Book Read Free

P I Honeytrap

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by Kristal Baird


  An erotic novel by Kristal Baird

  Published by Xcite Books Ltd – 2013

  ISBN 9781909520431

  Copyright © Kristal Baird 2013

  The right of Kristal Baird to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  The story contained within this book is a work of fiction. Names and characters are the product of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be copied, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, electrostatic, magnetic tape, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publishers: Xcite Books, Suite 11769, 2nd Floor, 145-157 St John Street, London EC1V 4PY


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter One

  Hayley pushed the box of Kleenex across the desk. The slight figure sitting opposite reached over and pulled one out ready. Tears were on their way.

  ‘So what makes you think your husband is cheating on you, Mrs Smith?’ Her agency’s standard opening line.

  It was clear why the woman was here. The same reason they all came. Only the circumstances changed – and the names of the men. When it came to infidelity, there was no point beating about the bush. The silly cliché had Hayley biting back a smile as she remembered the night before.

  The question and the Kleenex were enough permission to start the flow of self-pity, and the young woman snatched up another couple of the soft, white sheets to stem the swelling tide.

  Hayley was unmoved. She’d seen enough tears across her desk to float an ark. For the life of her, she couldn’t understand why these women didn’t just kick the dumb sons of bitches where it would have them grasping for their own Kleenex. Man-sized. If any guy tried to do that to her, she’d shove a spit up his rear end and roast him until his meat was charcoal.

  Not that any man ever got the chance to get that close. She liked fooling around with a guy as much as the next robustly healthy female, but she’d witnessed too much heartache to ever let some bastard take her for a ride.

  Perhaps that was an unfortunate turn of phrase too. After last night.

  ‘Go on.’ Hayley settled back in her chair. She could listen and drift away at the same time.

  She drifted straight back to the gym where she’d retreated late last night, to pound a little tension out of her body. Her private arrangement with the owner allowed her to use the place long after his other customers had gone home …

  ‘Still running, Hayley?’

  Hayley knew that Reuben had been standing behind her in the doorway between his office and the main gym hall watching her for some time. She was observant about things like that. And about his choice of words. Perhaps it was time to cancel the arrangement?

  ‘Still running, Reuben. Are you wanting to lock up or something?’ She kept pounding the treadmill. The angle was at full elevation and it was hard work to keep going at that speed. She didn’t want to break her stride.

  ‘I did that an hour since. It’s just you and me.’

  She knew that tone. He moved closer but the stare was the same. It meant only one thing, and Hayley didn’t mind how she pounded the tension out of her tonight. Particularly with Reuben.

  ‘I’m kind of busy right now.’ Hayley liked to tease him; to keep things light between them.

  He walked over to her machine. ‘Then let me help you with your workload.’ Reuben punched the controls and the incline began to slowly reduce.

  Hayley adjusted her body’s forward drive and stared at him as he started to ease the pace she was running too. She’d been on the machine for nearly an hour. That was the reason she suddenly noticed her pulse rate was so high, her heart pounding. The only reason. Sweat dripped off her skin, which glowed with heat. Even between her thighs.

  ‘I’m a bit of a mess,’ she claimed. She was jogging steadily now, coming down gradually from her peak.

  ‘I like my women hot, sweaty, and out of breath.’ The tight lift at one side of his mouth told Hayley he liked his own jokes and he was hot too. For her.

  She checked out the bulge in his sweats and cocked an eyebrow. Ready to rumble. ‘You’re a lucky guy, then. You’ve got a machine that does most of the work for you, getting them in that condition.’

  ‘Look around you. I’ve got quite a few.’ Reuben’s eyes were fixed solidly on hers. ‘Machines. Not women.’

  Hayley didn’t need to look around to know what was there. Since she’d opened her private investigation office two doors down from Reuben’s Gym, she’d worked out on most of the equipment – with and without Reuben. With was a different kind of workout. And, whatever he said, there were women too. She’d seen their eyes follow Reuben about. But she wasn’t intending to make that her business. This was strictly casual.

  ‘Machinery? Kind of makes your job a bit too easy. What’s left for you to do?’ Hayley was off the machine and twisting the top off the bottle of water that Reuben had handed her. She tipped her head back and downed the lot in one go, needing the rehydration if she was to keep working out. Making out. And she’d already made up her mind that, tonight, she would be.

  Hayley wondered if she liked coming here more for the machine workout or for the other kind of exercise she got at Reuben’s place, and if Reuben wondered too.

  He stepped in closer. His body was all muscle. He didn’t just own a gym, he used it on a regular basis. In her line of work, Hayley really appreciated a fit guy. She honeytrapped plenty for her clients, and most were creeps. But Reuben wasn’t work. He was all playtime.

  ‘I step in for the rub-down.’ He took the empty bottle from her and flipped it across to the bin.

  ‘Good shot.’

  Reuben’s grin told her he wanted to show her another kind of slam dunk. ‘My talents are many.’

  They sure were. God, he looked sexy when he smiled. Hot body with all the defined tendons and sinews of an athlete. Great features. The complete package. It was Hayley’s turn for her mouth to twist up into a smile of appreciation. Looking sexy in a white vest and sweatpants was only the start of Reuben’s endowments.

  He placed his hands on her forearms and ran them up to her shoulders. She was hot before, but now she began the slow rise to combustion as his firm fingers kneaded the tight muscles at her shoulders and ran up the length of her neck into her hairline.

  Hayley reached back and pulled out the elastic that was holding her dark hair back into a tight ponytail. Reuben pushed his fingers through its length, curving around the shape of her skull beneath. She moaned softly.

  ‘You like that?’

  She nodded, eyes half closed.

  ‘I can do better,’ he promised. He gathered the fabric at the hem of her T-shirt, having given her the expression that she recognised as asking her consent, and peeled it off her damp body. She let him.

  The air-conditioning hit her hot, sticky skin and sent shivers dancing across it. Reuben grasped her wrist and towed her behind him towards the massage room. There was an urgency about his movements that told her he’d waited long enough; that he wanted to get her to a place where she would let him fuck her as soon as possible. The guy was hurting.

why she came back to Reuben’s. He worked hard to turn things his way, but it was always her choice in the end. With the hard, muscular size of him, no matter how fit she was he could have her pinned beneath him in seconds flat. But she always knew a simple no would end matters there and then. The guy had self-control.

  Unlike some of the jerks she worked with. She’d been involved in some pretty nasty encounters to get the evidence her clients needed. To prove their husbands and boyfriends were cheating, lying scum who would chase any pretty woman who looked their way, irrespective of the fact they were supposedly committed.

  She could feel her tension mounting again. Reuben could probably feel it too. He threw a warm, fluffy towel on the massage bench and pressed Hayley face down towards it. She twisted her hair again into a loose knot and fixed it on top of her head.

  ‘I’m going to unhook your sports bra, Hayley. Is that OK?’

  ‘Mmm.’ It was only the beginning. The tingle in her nipples told her that tonight she was going all the way. But it wouldn’t hurt to let him wonder.

  Reuben unclipped the garment with a practised hand that made Hayley smile. They had an understanding. No ties. Just a little R and R whenever they wanted it; needed it. She liked it that way.

  She liked what Reuben was doing to her now too. Her nose told her he had poured warm coconut oil into the palms of his hands, which he slicked across the entire surface of her back. He started palm-circling in small movements, slowly up to her neck on one side of her spine and down to the top of her sweatpants. She could feel the tightness in her muscles soften as he worked.

  Time disappeared. Perhaps she drifted off to sleep beneath Reuben’s expert hands as he went through his magic routine; lifting, knuckling, twisting. It was those sexy little thumb strokes that eventually brought her back to consciousness.

  Or his gravelly voice.

  ‘I want to give you a full-body massage, Hayley.’ The gruff tone told her the massage was doing as much for him as it was for her. God, she liked this guy.

  He was asking her permission again, to take it up a notch. No point pretending. ‘I want that too.’ They both knew he had been given approval for more than just a rubdown.

  Reuben’s fingertips hooked in her waistband and he tugged her sweatpants down over her hips. She heard him moan softly as she raised her hips off the bench to accommodate him. She smiled at the silence as he discovered she wasn’t wearing panties. What was the point under sweatpants? At the gym. With Reuben.

  A little more oil swirled between his hands and Reuben’s strong fingers flowed from the arch of her spine, over the rise of her lower back to the firm mounds of her buttocks and down her thighs, not stopping until they reached her lower calves. Without ceasing, they returned on their journey to her bottom again.

  Her legs felt long, strong, and lean under his actions. Reuben always made her feel good about herself. So good. She parted her legs minutely.

  His fingers hooked softly beneath her hip bone and he alternately pulled and pushed the heel of his hand across the muscle of her buttock, working the tight flesh loose and warm. He walked around to the other side, drawing his hand across her body, keeping contact as he went, and repeated the firm movements on the other side.

  Despite the relaxing slide of his hand across her oily flesh, Hayley sensed a moment when the contact between them changed. She grew taut and tense. She felt Reuben harden too, somehow. This was it. His hand lay over the cleft of her bottom. His oily fingers dipping lower and lower between her legs. She relaxed them further apart to ease his way.

  Long, strong fingers soon parted the plump outer labia. Two questing forefingers slicked down towards her clit, over and around and away into the lonely distance, before returning. Sharp zaps of electric energy sparked to life with each fluid friction of his fingerpads across her bead.

  Her breathing changed. It became deep, slow, and silent, as if she was hiding, unwilling to be found out: keeping secret just how much she enjoyed being toyed with and teased.

  He tested her readiness, flicking his fingertips over her hooded clit repeatedly until there was nowhere to hide. A bright mewl of arousal escaped her lips.

  ‘You like that?’ he tormented.

  ‘Yes.’ It was all she could do to gasp the word. Her buttocks lifted and her hips began to writhe.

  It was obvious he didn’t want her to come so soon. His fingers withdrew and she found herself being flipped over on the towel-covered bench with as little effort as if Reuben had tossed a pancake.

  He stood above her, staring down at her nakedness. She could see he enjoyed looking at her. His parted lips and the shallow, hard exhalations which escaped from between them as his eyes flowed over her glistening skin signalled his feelings well. Those tight, bulging muscles signalled his intentions too. Hooded eyes and taut features revealed that he liked what he could see and wanted to like it some more.

  ‘A little oil needed on the front.’ Reuben whispered instructions to himself as he raised mighty arms behind his head and ripped off his vest in one fast movement.

  Hayley’s eyes travelled down his golden torso. The landscape of rock-hard, muscular hills and the erosion of lean valleys between them called to her explorer’s fingers. She reached out a hand towards him.

  Not yet, his eyes warned her. His tight smile teased her willingness to go wherever he led her.

  He toed off his cross-trainers and stood erect before pushing his sweatpants and underwear together down over narrow hips, hard buttocks and powerful thighs.

  Standing like a statue of some Greek god, he waited unashamedly while she appraised his body with a knowledgeable eye. Hayley looked her fill, taking in his taut stomach and jutting erection, primed to service his lovely goddess until she reached her own private nirvana.

  Reuben reached for the oil again. It poured into his palm as she waited, fascinated by each twitch of his muscles and tendons. As he spread it over his stomach and drew his oily fist repeatedly along the length of his rampant cock, Hayley fixed on the caress of his hands. It was almost as if her own hands were working his skin, she could so easily feel the sensation beneath her tingling, empty palms. The sensitive nerves in her pussy twitched impatiently to remind her it wanted to be touched and stretched.

  She pushed up onto her elbows, unable to lie still any longer as he worked the oil up and over his chest. It glistened in the rough, sun-bleached hairs burnishing his golden skin beneath the dimmed lights of the massage suite.

  She wanted to run her fingers over his nipples but settled for her own. Reuben’s eyes fixed on her breasts as she pinched and fretted them to stiff, dusky peaks. It had him reaching for his cock again; it slipped easily through his greedy hand, up and down in the oily slickness.

  ‘I think I want to do that to you, Hayley.’

  ‘Come here then,’ she invited, placing her hands beside her again as she lay back on the bench. ‘I want you to touch me. I want to feel your hands running over my body.’

  One nimble movement and he lay upon her. His hips locked with hers, legs intertwined as he held himself above her on two substantial arms planted either side of the bench.

  In a series of slow, grinding presses he transferred the oil from his body to hers, slithering and sliding, undulating back and forth until she was as coated as he was and as stimulated and needy. Her breasts were slick with oil and he lowered himself down her body and took one breast in his open hand.

  Reuben’s fingers caught the wayward nipple again and again between them, only for it to slide away from his grasp. He pinched them hard between fingers and thumb, twisting them back and forth as Hayley mewled her thrill in their savage torment. Her pussy dripped in erotic response. When she reached up to grasp her other nipple he swapped hands and replaced hers, following her lead, her need.

  Hayley undulated beneath him, causing his features to contort from desire to torment.

  Finally, she reached up her hands to tease his nipples the way he teased hers. Each felt so tight a
nd stiff beneath her fingers that she ran her nails softly over their tips, causing Reuben to hiss an intake of breath between his teeth.

  The oiliness from his body coated her pussy mound and Reuben’s hand found its way between their bodies to massage the delta at the apex of her thighs. Her barely furred body responded to his touch, lifting and twitching as he alternated muscular strokes with the heel of his hand and the gently soothing whispers of touch from his fingertips, building her excitement to a boiling cauldron. The pressure she felt below built; her valve ready to blow, ready to release all that pent-up frustration. She needed to be plugged with something huge and handy. Right now.

  Hayley reached between them and took his hard shaft in her hand. ‘Reuben, please stop messing around and fuck me.’ Her request was as sharp and urgent as her necessity.

  ‘I will, princess. But you’re not there yet.’

  ‘Oh you’re wrong, Reuben. So wrong.’ She was ready to whistle like a tin kettle on the stove.

  He gave a tight, charged bark of a laugh, which pushed her even closer to the edge, knowing that he was already there and holding back. Holding back. For what?

  ‘Do it, Reuben. Squeeze your big cock into my pussy and make me come hard.’ She reckoned he loved to hear her talk dirty.

  ‘You think it’s big?’ he gasped out.

  Men! So damned vain. But he was big. He could stretch her pussy so tight with his huge, strong shaft that she wanted to scream.

  His fingers were roaming through her pussy again. ‘You’re slick,’ he told her.

  ‘I’m covered in oil. Fuck me, Reuben.’ He wasn’t going to divert her. She was too close to coming, with or without him. No way could she control that.

  Her hand dived between her legs and she felt her own wetness mingled with the warm oil. Her fingers melded with his as they played together between her labia. Reuben pushed two of her own fingers alongside two of his inside her vagina, eliciting a long musical note at the stimulation in and out that he directed, like a maestro.


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