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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2)

Page 33

by Audrey Storm

  I moaned and cried, nearly sobbing when I was so close and he pulled out. I yelled, and he chuckled, kissing me before he dragged me to the floor. Then he hovered over me, watching me with an overwhelming intensity before sliding gently back inside of my pussy. I clenched around him and bit my lip to keep from crying out.

  Without prompting, I wrapped my thick legs around him, burying him deeply inside of me. When he was fully seated the motion changed. Instead of a fast pounding, Kendrick took his time and it was different. Still, he didn’t speak and I didn’t feel inclined to talk. I leaned my head back and shut my eyes, savoring the moment and avoiding his stare all at once.

  His wet tongue lapped at my nipples and I screamed when he blew over it. It was the last straw and brought me over the edge. Faster than I could grasp, my climax slammed into me and rocked through my body—hard. That was his cue and he sped up again ramming into me as he searched for his release. I lifted my hips as my body shook, and clenched my inner walls around his cock, pulling his orgasm on. He yelled out my name and poured his semen inside of me. It was then I realized something very stupid on both of our parts. We didn’t use protection. The irony wasn’t lost on me.

  He squeezed me tightly against him as he rocked into me. It was too intimate, but I didn’t want to ruin the moment so I went with it, knowing this was the one and only time I’d be with him. I gripped his face in my hands and kissed him sweetly. He didn’t fight it, but the kiss quickly heated and I felt him harden inside of me. Pulling back I laughed. “No time. I need to clean up.”

  He nodded and easily helped me to my feet. There were no words. The silence stretched between us as we both put on our clothes. I didn’t stick around and went to my own space, shutting the door. I would be embarrassed later. Especially because Jazzy had most likely heard it all. I blushed thinking about it and was ashamed. Things weren’t supposed to be like this, and of course I let my libido to overtake my rational mind. The sound of the doorbell was a relief. The tension left my body when I realized we’d gotten lucky. Thank fuck for small favors.

  Chapter 6

  She avoided him all day long. Kendrick wasn’t the type of man to sit back and be ignored. If he wanted something, he took it—period. The problem he found though, was that she was able to easily ignore him, like he hadn’t made love to her beautiful body. She acted like things hadn’t changed. He should have been freaking out because of his thoughts of wanting more, but instead he was freaking out because Peyton did everything she could all day long to stay away from him.

  He didn’t get it. The sex had been fucking unreal. She was the first woman he wanted to go back to. When he finally had gotten her alone, she kept her eyes down and didn’t give him a chance to say a word. Her phone went off, and instead of ignoring the call like he hoped, she picked it up. He hadn’t missed her grimace and chuckled, realizing she answered her phone to avoid him, and whoever was calling her wasn’t someone she wanted to talk to.

  She slid out of the room and quickly disappeared down the hall. It didn’t take him long to realize she regretted it. He shouldn’t have cared. It made his life easier since he’d broken his fucking rules for her. There wouldn’t be any mix of personal and professional. The one thing he worked hard to keep. No one in town knew of the things he did, and the women he slept with didn’t know anything about him. He fucked them, plain and simple.

  How come that bothered him now? Before meeting Peyton, he never had an issue with how he handled business. He was a sexual man, and he didn’t want any attachments. He didn’t want a whiny woman making expectations of him. He liked his freedom to do as he chose. He’d even gone so far as to pick a specific night of the week to go stay in the city away from home. He had an apartment and everything. He went to a bar or club, picked up a woman, took her home, fucked her, and then sent her on her way. She was never allowed to stay the night, and he was always in control. It worked.

  Until it didn’t. Peyton wasn’t someone he’d take to his apartment. She was someone he wanted to take to his bed. That thought alone shot a thrill right to his dick. He had been hard all day long. His poor dick didn’t realize he was getting the cold shoulder.

  The day was over, and by the time he finished his stuff, she was gone. Her car was gone, and he couldn’t help but wonder if she was gone for good. He hoped not and would hunt her down. She was an adult and couldn’t run from him. Kendrick Adams got what he wanted, and now he wanted Peyton. In his bed for as long as he could handle.

  He smiled. He probably just needed to have her another time to get her out of his system. It hadn’t ever happened before, but there was a first time for everything.

  * * * *

  The next morning, Kendrick waited patiently to see if he would have to go to her home and drag her in by her sexy long ponytail. Five till eight, she walked in and smiled.

  “’Morning,” she said and he watched, confused, as she made her way past him. There was no tension, no glare, and no bitter tone.

  He followed behind her, stepping into her office as she set her stuff down. “You okay?”

  She blinked her green eyes at him and nodded. “I’m good.”

  He watched her curiously. “Okay, get a room ready. I have a family coming in early. All five kids are sick. They’ll be here in a few minutes. Tammy has to work, so I see her before office hours.”

  “Okay, will do.”

  Kendrick left the room, shaking his head. She was a moody woman. One minute she was biting his head off, then she was kissing him, and then all day she ignored him. Now she came in acting like nothing happened. He was offended. She should have been blushing and batting her lashes at him, hoping for more. Right now, he didn’t have time to question her. Not with the five kids coming in. He had to be ready for a lot of crying and violence. Tammy’s children weren’t the most pleasant, especially when they were sick.

  Less than ten minutes later, Peyton stuck her head in his office. “The big family is here, and those kids are sick as heck.”

  He nodded. “I’ll be right there; you have them all set up?”

  “Yeah, did temps and updated their charts too.”

  “Thank you.”

  Her eyes widened in surprise before she walked away. He wasn’t that much of an ass, was he? She was too surprised that he was polite. Shit. She had already told him she didn’t like him. How the hell was he going to get her to come home with him? He wanted her desperately. Already he craved her touch, her kiss. It was pathetic. He stormed out of his office and took a deep breath before he went into the room. The room was littered with kids ranging from two to twelve. All five of them were pale and gaunt looking. He looked over the charts. All had fevers and then the littlest one vomited all over the floor. The flu. There wasn’t much he could do.

  “Hey, Tammy. The kids are definitely sick. I’m pretty sure it’s the flu, but let me check them out.”

  After he had given each kid a thorough exam, he didn’t have anything for her. It was the flu. It could last as little as a day or up to two weeks. “Sorry, honey. It’s the flu. All of them need to go home and get into bed. Try to keep liquids in them, and don’t be surprised if none of them eat.”

  “Shit, I can’t miss work, and who wants to watch five sick kids… no one.” Tears filled her eyes and before he could pull her into his arms to hug her, there was a small knock at the door.

  He opened it to see Peyton nibbling her lip. “I couldn’t help but overhear.” She licked her lips. “I could watch them. If you give me the day off, that is.”

  His eyes widened. Why would she offer to watch five kids she didn’t even know? She must have really wanted away from him. He didn’t like it at all, but Tammy heard her offer and stepped in front of him.

  Chapter 7

  “You’d really watch my kids so I can go to work?”

  I nodded. It was better than being cooped up with Kendrick. I could already feel myself suffocating with need. The need to touch him, feel his taut skin beneath my fingers.
  “I’ve got nieces and nephews. I’ve also got one hell of an immune system. You look like you could use a miracle today.”

  Tammy burst into tears and nodded. “I do so badly. Since their dad left it’s been hard.”

  I stepped into the room and pulled her into a hug. It felt good to be able to do something nice. “You’ll have to ask my boss if I can have the day off though,” I whispered and didn’t miss the glare.

  “No, it will be a paid day. You’re still working, just not in the office. Let’s call it a house call.”

  I could tell it was hard for him to spit the words out. I held back my triumphant smile and looked at the five sicklings. “Looks like I’m going home with you guys.”

  None of them looked thrilled, but they weren’t doing well so I wouldn’t hold it against them.

  “Tell Nurse Peyton ‘thank you,’ boys,” Tammy said sternly.

  “Thank you, Nurse Peyton,” they all said in unison. Their voices were low and raspy. It was heart-breaking.

  “Well, let me get my things, and I’ll follow you then.”

  “Thank you so much. I can’t even begin to really show you—”

  “We’re good. I’m glad I can help. Let’s get you home so you’re not late for work.”

  I carried my purse out of my office and smiled when Kendrick glared. He softened some but the heat was there. “Don’t think being a good person stops me from talking to you. I will be seeing you later—one way or another. Don’t try to hide from me.”

  I shivered from his tone and ignored the way my panties dampened by his command. I’d offered for two reasons. One, Tammy sounded desperate, and two, I needed to get away from the sexy man sending the sexiest smoldering look my way.

  I gulped and nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Dr. Adams.” Keep it professional. Yep, that was the best way to piss him off.

  He leaned in. “You’ll see me sooner than tomorrow.”

  “No, you won’t. I am your employee until five. After that, what I do is my business.”

  “I’ll just go to your house.” He ran a hand through his hair, frustrated.

  “That wouldn’t be appropriate.”

  “What we did in my office wasn’t appropriate, but that didn’t stop us, now did it?” he said through clenched teeth.

  I blushed and looked away. He was right. “Fine, I’ll come by here after Tammy gets home from work.”

  “Too late. I’ll be at your house when I’m done here. We need to clear the air.”

  I glared. “Fine, but don’t expect to come inside. We’ll talk outside.” I left out the ‘where it’s safe’ part of my thought.

  “Don’t think that will stop me from throwing you to the ground and having my way with you, Peyton.”

  I shook my head and went to walk away when he grabbed my arm. “I really just want to talk, okay?”

  “Fine. See you later.”

  I walked away. He was cocky. I couldn’t stand it. He knew exactly how to piss me off, which also aroused me. It was unreal. All night, I’d thought about what had happened and each time I thought of his hands on me, I felt the urge to do it all over again. I felt out of control. My emotions were out of whack. If I didn’t know better, I felt like a hormonal teenager, which was fucking stupid. He drove me crazy.

  Chapter 8

  Kendrick waited in his office. He knew Tammy wouldn’t be home for at least a half hour, and he was debating on his reasoning. Did he really want to go there? She didn’t seem happy that he was pushing himself on her, but there was something about her. He had to figure out what it was. He wasn’t used to feeling so out of control. She challenged him on every level. Yet he saw her as an equal.

  She was beautiful, sassy, hard, soft, and sweet. Even Leslie had never offered such help. He was amazed, even though he knew part of the reason she offered was to get away from him. It couldn’t have been the whole reason. No one offered to watch five sick kids just to avoid someone. She had a soft heart and had heard the desperation in Tammy’s voice. His respect for Peyton grew exponentially. He wondered how she fared with five boys all day long. He knew first-hand they were a handful.

  At six, he sighed. “Fuck it.” He left and drove over to the address he took from Peyton’s application. She had to know he wouldn’t forget and he would be there waiting for her to make sure she didn’t try to avoid him. He needed to talk to her, to get to know her.

  It wasn’t very professional and it definitely didn’t keep things separate like he preferred. The lines were blurring, and he wasn’t sure which side his feelings would land on. That was the point of making her talk. She fired him up and made him want things he always scorned. She made him want to be better. Fuck, he even apologized for being an ass. Not his thing.

  She didn’t live far from the office and when he parked in front of her house, he shook his head. He was on the verge of being her stalker, and at that moment, he didn’t even care how crazy that looked. All that mattered was seeing her, touching her soft skin and gripping those amazing hips, pulling her curvy body against his.

  He didn’t have to wait long to see her car pull into the driveway. He got out and stormed over to her car, before she even had the chance to get out, and yanked her door open. Her gasp and wide eyes did nothing to stop him from leaning in and undoing her seatbelt before pulling her out of the car. Wrapping her ponytail around his hand he tilted her head back and kissed her. It started of soft and slow, but her moan of approval sent him over the edge, and he pried her lips open and devoured her mouth, tangling his tongue with hers. His heart galloped in his chest, and his hand shook with need.

  She didn’t fight him and kissed him back with every bit of pent-up tension as he did. When she sucked his lip into her mouth, he pulled back, gasping for breath.


  He didn’t know, but it didn’t matter anymore. She was something special, and he knew she felt it the way he did. When she interlaced their fingers tugging him with her, he knew he’d finally met his match. She didn’t say a word, but there was no reason to say anything at all. He knew what was going to happen, and for the first time, it didn’t scare him that he would be spending the full night with a woman—in her territory.

  Chapter 9

  I took him into my home with no question as to what was going to happen. He’d kissed the life out of me, and even though I had a feeling that this was going to blow up, I couldn’t say no. Already, I felt myself growing warm for him.

  I loved how I didn’t have to talk. He didn’t need to hear what I wanted. He just knew. I led him down the hall to my room and spun to face him. “Now let’s talk.”

  I smirked when his eyes widened and sat on the edge of my bed.

  “We can talk later,” he said, and licked his lips when I pulled my shirt over my head.

  “Oh no, you said you wanted to talk. No, you demanded we were going to be talking. So tell me what was so important that it couldn’t wait until tomorrow.”

  “You’re not joking, are you?”

  “Nope,” I said, making the word pop.

  “Dammit, woman. Do you know how much I want right now?”


  “And you’re not going to budge.”


  Kendrick sighed and ripped his shirt off and slid his pants off. I watched him with hidden lust mixed with amusement.

  “We’ll fucking multitask then.”

  I shook my head, but it was tempting. “Talk.”

  “I want you. That’s what’s driving me crazy. I don’t usually want anything more than what we did already, but I find myself drawn to you. I want to know you. I also want to sink deep inside of that tight pussy.”

  I stood and undressed before climbing on the bed. “Well, what the hell are you waiting for? We’ll fucking multitask” I couldn’t help but repeat him.

  He nodded and then he was on the body, on me, over me, and then in me. I gasped at the intrusion and then sighed. He felt amazing and I had a feeling t
hings were about to get real.

  “I want to be with you. Try a relationship.”


  “Yes, I can’t promise more than to try. I won’t lie and feed you bullshit. I don’t know how good I’ll be at this. And that’s the honest truth.”

  I could handle that. He wasn’t declaring his love for me. Hell, he didn’t even know if he could handle it, but he was willing to try and his honesty was refreshing. “I’ll take it.” Then I kissed him, sealing the deal.



  The Italian

  The Italian

  “I’ll be fine,” Emma told her mother as she finished packing her suitcase. Emma had just finished high school and had spent the past two years working after school saving every penny she made so that she could take a trip to Europe. It had been hard, she watched her friends buying whatever they wanted, but in her heart Emma knew that what she wanted was this trip.

  Emma had never been away from her parents besides the occasional overnight visit with friends when she was little and this was her chance to get away and figure out who she really is.

  It wasn’t that she didn’t love her parents, but she was an only child and her parents were the definition of over protective.

  Emma knew that it was just because they loved her, but at the age of 18 she still had a curfew of 10 pm. She had never really dated because she knew her parents would freak out and it was even a challenge to get them to allow her to have a job.

  They told her that they would pay her bills, they would buy her a car, her clothes and so on but Emma knew even at the age of 16 that she had to get away. Even if it was for a short time she had to get away so that she could figure out who she was as a person and have a little bit of joy before she started college.


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