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Wizard Cadet (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 2)

Page 9

by Rodney Hartman

  Don’t say anything, Richard warned his battle computer. He was in no mood for any of his battle computer’s twisted humor.

  My speakers are sealed, said Nickelo. I wouldn’t think of telling you what a big jerk I think you are. I thought you’d matured quite a bit since last year, but I can see I was wrong. You still have a lot of growing up to do.

  I’m doing the best I can, Richard said angrily. He shoved his left hand into his glove and pulled hard until it sealed with his sleeve. Pain shot up his left hand. He didn’t think the little wildcat had broken any of his fingers, but they hurt nonetheless. He bent over and picked up his M12 where he had dropped it during his roll on the ground. When he stood up, he looked at the retreating children. They were making good time.

  May I at least ask what your plan is? said Nickelo. Or will my all powerful wizard scout take out his phase rod and beat me into submission.

  Cut it out, Nick, Richard said. I made a mistake. I’m sorry. The kids caught me by surprise. And, I’m not a wizard scout. I’m just a cadet. I’m in a little over my head right now.

  Richard’s flash of anger had mostly dissipated, and he was beginning to regret his words and actions.

  So? asked Nickelo. What is the plan?

  Follow the kids until they calm down, of course, Richard said. I can’t leave them without protection. I’m not heartless, you know.

  I know it, Rick, said Nickelo. I just wanted to make sure you knew it.

  Chapter 7 – The Invitation


  By the time Richard made the wood line, his Power reserve had recharged to one percent. It wasn’t much, but he figured it would be enough to charge his dimensional pack and dimensional canteen if he needed them. On the plus side, for every fifteen minutes he could keep from using his Power, his reserve would be recharged by an additional one percent.

  Nick, Richard said. I’m thinking I should activate my lowest-level stealth shield. It will provide some protection from prying eyes while still allowing my Power reserve to recharge at a respectable rate.

  I think that’s an excellent idea, said Nickelo. I was beginning to wonder when you would think of it. Since you’re not traveling with the children right now, you’ll be hidden from most scans unless they are very powerful or very close. That should give you an advantage if the children get into trouble and need your help.

  The children were a couple of hundred meters ahead of Richard. They were carefully picking their way through the forest. A thick canopy of leaves overhead from the taller trees blocked out a lot of the sunlight. As a result, the undergrowth was relatively sparse, and even the children could make good time. While Richard couldn’t physically see Dren or Brachia, he had no trouble tracking them with his passive scan. He had their Power frequencies locked in his mind. According to the Academy’s instructors, experienced wizard scouts called that either ‘getting the scent’ or ‘putting a trace on the target’. He now had the kid’s scent. Richard was confident he could trace the children’s location up to several kilometers away if the need arose. Normally, he could only pickup individual lifeforms within a few hundred meters unless they were very powerful creatures. Large groups of lifeforms were easier to sense with his passive scan. He could often detect them out to several kilometers.

  Richard had no doubt he could easily overtake the children, but he chose not to. It would do no good to press the issue until they had a chance to calm down. Richard hoped a few hours walking alone in the forest would make them more appreciative of his company. In the meantime, he stayed far enough away to be out of their sight, but close enough to help if they wandered into something dangerous.

  After a couple of hours, Richard stopped and pulled his dimensional canteen out of its holder on his right hip. He opened the cap and took a long swig of the cool water. Richard thought again how fortunate he was to have a dimensional canteen. It was a handy piece of equipment to have in scarce-water situations. Like its cousin the dimensional pack, the dimensional canteen took Power from his reserve to energize it. But, the Power requirement was extremely small. Below the canteen’s cap was a lever that allowed him to select any temperature from just above freezing all the way to boiling. Another lever allowed him to select any pressure from normal gravity feed to a high-pressure stream capable of going a hundred meters or more in the air.

  According to Nickelo, dimensional packs and dimensional canteens were probably unique to Richard. They had been issued to him the previous year. He’d questioned his battle computer repeatedly as to why he’d been so fortunate to be issued them when none of the other wizard scouts had them. All Nickelo had been able to tell him was that the requested information wasn’t in his databanks. It was all very strange, but Richard was glad to have the two items. The dimensional pack was especially useful. But, he was only too aware that nothing in life was free. Three years on the streets after he’d left the orphanage had taught him that all too painfully. Richard assumed he’d have to pay for the privilege of being issued these special items. He assumed in all likelihood he was paying for the privilege right now.

  I’d just as soon go on a normal mission with normal equipment, Richard commented absently.

  And, said Nickelo, I’d like to have hands and feet so I could get myself out of trouble. As it is, I have to wait for you to decide to run in situations where any fool could tell the situation required running. But, I don’t have hands and feet. And for whatever reason, you don’t go on normal missions. We’re both just going to have to deal with it, aren’t we?

  Nick, Richard said. I know you can’t help hearing my thoughts, but when are we going to get our shared space? It’s no fun knowing my every thought is being monitored.

  As I’ve explained before, Rick, said Nickelo, I don’t hear your every thought. I tune out as much as I can. Sometimes, you just think about something so intensely it really is like you’re shouting in my ear. As for when we will get our shared space, I don’t know. It’s normally at the end of the senior year at the Academy. However, I thought for sure you would get your DNA testing early. I’m more worried about your self-healing than I am about our shared space. Until you get your DNA baseline taken and set, you can’t heal yourself. And, since you’re a resistor, you can’t be healed by other wizard scouts or any other healer types in my databanks.

  Yeah, Richard said, being able to heal myself would be nice. My body has already taken a beating, and I’m still just a wizard scout cadet.

  The previous year, Richard had been on a mission for ‘the One’ which nearly cost him his life. He’d been forced to fight a powerful demon in the form of a dragon. Richard had been seriously injured. Because he was a natural resister, his Power fought off any attempts by others to heal him. Consequently, he still had a slight limp, and he’d lost some of his hearing. He’d also taken a head injury, and his memory was sometimes affected. For some reason, even with all these injuries, the High Command had ordered that he remain in the Academy and continue his wizard scout training.

  How long are we going to play hide and seek with these children? said Nickelo with what sounded for all the world like a bored voice.

  As long as it takes, Nick, Richard said. We’ll keep at it as long as it takes.

  * * *

  The afternoon passed uneventfully with Richard keeping pace with the two children but staying well out of sight. While Richard picked up lots of small animals around him with his passive scan, the forest had a notable absence of bigger game. Although he had spent most of his youth in the city, Richard had participated in enough military survival training to know this wasn’t natural.

  It just doesn’t seem right, Nick, Richard commented after walking for several hours. I know we don’t know what kind of wildlife is on this planet, but with the abundance of vegetation, you’d think there’d be something larger than rabbits around. Speaking of which, I’ve seen a dozen rabbits today if I’ve seen one. We’re not on Earth, so how are there rabbits here?

/>   I totally agree with you, Rick, said Nickelo. The odds are low this world would only be inhabited by small animals. As to why there are rabbits, I don’t know. Perhaps we are on Earth’s sister world in this magical dimension. But, I can’t be sure until I acquire more data. Anything I say now would be pure speculation. You know I hate speculating as much as I hate guessing.

  Richard stopped again. He pulled out his canteen and took another drink.

  You know, Rick, said Nickelo, if you would just seal your battle suit, you wouldn’t need to keep drinking water or eating those unhealthy crackers you pulled out of your dimensional pack earlier. Your battle suit is designed to recycle all your body wastes indefinitely. Your battle suit can provide you with all the nutrition you’d ever need.

  You just don’t get it, do you, Nick? Richard said. I know the suit would keep me alive. But, it wouldn’t be a very comfortable life. If you were human, I have a feeling you wouldn’t be all that excited to know you were eating and drinking your own body waste either.

  It’s all sterilized, Rick, said Nickelo. It’s a lot healthier than those military rations you ate for lunch. You do realize, don’t you, that they were manufactured by the lowest bidder? I shudder to think what went into them.

  Well, be that as it may, Nick, Richard said, I’ll stick with my unhealthy food if it means I don’t have to stay sealed up in my battle suit twenty-four hours a day. We haven’t seen anything more dangerous than a rabbit since we arrived on this planet. I think I’ll take my chances on keeping my visor up for the present. You should be grateful I’m at least wearing my armor. Even without being sealed, the suit is still not exactly comfortable.

  Well, said Nickelo, at least you don’t limp when you’re wearing your battle suit. I’d prefer you to be sealed up, but at least you’re wearing your helmet at three-quarters mode so your ears are covered. The helmet’s internal speakers more than make up for your partial-hearing loss.

  Richard didn’t want to agree wearing the uncomfortable battle suit was an advantage, so he kept quiet. He knew he was being stubborn and argumentative, but he was who he was. Besides, who wouldn’t rather be in a comfortable jump suit or a pair of pants and shirt? However, despite what he told his battle computer, Richard was not foolish enough to remove his battle suit until he had a better feel for the land. He had naturally good reflexes, but they were nowhere near as fast as the battle suit. With the suit’s override on, Nickelo could temporarily take over the battle suit and respond to threats much faster than Richard could himself. That alone made the battle suit worth wearing regardless of comfort.

  The children seem to be walking a lot slower than they were earlier, Richard said.

  They’ve been walking for over six hours, said Nickelo. And, unlike you, they don’t have any water or food. I’d say there’s an eighty-four percent chance they will be looking for a place to spend the night before long.

  I wouldn’t mind stopping for the night either, Richard said. My Power reserve is at almost twenty-five percent now. I think we could spare the Power to make a pretty nice campsite using the dimensional pack.

  Stopping for the night would allow you to build up your Power reserve without the risk of running into something nasty, said Nickelo. I’m all for that. What are you going to do about the children?

  Maybe they’ll be a little more reasonable now that they’re tired and thirsty, Richard said. I guess the only way to find out is to ask them. How about doing an electronic scan of the area and see if you can spot a good place to camp? Near water would be nice. If this planet has rabbits, maybe it has edible fish as well. Fresh meat would taste better than the canned stuff we can get out of the dimensional pack.

  Always thinking of your stomach, said Nickelo. If I didn’t know the Academy’s medical staff tries to keep you cadets in near perfect health, I’d think you had a tapeworm. As far as a camping site goes, there’s a convergence of two small streams about four kilometers ahead. I’m putting a map of the terrain on your heads-up display now. I’ve marked the children and you as white dots.

  The battle suit’s heads-up display illuminated with a color-coded map of the surrounding area. Richard noticed two streams, one to his left and one to his right. Both streams were several hundred meters away. The map showed them slowly angling in until they met and formed a larger stream. Richard noticed the two white dots for the children were almost dead center between the converging streams.

  Talk about bad luck, Richard said. If the kids walked just a little bit left or right they’d probably run into water. I’m betting they are mighty thirsty right now. Even with the shade from the trees, I can feel the heat on my face.

  It’s probably lucky for them they didn’t find water, said Nickelo. They have no purification equipment. It’s hard telling what kind of microscopic nasty things are swimming around in the water. I would highly recommend you not drink any either until you can take a sample for me to analyze.

  Understood, Richard said as he picked up the pace.

  The children had slowed considerably during the last hour. Richard knew he’d have no trouble catching up with them. The trees had thinned somewhat overhead, and as a result, the ground vegetation had increased dramatically. While the children might be tired, Richard had a feeling that wasn’t the only thing causing them to walk slower. A lot of the ground vegetation consisted of plants and vines with sharp stickers. While his battle suit protected him from any discomfort, the children were only wearing light jumpsuits. Walking had to be a painstaking process for the children right about now.

  Within ten minutes, Richard caught up to the children. Apparently, they’d heard him coming, because they were standing stationary in front of a thick set of trees when he came upon them. Richard noticed the close-knit trees and vines provided them a little protection to their rear.

  Smart, Richard thought.

  Dren stood slightly in front of her younger brother. She had a thick limb raised above her shoulder ready to strike anything that might come within range. Brachia had a fist-sized rock in each hand. One of his jumpsuit’s pockets bulged out. Richard assumed it contained more ammo. Richard felt certain the little boy was probably very good at throwing rocks.

  Hey, Nick, Richard said. Be ready to lower my visor and seal my suit if that little hellion starts throwing rocks.

  Nickelo laughed and said, Yes, oh great and wondrous wizard scout. I will do my utmost to protect you from the great Omar the Pirate.

  Grow up, Nick, Richard said not at all amused. You’re such a child sometimes.

  Now that’s the pot calling the kettle black, laughed Nickelo.

  Apparently, his battle computer thought everything was funny at the moment. Richard pointedly ignored Nickelo’s wit. He had no idea what cooking utensils had to do with the current situation, and he had no desire to ask. His battle computer’s sense of humor was strange to say the least.

  Speaking to the children instead, Richard said, “You don’t need those weapons kids. It’s just me.”

  Neither Dren nor Brachia said anything. They just glared at him and continued to hold their weapons at the ready.

  “Look, kids,” Richard said in what he hoped was a friendly voice. “I said I was sorry earlier. Won’t you give me a second chance?”

  The children remained silent. Brachia drew back his right arm slightly as if preparing to launch a rock attack.

  “Listen, kids,” Richard said in an attempt to reach them with logic. “It’s probably going to get dark soon. You don’t want to be out here by yourself in the dark. I have food and water. You must be thirsty and hungry by now. Why don’t we let bygones be bygones and join forces? What do you say? We can be friends, can’t we?”

  Dren answered, “We don’t need you or your bribes of food and water. My brother and I will be just fine. And, you’re not our friend. You’re no different than the people who murdered our parents. You say one thing, but you can’t hide your hatred for Keka and his kind. It’s in your eyes. We might not have ha
d a choice about coming to this world, but at least we can choose who we’re with now that we’re here. And, we choose not to be with a prejudiced, untrustworthy, self-important person like you. You would have left us to die if someone hadn’t ordered you to come back. So, get away from us before my brother starts throwing rocks.”

  Richard raised his hands partway up in a stopping motion.

  “Fine,” Richard said. “If that’s the way you want it, then that’s the way it’s going to be. But just in case you change your minds, about four kilometers ahead, two streams come together to form a larger stream. I’ll be on the other side cooking supper. You’re more than welcome to join me if you want.”

  The children said nothing. If anything, Richard thought Brachia looked even more determined to put a rock right between his eyes.

  These kids are hardheaded, Richard said. I can’t get through to them. Can’t they see they’re being unreasonable?

  Did you even listen to what they said, Rick? said Nickelo. They said their parents were murdered, apparently by people who hate insect-based races. They’ve obviously got a story to tell which would explain their actions. You just got on their wrong side when you called their father a cockroach.

  This Keka of theirs can’t be their father, Richard said. In case you didn’t notice, he was a bug. They are human children.

  In case you hadn’t noticed, replied Nickelo, there’s a little thing called adoption. I’d tread softly whenever you mention insects from now on. You just have to learn to be sensitive to other people’s feelings.

  I guess I missed that class at the Academy, Richard said dismissively. He knew his battle computer was right, but sometimes he got more than a little tired of being told he was wrong.

  “Look, Dren,” Richard said. “I don’t want any trouble, so I’ll leave you two alone. But, there’s a stream to your left and right that converge ahead. If you come to water, just follow it to my campsite. And do yourself a favor. Don’t drink the water from the streams. I can heal injuries, but I haven’t been trained to heal diseases yet. You’ll be pretty miserable if you get boogey-bunga’s revenge or whatever they call it on this planet.”


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