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Stolen Kiss From a Prince

Page 12

by Teresa Carpenter

“No.” She lifted contrite eyes to her friend’s face. “Of course not. But I fear there is no way of knowing for sure.”

  “There is faith. There is trusting in those who love you.”

  “It is for them I fear. I will not be responsible for bringing shame to my family again. I will most assuredly not add another royal family to the list of victims.”

  “You are not responsible. No one blames you. All your family wants is for you to be happy. You were always so fearless. Grab some of that old energy and go after what you want.”

  “Bernadette!” Katrina protested.

  “You need a man you can trust, and he needs some warmth in his life.” Bernadette bumped shoulders with Katrina. “It is the perfect match.”

  “I am here to help. Not for romance.”

  “My dear—” Bernadette ran her hand over the sleeping boy’s fine hair “—romance chooses its own time.”


  Katrina smothered a yawn as she circled the buffet table. Today started early and dragged minute by millisecond. Sammy, bless him, had been a perfect angel. Of course he didn’t understand much of what went on, only that they were saying goodbye to his parents. Even at such a tender age, he knew his role as Prince demanded a stoic public image.

  She’d taken him to his room after saying goodbye to Bernadette and Jean Claude.

  “Where is Sammy?” Julian appeared beside her.

  “There you are,” she said. “I was looking for you. Have you had anything to eat?”

  He shook his head. “I haven’t had two seconds to myself. Samson?”

  “I just came from putting him to bed. I will not lie. I was tempted to escape to my room.” She didn’t admit he was the reason she’d braved the crowd. He looked great in his designer suit, so regal. But he’d lost weight in the past week, and she saw the fatigue he tried hard to disguise.

  “No one would blame you.” He curled a lock of her hair around his index finger. “I sent GiGi off to her rooms. Father insists on staying to the end. He’s seated at the head of the room with Grimes stationed nearby. He’ll advise me if my father begins to flag.”

  “It sounds like you have taken care of everyone but yourself.” She handed him her plate and reached for a new one to fill up for her. And to put her out of his reach.

  He’d become very touchy-feely today. His behavior threw her. She relished the intimacy at the same time she must reject it. Every touch, every nearness was noted. By the family, by visiting friends and dignitaries, by the staff. And worst of all, by the few members of the press admitted to the reception.

  His attention seriously damaged her efforts to stay in the background.

  “I’m not hungry.” He belied his claim by eating a piece of ham. “I just want this day to be over.”

  “You gave a beautiful eulogy, très heartfelt.”

  “It was not difficult. My brother was a great man.” He nodded at the British Prime Minister as he directed her with a hand in the small of her back to a table for two just outside the open terrace doors.

  “Perhaps we should join another table,” she suggested pointedly.

  “No.” He pulled out a chair for her.

  “You are drawing undo attention to us.”

  “I wish for a few minutes’ peace.” She heard the weariness in his voice. “A few minutes when I do not have to make conversation, or accept condolences, or dodge ill-disguised political posturing. I can only get that with you. Is that so much to ask?”

  Her lower lip suffered her indecision. This was not a good idea. But how could she deny him when she saw his need. When she longed to spend time with him, too.

  “I suppose a few minutes could not hurt.” She slipped onto the chair he held. “We are out of the way out here.” Dusk loomed on the horizon washing the terrace in shadows. The scent of roses drifted on the cool spring air.

  “Exactly so.” His seat put him deep in a corner, somewhat obscuring his features.

  She relaxed a little. “I will stay as long as you eat.”

  He sighed. “You drive a hard bargain.” But he reached for his fork. The first two bites were to appease her, but then he really dug in.

  With a small smile she picked up her fork. The quiet of the patio soothed her disquiet. Breakfast had been a long time ago, and she’d been too nervous to eat much. The food was delicious. The ham had a savory smokiness complimented by the fresh fruit and salad she tried, but it was the chocolate trifle that had her humming her approval.

  “You must try this.” She held out a bite, and he leaned forward to accept the decadent offering.

  “Cook’s trifle.” He declared. “One of my favorites.”

  She pushed her plate into the middle of the table and they shared the remainder of the dessert.

  “Thank you.” He laid his hand over hers on the table. “I needed this.”

  Yes, he had. But a half hour of semi privacy merely teased. Seeing him relax only to tense whenever anyone came close to the terrace door or stepped out onto the terrace further along made her feel guilty for trying to deny him.

  “You need more time.” She flipped her hand under his. “After this is over, you should escape for a while. Just take off for the night.”

  “Lord, that’s a great idea.” His eyes lit up at the prospect of getting away. “I’ll make the arrangements. Be ready at eight.”

  “Oh, but I—”

  “You are brilliant.” He lifted her hand to his mouth and kissed her palm. “I was wondering how I would make it through the end of the event, but knowing escape is near, I can handle anything.”

  “Julian.” She pulled her hand away determined to disabuse him of his assumption. “I cannot—”

  “Julian,” a female voice interrupted.

  Katrina looked up to find Tessa stepping up to their table. Katrina tucked her hands into her lap, but the lift of a dark eyebrow indicated Tessa had noticed her holding hands with the Prince. She received no other acknowledgment.

  “Tessa.” Julian politely rose to his feet to greet Samson’s former nanny. “Thank you for coming to the services. Helene would be happy to know you were here.”

  “She was my friend. Of course I came.” The woman tugged on the hem of her jacket, drawing attention to the way the designer suit flattered her slim curves. “I was hoping I might have a private moment with you.”

  Before he could refuse, Katrina stood. “I will check on your father.”

  “This will only take a moment,” he objected.

  “Take your time.” She gathered their used plates and deposited them on a tray inside the door. A glance around revealed no one seemed to be showing any extra interest in her reappearance. Good. Hopefully that meant her tête-à-tête with Julian may have gone unnoticed.

  Trying not to obsess about his conversation with Tessa, Katrina wove her way through the dwindling crowd to where Lowell sat at the head of the room surrounded by well-wishers. She sidled up to Grimes.

  “How is he doing?”

  “He is tiring.”

  Weren’t they all? And now she had to worry over Julian’s plan to escape. Yes, he needed the break, but it was insane for her to go with him.

  “Has he eaten?”

  “He says he is not hungry.”

  “Hmm.” Like father like son. “If you make him up a plate, I will get it to him.”

  “I will see to it, Fräulein.” He disappeared without a sound, a neat trick on the marble flooring. With his exit, she assumed his duty of keeping tabs on the King. The man was as stubborn as his son.

  Thoughts of Julian drew her gaze to the terrace door she just entered in time to watch Tessa come storming inside. Oops, it appeared the conversation hadn’t gone as she hoped. On her heels came Julian. He headed toward the front of the room, but was immediately surrounded and detained. It would take him a while to make it to his father’s side.

  “Fräulein.” Grimes returned carrying a tray of food and drink.

  “Give me a minute and then bring the tra
y over. Can you stand interference while he eats?”

  “Child—” he gave a haughty nod “—I have done so for thirty years.”

  She realized the longtime steward must also be mourning. She gave his arm a small squeeze. “The family is lucky to have you.”

  Braving the crowd monopolizing the monarch, she loudly cleared her throat. “Excuse me, Your Highness,” she said into the sudden silence. “May I have a word? It is regarding Master Samson.”

  “Of course.” Lowell waved her forward. Happy with the success of her ploy, she moved to his side. She didn’t expect him to make introductions. “It was very thoughtful of Jean Claude and Princess Bernadette to come to the services. It is a shame they could not stay long. But they are well represented by this young lady. Katrina Vicente is Jean Claude’s goddaughter. She has been a treasure assisting with Samson, who understandably has had a difficult time adjusting.”

  She flushed as murmurs of approval echoed around her. She forced a conciliatory smile. “If you would give us a few minutes?”

  To her relief, people melted back into the throng of visitors leaving her and the King alone.

  King Lowell heaved a weary sigh. “My dear, what is this about Samson?”

  “He is sleeping, lucky boy.” She waved to Grimes. “He conked out after a bit of supper. Speaking of food, I asked Grimes to get a plate for me. Do you mind if I eat while we talk?”

  “Be at ease, my child.” He gave his approval as the tray was set on a table between them. Grimes took up sentinel duty a few feet away.

  “Oh my—” Katrina deliberately overplayed her part “—so much food, you will have to help me eat some of this.”

  King Lowell glanced from the food to Grimes’s back. “I see. I have been set up. There is no issue regarding Samson.”

  “Not true.” She held the plate up to tempt him. “He will be quite upset if you are too tired to walk in the garden with him tomorrow.”

  “Perhaps I will have a bite.” He reached for a piece of roast beef. “We wouldn’t want to disappoint the child.”

  “No,” she agreed.

  “You are a bit of a meddler, are you not fräulein?”

  “I prefer to think of it as caring.”

  “I imagine you do. You can be quite subtle. But not tonight.”

  “You do not fool easily.” She stole a berry from the plate. “And this is more entertaining. You looked like you could use a perking up.”

  “Hmm.” He hummed his agreement. “It would appear you have us Kardanians wrapped around your finger.”

  “Hardly, Your Majesty.” She gave a delicate snort. “You are a headstrong lot.”

  He laughed. “Just so. Ah, here comes Julian. I wonder if he has spoken with Tessa. When we spoke, she indicated she’d be interested in returning as Samson’s nanny. I believe he would benefit from having someone familiar, don’t you?”


  “I ALWAYS THOUGHT of secret passages as being dark and creepy with dust and spiderwebs throughout.” Katrina followed Julian’s broad back through a narrow hallway. “This is well lit and tidy.” She sniffed. “Are these walls cedar?”

  “I have no idea. Donal and Helene used this passage to get to the nursery from their rooms. It’s faster and more direct than taking the corridors. The servants also use them in matters of urgency.”


  He glanced at her over his shoulder. “I recently had them clean the passages from my rooms to the nursery.”

  “Really?” Why had he felt the need to do so?

  “Ja. After the episode with Dr. Vogel, I like to check on Sammy on my way to bed at night.”

  “Just Sammy?”

  Julian stopped and turned to her. “Yes, my dove.” He ran his thumb over the dent in her chin. “Yesterday was the first time I used the tunnel to access your room. I’m actually quite a decent chap.”

  “You—” she jabbed him in the chest “—are a blackguard of the highest order, sneaking me out of the palace.”

  “It was your idea.” He kissed her briefly and resumed their trek through the inner labyrinth of the castle.

  “I suggested you escape for the night. I was not proposing a lover’s tryst.”

  “But this is so much better.”

  “You would think so, considering it is your idea. I really should have argued more. It was a tough day for Sammy.” She fretted. “He may well have a restless night.”

  “We checked on him. He was out like a light.” He led her down three flights of stairs and opened the door at the bottom. Fresh air wafted inside revealing the door opened to the outdoors.

  This was her last chance to change her mind. To act with rationality and wisdom.

  Her heart raced as he turned off the light and opened the door wider to look out. He grinned at her. And that’s all it took. Stealing his excitement and joy was beyond her. She threw caution to the cool breeze streaming through the door.

  Blood pumped wild and fast through her veins as adrenaline spiked. She hadn’t felt this alive in years. She wanted this adventure. She wanted him. Craved time alone to explore the passion between them.

  Bernadette had challenged Katrina to find her spine and go after what she wanted. She wasn’t so selfish she’d risk a public relationship with him. But she could have tonight. A passionate gem to add to her memories before it was time to return home.

  “The garage is just across the courtyard. My car is fueled and waiting. Neil knows we’re going and has notified a guard at the gate that you are using my auto to drive an unwell guest home.”

  “You want me to drive?”


  “Your car?” she clarified.

  “Ja.” His eyes narrowed in suspicion. “You can drive stick, yes?”

  “Oui.” She rubbed her hands together. “Let us go.”

  The moonlight showed the corner of his mouth notch up. “You do not wish to change your mind? Someone may see us and raise the alarm.”

  Her body was singing now. “Tease,” she mocked him. “You would not let me change my mind.”

  “No,” he agreed. His mouth claimed hers, searing her with a heated kiss. “Tonight you belong to me.”

  When he released her, she blinked up at him. She licked her lips, tasting him, drew in a deep breath that filled her with his scent. And gave a wiggle to make sure the strength had returned to her legs.

  “What are we waiting for?” she asked and ducked into the night.

  Their escape went exactly as he outlined with no mishaps. The guard glanced at his slumped figure and waved them through the gates. The palace had been on high alert today with so many visitors, but most were gone and the security emphasis had been on vehicles arriving, not departing.

  After a couple of blocks, Julian straightened in his seat. “You can pull over anytime and I’ll drive.”

  “Oh no. I am having too much fun.”


  She sent him a cheeky grin. But refused to pull over. Instead she followed the GPS to the edge of town where she rolled down the windows and punched the gas.

  “Whee!” She laughed out loud as she took the expensive vehicle through a tight turn. “I love this auto.”

  Julian reached across and cupped the back of her head, threading his fingers in her hair. She thrilled to his touch; it was sensual and just a little primitive. Just like the wild ride through the hills. She reached the pinnacle and a view of the bay came into sight. Lights sparkled on the water of the bay, but behind it the North Sea was a vast void of blackness.

  “My house is not far. It overlooks a secluded beach on the North Coast.”

  “We are going to your house?”

  “That’s the plan.” He caressed her neck. “It feels good to be going home.”

  “I thought you lived at the palace.”

  “I have rooms there. It’s convenient because of the many events I must participate in and when crown business runs long. But I prefer my own place.”
r />   “It looks like you will be spending a lot of time at the palace over the coming weeks.”

  “Ja. I will. I’ll get used to it.”

  “Sammy really needs you,” she felt compelled to say.

  “I have not forgotten. Do not worry, my dove, I will take care of him. We are here.” He pointed to a road to the left.

  She drove down a long drive to a huge stone fence and an imposing gate. Julian leaned across her to press his thumb against the security pad. He smelled so good she gave in to impulse and took a nip of his jaw, which earned her a retaliatory kiss lethal enough to steal her breath.

  “Just follow the lane up to the house,” he whispered in her ear before settling back in his seat.

  Her hands shook as she put the auto in gear and drove through the gates. After a couple of turns she came to a large two-story white and stone house that blended into the hillside and pulled to a stop in a stone portico. The door opened and a younger version of Grimes stepped out and opened her door.

  “Welcome Fräulein Vicente.”

  “Allow me, Kristof.” Julian came around the auto and took her hand. He helped her from the low-slung vehicle. “This is Kristof, my man of all things. He keeps my life in order.”

  “You give me too much credit, Your Highness.”

  He ushered her inside giving his manservant a raised brow look that made her think they shared a more informal relationship. “Kris, please bring us a tray of food and some wine. Then I wish not to be disturbed.”

  “Of course, my lord,” Kris responded as he closed the door.

  “Oh but—” Katrina dragged her feet. It seemed so rude to rush right off. Heat rose to her cheeks. Especially to the bedroom.

  “Come, my dove.” Julian drew her forward. “I will give you a tour. You can help me pick out Sammy’s room.”

  “You plan to bring Sammy here?” With the lure of a tour, she fell into step next to him through the white marble entry. She had assumed he’d leave Sammy in the palace nursery.

  “I expect my schedule to be pretty full, but when I can get away, I’ll want him with me. This is the living area.” He waved her into a pillared room off the entry. A wall of windows brought the sea inside. She walked over to look out and admired the view of the bay. The furnishings were sleek and modern, light on white, esthetically beautiful but hardly child friendly. A fireplace gave the promise of warmth.


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