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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2)

Page 31

by Audrey Storm

  “Wow,” he whispered and she nodded. He had read her mind.

  “Wow,” she echoed.


  Dalia was not very sure what it was that she was feeling after hooking up with Kyle. But one thing was for sure. She did not regret it or anything that had transpired in London. If anything, it had been most fun she’d had in days. Well, she did miss out on the Finch and Lindgren presentation but at least she had spent the entire time cradled in Kyle’s arms. Surprisingly, the two had only made love twice in the six day period the convention lasted despite the fact that they spent most of the time together. By the time they got back to Seattle, she was still trying to figure out how life at the office was going to be now that she had literally crossed the line. But then again, they both had. She and Kyle had taken different cars back home mostly because she knew that if she rode with him, she would have ended up back at his place. Probably indefinitely.

  It was a little after eight in the evening when she finally walked into her apartment. She immediately smelled the familiar aroma of her best friend’s Kris’ beef stew.

  “Dalia, is that you?” Kris called from the kitchen as Dalia kicked off her shoes.

  “Yeah, it’s me.”

  She made her way barefoot to the kitchen and looked at Kris who was at that moment removing the apron she had on.

  “You are just in time. Beef stew and fresh baguettes.”

  Dalia sat down and Kris walked round to where she was to give her a hug.

  “I missed you.” She pulled away and looked into Dalia’s tired eyes. “How was London?” she asked as she walked round to the other side of the counter and got two bowls.

  “A lot like home, really. Rain…so much rain and confusion.”

  Kris looked up from the steaming pot and shrugged.

  “Confusion?” she asked.

  “Let’s just say that I will not be driving in the UK any time soon,” Dalia said smiling.

  “Ah…that. You should have seen me when I was on safari three years ago. Every single time I was in the car I had a minor heart attack,” Kris said as she pushed one bowl of stew towards Dalia. “Bon appetit.”

  “This looks amazing, Kris. Thank you.”

  “I knew you would be tired from the whole trip and your fridge had basically nothing. So…”

  Dalia smiled at her.

  “You know what I really don’t get? How come every time I am at your place I am always the one cooking?” she said as she got off the counter and rinsed her hands off.

  “Well, that is something that we are going to be talking about later. After you rest up and tell me which new British hottie you hooked up with,” he said. Dalia sat back down and took a bite of the bread.

  “New recipe?” she asked and Kris shrugged.

  “Just added a dash of something,” she said. “And stop changing the subject.”

  “So now I can’t even appreciate good food?” Dalia asked, pretending to be hurt.

  “Well, this is classic you.”

  “What is?” Dalia asked.

  “This whole thing you are doing right now,” Kris pointed out just as Dalia’s phone vibrated in her pocket. “You are trying to avoid the topic of conversation here.”

  “Let me get this and then we will talk.” Dalia looked at her phone and she couldn’t help but smile when she saw Kyle’s name. “Hi,” she said when she picked up.

  “Hey. Got home okay?” Kyle asked and Dalia nodded, as if he could see her.

  “I did and I found a perfect little surprise waiting for me in the form of my best friend cooking in my kitchen.”

  Kris rolled her eyes at her.

  “And here I was willing to offer you a perfect dinner.”

  Dalia grinned even wider and she got off the stool she was seated on.

  “How about tomorrow?” she asked as he walked towards the living room. “I am not about to pass on a great breakfast if you’re offering.”

  “Unfortunately, I just got a call. I will be heading to New York in the morning,” he said and Dalia felt like she had just been punched in the gut. “I should be back in a couple of days. Three at the most.”

  “Then I will see you when you get back,” she said, leaning against one wall.

  “I miss you already, Dalia,” Kyle said in a whisper.

  “I miss you too.”

  She was smiling as she said the words.

  “Good night Hayes,” he said in a soft voice before she hang up.

  “Low voice, flushed cheeks….” Kris noted when she walked back into the kitchen. “Who’s the mystery man?”

  Dalia sat back down and took a bite of her stew.

  “Can we just eat first?”’ she asked as she looked at an ever curious Kris.


  What was initially supposed to be a three day work trip turned out to be even longer. Almost a two-week thing. It was on a Tuesday and Kyle had just landed that morning. Dalia had not even had the time to get excited because she was supposed to be compiling a report for him. Just because she was sleeping with the boss, didn’t mean she was supposed to slack off when it came to work. She was still working on the report when Kyle called for her through the intercom. She sighed in desperation. She could almost imagine that he was going to ask for the report: a report that she was not even about to finish.

  “Hey, you called for me?” she asked as she poked her head through Kyle’s office doorway.

  “Yeah, come in,” Kyle said, standing up. As she looked at him, she realized that she had not seen him all day. Otherwise, she would have noticed the clean cut fitting blue suit he had on. “Lock the door,” he said in a commanding yet gentle voice.

  “Is everything alright?” Dalia asked. “I’m sorry but I still haven’t gone through the entire report from General Motors yet.”

  Kyle looked at her and drew the blinds.

  “You are not here about work, Dalia,” he said in a soft voice as he walked up to where she was. “You making your rounds in that dress…I needed to have you inside here. All to myself.”

  His eyes ran down her body covered in the black and white combination midi dress.

  “But we’re at the office,” she said and he shrugged.

  “Yes we are,” he said in a whisper as he stood right in front of her. She looked into his eyes and slipped an arm around her waist, pulling her close.

  “You have a meeting with the design team in a few minutes,” she said in a low voice as he held the back of her neck.

  “My design team,” he said in a whisper. “They can wait.”

  “Okay,” she said in a whisper as he swept her curly hair to one side so that he could kiss her sensitive neck. She closed her eyes and let out a soft moan as he ran his lips up her neck to her lips. She kissed him and fought the urge to moan as he pulled down her zipper. “Kyle, wait…” she muttered as she pulled away. But he was a little too consumed. All he could think of doing at the moment was just taking her. He didn’t want to talk. About anything. He pulled the dress down off her shoulders and looked at her breasts, threatening to burst out of the black satin and lace bra she had on.

  “I have not had you to myself since London and that was a whole ten days ago,” he held her waist and pushed her up against his mahogany desk. “I want you. Right now.” He hiked her dress up and gently caressed her thigh, one hand on her neck pulling her towards him. Pressing his lips against hers. He pulled away briefly and looked at her. And that was the moment that she realized that she wanted him just as much as he wanted her. She put a hand on his chest and climbed off the desk before she turned around and pushed him against it. He looked down at her as she ran her hands down his chest and finally to his waist to undo his belt buckle.

  “Dalia,” he started as she sunk to the floor.

  “Don’t speak,” she said in a voice that surprised even her. She pulled his pants down and then his boxers before she took his cock in her hand making him gasp. He exhaled loudly and held on to the edge of the desk as she
took him into her mouth. He had planned on taking her right on the desk and claiming her over and over again but clearly, she had a knack for flipping tables. She was taking his length deep into her throat. He threw his head back as he began bobbing her head on his crotch. Taking him deeper and deeper into her throat. She was moaning softly and he was trying as hard as he could not to make a sound. She cupped a feel of his balls and ran her tongue around the smooth sensitive head of his cock before she went on sucking him deeply. That was all he needed to push him over the edge. He gently pulled her up to her feet and kissed her lips deeply.

  “I can’t wait anymore,” he said as he pulled down her panties. “Don’t make me wait anymore.”

  He was begging and that was all she needed to resign herself to her fate. He turned her around and held her against himself so that he could fondle her breasts. He then bent her over his desk and gently pushed himself into her making her exhale loudly.

  “You are mine, Dalia Hayes,” Kyle whispered as he began moving himself in and out of her. “All mine.”



  The Doctor and I

  The Doctor and I

  Chapter 1

  I was nervous starting a new job. It wasn’t because I didn’t know what I was doing; it was because I’d finally left the only home I’d ever known just to get away from Jesse. After realizing the bastard was cheating on me, and still had the balls to put his hands on me, I finally woke up and realized I was a dumbass. For those few minutes, I allowed myself to wallow in my shame, and then I hardened my heart against men like Jesse—hell, men like anyone. I wouldn’t go down that road again.

  So here I was in a new town, with a new job, starting over again. The town was much bigger than my old town, but I hoped that living in a bigger area would help me get lost in the sea of other people. I wanted to settle somewhere and make my life away from Jesse. I’d been lucky finding a new job so quickly. It was fate. I hadn’t met the new boss yet, but his old nurse wished me good luck. It sounded like he was demanding, which was no issue for me. I was a hard worker, and I loved working with patients. It was everyone else that was the problem.

  I walked into the office and looked around the small waiting area. The doctor was a family physician and was one of the few that still took all types of insurance. His reputation around town was close to worship. Everyone loved Dr. Adams. He was a godsend. Seriously, I’d never heard so many people talk so highly of one man. I’d also learned that he was born and raised in Salexis, and was the town’s golden boy.

  The bell above the door chimed and the cool air washed over me. It wasn’t even eight in the morning and I was sweating. It was hot as hell so the cool air was great.

  “Hello?” I called. The office was silent. Shrugging my shoulders, I made my way down the hall until I came across a door with the doctor’s name. Without thinking, I opened the door and then, with wide eyes and a yell, jumped back, slamming the door. My face heated and I covered my eyes. Holy shit. I had just met my boss and saw him in all his naked glory. I’d only looked for a split second, but I would never forget his body. I tried and failed not to lick my lips. He was built, tan, and large—everywhere.

  I stalked back the way I came and plopped down in one of the chairs trying to calm my racing heart. It was definitely not the way to meet the man, and I realized it was my fault. Of course, I hadn’t knocked. I don’t know why, but I guess now I understood why the door was shut with an empty office.

  I kept my face covered, ignoring the heat, and I knew my cheeks probably matched my hair. I heard footsteps and a voice cleared. He was in front of me and I peeled my fingers away from my eyes and smiled sheepishly. “I’m so sorry.”

  “That’s why the door was shut. Haven’t you heard of knocking?”

  I heard more embarrassment than anger in his tone. “I know it was stupid, but I didn’t think—”

  “No, you didn’t. Now, who the hell are you, and why did you think it was okay to walk into my office unannounced?”

  I sat up and glared. I didn’t appreciate being talked to that way. “I’m Peyton Greene, Sir!”

  He paled and stepped back. “Oh.”

  “Yeah, ‘oh’. I said I was sorry, and be assured that it won’t happen again. So how about we start over like I didn’t just see all of you.” I scanned my eyes down his body and did my best to make him uncomfortable. He talked down to me, and I’m capable of playing dirty. No man would disrespect me again. Especially for something that was an accident.

  He nodded and kept his weary eyes on me. “I’m Dr. Kendrick Adams and your new boss,” he held out his hand and I recoiled.

  “Sorry, don’t know if you washed them,” I replied with a smirk and chuckled when he glared.

  “Of course I did. I’m not disgusting.”

  I laughed again. “Sorry, that was the last one. Maybe. I’m Peyton Greene, and I’m your new nurse. I figured I’d show up early to see how things ran around here. Apparently, it’s pretty laid back.”

  “I appreciate you com—showing up early. Things get hectic as soon as we open.”

  “All right, Boss. Shall we?” I gestured for him to show me around.

  I didn’t miss the heat in his eyes and rolled my eyes. I didn’t have time to stroke a man’s ego. I wanted to work, meet the patients, and go home to my new house and unpack. I’d only gotten into town late last night and needed to do a lot of work.

  “I take a lot of the lower income families and the elderly. We accept walk-ins and I turn no one away.” The seriousness in his tone startled me. I wasn’t surprised. I’d heard he was one of the best doctors in the country.

  “That’s great.”

  “Thanks, I work hard to make sure that everyone is seen. There are too many people who get turned away. It’s my way of giving back, I guess. I grew up here, and I know what it’s like to be poor.”

  I felt my smile widen. “I love that. My last office wasn’t so… kind or caring. In fact, I was blessed to find this opening when I did. I was glad to leave.”

  “Why’s that? Something tells me you left more than a job behind.”

  “Yep, and no, I don’t know you enough to talk about it—and just because I saw your junk doesn’t mean we’re besties now.”

  He rolled his eyes. “You’re gonna let me live that down, right? I’m a man who works a lot of hours. Sometimes I need a relief. It’s natural.”

  “Oh I know. Wasn’t the best first impression though. Makes you seem like a sex addict if you have to do it in the office before the day even starts.”

  “You’re not wrong.”

  I stumbled as he walked away chuckling. I wasn’t even sure if he was serious, but he didn’t give me a chance to ask. I hadn’t expected him be so—open. I shook my head. He was messing with me.

  Chapter 2

  Kendrick smiled when she stumbled. She’d thrown him off the moment he heard her tiny gasp when she’d caught him in the middle of getting off. Instead of chasing her, he finished. She wasn’t wrong about him. He was a very sexual man, and no one got in the way of his release. He should probably remember to lock his office from now on. Apparently his new nurse didn’t think knocking was important.

  She was hot as hell. She had that stern, sexy librarian thing going on. Her red hair was bright, long and slicked back into a tight ponytail on top of her head. Mixed with her bright green eyes covered by glasses, she was most men’s version of a wet dream. He struggled being around her. She smelled delicious and looked amazing with her large tits and a big ass that he’d love to spank. He wondered how long it would be before he would bag her, then run her off since he didn’t do relationships. She’d feel jilted. He shook his head. He didn’t fuck women in town—ever. So he sure as hell wouldn’t bag his new nurse, no matter how sexy he found her. People in town didn’t know about his private life, and he kept it that way for a reason.

  As far as everyone was concerned he was the best doctor around, and he didn’t date.
Everyone knew that. He never brought women home. None even knew where he lived. He was smart about his extracurricular activities. He’d do well to remember she was now a woman from town—meaning off limits. He sighed in relief. He kept to his rules easy, so it wouldn’t be hard to keep his hands to himself.

  “I am usually booked from open to close six days a week. Thursdays I’m never here. It’s my one day off. Leslie usually worked a few hours just in case. I don’t expect you to do that. She only did that because she needed the money, and she grew up here and loves the people.”

  “I can do that too if you want. I love helping people and since I don’t know anyone it’s not like I have any hot dates or anything.”

  He heard the bitterness in her tone and realized she’d been burned recently. “I see. Well, not until I trust you. Maybe after a couple of weeks. For now let’s just see how this is going to work. I need to know how well we’ll be able to work together.”


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