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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2)

Page 20

by Audrey Storm

  After lunch she did her reading time with the kids and tucked each of them in for naptime. It was the time she usually scheduled for the next week. At this rate she would have the next three years planned. Today though she pulled out the journal she hadn’t written in since she went through chemo and decided to write. It had been awhile.

  The next thing she knew Missy was rubbing her eyes and yawning. “Miss Charlie is it almost time for mommy to come yet?”

  She looked at the clock and gasped. The time had really gotten away from her. “It sure is, Lil’ Miss. In twenty minutes or so, Mommy will be here to pick you up.”

  She nodded and scampered back to her cot and wrapped her blanket around her shoulders. Missy was always the first awake and the first to leave. She only had five kids left. Then it was time for her to go to her dad’s for Ash’s welcome home party. She had a feeling he wasn’t going to be happy about being crowded by a lot of people.

  Charlie began her clean up ritual as parents started to pick up their children. Missy ran up to her and hugged her tightly just like she did every day. It was the best part of the day. She loved the hugs and affection each child so willingly gave her. It was slowly healing her broken heart. Not being able to have children of her own was a big deal. She wanted to be a mom more than anything in the world. Knowing she couldn’t create life made her feel like she wasn’t a full woman any longer. It was the whole reason she stayed away from men. She hadn’t found one she was willing to take a chance on.

  By the time Andy, the little boy who cried for over half the day every day, left Charlie was exhausted. It happened all the time. She’d get tired out of nowhere and then panic, but she had to stop worrying about the cancer coming back and live because if it did come back she didn’t want to have any regrets.

  Jessie and Stacey met her at the door.

  “So who was the angry hunk that came by earlier?”


  “Who’s he?”

  “A friend.” She certainly wasn’t going to explain him.

  “He’s hot and was super determined to see you.”

  “He’s on leave from the military. He just found out that I was sick.”

  Stacey paled. “He didn’t know about the cancer?”

  “No, I never told him. He didn’t need to be worrying about me while he was deployed.”

  “Wow. Well, have a good night, Charlie. See you next week.”

  “Yep.” She walked out to her car and smiled. She didn’t like how excited she was to see him. The more she tried to tell herself that she didn’t want a boyfriend—that she didn’t want anyone to suffer because of her, and the fact that he was family—the more she did want him. She had chosen not to write him for that reason. She knew she would have crumbled and cried to him had she kept in contact after he left. She realized now she should have written him some, but promised this time when he left she would. Every soldier needed to get letters. It was something to look forward too during the chaos.

  The drive to the family home seemed to drag. She didn’t even bother going home to change first. She parked in the driveway and made her way inside with the gift she had carefully picked for him. She remembered him telling her he loved reading poetry, and she had found a special edition of Hemingway. It was in great condition and something she had thought about. She hadn’t even known he was coming home. She’d bought it for his birthday and was going to have Diana send it with her gift. Instead she’d get to give it to him. It had been in her trunk for weeks wrapped up tightly. She just hadn’t gotten around to giving it to her stepmother.

  Chapter 4


  I sat with Ma and Ted, waiting for Charlie. Ma had caved and told me she had planned a homecoming party, but then realized I probably wasn’t in the mood to party, so she decided to have an intimate family dinner first and before I left she planned to do something big. It was a last minute change, apparently.

  When Charlie came in, she frowned and set something on the counter. “What happened?”

  Ma smiled and shrugged. “I cancelled the big party until we send him off again. I figured a family dinner would be more appropriate.”

  “I see,” she said and shrugged picked up what she had put on the counter. “Well here’s your birthday gift. It’s a bit early, but I want you to have it now.” She handed me a neatly wrapped gift.

  “Thank you, Charlie.” I opened her gift and gasped. Yes really, and then I gasped again when I opened the cover and realized it was a special edition. “Are you freaking kidding me, I’ve been searching for this. I have all the others.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah, this one has been a bitch to find.”

  “Oh well I found it months ago, and I was hoping you’d like it. I remembered you telling me he was your favorite.”

  “Damn straight.” I stood up from the table and pulled her into a hug. I didn’t care about our parents being around. They might as well get used to us being together because if I had my way after tonight she’d be mine. I wasn’t a patient man, and I felt no need to play games. Life was too short. I saw that on a daily basis, and after finding out about her sickness I felt a need to be with her even more than ever. She hugged me back for a few wonderful seconds but then pulled back with red cheeks.

  “It’s not a big deal.”

  “It is totally a big deal, thank you.”

  Then, taking advantage, I kissed her cheek before going back to my seat. The whole time her dad eyed me curiously and Ma’s eyes watered like she knew what was going on. Hell, she did. I never hid anything from her. Not like she did me. Charlie seemed at a loss until her dad cleared his throat.

  “Well, let’s eat. I’m starving.”

  Charlie laughed and sat down, her discomfort receding. “You’re always starving, aren’t’ you?”

  I patted my hard stomach. “Hell, yeah. I’m still a growing boy.”

  Her dad laughed and shook his head. “You’re no boy any more, Ash.”

  “Nah, but I still eat like I did when I was sixteen.”

  “Better be careful or it will catch up to you,” he said and patted his own belly.

  “I’ll keep it in mind.”

  Ma got up and Charlie followed her into the kitchen. Her dad turned serious. “She’s fragile, Ash. If you aren’t serious about her then keep your dick in your pants. Charlie has been through a lot, and normally I would want to tear you apart for all the things you’re thinking, but I know you’re a good man, and that’s what she needs. I’ll also admit I’m not too comfortable with the idea of you two together right now. Please refrain from putting your hands all over her in front of me.”

  My eyes widened. I guess I wasn’t too discreet with how I felt. “Yes, sir. And for the record, this isn’t a new feeling I have for her. Also we aren’t blood-related. You married my mother and we were both already adults. There should be no reason to have an issue with us being together, but I’ll respect your wishes.”

  The women came back and our conversation was cut off. He nodded but the frown was still present. I knew it would be tough to win her dad over. I got that people might think it was weird, but mostly no one had really put it together, and probably wouldn’t, and if they did he didn’t care. It wasn’t like we had any of the same DNA. Frankly, it was nobody’s damn business. It wasn’t against the law.

  I watched her every move and the more I watched the more I wanted to be alone with her. I was ready for the dinner to be done so I could follow her home. I had every intention of showing her just how much I wanted her. I’d wanted to taste her lips even back then, but the one time I tried to kiss her before, she’d pulled away and then didn’t see me for nearly a week.

  I knew she could feel my stare, and she did a good job of ignoring me. I sat back and listened to Ma talking. I wanted the kind of love our parents had. They were so loving and sweet that it was on the verge of being sickening, but I still wanted that feeling. I knew I could have that with Charlie.

lasted an hour too long, and then of course Charlie had to help Ma clean up. By the time they were done I had enough of sitting around. Her dad hadn’t talked to me much after his warning. I respected him, but she was a grown woman. If she didn’t want to be with me, she’d had to tell me. Then the reasoning would have to make sense, because I was determined, and I could argue my way out of pretty much any circumstance.

  Finally she came into the kitchen and hugged her dad and kissed him on the cheek. She glanced at me and waved. “See ya tomorrow, right?”

  Yeah. I had forgotten about our dinner. She’d see me tomorrow all right. When I woke up next to her. I’d have the whole day with her. I smiled. “Yep. Are you heading home?”

  “Yeah, I’m pretty exhausted.”

  “Let me walk you out.”

  She shook her head. “That’s okay.”

  I stood up. “No, I insist.”

  She shrugged and waved at Ma before walking outside. I placed my hand on her lower back just because I needed to touch her and led her to her car.

  “You really didn’t need to do that. I was capable of talking myself to my car.”

  “I know, but I wanted to ask you somethin’.”

  She unlocked her door and faced me. “Sure?”

  “Can I follow you home?”

  Her eyes widened. “Ash, that’s probably not a good idea.”

  I crowed her against the car. “Why not, Charlie?”

  She licked her lips. “Because I think I have an idea on why you want to come home with me.”

  I braced my hands on either side of her and brushed my body against hers. I didn’t miss her shudder or soft intake of breath. “I think you’re right, but I don’t think it’s a bad idea.”

  I decided it was now or never. I took the plunge hoping it didn’t back fire and brought my lips to her essentially cutting off her argument. She made a sound of surprise, but then she kissed me back. It was soft and sweet and fucking ended much too soon. Her lips were perfect. The feel of her heart pounding against my chest was all I needed to know. She felt the same way for me. No matter what she said I wouldn’t let her run form me.

  I kissed her deeper and gripped her hip with one hand yanking her closer. My tongue slid into her mouth, and I explored every inch before I pulled back. “What’s your address sweetheart?”

  Her eyes were unfocused and her lips were puffy. “235 Lexington Drive. Small white house.”

  “Thank you,” I replied and kissed her again. “I’m going to stick around for a few, but I’ll be over in a bit.”

  She nodded and I backed away and opened her door. She slid inside and I leaned in pecking her lips before shutting her door. Oh yeah, I could get used to this. Her lips were soft and inviting, and I couldn’t wait to take her the way I’d been dreaming of for years now. She was as good as mine.

  Chapter 5


  As soon as Charlie got home, she went into a small panic. She let him kiss her, and it was even better than she could have ever imagined. He was domineering and in-your-face and she loved it. She loved how he kissed her silly. She loved how it felt to have his hand on her hip and the feel of his lips on hers. There was no denying any of that, but there was a bigger issue. If it was just some sort of fling could she handle seeing him when he was home? She didn’t think so. She wasn’t the one-night-stand or even the fuck-buddy type of girl. She knew when she picked a man to be with it was going to be it for her.

  Growing up before her mother died she knew that her parents loved each other, but when her dad met Diana she knew for the first time was real, unconditional love was. There was a spark in her dad that she saw that hadn’t been there with her mom.

  She stripped off her work clothes and got into the shower. After a long day she was really ready to put on her flannels and crawl into bed, but her heart thumped with excitement knowing Ash was coming. She felt like a giddy teenager waiting for the boy to call. It was ridiculous especially when nothing could come of it. They could be friends, but they could not be lovers, or even anything more than that. She hadn’t had sex or any sort of intimate relationship since before her cancer, and even then her experience was limited. She was surprised she’d even remembered how to kiss.

  After her shower she got dressed in her sexiest pajamas anyway, which still weren’t sexy and ran the comb through her dark hair. She heard the doorbell and her stomach dropped. Nerves filled every part of her body as she made her way to the door. She shouldn’t have been so nervous. When she opened the door Ash stood there smiling at her.

  “I’m glad you waited. Ma got to talking and you know how that can go.”

  She nodded and gestured for him to come in. “Yeah, your mom can really get going, but you know what, that’s one of the best things about her. She certainly knows how to distract.”

  Ash followed her inside and she shut and locked her door. He made himself right at home slipping off his shoes and walking into her tiny living room. Plopping on the couch he stared at her while she stood awkwardly. She was unsure of what to do. She’d never had a man other than her father in her house. It felt different.

  “Well get over here, Charlie.”

  She nodded and went over to her small couch and sat next to him. Immediately he grabbed her hand and held it. “I’m so glad to be home.”

  Easy subject. “I’m surprised you get a break. I thought you had to put in a lot more time before you were able to go home for weeks at a time.”

  He shrugged. “I’ve earned it I suppose. It’s actually time for me to decide if I’m going to reenlist.”

  “It’s only been six years.”

  “Yea, well they do all even-numbered years. I originally signed up for six when I first started. It’s nearing seven, that’s why they sent me home. They wanted to give me time to decide on whether or not I wanted to sign up for another round.”

  “Do you?”

  He looked at her with something in his eyes. They shined with both happiness and caution. “That’s yet to be determined. There are some factors that will affect my decision.”

  She nodded. “It’s not a decision to make lightly.”

  “Yeah I know, but sometimes there is other things more important. I’ve been debating a lot and now even more so.”

  Charlie smiled, but it was a small smile. “You can’t base your decision on me, Ash.”

  “You don’t get to tell me what I can and can’t do. I am basing it on you, and I’m sorry if that makes things difficult for you, but let’s be honest here. I was in love with you before I was deployed the first time, and now that I’ve seen you again, I know I still am. It’s been three years since I’ve talked to you I know, but that wasn’t by my choice.”

  She didn’t miss the hurt in his tone. “I’m sorry I never wrote Ash, I knew if I did I would tell you about being sick, and I couldn’t risk you getting hurt or ruining your career because of me.”

  She could see he really didn’t get it. “If I would have told you that I was sick what would have happened? You would have been distracted.”

  He nodded. “You’re right I would have been, but at least I would have known. I would have had the option to be there for you. I’m glad Ma helped you, but it should have been me.”

  Charlie shook her head. “No your mom did great. I wouldn’t have wanted you to see me that way. It worked out the way it was supposed to, and now you’re back for a few weeks, and I’m healthy again.” She leaned her head back and turned facing him. She didn’t understand why he was so upset. He would have gotten himself killed if she would have written him in a letter that she had cancer. That would have been stupid on her part and instead of seeing him now—well she didn’t want to think about what would have happened.

  He brushed her cheek with his thumb and leaned in. She held her breath until his lips touched hers. At first he moved them slowly as if experimenting. She closed her eyes and let go even knowing she shouldn’t have. She should have put a stop to it before it got started, bu
t the feel of his tongue tracing her lips—and she was a goner.

  Chapter 6


  I groaned when she opened her mouth allowing me to kiss her deeper. She moved her lips slowly against mine as if she didn’t quite know what she was doing. It made me wonder and I pulled back.

  She opened her eyes slowly smiling softly at him.

  “Have you been with anyone since you’ve gotten better?”

  She shook her head and licked her lips. “Not since before I got sick, before you left.”

  My eyes went wide. “Wow.”


  I nodded and kissed her again. I knew I’d have to go easy on her, and since it had been so long for me, I knew the first time wasn’t going to be that long. That just meant I had to make it perfect. I had to have her there before I slid inside of her heaven. Pulling away I tugged her to me. She was hesitant. “Come ‘ere.”

  She nibbled her lip.

  “Don’t say no, Charlie.”

  Instead of saying no she straddled my lap, and I groaned as soon as I felt the heat against me. She rubbed against me and gasped when she felt how hard I was from just one kiss. That’s all it took with her. She was beautiful and perfect for me. Her curves were beautiful, and her tits were fucking fantastic as they pushed against my chest. I looked down to see the tops peaking over her bra. Instinctively I ran my hand up her side and cupped the underside of one loving the weight of it in my hand. She was built like a woman should be.

  Her thighs squeezed mine, and when I gripped her ass pulled her tighter against me her head fell back. I took advantage and licked up the side of her neck before kissing her jaw.

  “I don’t know if I can do this Ash,” she said and then moaned when I found her lips again. I would fight every argument she gave me. There was no denying she wanted me.

  “Yes, you can.”

  Then my fingers slid up her bare, dark skin, and she shivered when I unclasped her bra. It was time to change rooms, but I was worried to stop in case she changed her mind. “Let’s go to your room.”


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