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Promise Me Forever

Page 49

by Janelle Taylor

  “How can I relax until I know Richard’s alive and safe? Why couldn’t we try to rescue him?”

  “The forces against us were too large, love. I’m sure Ramón and the others will take good care of him.”

  Rachel faced the man with crystal-blue eyes and pleasant features. “You and your men could have helped! How could you leave an American in such danger? Don’t you know or remember what the Spanish did to our sailors aboard the Virginius in ‘73?”

  “Yes, but we couldn’t interfere and create a nasty incident. America has taken a neutral stand for now. We’re American authorities, so we can’t risk provoking a war with Spain to save one man’s life. Richard Fleming is there by choice, just as you two were. That’s what we have to discuss. I was sent to capture you for gun-running and for possible connections to the murders of Phillip McCandless and George Leathers.”

  Chapter 23

  “That’s a lie!” Rachel refuted. “We didn’t kill anyone.”

  “If I’m going to help you two get out of this mess, you have to be totally honest with me. Tell me from the beginning, everything about you and what you’re doing here. Everything,” he stressed.

  Rachel looked at Dan in trepidation, but he advised, “Do as he says, love. We have no choice.”

  “But it might blacken Phillip’s memory,” she argued.

  “We can’t worry about that. Phillip got himself into this trouble with his eyes open wide. We have to clear ourselves.”

  “He’s right, Mrs. McCandless. The charges and accusations are serious. To save yourselves, you have to be honest with me.”

  “We didn’t kill George Leathers or my husband. You can’t have any evidence to the contrary, unless it’s forged or planted.”

  “What about gun-running?” Peter ventured. “Why are you two here?”

  “We had a clearance from customs to ship arms.”

  “I know,” Peter replied in a calm tone. “But to Haiti, not Cuba, where there’s a rebellion in progress.”

  “How do you know we didn’t drop off our cargo there before sailing here to visit my brother?” Rachel countered. “It’s not far away.”

  Peter was impressed by her courage and wits. “Carlos Torres and Joaquin Chavous brought you straight here to deliver arms and ammunition to Ramón Ortega, and we all know that to be a fact. What I don’t understand is why you’re claiming to be Richard Fleming’s sister.”

  “Because I am! I was Rachel Fleming before I married.”

  “No, you were Rachel Newman; that’s what I was told.”

  “Richard and I were born on White Cloud, our family’s cotton plantation in Georgia,” Rachel said. “He ran away from home in ‘69 because of our cruel Yankee carpetbagger stepfather. Our father and older brother were killed during the war. I ran away from home in ‘72 when I married William Barlow. He died, so I wed Craig Newman. After he died, I married Phillip McCandless last August. I haven’t seen or heard from Richard in six years. When I learned he was in Cuba, I visited with him. Is that a crime?”

  “Your mother’s name is?” Peter evoked.

  “Catherine Fleming Starger.”

  “Do you have other brothers and sisters?”

  “Rosemary is Richard’s twin, but she ran away the year after he did. We have two deceased brothers, Randall and Robert; one died in the war and one drowned after our mother married Earl Starger.”

  After the genial agent nodded agreement to each fact related, Rachel asked how he knew so much about her and her family.

  “I’ve been on this case since January, so I know everything about it” was his answer.

  Baffled, Dan inquired, “If you knew, why didn’t you stop it?”

  “Because the arms deal was my idea.” Peter observed the stunned reactions of both people. “America is publicly neutral and must appear to remain that way, so it gave us the means to supply arms to the rebels without involving the United States openly. I’m the one who found Phillip McCandless and gave the information to Richard; and he passed it on to Ramón Ortega as his idea. Since he was from Georgia, it was logical he knew such people and things.” He saw their astonishment increase.

  “Why would my brother and the rebels trust you?”

  “Because Richard and I are friends and partners. Richard Fleming is a special agent for the American government; he has been for years. He couldn’t tell you and risk destroying his cover; we need him in Cuba. She’s a major supplier of sugar and other products, so we have to protect our interests. And we also believe in their fight for independence.”

  “You’re telling me my brother is a secret agent for the United States?”

  Peter smiled and admitted, “Yes. That’s why I had to make certain you were his sister before I revealed anything to you.”

  Rachel was stunned. “How? When?”

  “After Richard left home, he spent some time in Athens, Augusta, and Savannah. He decided to hire onto a ship to seek adventures around the world. During one voyage, he docked in Charleston. From there, he took a sugar ship. He liked that trade and Cuba, so he kept it up; that’s how he learned to speak Spanish. We were in the same port one night when several bullies attacked me. Richard saved my life. We got to talking and became friends. I convinced him to become a fellow agent. We’ve done many missions together. Don’t worry about him; he’s smart and skilled. When things got hot in Cuba, since he knew the language and the island, he was assigned there fifteen months ago to spy and to protect American interests. He caused trouble with Spanish soldiers to catch the rebels’ eye and trust. He joined up with Ramón Ortega’s band and became close friends with him. Their biggest need was arms and ammunition. I found McCandless and passed word and money to him to make the deal. He sent Torres and Chavous to prevent him being recognized or connected to the deal. When problems arose and were reported to him, he alerted me to investigate.”

  “The million-dollar payment was from you, from our government?”

  “Partly from our government, from private businessmen with interests there, and from Cuban landowners who want freedom. After I got the information to Richard, he sent Torres and Chavous to make the deal in January and to pass along the advance. In February, your husband sent a message to Richard that he wanted out of the deal unless the balance was paid. Richard sent the same two men to deliver it on March twenty-third, but he alerted me to trouble. I met with McCandless. When they went to escort the shipment home on May thirteenth, they were told of more problems. They telegraphed their contact in Charleston, who sent a message to Richard on a sugar ship. That’s When Torres and Chavous took it upon themselves to do further checking on the partners and their families, to use the information as threats. They sent another message on May twenty-second. Richard received it on the twenty-seventh and alerted me again. I got the news on June second that McCandless was dead, the payments were missing, and his widow and partners were trying to renege on the deal. I reached Savannah on the third, after you’d sailed. The local authorities had sent for government help, because you’d fled the country out of their jurisdiction. Your stepfather reported you two were running guns to Cuban rebels, and the Chief told me you were a suspect in two recent murders and several past ones. He relished telling me your whole story. Naturally I couldn’t say I was already involved, so I sailed here to handle things.”

  Dan probed for clarification, “You found Phillip for them?”

  “That’s right. When he got nervous in February, I met with him, explained the situation, and convinced him to stay in the deal to help his country. That’s when he learned Richard Fleming was our contact, but he didn’t tell me his wife was Richard’s sister. From my study, I knew you as Rachel Newman. I doubt Torres and Chavous know Ricardo’s American name, or mentioned the names of the widow’s or her mother in their reports. I knew the rendezvous point, so I came straight here. You were already ashore. All I could do was wait and hope for the best.”

  Rachel was angered and accused, “If Richard is your friend and p
artner, why didn’t you rescue him?”

  “I told you, we can’t get publicly involved. Richard and I know the risks we take, and we accept them. He wouldn’t want me to destroy this mission. Besides, we couldn’t have gotten to him. We don’t know where the new camp is located. Right now, the jungle’s crawling with soldiers. The best way to. protect Richard is to leave his survival to his friends there.”

  “What about that clearance letter for customs?” Dan asked.

  “I was the one who supplied it.”

  Rachel realized that if the United States Government was at the heart of this matter and the money was lost on gambling, it would explain why Phillip had panicked after losing the advance; that would explain why he had demanded the balance to use to save himself and the deal. It also gave a reason for his moodiness toward the end. “How is Harrison Clements involved, and George Leathers? Did you approach them, too?”

  “Only McCandless; he was in charge.” Peter Garrett related the facts and his assumptions about every point and person, and they matched Rachel’s and Dan’s. “Tell me all you know and did,” the agent coaxed.

  Rachel and Dan complied, then she concluded, “Phillip must have been furious when Harry met with Richard behind his back. I’m sure Harry is responsible for those threats Phillip and I received. He might have the missing money.”

  “I have an idea how we can find out,” Peter hinted, then explained.

  “That’s clever,” Dan complimented the agent when he had finished. “What about us and the rest of the arms? We promised Richard we’d send them in a few weeks. If we fail, the rebels will either doubt him or they’ll send Torres and Chavous to harm us.”

  “I’ll take care of that, so forget about it. We have to protect you two and Richard’s cover. By the time I finish with Harrison Clements, I hope to have enough to see him hanged for murder and other crimes.”

  “You probably can add one more,” Rachel disclosed, then told him of her suspicions about the patented designs used. “If he forged those intimidating notes to me, he could have forged the licenses, and maybe Milton Baldwin’s loan agreement to steal the shipping firm from me also.”

  Dan explained her meaning as Rachel sipped water to wet her throat, dry from hours of talking.

  “We’ll know the whole truth soon. Don’t worry; I’ll have you two exonerated of gun-running after we dock. I don’t know what I can do about those other allegations, unless Clements exposes facts about them.”

  “You believe us?”

  Peter smiled and said, “Yes, Rachel, I do. You’re a very brave and smart woman. You’ve handled yourself well in this trying situation.” He turned to Dan. “How did you get enmeshed in all of this, Captain?” he asked.

  Dan had no choice except to use his original ruse, which he did. He would tell Peter Garrett the truth later and swear the agent to secrecy until he could tell Rachel everything in private and at the right time. He wanted to wait until all matters were resolved before he confessed his big secret. He didn’t want to say or do anything to repulse or hurt his love at this delicate time and when she was so distraught over her brother’s fate. He was amazed and pleased by the turn in events and relieved they’d done nothing illegal. Yet, Phillip’s initial motives and the money were still missing…

  As they completed their conversation, Dan realized that Peter obviously had not checked the details of Phillip’s deceased family, as the agent hadn’t seemed to know the name Daniel Slade. If he had, Peter surely would have queried the similarity.

  By the time both ships anchored at Grand Bahama Island for fresh water on Sunday, June thirteenth, Rachel, Dan, and Peter had talked of their plans many times. Peter dismissed the other ship with orders to return to its home port while he stayed aboard the Merry Wind with two of his agents who would help entrap Harrison Clements in a few days.

  At a lovely lagoon, Dan and Rachel were given their first real moments of privacy since anchoring at Cuba. She had used Luke’s cabin while the three men shared Dan’s larger quarters. At last, they were alone. The location was verdant and dense with tropical vegetation, trees, vines, and exotic flora. The setting was sultry and humid. Lacy ferns and feathery palms were stirred to life by a breeze that swept through the area in a rush. Wonderful smells clung almost intimately to the still air left behind. Unfamiliar flowers and blossoms on plants and vines decorated their romantic surroundings with color and beauty. The pool was an aquamarine shade, and most enticing. Their awakened senses took in nature’s splendor, then each other.

  As they embraced and kissed, she murmured against his lips, “It’s been so long since we could touch like this. I’ve missed you.”

  “With Peter in on the case, we’ll be free of all entanglements soon. Maybe he can help extricate you from those other troubles.”

  “I don’t know how, Dan; they’ve been hanging over my head for years. If someone else is to blame, how could he find out and prove me innocent?”

  He tenderly cuffed her chin. “After he’s done with Harry, we’ll turn over the notes and papers to him,” he told her. “Maybe he has skilled men who can unravel the riddles in them.”

  Rachel didn’t want to build up false hopes. “That would be wonderful. I want to be free and clear of all suspicions.”

  He gazed into her eyes. “When you are, will you marry me, woman?”

  “I haven’t proven myself yet,” she reminded.

  “Well, let’s get busy taking care of that right now,” he jested.

  “Do with me as you will,” she sighed seductively.

  “How could any man resist an offer like that?”

  Rachel’s lips touched his, brushing them lightly with hers. Dan’s arms banded her body and drew it close. It was nearing dusk, so they had little time to stay there. Both were aware of how long it had been since they’d made love with blissful abandon. Their hungers raged, and neither wanted to rush these precious moments, but they knew they must.

  They parted to remove their clothes, too much in love and ensnared by passion to be modest. Dan bent forward to kiss the tip of each breast before traveling up her neck to tease her ear, then ravenously devour her parted lips. They kissed and caressed, stroking and stimulating each other. Their tongues moved with skill and eagerness. They were intoxicated and entranced by each other.

  The palm of his hand moved over one breast in a circular motion to enflame and tauten it even more than it was, then went to the other to do the same. He used his mouth to sear fiery kisses and burning caresses over her quivering flesh. The sea captain voyaged over her bare shoulder, the hollow of her throat, and the pulse point that told him how aroused she was. His lips tasted and explored her sweet desire and heady surrender. He wanted to stir her to greater heights before he joined their bodies.

  Rachel’s arms were around him, and her hands drifted up and down his back. She enjoyed the hardness and suppleness of his muscles and skin. Her body tingled and smoldered from his touch. He was tantalizing and pleasuring her from head to toe. She was glad she didn’t have to battle her need for him. She had longed for this staggering contact for days.

  Dan’s body was aflame with need, too, and scorching desire. Every place he touched with hands or lips was responsive. He yearned to bring every inch of her to awareness and blazing life. He was enchanted by the way she gave him free rein over her body and will with such deep love and trust. Her nearness was driving him wild. Her skin was as silky as a satin ribbon, its olive hue glowing healthily. Every part of her called out to him to touch it and adore it. Rapturous sensations assailed him as her hands wandered over his body. When his mouth fastened to hers, she slipped a hand into his hair to hold him there a while longer. He loved her and wanted her to be his forever.

  Rachel felt enslaved to the man who had captivated and mastered her emotions, wits, and will. He was so giving, gentle, and caring. With every part of her, she wanted him completely, now and forever. She used her voice, newly acquired skills, and reactions to tell him so.
br />   Dan’s fingers roamed across her flat stomach to seek the brown forest and the vital peak that summoned his exploration and craved his attention. He wanted to warm himself in the steamy core. Soon, he had her writhing with unleashed passion, as was he.

  Rachel’s fingers roved his torso with delight, then trekked lower to stimulate his flaming need to a brighter and higher level. She teased down his sleek sides and captured the prize of love’s war that could send her senses spinning beyond reality, beyond resistance or withdrawal. With gentleness, she stroked it and absorbed its warmth. She created more heat and strength. She thrilled to his prowess and response. Intense joy filled her when his body shuddered and she heard a groan of pleasure come from deep within his chest.

  Unable to restrain themselves further, they fused their bodies. Dan tried to move with leisure and caution, but Rachel urged him to move swiftly and urgently, as she did. They rode the undulating waves of love’s sea, reveling in its dips and crests.

  Rachel sensed the strain he was experiencing to give her release first. She arched to meet every thrust, but allowed him to set their pace. She let him know when she reached the precipice. She labored with him as she fell over esctasy’s edge, then he quickly pursued her into the swirling depths.

  Their mouths meshed when the triumphant moment arrived. They kissed and caressed until every sensation of the glorious moment was extracted. Afterward, they bathed and returned to his ship.

  On Tuesday afternoon, they docked in Savannah. Rachel and Dan stayed aboard the Merry Wind while Peter Garrett went to see Police Chief Anderson. The couple waited anxiously until the agent returned.

  When he did, Peter grinned and told them they had been cleared of gun-running charges: he had convinced the chief that Earl Starger had misunderstood what he overheard. The ecstatic couple listened as he related, “Anderson’s investigator wasn’t pleased you’d left town, Rachel, and made quite a fuss about it. I asked to view the evidence against you, and they don’t have one piece or even a clue to incriminate you. I pointed out they couldn’t arrest you or limit your movements without any to base it on. That investigator said they had intended to exhume McCandless’s body to have it examined, but the doctor told them it was too late to accurately determine the cause of death. I made it clear the United States Government would be interested in a case they kept open and a citizen they harassed without a verifiable reason to do so. After our little chat, they understand suspicions and gossip don’t count in the legal system.”


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