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Wizard Cadet (Intergalactic Wizard Scout Chronicles Book 2)

Page 23

by Rodney Hartman

“You can heal him, Rick,” said Brachia. “You’re a wizard scout.”

  “He said he could make it, Brachia,” Richard said. “I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

  “Are you a healer?” said Remozorz. “If you are, then I ask you to heal this gnome whose pride is bigger than his brain. I believe he can make it back to camp. But, he will be worse for the wear, and we do not have a healer with our group anyway. I had planned on our medics doing their best for him. His right arm will be out of action for weeks without the ministrations of a real healer.”

  “Rick’s a real healer,” bragged Brachia. “He healed Dren and me. He can heal you with no problem.”

  The two gnomes looked expectantly at Richard.

  “I guess it wouldn’t do any harm to take a look at it,” Richard said. “But, I’m not making any promises. I’m an emp-healer, and I’ve got my own medical issues right now without taking on more.”

  “Are you saying you are hurt as well, wizard scout?” said Remozorz.

  “A little,” Richard admitted. “That fireball made things a little hot inside my suit. According to my battle–, uh, I mean, I think I’m blistered up pretty good on my back and legs. My battle suit is keeping my skin lubricated, but this walking isn’t doing the blisters any good.”

  “Then mayhap we should look to both Samanestra and your wounds,” said Remozorz. “If you are a healer, can you not heal yourself?”

  “He’s not an actual wizard scout yet,” volunteered Brachia. “He’s still a cadet in training. He can’t heal himself yet. Isn’t that right, Rick?”

  The kids got a mouth on him, said Nickelo privately. If you can’t get him to shut up, he’ll probably give all our secrets away.

  “That’s right, Brachia,” Richard said as kindly as he could. “But, you shouldn’t tell everyone everything you know.”

  “Ah,” said Remozorz. “It is as I suspected. You do not trust us yet. But, that is understandable. I do not blame you. But still, if you are a healer, I hope you will at least take a look at Samanestra’s arm.”

  “Very well,” Richard said. “But, I’m only going to look. I’m not a real healer.” Turning to Samanestra, Richard said, “May I see your arm, please. And, watch your eyes everyone. I’m going to turn on a white light.”

  Samanestra held his arm out. Richard thought he seemed just a tad nervous. He also noticed the bandage was soaked and starting to drip blood.

  White light, Nick, Richard said privately. While you’re at it, raise my visor.

  How about if I just give you a clear visor instead, Rick? said Nickelo. I only estimate a sixty-two percent chance we can trust these gnomes. I need to observe them a little more first.

  It will be fine, Nick, Richard said. I’ve got a sixth sense about this. In spite of what my logic tells me, I know we can trust Remozorz. I’m not sure why I know, but I do.

  Nickelo did not argue further. A white light shot out of the battle helmet just above Richard’s forehead as the battle helmet changed shape and went into three quarters mode. The area was illuminated in white. Richard focused the beam a little tighter.

  “Holy crap, Sam,” Richard said forgetting any pretense of good bedside manner. “You should have said something. Your bandage is soaked with blood. The arrow must have nicked an artery.”

  “He’s right, my old friend,” said Remozorz. “Your pride is going to get you killed one of these days.”

  Richard noticed the old gnome’s legs starting to tremble.

  The blood loss is catching up to him, observed Nickelo. He’s going to fall in another minute or two.

  Taking off his dimensional pack, Richard opened the flap and pulled out a small folding stool. He unfolded it and placed the stool next to Samanestra. Without being asked, the old gnome sat down. He did not say anything, but Richard thought the gnome looked grateful.

  Lifting the flap of the pack again, Richard pulled out a military first-aid kit along with a pressure bandage.

  “Is Sam going to be okay?” asked Dren. She sounded concerned.

  Both Dren and Brachia had removed their goggles. Richard thought he saw wetness in Brachia’s eyes. Considering the amount of blood dripping from the old gnome’s arm, Richard was surprised the children were as calm as they were.

  “I’m sure he will be,” Richard said. “Now, Sam… I hope you don’t mind me calling you Sam.”

  “Sam will do,” said the gnome.

  “Well, Sam,” Richard said as he began to slowly unwrap the bandage. “I’m just going to have a looksee. I’m not going to do anything yet. I’m just going to look.”

  “Remozorz,” said Samanestra. “Maybe you should take over the spell on our prisoner just in case.”

  “Good point,” said Remozorz.

  Richard stopped until Remozorz completed her spell. When she finished, he began unwrapping the bandage again. As he removed the cloth, he saw the broken off shaft of an arrow protruding about the width of a finger from the skin. Blood was seeping at a fairly fast rate around the shaft. He could also see part of the barb. Since the arrow was not protruding from the other side, Richard assumed it must have hit a bone.

  Blast the luck, Richard said silently. I hoped I could just fix it up with the medical kit. But, it looks too bad for that.

  Let’s face it, Rick, said Nickelo. I know you don’t like to use your emp-healing, but you’re going to have to if you want to help him.

  Richard looked over at the children. Both Brachia and Dren were staring wide-eyed at the wound. Richard had a feeling this was the first time they’d seen a serious wound up close. Still, they did not turn away, and neither one cried.

  Tough kids, Richard said privately. I guess it’s time to see if I’m as tough.

  Reaching into his dimensional pack, Richard pulled out a pair of pliers. He knew this was going to hurt.

  After removing a glove, Richard said, “Okay, Sam. This is how it’s going to work. I’m an emp-healer. I’m going to wrap your wound with Power. Then I’m going to pull out the arrow. You won’t feel a thing. Once I do that, your wound will be healed. Sounds easy, right?”

  The old gnome looked unconvinced.

  “I’m ready,” the gnome said through gritted teeth.

  Nick, Richard said privately. Take control of the battle suit when it comes time to pull out the barb. I’d appreciate it if you would get it out in a single pull.

  I’ve got you covered, Rick, said Nickelo.

  Richard grabbed Samanestra’s hand below the wound with his bare hand. Then he gently placed the pliers onto the nub of the shaft sticking above the gnome’s skin.

  “Ready?” Richard said.

  The gnome nodded.

  Richard wrapped the gnome’s wound with Power as he imagined how the arm would be if it was undamaged.

  Now, Nick, Richard said.

  The arm of the battle suit jerked quickly away from the gnome’s arm. A stream of blood shot into the air as the barb was torn out of the gnome’s flesh.

  “Argh,” screamed the gnome as he tried to pull his arm free.

  Richard held on tight. He pictured the now gaping hole in the gnome’s arm and compared it with how the arm should be. He drew half his Power back into himself.

  “Argh,” Richard gave a scream of his own as a white flash of pain shot up his arm.

  Richard barely noticed as the gnome stopped struggling and a look of amazement came over his aged face. Richard sensed the hole in the gnome’s arm closing over. When it was fully healed, Richard released his grasp and held his own arm to his stomach as he bent over in pain.

  Give it a few more seconds, Rick, said Nickelo. Just suck up the pain, soldier, and breathe through it. Ninety percent of your acquired wound should be healed within a minute or so.

  I hate emp-healing, Richard said silently over and over as the pain slowly subsided enough for him to be aware of his surroundings again.

  Dren and Brachia were next to him with their hands on his shoulders. Brachia was crying, and Dren’s eyes we
re moist.

  “Rick,” said Dren. “Are you all right? What can we do for you?”

  “I’ll be fine, kids,” Richard said with a weak smile. “It just takes a little out of me at first.”

  Samanestra flexed his hand a few times. “It’s healed completely,” he said. “Thanks. But, I thought you said it wouldn’t hurt. It hurt worse when you pulled the arrow out than when the blasted thing went it.”

  “Sorry,” Richard said. “I meant the healing wouldn’t hurt. I didn’t mean to imply the preparations beforehand were going to be pain free.”

  “Well, it’s healed,” said Remozorz. “What about you, wizard scout? I’ve heard of emp-healers, but I’ve never had dealings with any before. From your reactions, I can understand why you would be hesitant to heal.”

  “Yeah,” Richard said still wincing from the residual pain in his forearm. “It’s no great thrill, that’s for sure.”

  “Rick,” said Dren pointing. “What’s that on your neck?”

  Richard reached up and tentatively touched the right side of his neck where it was exposed. He touched something soft and wet. It hurt when he made contact.

  “Oh,” Richard said. “I guess it’s one of the blisters. I must have popped it when I was healing Sam.”

  “There’s more than one, Rick,” said Dren with alarm. She drew closer and tilted the back of his helmet up to expose the back of his neck more.

  “Rick,” Dren said, “the back of your neck is covered with blisters. Take your helmet off so I can see them better.”

  “Dren,” Richard said, “I don’t think this is the time for –”

  “Take your helmet off, Rick,” Dren said with unexpected force. “Brachia and I aren’t taking another step until you do.”

  Better do it, said Nickelo privately. You’re blistering up pretty bad. I was keeping the inside of your suit lubricated when it was sealed to try and prevent the blisters from popping. But, when you unsealed your battle suit, that plan went out the window.

  Reluctantly, Richard removed his battle helmet. Dren made him sit on the stool he had provided for Samanestra. Dren oohed and aahed as she checked him over.

  “They go down the back of your armor,” said Dren. “Doesn’t it hurt?”

  “A little,” Richard admitted. “I think Nick’s been keeping me drugged with some local anesthesia.” Richard unconsciously flexed his back. Pain registered all along his back. “I think it’s beginning to wear off, though.”

  I had the pain killer mixed in with the lubricant, said Nickelo privately. I calculate it’s wearing off now.

  Thanks for the timely update, buddy, Richard said. It’s really starting to hurt now. Even the back of my legs are burning.

  Hmm, said Nickelo. I suppose unsealing your battle suit wasn’t such a good idea. It exposed the blisters to contaminated air. I’d suggest a thick application of R6 burn cream. Unfortunately, your battle suit’s only equipped with an R4 level cream. It’s too bad you haven’t got your self-healing yet. Those burns would be as good as new by now.

  I told you I’m tired of hearing how great things will be after I get my DNA baseline, Richard said. Personally, I’m beginning to think I’ll be dead long before that happens.

  Dren said something.

  “What?” Richard said.

  “Are you deaf, Rick?” said Dren. “Or are you just ignoring me? I’ve asked you three times to take your top off so I can check out your back.”

  “First off,” Richard said, “I don’t think that will be necessary. And, if you must know, I am a little hard of hearing when I’m not wearing my helmet. That’s a professional hazard when you work around things that make big booms.”

  “Well,” said Dren unimpressed. “I’m sorry about your hearing, but nevertheless, take your top off. We need to see how bad your back is. Isn’t that right, Remozorz?”

  “She’s right, wizard scout,” said Remozorz. “We may as well see how bad it is now. It won’t get any better keeping it hidden. And, Dren, why don’t Brachia and you call me Rem. You’re tongue isn’t used to the way my people pronounces its z’s, and to be honest, you are butchering my name.” As she finished speaking, she gave Dren a smile to let her know she wasn’t serious.

  “Fine,” Richard said. “But, I’m going to let all of you know right now, I’m not taking my pants off, so don’t even ask.”

  “Whatever,” said Dren. “Now, off with the top.”

  Richard unsealed the front of his armor top and gingerly took it off. Dren took his battle helmet and shown the light on his back. Richard heard a sharp intake of breath. He looked over his shoulder. Dren and Remozorz were whispering together.

  “Uh, it’s not too bad, wizard scout,” said Remozorz. “Dren says you can summon some medicine to help with burns. If I may be so bold, I’d suggest summoning a lot of it.”

  “If you guys are trying to make me feel better,” Richard said, “you’re failing miserably.”

  Without another word, Richard pulled out a large container of R6 burn cream from his dimensional pack. He opened the can and began smearing the white paste on the back of his neck.

  “You’re missing some of the blisters,” said Dren. “Give it to me. I’ll do it.”

  When Dren tried to grab the can, Richard pulled it out of her reach.

  “No way,” Richard said. “I’ll do it myself, thank you very much.”

  “I think our wizard scout is shy,” said Samanestra. “Here, let me do it. I had to lower my pride enough to let you help me, wizard scout. So, you’ll just have to lower your pride enough to let me help you. Besides, even if you succeed in slopping that stuff on the back of your neck, you’ll never get it on all the blisters on your back.”

  Richard sighed. He didn’t mind helping other people, but he hated to ask for help for himself. But logic won over, and he meekly handed the can of R6 burn cream to the gnome.

  “Fine,” Richard said. “However, I wish the two of you would stop calling me wizard scout. My name is Rick or Richard. You can take your pick. And, I told you I’m not really a wizard scout yet. I’m just a cadet in training.”

  “Okay, Rick,” said Samanestra as he began spreading the cream liberally on Richard’s back.

  The gnome was none too gentle, and before long, Richard began to have second thoughts about refusing Dren’s offer to do it. But those thoughts didn’t last long before Samanestra said, “Now, off with the pants.”

  “I said I wasn’t –” Richard began.

  Dren came around and stood in front of Richard with one hand on her hip. She pointed a finger at Richard with her other hand and said, “Your back is a mess. It’s all blistered up. You should get down on your knees and thank Sam for trying to help you. If you don’t get some help with your burns, you’re going to be in sorry shape. You won’t be able to help yourself much less anyone else. You said yourself, you can’t self-heal, and your natural resistance won’t allow anyone else to heal you. So, toughen up soldier, and let Sam put medicine on your legs and wherever else he needs.”

  Wow, said Nickelo. I guess she told you.

  Put a lid on it, Nick, Richard said irritably. The burns were starting to hurt as the anesthesia wore off, and Richard was not in a good mood. How about keeping your comments to yourself? I’m not stripping naked in front of a twelve year old girl and some lady old enough to be my great grandma.

  After contemplating the situation a moment, Richard said, “Fine then. But, Remozorz, you take the kids up the road a hundred meters or so. I don’t plan on putting on a show for everyone.”

  “You know,” said Sam, “this is no great thrill for me either. I’m a respected mage, not a healer. But, sometimes you just need to do what needs to be done and get it over with.”

  “I know,” Richard said. He thought about how on his previous mission for ‘the One’ he’d had to take care of the elf while she was paralyzed. It had been no great thrill for either her or him.

  As Remozorz urged the children down the road
, Richard summoned a pullover hospital gown from his pack. He put on the gown and then removed his boots and pants. When he was ready, Sam had him summon another jar of the R6 burn cream. Then the gnome put a liberal coating of the cream where needed on his legs and backside.

  When all was done, Richard put his battle suit back on. Nickelo had him seal the suit. Once sealed, Richard felt a moist coolness cover his back and legs. The pain which had been steadily increasing was diminished until it was only a throbbing irritation.

  It’s going to be several days until it heals up, said Nickelo. You’ll feel a little stiffness until then.

  It is what it is, I guess, Richard said.

  Richard looked at Samanestra and said, “Thanks, Sam. Let’s catch up with the others.”

  Chapter 16 – The Elf


  They arrived at the gnome’s camp about midnight. Richard had expected a large encampment of soldiers. Instead, the camp consisted of two small fires with a lot of bedrolls spread out in a small area. Most of the bedrolls were occupied when they arrived. In all, Richard picked up thirty-eight lifeforms with his passive scan. This included the six guards spaced out around the perimeter of the camp.

  When they arrived, word spread quickly that Remozorz and Samanestra were back. After the initial greetings had died down, most of the camp’s inhabitants went back to their makeshift beds. It didn’t take long for Richard to discover that most of the soldiers’ equipment had been abandoned in the north when they fled the Northern Mages’ undead army.

  All of the camp’s inhabitants save one were gnomes. The lone exception was a male elf dressed in chainmail. The shiny metal of the chainmail caught and reflected the light from the nearby fires. The elf was as tall as Richard, and he was armed with a longsword and dagger. Richard got the impression the elf knew how to use them from years of practice. Even through the red of Richard’s visor, he thought the elf was handsome. From the elf’s attitude, Richard got the impression the elf thought so too. He seemed a little too cocky for Richard’s liking.

  “Rick,” said Remozorz, “this is Commander Kreathin. He is the leader of the elves’ expeditionary force from Silver Town.”


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