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Tangled Hearts

Page 5

by Elizabeth Lennox

  She stood there waiting, feeling awkward as she stared at her phone, waiting for a reply. But instead, she looked up as soon as she felt the air change. Knowing that he was close, she watched as Chris walked out of the police station towards her.

  “Damn, you look good!” he breathed as he moved closer. Standing over her, he looked down at her with a strange expression.

  “I brought you dinner,” she said, feeling silly for some reason.

  “Come with me,” he ordered, putting a hand to the small of her back and leading her through the police station. Several other officers, both uniformed and plain clothed, stopped and watched as they moved through the station towards an office in the back.

  “What’s going on?” she whispered, feeling self-conscious.

  “They are trying to figure out who you are,” he explained. “I’m guessing that at least three of them have already run your license plates and are connecting the dots.”

  She glanced over her shoulder and, sure enough, several of the officers, both male and female, were watching as she disappeared into an office with Chris. “That was weird,” she breathed as he closed the door.

  “What did you bring?” he asked, looming over her. Olivia smiled, her hunger leaving her as she watched his eyes darken.

  “A sandwich from Elma’s and some other stuff.”

  “I love Elma’s! Did she put that spicy stuff on the sandwiches?”

  Olivia shrugged. “I have no idea.” She took out the sandwiches as he moved to the sofa on one side of his office. “Which do you want? I have roast beef or ham.”

  “Roast beef,” he said, and slid over so that she could sit down as well.

  “I’ll just…” she felt weird now. “I’ll get out of your way. Everyone looks busy and I’m just…”

  “Sit,” he ordered.

  Immediately, Olivia bristled. “Not a dog,” she warned.

  Chris chuckled, leaning back against the cushions as he ran a hand over his face. “Sorry about that. Sometimes it’s hard for me to come out of command mode. I bark orders at my officers all day long. They’ve learned to react quickly. But you’re right. I will shut it off if you’ll stay and have dinner with me.”

  Immediately, her shoulders relaxed. “I appreciate the explanation, but I don’t want to be in the way.”

  “Please, Liv. It looks like you have something on your mind. And I always have time for you. You’re not in the way.”

  She sighed with relief and, after another moment’s hesitation, nodded and came around to the other side of the coffee table, sitting down next to him. Once again, she was reminded of how large he was. Even sitting next to him, she felt small. And protected.

  “So what’s on your mind?” he asked, unwrapping his sandwich. He then took both drinks and opened them, setting the lemonade down in front of her.

  “Give me a minute,” she asked, her mouth watering as she eyed the ham sandwich. “I haven’t eaten anything but an apple all day today. I’m starving!”

  “Liv! Why the hell didn’t you eat?”

  She didn’t bother to answer him; instead, she picked up her sandwich and took a bite, savoring the delicious flavors. “Oh, this is good,” she mumbled around the food, holding her hand over her mouth. “Really good!”

  Chris nodded his head, but his eyes were doing that “cop-thing”. They were narrowed and assessing.

  “Do you do that when interrogating a suspect?’ she asked after taking a sip of lemonade.

  “Do what?”

  She smiled. “That thing with your eyes.”

  Those eyes narrowed even more. “Eat,” he ordered, using that chief-voice again. This time, she didn’t bristle, but obediently took another bite of her sandwich.

  They ate in silence for a few moments then she put her sandwich down, wrapping it up.

  “You need to eat more,” he observed.

  She shook her head, standing up and starting to pace. “Actually, I need to discuss something with you.”

  He’d already devoured his sandwich, so he took a long draw on his ice tea. Olivia watched, thinking that even the way he drank was sexy. That Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed and she felt a burst of happiness that she’d thought to bring him dinner. He was obviously just as hungry as she was.

  When he finished the tea, he put the top back on, then leaned back against the couch again, spreading his arms wide along the back. “Okay, spill it. What’s going on?”

  She nodded, but the tension in the room increased tenfold. “I finished stocking the store and I’m ready for the grand opening. There are still a few more things coming in, but it’s basically ready.”

  “Good! I know that several of the other storeowners along the street have asked about when you’ll be opening. They all want to help.”

  She smiled, another tingle of happiness flowing through her. “I’ll go talk to them tomorrow. And I’ll ask how I can support their businesses in return.”

  “They’d appreciate that. They’re good people.”

  “I know.” She sighed and started pacing. “Here’s the thing,” she started, but then stopped, looking up at the ceiling, then back down at him. “I just…”

  He watched her, waiting. But when it looked like she was stuck, he urged, “It’s better if you just tell me, Liv.”

  She knew that was true. It was just…this was going to be more difficult than she’d thought.

  “When we broke up ten years ago, I was…devastated,” she told him. He opened his mouth to say something but she held up her hand. “I know. You wanted me to come with you. And I know that I’m the one who walked away. In retrospect, I could have enrolled at a school near you and we could have stayed together. But I also think that we were too young. What we had was so intense and…” she sighed, rubbing her forehead. “Well, I’m messing this up horribly, aren’t I?”

  He studied her for a moment. “I’m not sure what you’re saying, Liv.”

  She knew that she’d already mucked this up completely. Taking another breath, she turned and faced him. “I was so deeply devastated and so lonely without you. But I didn’t know how to handle that pain. I’d never felt that way about a man before. And,” she laughed, shaking her head, “You’re a pretty hard act to follow, Chris.”


  “I’m saying that I was so hurt that I spent several years not dating anyone. Then I met Brandon and,” she sighed, feeling ashamed now, “well, he’s the complete opposite of you. He’s much shorter, slender, a bit of a slacker, and…now that I have some distance from that relationship, I know that I used him. I’m not proud of that, but I understand why now.”

  He nodded slowly and she worked hard not to squirm under that silent regard. “How did you use him, Liv?”

  She heard the softness, the gentleness in his voice, and was warmed by it.

  “He was safe, Chris. He was no threat to my heart. I was so devastated after leaving you, that I couldn’t risk feeling that kind of pain again.”

  He started to stand up but she held out a hand, stopping him. “Wait,” she gasped, taking an unconscious step backwards. “I’m sorry, Chris, but if you would just let me finish, there’s more.”

  He relaxed, letting his back fall against the cushions again.

  Olivia took another breath and started her pacing once more. “I used Brandon to get over you and to protect myself, but in the end, it didn’t work. I never really loved Brandon and he must have sensed that.” She stopped and turned to look at him. “I found a diamond ring in his underwear drawer. At first, I was excited that he was going to propose. Then I was filled with a sick feeling in my stomach. And I can’t tell you how relieved I was when he said he wanted to break up.” She smiled, shaking her head. “No, that’s not completely accurate. I was furious that he’d broken up with me, but mostly because I’d wanted to be the one to break up with him.”

  She sighed and started pacing again. “In the end, it didn’t matter who ended the relationship, it was doomed fr
om the beginning.” She stopped again and faced him. “It wasn’t you, so the relationship wasn’t going to work.” She paused, letting that truth sink in. “I’m not telling you this to make you uncomfortable. I’m telling you this because,” she stopped, considering her words.

  In the end, she decided to just blurt out the truth. “I’m in love with you, Chris. I’ve never stopped loving you. We broke up ten years ago and went our separate ways, but when it was time for me to change my life, I came back here because…” she bit her lip, unaware of a tear falling from her lashes. “I came back here because this is home. Because you’re here.” She took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment before looking at him “So here’s the real issue. I love you, but if this isn’t going anywhere, then I need you to stop. No more dates in the park. No more stopping by my store unless someone is robbing it. And even then, I’d appreciate it if you’d send someone else.” She wiped the tear away. “I love you. I’m all in if you feel the same way. But if this is just an affair to you, then I need you to walk away and leave me alone.”

  She sighed, feeling a rush of relief now that she’d gotten everything out there.

  “Think about it and let me know. I don’t want to pressure you, and I promise, I won’t become a stalker and haunt you. Just…let me now and I’m fine with either way you feel. But please,” she sniffed back a sob, “be honest with me and with yourself. If you’re not all in, then let me go.”

  With that, she picked up her purse. With as much dignity as she could muster, she left his office.

  Closing the door quietly, she turned and headed back to of the police station. She wasn’t sure if she’d ever hear from him again. Olivia knew that she’d see him on the streets because he was just that kind of an officer. He cared about the citizens of Staunton and would do whatever it took to protect them. As she looked around at the other officers, several of whom glanced up when she walked out into the lobby, she knew that he’d instilled that same sense of community protectiveness in all of his officers.

  “Olivia!” he called moments before she reached the outer office of the police lobby.

  She jerked at the harsh sound of his voice and stopped, turning slowly. Every noise, even the ringing phones, stopped.

  She shivered as he walked towards her, the look in his eyes not giving her a clue to his thoughts.

  When he stood in front of her, he stopped. She could feel the warmth of his body. “I’m all in,” he said in that deep, rumbling voice.

  It took several moments before his words registered. But as the words sank in, her face glowed with joy and she threw herself into his arms.

  There was some vague noise around her, but she didn’t care. Chris was kissing her and it felt as if her heart might burst from the happiness she felt when he kissed her. She was unaware of the department applauding, cheering and tossing out advice. Even the people who were in handcuffs were smiling as Chris picked her up into his arms and carried her out of the police station.


  Olivia woke up and looked around, feeling disoriented for some reason. She wasn’t in her bed but the normal weight of Tip and Hermi were heavy on her feet. No matter how often she banished them from her bed, they still climbed on as soon as she fell asleep. But there was more. A heat source that…looking over her shoulder, she smiled as Chris shifted in the bed, his arm curling around her.

  “Good morning,” he mumbled in his sexy morning voice.

  Olivia smiled, shivering as memories of the night before came rushing back to her. “Good morning,” she replied.

  “Are you ready for today?’ he asked.

  For a brief moment, Olivia wondered what he meant…she jackknifed up! “Opening!” she gasped, pushing her hair out of her eyes. Both cats awoke, scattering onto the floor to find a perch on which to glare at her for the rude awakening. “It’s today!”

  Chris’ hand smoothed down her back and she peered at him. “Yep. Today’s the big day. Are you ready?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’m definitely not ready.”

  She’d hired several people over the past week to help her out. They’d worked out shifts, but everyone would be there today for the grand opening. Olivia just hoped that enough people showed up for the opening to make it worthwhile to have so much staff on hand. If this didn’t work…she wasn’t sure what she would do!

  Doubts aside, she pushed the dark sheets and blanket away. Olivia grabbed his tee shirt from the floor where she’d dropped it the night before. Slipping it over her head, she inhaled the sexy scent that was him. The scent soothed her and she smiled, feeling reassured. Her confidence came back and she nodded. “I can do this!’ she announced to no one in particular.

  Two hours later, Olivia turned to look at her team. She had two high school kids that had been recommended by the principal and two women, all of whom were smiling, eager to start the day. “Are we ready?” Olivia asked, nervous shivers racing up and down her body.

  At that same moment, Chris walked in through the back door. He smiled and winked at her as he carried her kitties up the stairs. She loved him, Olivia thought, glancing at the diamond ring sparkling on her finger. They hadn’t set a date yet, but he’d asked her to marry him that same night she’d asked him if he was all in. He’d already had a ring and was just waiting on her.

  Goodness, she loved him!

  “Okay, let’s do this!” she announced and walked over to the blinds she’d installed two days ago for security reasons. Rolling up the first one, she looked out and…there was a huge crowd of people standing in front of the door! Not just a crowd, but a line of people waiting…to get in? Here?

  “You need to unlock the doors, love,” Chris whispered in her ear.

  She laughed, so excited, she could barely breathe. “Yes,” she whispered and rushed over to the doors, flipping the locks and beaming as the flood of people entered the store.

  It was going to be a good day, she thought. A very good day!

  (Keep reading – I included a fabulous excerpt from Princess Aviera’s story – remember her? She has her own novella - $0.99US!)

  Excerpt from “Forbidden Seduction”

  Release Date: January 31, 2020

  Click HERE to Get Aviera and Lugar’s Story!

  “The speaker is the sister of…” his ambassador to the United Nations started to whisper into his ear. But at that moment, a hush fell over the room. A woman moved towards the podium and Lugar’s angry, irritated expression smoothed out to one of…shock.

  This wasn’t the bastard Sheik of Cordaire, he realized. This was…hell, this was an angel! A dark haired, chocolate-eyed vision of beauty and grace. His eyes followed her as she walked gracefully up the stairs, moving to the podium with an elegance that caused everyone to sit up a bit in their leather chairs. For a protracted moment, the angel in a soft, brown suit shuffled her papers on the podium and everyone in the room fell silent, politely waiting for her to speak.

  When he heard her voice, Lugar was stunned by melodic sounds and the sweet tones, the crisp accent that captured his attention unlike any other speaker ever had.

  Unfortunately, he had no idea what she was saying, his mind focusing on her features, her eyes and her lips, wondering what they would feel like if he kissed them.

  In an odd way, Lugar was relieved to have this woman interrupt the almost constant fantasies that had plagued him over the past two weeks. Ever since that dark night when he’d held a soft, curvy woman in his arms, felt her lips against the palm of his hands when she’d tried to speak while he’d attempted to keep her silent as his men carried the kidnapped women out of that vile building.

  He’d been obsessed about that stranger, dreamt about her at night, thought about her during meetings instead of focusing on getting things done. The sensations of her body pressed against his interrupted his focus during the most inopportune moments.

  But now he had a new woman to…hell!

  Lugar brutally stopped his mind from going in that d
irection. He didn’t have time to focus on a woman! Especially not a woman from Cordaire! He didn’t know who this woman was, but if she was from Cordaire, she was the enemy.

  And yet, he couldn’t seem to pull his eyes away from her. She never once looked in his direction, but that was to be expected. The animosity between his country and hers was well known. Just as he should be glaring at her, this lovely woman couldn’t be seen looking in his direction. It might appear that she was talking to him, at him or…some other twisted perception that the media might create.

  There was a thundering sound of applause, which finally broke the spell surrounding Lugar at that moment. Everyone stood and clapped, obviously in full agreement with whatever she’d just said to the members of the United Nations.

  “Get me a transcript of her speech,” he said to his ambassador, then headed out of the auditorium. He didn’t clap, not wanting to appear to be in agreement with a speech in which he hadn’t heard. This was all a show, a series of scenes in which everyone played their part.

  Heading out, he glanced at his watch as his aide gave him notes for his next meeting. He was here in New York for three days, meeting with various representatives from other countries. He knew what he needed to do, what he needed to accomplish during these three days. Still, the image of that dark haired beauty wouldn’t leave his mind.

  Avi smothered a sigh as she stepped out of the meeting. She’d needed a bathroom for the past hour, but after her speech in front of the General Assembly, several people had rushed to speak with her. Then she’d been late to the next meeting and, well, one thing after another had kept her from sneaking into the bathroom! Now it was more of a crisis and she wasn’t going to stop until she got there. Yes, she knew that she should wait for her guards, but…well, this was an emergency!

  The ladies’ restroom was down the hall and to the right so she rushed into the facilities, blocking out everything else.


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