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The Circle: Rain's Story

Page 9

by Blue, Treasure E.

  * * *

  On the move once again, Rain was filled with bitterness and full of satisfaction. She was a woman on fire with a very bad and dangerous attitude. Now that she knows how one person’s contempt and selfishness could change so many people’s lives at a blink of an eye. She was sure from past experience that the man who she’s known for virtually her whole life, would never be seen or heard from ever again.


  One week later, on a cold and windy Tuesday afternoon, Rain sat at a table in the back of a Starbucks in downtown DC, near George Washington Hospital. She was going over her brother Dayvid’s case in detail with a law clerk at the suggestion of Mr. Morganstein. He knew the inner workings of federal related crimes and cases in his eighteen year tenure with the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District.

  The clerk, Robert Downs, was actually a lawyer himself and had his jurist degree, but to be a clerk in the US Attorney’s Office was considered crème de crème position, because of the actual liberal power and connects, they rubbed shoulders with on a daily basis. Often times they knew the laws and codes better than the majority of the judges that sat on the bench. Robert Downs’s knowledge was for sale, and was trusted. Mr. Morganstein had used his service for over 15 years. Rain and Clerk Downs sat for hours discussing the case, and with each revelation, it seemed more and more dismal of his chance to ever see the light of day again.

  After three straight hours, nothing more needed to be explained. The meeting had come to an end. Rain then unzipped her bag and slid an envelope across the table that contained five thousand dollars in it.

  Clerk Downs expelled a confused look and stuttered, “Mr. Morganstein wired my fees to me already.”

  Rain stood to her feet and said casually while waving him off. “Just consider that five cash a little tip for your informative services. But, if you have a card I can call you directly next time I need a little more information.”

  He looked at the protruding, thick white envelope on the table and quickly reached inside his shirt pocket and removed his business card and a pen, and began scribbling on the back it.

  “This is my card and I put my cell number on the back so you can reach me directly.”

  Rain smiled, took the card, thanked him and walked off. She didn’t know if she would ever use his services or not, but she was sure of one thing, she refused to leave her brother rotting in a cold prison cell for the rest of his life.

  Into the cold crisp night, Rain was now on a suicide mission. She was determined to do whatever it took to break her brother free, even if it meant taking innocent souls to hell with her.


  Mr. Morganstein, brief case in hand, walked down the isolation wing at the North Branch Correctional Institution, located in Cumberland Maryland and where Dayvid was being held under twenty-four hour, high security watch. He was only let out his cell for three reasons and three reasons only: to shower, to see his lawyer, or go to his preliminary hearings, which was to be held in Baltimore in two weeks.

  He was moved there after the unseen and deadly event that took the lives of three law enforcement officials, a prison escape, his sister Autumn Porter, and the assailant and murderer, his twin sister Rain Porter. For obvious reasons, he was moved to the segregated unit due to his high profile case. So he was not housed in the booking system with other prisoners because of the power he had, separating him from any potential involvement with prisoners and staff, because his other sister Fallon’s escape. They weren’t taking any chances. The under bowels of the facility had sixty identical cells. Each twelve-foot square had no windows, no bars, concrete floors and cylinder block walls. The cell doors was solid metal with narrow slots near the bottom, that served as dual purpose; entry and exit of food trays, and for them to stick their wrists in and out to get handcuffed or uncuffed. The segregated unit held the worst of the worst. Everything from murderers, government informants, organized crime figures, even a few government spies. They were locked away there because they had nowhere else to go before they go to trial and sentencing, and would be a menace, or victim, anywhere else.

  When Mr. Morganstein walked up to the final door, it clanged open and there was Dayvid Porter— fully handcuffed from ankle to hip and hip to wrist, with two burly and stern looking correction officers hovering over him.

  At the sight of Dayvid, Mr. Morganstein was appalled because his client looked as if he was hog-tied. With absolutely no introduction at all, he barked at the stone-faced and robotic like officers. “Would you uncuff my client? He has tons of legal documents to read and sign.”

  Both officers followed his instructions, slowly of course, to save face. One unlocked Dayvid’s feet and one uncuffed his wrists. Then took a step backwards in the same position they were previously.

  Still not satisfied, he asked with smug frustration. “Could me and my client get some privacy?”

  As revenge, and as if it was rehearsed and done countless times before, both guards took two steps back. Mr. Morganstein looked at them with all seriousness.

  In a deep baritone, the taller of the two apes bellowed, “This is our facility rules that you signed about inmate/attorney conference. Two officers will be in their presence at all times, FCR section 6, line G.” Mr. Morganstein saw no sense in auguring further and took a seat at the table directly across from Dayvid and extended his hand out and greeted him for the first time.

  “Hi, I’m your new attorney Mr. Morganstein, very pleased to meet you.”

  Dayvid didn’t flinch, and remained silent. Only staring at him with his menacing eyes; Mr. Morganstein did not pay the slight any mind. Rain had told him ahead of time Dayvid would react like that, and to expect it. She gave him a code to throw out to him, to leave him no doubt that he was there at the behest of his sister Rain.

  Mr. Morganstein did what he did best and got into lawyer mode. In order to cover his subliminal, he placed his brief case on top of the table and opened it, pulling out folder after folder.

  “Okay, I already informed your court appointed lawyer that I would be your new representation and will need your signature in order to receive any and all documentation pertaining to your case. In the meantime, and with dire urgency, I would need you to go over and sign each and every one of them so I can start prepping for your pre-trail date, which is only two weeks from now.” Mr. Morganstein paused and looked Dayvid directly in his darken, sullen eyes and said, “I need some updates for my records. According to the last time you were arrested as a juvenile, it lists your last contact as Nanny Davis at 215 Cherry Street?”

  Mr. Morganstein gave a quick wink of his right eye, and then suddenly he watched Dayvid’s eyes lower into a squint, as if his brain was computing. Rain was correct; the name she gave him hit an immediate nerve within Dayvid. Rain knew the only people on the face of the earth that had known their Aunt Rachel family pet name was her, Dayvid, Fallon and Autumn. Smitty had heard the name in passing.

  There was a long pause, and Mr. Morganstein allowed him time to process it and busied himself in his paperwork and folders, when suddenly Dayvid spoke.

  “No, she died over five years ago. I haven’t lived there since.” He purposely used short brief words. Mr. Morganstein asked him a few more banal, meaningless questions, and when he was sure that he was on board. He decided to show him what he came there for, and began shuffling papers and folders towards him and stressed to him. “Mr. Porter, use as much time as you need and thoroughly read everything you sign. Dayvid studied his face one last time, and started reading the content inside the folder.

  After reading and signing the first ten or so legal documents, he came upon one that looked totally different from the rest and began reading it.

  Dear Dayvid, my twin, my kindred and sharing spirit,

  What can I say that you don’t already know? What the Porters so carefully spent our entire lives avoiding, finally came to fruition…we got caught. The other was trusting outsiders. Because of that violation, the v
ery rule the many warriors and gangsters before us, we now have to pay for it with our lives. That irreparable oversight came in form a mentor, father figure and confidant – Smitty, who put all of us in this position. Slow down, bro I can already feel the blood rising to your head and you want spazz the fuck out, but don’t. You don’t want to signal any emotions to them cracker guards who are probably no more than three feet away from you as you read this letter. Just follow Mr. Morganstein directions, he down for us. So, be cool for now and try to remember everything I tell you, because you cannot take this paper back with you.

  Anyway, Smitty don’t matter anymore, ‘cause I handled that shit. If you know me, you’d know what I do to anyone that hurt my family. Plus this nigga killed my girl Laura.

  I’m going to be straight up with you D; you are not getting out of prison alive. I hired the best money can buy, who worked on and built cases on niggas that ain’t do a tenth of what we did. They have so much evidence on us, it take about ten seconds to send us away to prison for two hundred years, and I feel certain we can’t live with that. As we speak, I am going mad just thinking about you sitting in there all alone, and trapped. I feel we can’t go through another day of these terrible times.

  But I do have some good news that will change everything…Fallon and Autumn are out of prison. They are on the run, but at least they are not locked up, and most of all they are safe.

  What I’m going to tell you next is our way out of this.

  Dayvid, we were born in a world where the only thing we know was death, survival, drugs and crime. That’s the hand that we were dealt. We were predisposed and predestined to that way of life. Right before Smitty met his maker, he said something to me that made me think. He said……

  “Nobody gets out of the game once you’re in the thick of it, Rain. You knew that. If you in for a penny, you in for a pound, and ain’t no in between. You married to this shit and the only way out for motherfuckers like us is death!”

  He was right, which is why we were really feeling that Mexico shit from the first. We were doing it for Fallon and Autumn’s sake, as we should have from the very beginning. But, you know it as well as me that our little sisters never were cut like us. Even though we all had the same mother and father, I always felt like they weren’t built to be like us. Like me and you took all the stronger genes.

  Do you remember when Miss Jackie kept warning us, “You can change a cucumber into a pickle, but you can’t turn a pickle back into a cucumber.” I finally figured out what she meant by that recently. It means that when you’re young you still have a chance of a life of crime getting a hold on you, but if you continue, it becomes you and knows no other life and you don’t know when the cast hardened, and there was no turning back for people like me, you, Nanny or even Smitty. Fallon and Autumn are still cucumbers, and I’m satisfied with that, and I can go peacefully with a clear conscious.

  Dayvid, I hope you understand where I’m going with this, and that’s the reason I’m writing you this letter in the first place. We going to Jim Jones this shit and I’m not talking about the rapper. With that said, the next time you see my face, that’s when it’s going down. But we are taking a whole lot of people on vacation with us.

  If you agree to these terms, I want you to sign this paper with your signature, more so, as a front for the cameras that are watching you. Close the folder and tell Mr. Morganstein, “I understand my charges and accept the terms and conditions that you will represent me.”

  Well, bro, it isn’t too much left to say besides I love you to death and will see you soon.

  P.S, do not worry about Fallon and Autumn. I have them set up financially for years to come, because along with our money, Smitty gave up his stash of money and diamonds before he died. Well, kind of. I took his keys and the nigga wasn’t as smart as we thought, cause he left his fortune stashed all throughout his house. (If you still don’t trust that this is me……..74261

  Eternal peace, bro. I love you.

  Your sister Rain.

  Dayvid, beyond a shadow of doubt knew it was his sister Rain because those were both the secret numbers they used for years of his, and his two younger sisters birth date, only she wrote it backwards. Dayvid smiled on the inside and signed the document, adding a smiley face next to his signature.

  He was beyond ready to lay down his life, now that he knew his little sisters were free. He was ready to die and go out like the real true gangster he was!

  Chapter 21

  With confirmation from Mr. Morganstein that her brother was onboard and ready, left little doubt in her mind what she had to do next. She had to work quickly, and get everything ready to perfection. She needed explosives, many of them, and using herself as human sacrifice by strapping herself with TNT, and going out in a blaze of glory.

  * * *

  Rain was back in the pit of the fire, West Baltimore, and she was becoming increasingly paranoid with each passing day. She was sleep deprived and ragged, not having eaten a morsel of food in days, more closer to a week, as her body paid for it dropping nearly twenty pounds, on her already thin, elongated body. Her diet now consisted of weed, Powerade, and energy bars. That was all she could stomach. Her face was so flush and gaunt. She could easily be mistaken for a drug addict because of the dark circles that were forming in her sunken eye sockets. Her cheek bones were now highlighted and protruding, giving her face the dimensions of a skull. She was losing it she knew, but she had to go on. She hadn’t checked into a hotel in a week, opting to sleep in her rentals, which she switched up and got a different one every two days. She began to emit body odor, but she didn’t notice. For the second time in her adult life, Rain felt vulnerable and weak. She needed one last favor, and went to the only person who proved she could rely on since her world started crumbling around her…Miss Jackie.

  * * *

  Rain was six hours early and knew she could not gamble it all and take a chance by showing up at her apartment— risking getting caught by the feds, who surely had her building under heavy surveillance. So she sat hunkered down in her car several blocks away, leaving only to use the bathroom in a fast food restaurant. She made a quick stop at a Goodwill Thrift Shop, to dress for the occasion as a churchgoer donning non-descriptive and bland old ladies clothing, prayer cap, long dress, walking cane, bible and all.

  * * *

  She walked in an hour and a half before bingo night was supposed to start that was in the basement of the church dining hall. They had prayer service and she might as well blend in now with the crowd. As she listened to the sermon, Rain didn’t remember when the last time she had heard the word or attended a service, but suddenly things began to sound clearer and meaningful, even following along in the bible to different verses. It was then, did she close her eyes, and called on God for forgiveness of all her sins and to protect her little sisters.

  * * *

  Bingo was just starting to come alive, as the players all made their way to their favorite seats, chatting excitedly between themselves hoping that they would be the big winner tonight. As usual, Rain spotted Miss Jackie walking in and head towards the very chair and tables she was at the last time she met her there. Not risking drawing attention, in case someone had followed Miss Jackie, she left a note in her seat that read: Bathroom – Rain. She watched from a distance as Miss Jackie, who didn’t miss a beat, pull the chair away from the table and read it where it lay. As Miss Jackie attempted to take off her over coat, she purposely dropped the stack of Bingo sheets in the process, picking them all up along with the note. Once settled, Miss Jackie slowly waddled towards the ladies room undetected.

  When Rain heard the bathroom door open, she flushed the toilet and exited the stall, and there stood her friend. Rain attempted to smile, but she noticed a strange look on Miss Jackie face.

  “Rain…” said Miss Jackie in morbid despair. “You are not looking well, baby.”

  Rain put her head down in shame, because though she knew she was slowly looking horribl
e, it was the first time that she heard it from someone who knows her. Rain quickly tried to change the subject by pulling out a stack of money, and then offered it to her.

  “Here, I need you to take this money. I need one last favor from you.” Miss Jackie smelled her raw stench that secreted from her body and stared at her in horror. She approached her slowly and demanded to know.

  “Rain, what the fuck is going on with you?” her voice strained and shaking. “This doesn’t have shit to do about no money. You really look bad like you are going to fall out any second.”

  Rain had no response. “You are dangerously sick, you look like a damn skeleton because you loss so much weight.”

  Rain still had no response and simply looked away from her, shifting uneasily on both legs.

  “Baby, I know you doing this for your family and all, but you won’t be worth nothing to nobody if you don’t take care of yourself first. You are about to die on your feet from doing too much.” Miss Jackie grew compassionate and pleaded as she stared in her ghoulish-like face. “I know. I see that same death in people’s eyes a million times on the street. You need to go see a doctor right now or you gonna die. You hear me Rain?”

  Rain shook her head and tried to minimize it, not wanting to hear any of it. “I know, I know.” she repeated. “I haven’t been eating, that’s all, but I promise you that I will as soon as I leave out of here.” She said, almost in panic. With imploring eyes, Rain, nearing tears, pleaded. “I just need you to do me this one last favor, please Miss Jackie, please, and I won’t bother you no more….I promise.”

  Miss Jackie looked in Rain’s fearful eyes and was stunned, and realized all at once, her friend was on the verge of losing her mind, or worse. In all the years, she has known her, even as a child, Rain feared nothing or no one, and certainly would not beg.


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