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The Circle: Rain's Story

Page 15

by Blue, Treasure E.

“What do you mean?” Rain asked eager and enthused for the first time.

  “I’ll do it for them, under the same pretenses as you. But you’d have to make contact with them, especially…..” He paused and opened up one of the folders and read through it and said. “Your sister Fallon. She has been committing some horrible crimes since she broke out of custody. She appears to be very reckless and that will get her caught or worse. If another agency get to her first it is out of my hands after that, so it is imperative that we get to her first. Do you understand?” Rain nodded. Excitement was raging within her, but her nature would not allow her to trust on words or promises.

  “How can I be sure that you are not setting me up so you can turn them in?” Rain retorted. He looked at her haggardly and answered

  “I broke about one hundred laws to free you. Not to mention crimes that if ever discovered, could classify me as a traitor, by abusing my position as a high ranking government official by aiding and abetting a known fugitive and terrorist.” He paused to allow her time to absorb the gravity of what has transpired.

  “Rain, you are my daughter. You are my blood….from a woman that I loved very dearly. I can’t even imagined what went on in your life to make you and your other siblings turn out the way you did. But it must have been hell, and the only thing I know is that I wasn’t there for you or your brother and I’m given a chance to now. All I know is that you need help. You need your father and I am willing to risk everything to get you and the people you love out of harm’s way or danger.” Unexpectedly, and before she knew it, tears were welling up in her eyes. Rain jumped to her feet, and touched her father for the very first time, falling into his arms and cried as if it was the end of time.

  As they both wiped away their tears, they giggled feeling silly and loved. The pressure and burden and the weight that was once on her shoulders was removed and she felt hopeful for the first time since the night of her brother and sisters arrest. She was no longer alone and found a paternal trust in her real father. She got a grip of herself, but it was still one hurdle that haven’t been addressed yet a huge one, her brother, his son, Dayvid.

  “Um…ah……” Rain muttered uneasily. Her father didn’t miss a beat and said with a light smile.

  “You can call me dad, daddy, or father if you like.” Rain blushed and put her head down guffawed.

  “Okay….daddy.” It felt kind of strange for her to say it, but she felt good saying it.

  “What are we going to do about Dayvid?” His face suddenly collapsed in worry.

  “I already had a confidant of mines review his entire case and sadly he don’t have much of a chance to beat it out right.”

  “Daddy, I’m sure if you did this for me, you could do the same for your son.” Rain said voice filled with distress.

  “Like I said before, once another agency becomes involved, it’s not much I can do from that point on. I have an ample amount of power, but not much outside my agency. It will definitely have to play itself out in court.” Rain lowered her head in defeat, until she heard her father state assuredly.

  “I don’t have that kind of power, but I know someone who does.” Rain’s head snapped upward.

  “My father is a powerful and well-respected federal judge and he knows a lot of people, including the director of the FBI, who he plays golf with every weekend.” Rain saw the glint in her father’s eyes. “I think your grandfather owes you, me, your brother and mother one huge favor after what he did. What do you think, my Raindrop?” Rain smiled. It was the pet name that he had given her mother.

  “Sounds good to me, my Blue-eyed Beastie Boy Daddy.” They shared a father/daughter moment and laugh.

  Her father took a long deep breath, pats his lap, and then followed up with Rain.

  “Okay, it shouldn’t be long until your new identification arrive, new driver license, new social security card, bank account and credit cards.” Rain was impressed and asked.

  “You seem pretty well-connected for a doctor that works for Homeland Security.” Rain watched him smile cunningly, the very way her brother Dayvid did many, many times in the past. The similarity was scary, almost eerie.

  “Oh, didn’t I tell you?”

  “What, daddy?” Rain said with glee.

  “Not only am I a physician for Homeland Security, I’m also the director for the entire United States.” He informed her proudly. “Handpicked by the President himself, along with the influence of my father of course.” Rain was definitely overwhelmed by his status. Rain watched her father grow serious and switched it back on as if he was a light bulb.

  “After you leave from here, a jet will fly you out to New York, and you’ll be staying in one of my homes in the city to get yourself some rest and hopefully stay out of trouble. As for past time, I took the liberty and pulled some strings to have you enrolled into NYU. I looked through your records. You have a 158 I.Q which means you are a border line genius and it would be a travesty if you don’t feed and cultivate your mind.”

  Rain had already known that. By her senior year in high school, she received dozens of fully paid scholarships to attend nearly any college of her choice, including Ivy League schools such as Harvard, Brown, and Columbia. As irony had it, her father’s alma mater John Hopkins University for Medicine. Rain had zero interest in attending college at that time. She was too far gone and became addicted to the thrill of crime and mayhem.

  Staring at Rain, in an almost deep sadness and adoration and said compellingly.

  “Rain, I know we just met under these unfortunate circumstances at that and I have zero parenting skills. But all I know now is that I’m your father, and I’m here now and I love you and will not want to lose you again.” Rain’s eyes began brimming with tears and she jumped to her feet and into his awaiting arms, as they both hugged and cried into each other’s arm for what seem like an eternity.

  When they finally released each other, they wiped away their tears and laughed.

  “Daddy,” Rain said softly.

  “Yes, Rain.” He answered softly.

  “Is it okay, once we make contact with my little sisters, to have them escorted and stay with me in New York so I know that they are safe?”

  “Of course, but how sure are you that you can get in contact with them?”

  “Well, my baby sister and I already set up communication through my lawyer, so she will be easy. She probably made it to our meet spot in Mexico already. But, for my other sister Fallon, it’s going to be harder, because I don’t have any contact with her. Only thing I do know is that she is supposed to make it down to Mexico too.” He thought about his daughter’s dilemma for a moment, and then just like that he responded.

  “Seems like the only thing we can do is fly down to Mexico and pray that they made it, and if so, we’ll fly you all back to New York—all new identities, the whole kit and caboodle. We’ll leave tonight.”

  Rain smiled totally elated. Her father took her by the hand, as she watched his face grow serious and warned her.

  “Rain, just so you know, the life you led in the past has to come to an end. I love you and cannot risk losing you again. You are going to find another way of life instead of robbing banks for a living. That includes your other two sisters also. You understand?” Rain thought about it, smiled and said.

  “I met a little girl recently who once said ‘sometimes you can’t always follow money, but you could always follow your passion and that would make you the happiest.”

  “I think I’m ready to follow my passion and go back to school. I’m thinking about becoming a doctor… a pediatrician and help children in Mexico or Africa.” She smiled widely then added, “What do you think?”



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