing to do first,” she added.


  The girl was still wearing the red bikini, Dehgoies noticed.

  That fact alone might have made him laugh, but instead he wondered a little at Terian’s audacity, given that he’d brought her a few blocks down a busy Saigon street in that get-up...and right after a car bomb had gone off in front of that same hotel. Terian had also brought the five bar roaches in rumpled civilian wear from that same poolside behind the Grand...the same five who’d been staring at the girl by the pool, at least when they weren’t actively staring at the female seer sitting across from Dehgoies at the umbrella-covered table.

  He knew Terian liked his games. He liked to sexualize them, too.

  For the most part, Dehgoies indulged him when he didn’t go too far...figuring it was a better way to siphon off some of the crazy than most avenues open to them, especially out here. As long as it didn’t interfere with work, or risk exposure in an area where they couldn’t afford to be exposed, Dehgoies didn’t much care what the other male did.

  Anyway, Terian could be pretty creative, in his own way.

  He also seemed to be more aware than most of Dehgoies’ own weaknesses.

  He watched Terian now, as the other seer motioned the girl over to where Dehgoies stood, his back against the wall opposite the bed. He was having trouble concentrating, and not only because Raven had control over his light again. She’d demanded he give her head a few times when they first got into the room. Apparently what he’d done had softened her towards him some, because now she was returning the favor. Her mouth was doing things to him he couldn’t quite think past, even with the girl walking towards him, her nipples straining against the red bathing suit.

  He let out a gasp, gripping Raven’s hair in his fingers.

  “Do that again,” he murmured to her, caressing her face.

  Raven’s tongue slid over the hard end of his cock and he let out a heavier groan.

  “Gods. Again...”

  He closed his eyes as she complied, then he was staring at the girl in the red bikini, feeling the pain rise up in his gut, worsening past where he could think straight. He’d already done more coke than he usually let himself do while he was working, but he wanted more now, found himself eyeing the mirror where it lay on the low table by the bed.

  “I think she’s jealous, Revi’,” Terian said, gripping the human female’s long hair as he brought her closer to the two of them. “Do you think Raven would let her have a go for awhile? She’s positively salivating to put her mouth on you...”

  Deghoies’ fingers tightened again in Raven’s long hair.

  He let out another low groan, still watching the face and eyes of the woman on the bikini, seeing the truth in Terian’s words by the way she watched Raven work over him. He groaned again when the human licked her full lips, feeling himself growing harder in Raven’s mouth, right before he held her tighter against him. Raven gripped his wrists, pulling him off her as she
took her mouth off him. She looked up long enough to glare at Terian from where she knelt on the carpet at Dehgoies’ feet.

  “Piss off, shit-blood,” she told him, her voice harder for desire. “Fuck the worm yourself, if you want her so badly...” Raven’s voice grew acidic. “...Or is it her you even want, cocksucker? Maybe you’re hoping he’ll suck you off while she does him?”

  Terian only laughed, his amber eyes glassy with coke and now the heroin he’d broken into in the other room not long after they’d started. Terian’s limbs had grown fluid since they broke out the downer, but his light seemed to work as well as it ever did on massive amounts of drugs.

  Especially when it came to sex.

  Raven was turned on, too, Dehgoies knew, despite her words.

  She was probably a lot more turned on since Terian had started using his light on the humans. Moreover, she was prone to trying to coerce Dehgoies into doing exactly what she’d just accused Terian of wanting him to do, so he knew her words in that area were half-serious, too, if not an out and out lie. She’d told Dehgoies more than once that she liked watching him suck cock. It turned her on to the point of losing control, especially if he got the recipient all the way there...especially if he played her subservience games while he did it.

  Dehgoies knew it would only be a matter of time before Terian had those suits getting each other off, too...and him.

  Terian would want him and Raven to watch, even if they didn’t participate directly.

  Not wanting to disappoint his friend, Dehgoies tugged lightly on Raven’s hair, sending her a pulse of denser pain, letting her know he wanted to fuck.

  “Let’s go to the bed,” he coaxed. “We can see better from there...”

  “Do you want him, instead?” Raven asked him acidly. “Go ahead, Dags. Fuck your little pal...see if I care...”

  “Just let him watch,” Dehgoies said, his voice still coaxing. “We can watch, too.”

  “Assholes,” she muttered, but she climbed up off the carpet anyway.

  Gripping his shirt in her strong fingers, Raven dragged him away from the woman and towards the bed without preamble, forcing him to walk after her. Dehgoies managed to kick off the jeans as he did it, still hard enough that he sucked in a breath when she gripped him there again, tugging on him unapologetically once they were closer to the bed. Raven stroked him harder, using her fingers in light touches on the end, making him shudder. She watched him look at her, her dark hair falling down her back and over one shoulder in a black curtain. She massaged him harder when his eyes drifted back to the girl in the bikini, even as Terian had her kneel down in front of one of the suits.

  “Dags,” Raven warned, her voice sharper.

  He looked back at Raven, feeling his pain worsen when her hands slid over his body, seeking out sensitive points with her light and skillful fingers.

  Dehgoies’ eyes shifted back to the humans again when Raven looked away, though, in time to see Terian kneel behind the girl in the bikini, who he now had on her hands and knees. Dehgoies watched the girl take down the human suit’s zipper in front of her, freeing his sex from his underwear and pants. She was just putting her mouth on him when Dehgoies’ eyes shifted down, watching as Terian moved the red swim suit aside with his fingers. Terian spread her legs without taking the bathing suit off her, unbuckling his own pants with his free hand as he started to finger her skillfully with his thumb and forefinger, using his light to get the guy in the rumpled suit to grip her hair in his hands.

  He was big for a human, Dehgoies noticed, and already on the verge of coming.

  The girl in the bikini let out a low moan, bucking against Terian’s hand.

  She paused what she was doing with her mouth long enough to lick the man in front of her with a warm, pink tongue, bringing a low groan from him, right before the human gripped her hair even harder in his fingers. Even Dehgoies could tell Terian hadn’t pushed her that time.

  She was enjoying this.

  “Fuck,” Dehgoies said. “Terry...put your cock in her. She wants it...”

  “Jesus, you’re a couple of cock-lovers...” Raven said, smacking him in the chest.

  That time, Dehgoies only smiled at her, though, seeing that her eyes had glassed as she watched Terian, too, her eyes on the girl’s face and her swollen breasts. He caught Raven off balance deliberately, moving fast, and aggressively. He grabbed hold of her arms before she could protest, pushing her down to the bed and throwing his weight on top of her.

  She fought him briefly, but only half-heartedly, sucking in a breath when he spread her legs and entered her, barely getting the hard end down long enough to get inside her. The drugs helped with his control, was part of the reason Terry kept them so plentiful. Dehgoies closed his own eyes when he angled all the way in, letting himself extend again once he’d found the right spot. Heat flushed his skin and he opened his eyes again, studying her face, and her light.

  He was faintly puzzled to see a hurt look there again.

  “Ray,” he said, short. “Get over Or tell me to stop.”

  “What was it about her?” Raven said, her eyes still angry. “Why do you still want her?”

  He gave her an exasperated look.

  Even so, embarrassment flickered through his light.

  He had been thinking about the other female seer...the one he’d met by the pool, with the green eyes and that near-black hair and the unusual face. He’d been thinking about her as he extended, remembering her light, almost without noticing he’d done it...or without admitting it to himself, maybe. He didn’t pull out of Raven now, but propped his upper body up on his hands, staring down at her face.

  “Really?” he said. “You want to talk about this now?”

  “Show me,” she demanded. “Show me, or you’ll wake up with a knife on your throat, Dags...for real this time...”

  He felt his jaw harden.

  Glancing over, he saw another of Terian’s suits tongue-kissing the one who was still getting a blow job from the girl. Behind her, Terian let out a low gasp. He’d taken Dehgoies’ advice and was fucking her now, angling into her deeper even as he motioned over another of the suit guys from the pool. Dehgoies could feel where this was going. He could also feel wanting off the girl. She was getting off on having all of these men. She wanted more of them on her, and knew Terian felt that, too.

  He was about to oblige her, maybe more than she would have wanted.

  Terian could be a sick fuck at times, yeah, but Dehgoies knew he didn’t get off on rape alone...meaning, not for its own sake. Consensual sex, especially if it had an element of degradation or submission, got him off just as well. Better, maybe.

  Dehgoies knew Terry’s real fun would come from the men, anyway.

  One of Terian’s favorite games was to obtain a number of relatively ‘straight’ humans, meaning predominantly heterosexual ones, especially males, and push them into fucking one another in front of him. He would push them into letting him fuck them, too. Generally, he would get them to beg for it, and he wouldn’t erase them afterwards, so they’d remember all of it later. They just wouldn’t have any idea they’d been coerced into doing what they’d done, by a seer’s light or anything else.

  Dehgoies had no idea why it amused the other seer so much, but it did.

  Terian would follow them for weeks afterwards sometimes, watch them anguish about whether or not they were homosexuals. Sometimes Terian would push them again, a few weeks later, get them to hire male prostitutes, or suck them off himself...amuse himself by pushing them into asking him for sex acts they never would have even thought up on their own, much less asked another man to perform on them without coercion.

  Those were the ones Terry liked, the ones he developed mini-crushes on.

  Since most seers were more or less ‘bi-sexual’ according to the human parlance, the idea of being homophobic was somewhat foreign to them. Their issue with mates or lovers taking same-sex partners (or opposite sex partners, for
that matter) tended to manifest more as jealousy or insecurity, rather than what the humans experienced across most cultures when it came to same-sex pairings.

  Most seers found human preoccupations with sexual orientation bewildering.

  For similar reasons, Terian’s obsession with tormenting humans on the psychology around same-sex couplings struck Dehgoies as pretty bizarre.

  He felt Raven’s light slide deeper into his, and looked down at her again.

  “Why?” he said to her, answering her question belatedly. “Why would you want to see that? You already know why I wanted her...”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Yes, you do,” he said, exasperated. “It’s not that complicated, Ray.”

  Raven shook her head, though, her lips tight with anger.

  Dehgoies sighed, then opened his light. He did it carefully, keeping the content of his conversation with the female seer carefully in the background. He let Raven scan him, though, at least in terms of his reactions to the other female. When Raven finally clicked out, a few minutes later, he was harder than he had been, fully extended in fact, and his heart was thudding in his chest. Pain caught him off guard as he once more tasted the female’s light, and he felt Raven’s anger intensify again when he glanced down at her.

  She lay there, frowning at him, her black hair in a fan around her oval face.

  “Satisfied?” he growled at her.

  “You liked how open she was?” she said shortly. “Is that it? You liked feeling her light?”

  Dehgoies shook his head, but not in a no. “I’m getting bored of this, Ray.”

  “Your cock says different,” she said, looking down at him pointedly. Her voice turned irritated again, but he heard what might have been understanding in her words, too. “Just admit it, Dehgoies. You wanted her like the open light, that vulnerability she showed you...”

  “So what?” he said, annoyed.

  “So why not ask me for that?” she said, her voice faintly accusing again.


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