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Judgement Day

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by Michael Spears

  Judgement Day

  By Michael Spears

  Copyright 2016 Michael Spears

  Smashwords Edition

  Smashwords Edition, Licence Notes

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  The Knowledge Of Good & Evil

  A Tale Of Madness And Discovery


  -In The Beginning...

  -Chapter 1

  -Chapter 2

  -Chapter 3

  -Chapter 4

  -Chapter 5

  -The End Of The Road

  -Do You Have No Knowledge Of Good & Evil?

  The Theory Of SpaceFluidity & The Super-Universe

  -Eureka – Excerpt by Edgar Allan Poe

  -Part 1 – Gravitational Time Dilation

  -Part 2 – Visualising Gravity In Four Dimensions

  -Part 3 – Black Holes, The Big Bang & The Super-Universe

  Assorted Tales And Ramblings

  -On My Jewishness And The Failure Of The Big Three

  -The Failure Of Communism And Capitalism

  -The Failure Of Science

  -Some Brief Notes On Karma

  -The Book Of Revelations

  -The Other Guy

  -The First Law Of God

  -Famous Last Words


  Contact The Author

  The Angel and the Little Scroll

  Then the angel that I had seen standing on the sea and on the land raised his right hand to heaven. And he swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heavens and all that is in them, and the sea and all that is in it, and said, “There will be no more delay! But in the days when the seventh angel is about to sound his trumpet, the mystery of God will be accomplished, just as he announced to his servants the prophets.”

  Then the voice that I had heard from heaven spoke to me once more: “Go, take the scroll that lies open in the hand of the angel who is standing on the sea and on the land.”

  So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.” I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour.

  [Revelations 10:8-10]

  The Knowledge Of Good & Evil

  If the world’s religions want to create Eden on Earth, it won’t happen by Jesus returning and killing all the Muslims, or the Christians, or the Jews, or whatever. The way to create Eden on Earth is to obey the law that they had in Eden, that law was perfect. I am aware that the story of the Garden of Eden is a myth, but it is a myth that can teach us all a valuable lesson. This is the new religion for the 21st century, and there is only one law, “you have no knowledge of good & evil.” The rules are, there are no rules, it is the ultimate enlightenment. Let me explain.


  Three of the world's major religions, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, believe in the story of the original sin and that the problems with the world began when Adam & Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden. In the Garden of Eden there were two special trees, the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil. God told Adam & Eve that they may eat from any of the trees in the Garden, but they must not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil or they “will surely die.”

  After being tempted by the serpent Adam & Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil. When God found out He blocked the way to the Tree of Life and expelled them both from the Garden of Eden.

  The major problems the world has today all stem from people gaining the knowledge of good & evil in the Garden of Eden. The fact that many people believe this story to be a myth is irrelevant, because what the knowledge of good & evil has done to the human race is a universal truth.

  Excerpt from Genesis

  The woman said to the serpent, “We may eat fruit from the trees in the garden, but God did say, ‘You must not eat fruit from the tree that is in the middle of the garden, and you must not touch it, or you will die.’” “You will not surely die,” the serpent said to the woman. “For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”


  “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

  The Significance of The Fall of Man

  The original sin is central to Judaism, Christianity & Islam. Before Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit, there was no sin in the world. After Adam & Eve ate the forbidden fruit they committed the first sin, and according to Christianity everyone after them was born a sinner. The Jews keep Jewish law in an attempt to prevent them from sinning. Muslims keep Islamic law in an attempt to keep themselves free from sin, believing that their good deeds and bad deeds will be weighed at the final Judgement. Christians pray to Jesus for the forgiveness of sins, believing that all have fallen from Grace. All three faiths teach that the first sin was when Adam & Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil. Before they ate the forbidden fruit there was no sin in the world, and God thought that the world was “very good.”

  What was The Original Sin all about?

  Christianity teaches that the original sin was about the rebellion against God’s command, when Adam & Eve committed the original sin they gained free will and good & evil entered the world, but this is not the truth. The problem was not that Adam & Eve had broken God’s command, the problem was that Adam & Eve were given the knowledge of good & evil.

  Adam & Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden not because they did the one thing that God told them not to do, it was because man had become “like God,” knowing good & evil.

  The sin was not the “rebellion,” the sin was having the knowledge of good & evil. When Adam & Eve had no knowledge of good & evil the world was “very good.” Thus according to the Bible, having the knowledge of good & evil is the root of all sin. Therefore if one had no knowledge of good & evil, one would be free from sin.

  No Knowledge of Good & Evil

  If the knowledge of good & evil is the root of all sin, what does it mean to have no knowledge of good & evil? What is the knowledge of good & evil?

  Notice that the serpent tells Eve, “when you eat of it, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” And again, God says “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good & evil.” By having the knowledge of good & evil, you are playing God.

  The knowledge of good & evil is simple, once you know what it means. By saying “I am good, you are evil,” by passing judgement, you are playing God. God is supposed to be the judge, not man. Most organised religions teach us how to be “good,” and by being “good” we may be accepted by God. Jesus said “no one is good but God alone,” and every religion in the world gives a different definition of “good,” so which religion gives us the true definition of “good”? Is it “good” to keep Jewish law? Is it “good” to keep Islamic law? I
s it “good” to follow Jesus? Claiming to know how to be “good” is the fatal flaw in every religion in the world, no one can ever truly be “good”.

  If we have no proof of which religion to believe in other than “faith,” how could we possibly know that our religion gives us the true meaning of “good”? How could we possibly know which set of rules & laws to obey that we may be accepted by God? We cannot possibly know, unless God Himself has descended from Heaven in the presence of us all and told us “this is good and that is evil,” we can only trust the words of a man who lived thousands of years ago. What we can do is to plead ignorance and thus maintain our innocence. If we have no knowledge of good & evil, we are guilty of nothing, if we do not know right from wrong, how can we be guilty of wrongdoing? You can say “I believe I know who God is,” but if you say “I know who God is” you are only deceiving yourself. Many people claim they fear God, but they are liars, if they truly feared God they would be afraid of choosing the wrong religion, they would forever be searching for the “one true faith.” The fatal flaw in every religion in the world is that they all claim moral superiority over the other religions. They all tell us that “this is good and that is evil,” and this is the problem with the world.

  Who or what is “evil”? Many human acts make me angry or upset, but they are not due to evil, they are due to the knowledge of evil, they are due to playing God. When you condemn someone as “evil,” what right do you have to do so? Who are you to judge someone? Are you God? By claiming that someone is “evil,” you are claiming that you are “good,” and who are you to believe that you are “good”? Jesus said “Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned,” and He was exactly right. By passing judgement, you are playing God. No man has the right to judge another man, God is the only judge.

  Every time you say “I am good, you are evil,” you are claiming to have the knowledge of good & evil. By claiming to have the knowledge of good & evil, you are committing the original sin, the sin that got Adam & Eve expelled from the Garden of Eden, the sin that prevented them from eating from the Tree of Life and living forever. No man is evil in his own eyes.

  The knowledge of good & evil is the source of all violence. When you say “I am good, you are evil,” you are giving yourself the right to attack a person, to cause harm to a person. It is “good” to attack or punish an “evil” person, and “evil” to attack a “good” person. But who gets to decide who is “good,” and who is “evil”? Majority rules? God's rules? Which God? Osama bin Laden attacked the USA because he said to himself, “I am good, America is evil.” George W. Bush invaded Iraq because he said to himself, “I am good, Saddam Hussein is evil.” Adolf Hitler killed the Jews because he said to himself, “I am good, Jews are evil.” The Cold War was because the Capitalists said “Capitalism is good, Communism is evil,” and the Communists said “Communism is good, Capitalism is evil.” Islamic State is trying to conquer the Middle East and declare war on the West because they say “we are good, the infidels are evil.” But it's not only wars, we are surrounded by people claiming to have the knowledge of good & evil every day. Racist attacks, gay bashings, even bar fights, are all because someone has said to themselves “I am good, you are evil.” The knowledge of good & evil is the source of all violence. By claiming to have the knowledge of good & evil, you are claiming to be like God, by passing judgement, you are playing God. Say this out loud, “I am good, you are evil, so I will kill you!” Does this sound like the statement of a righteous man?

  No man ever really believes they are evil, with the possible exception of someone in the midst of psychosis. Sometimes people may believe that they have done the wrong thing in the past, but at the time they did not believe that it was the wrong thing to do. A man is guided by his conscience and sense of morality, but some people have a very twisted sense of morality. Never does an individual or group attack or kill someone because they believe that they themselves are bad, it is always because the other person has done something wrong, even if this wrongdoing is not true. All of the people considered the most evil men in history, they did not believe that they were evil, they believed that they were perfectly justified in carrying out their actions of death and destruction. These men all had the knowledge of good & evil, all of these men said to themselves “I am good, and you are evil.” Of course, if they were to set out with the intention of doing evil, they would have just judged and therefore condemned themselves, but it is only ever cartoon villains who believe that they are evil. Each man is capable of following his own moral compass, but it is only when one forces, or attempts to force, their sense of morality on to others that problems are created. For example, being gay is not a sin, but accusing someone of wrongdoing for being gay is a sin, and of course the accusers are always the ones perpetrating the acts of violence. Men can only claim to have the knowledge of good & evil, no man truly has the knowledge of good & evil. Good & evil is an illusion perpetrated by men who believe that they are morally superior to others. Unless you have spoken to God Himself, you cannot possibly claim to have the knowledge of good & evil, you have no knowledge of good & evil. You cannot take someone’s word for it, surely if you truly feared God then you would be terrified of believing the wrong prophet and you would require absolute proof, not just “faith.”

  This brings us to the concept of playing God, if the knowledge of good & evil is all about playing God, it must be said that men may play God on other men because they feel themselves superior to others. If a sin, by definition, is a crime against God, what do you think would be the one thing that offends God? That’s right, playing God. The one thing that truly offends God is people who play God on other people. Playing God doesn’t strictly stop by saying “I am good, you are evil,” playing God is all about using your strength to rule over others, playing God is about forcing others to submit to your will. Playing God is the source of all oppression in the world. When you force others to follow your rules, when you force others to submit to your will, this is when problems are caused. Oppressive dictatorships, religious zealots, tyranny, these are all the results of the strong trying to force the weak to submit to their will. Playing God is all about using your strength to rule over others, this is highly offensive to God.

  Is smoking a sin? No. Is drug use a sin? No. Is drink driving a sin? No. Is prostitution a sin? No. Is theft a sin? No. Is homosexuality a sin? No. While some things may be detrimental to a person’s wellbeing, or to the wellbeing of others, that does not necessarily make them a sin. The only sin is claiming to have the knowledge of good & evil, the only sin is passing judgement, the only sin is playing God. What is a sin but a crime against God? It would be perfectly understandable that God would be angry with those men who play God on others.

  On the subject of theft, many would ask, “how could theft not be a sin?” Theft is a grey area, in the age of the internet, music and video downloading, viewing copyrighted images or literature on the internet, or even cheating on your taxes, or maybe just hustling someone to get a better deal, and of course, is it a sin to steal to feed your starving family? Theft is very much a grey area, but I think that if one were to force someone to hand over their money or goods by threatening them, by using their strength to force them to submit to their will, then that would constitute a sin. Theft is not a sin, because a sin by definition is a crime against God and theft is a crime against men.

  The Tree of Life

  In the Garden of Eden there were two special trees, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil and the Tree of Life. After Adam & Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil, God said “The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever.” Then God banished Adam & Eve from the Garden of Eden and blocked the way to the Tree of Life.

  Genesis clearly says that if a man eats from the Tree of Life he shall live forever. So how does one eat from the T
ree of Life?

  If the story of the Garden of Eden is to be believed, then one must also believe that having the knowledge of good & evil would prevent one from eating from the Tree of Life and living forever.

  Jesus said “all who sin are slaves to sin.” Only by freeing ourselves from the knowledge of good & evil may we free ourselves from sin. Only by freeing ourselves from sin may we eat freely from the Tree of Life and live forever.

  Jesus may have lived a perfect life, but I don't have to. I don't even know what a perfect life is. I am completely innocent.


  Every day religious leaders come up with new laws for people to obey, and new interpretations of old laws for our changing world. In the beginning there was only one law, and the world was “very good.” For thousands of years every religious teacher in the world has attempted to teach us what is “good” and what is “evil,” but by denying the knowledge of good & evil we can turn the entire question of good & evil on its head. The world didn’t need teachers to tell us the difference between good & evil, the world needed teachers who didn’t tell us the difference between good & evil, then the world could really grasp the meaning of true morality.


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