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ROMANCE: Bear Naked Passion (Billionaire Bear Trio Book 2)

Page 35

by Audrey Storm

  Emma climbed into the cab when it arrived and the driver took her to Dr. Nicolella’s office. Emma quickly paid the driver and headed into the building. As she walked through the door, she was hit with a blast of heat that made her feel as if she had stepped onto the sun.

  The doctor quickly opened the side door for her allowing her to access the examination rooms.

  “Uh, I sorry for hot,” the doctor said.

  Emma looked up at him, he was a beautiful man obviously just starting his career. He had dark skin, dark hair and the most beautiful brown eyes Emma had ever seen. She could tell by his physique that he worked out. He was everything that any woman would dream of and Emma quickly became aware of her appearance.

  The doctor led her to a room where he told her to put on a gown. She smiled at his broken English and nodded her head. She wished that she had met him under better circumstances and when she was looking better. Emma sighed as she changed into the examination gown and sat on the table.

  The doctor came back into the room just minutes after he had left her.

  “I am Dr. Silvio Nicolella,” he began. “You call me Silvio.” He smiled at Emma as he spoke putting her at ease.

  “I’m Emma,” she replied.

  “Emma,” the doctor said, pausing as if he were thinking about her name, “You are sick no?

  Emma put her hand on her stomach and nodded her head yes. The doctor began to examine her by taking her temperature, looking in her mouth and pushing on her stomach.

  Emma thought she was going to throw up on him right there when he pressed on her stomach and winced in pain.

  “Hmm,” the doctor said as he looked at Emma, “you eat?”

  “Yes,” Emma began not sure what he was asking her, “well not today.”

  “What did you eat,” he asked.

  “Last night at, Serenade. Agghiotta di lumache,” Emma did her best to pronounce the words correctly. The waitress had to tell Emma how to say it when she pointed to it on the menu. She had no idea what she was ordering, but wanted a true Italian experience.

  The doctor laughed loud and looked at Emma, “Snail,” he said, trying to hold back his laughter, “food poisoning,” he said.

  “I have food poisoning,” Emma gasped.

  The doctor shook his head and gave her a bottle of medicine that he had in the cabinet.

  “Help your stomach,” he said, placing one hand on his stomach.

  The embarrassment that Emma felt as overpowering. One day away from home and she was in a doctor's office suffering from food poisoning. The doctor handed her a piece of paper.

  “Write hotel name. Room,” he said.

  Emma had no idea why he wanted the name of the hotel or her room number, but she was not going to argue with him. She wanted to get back to her hotel take her medicine and relax. She wrote down the information that he requested along with her name.

  “Rest,” he said as he took the paper from her. He walked out of the room and Emma began to get dressed. It took everything she had not to break down crying right there. She knew that it was a mistake to leave home. She decided that she should just wait until she was feeling better and go back to her parents where she knew she would be protected. A tear streamed down her cheek as she thought about what a complete failure she was.

  Once she was dressed, she wiped her face with her hand and headed out the door. The doctor was waiting for her along with a cab driver. The driver explained that the doctor had called for him to drive her back to her hotel. Emma assumed that was why he wanted her hotel name. She smiled at the doctor as he walked her to her cab and made sure she was comfortable.

  “Rest,” he repeated before shutting the door.

  Emma leaned back against the seat and watched the people walking along, enjoying their life as hers was falling apart. It only took a few minutes before the cab arrived back at the hotel, Emma paid and made her way back to her room.

  She thought about the doctor telling her that she had eaten snails and was not surprised that her body had reacted the way that it did. She probably would have thrown up in the restaurant if she had known what she was eating.

  Emma laughed at herself as she made a mental note to always ask what was in the food that she was eating. Once she walked into her hotel room, she quickly grabbed a cup of water and took the medicine he had given her. She climbed into bed and watched television as she thought about the gorgeous man.

  She fell asleep thinking about him and wondering what type of man he was. Little did she know he was thinking about her as well.

  When Emma awoke it was already dark outside. She was feeling much better and decided it was time for her to get cleaned up. She called the front desk asking for clean sheets and picked out a comfortable pair of pajamas to wear. She knew that she should get some food but did not feel like leaving her room. Delivery pizza would have to do for the night.

  Emma took her time in the shower as she could hear the maids cleaning her room. She wanted to make sure they were gone before she made her way back out and ordered food. She was glad that she was feeling hungry and prayed that she would be able to hold the food down.

  Once she finished her shower, she took her time getting dressed, brushing her hair and teeth then ordered her dinner. Within a few minutes there was a knock at her door and Emma was amazed that her food had been delivered so quickly.

  She jumped out of her bed and opened the door. Emma gasped in surprise because standing right in front of her was Mr. Sexy himself, Dr. Silvio.

  “Ciao,” he said gently.

  “Hello, Dr. Silvio,” Emma said obviously surprised. She stepped away from the door and let him into the room. Once Emma had shut the door behind him, he turned to look at her.

  “Feeling better,” he asked with a big smile.

  “Molto,” Emma replied. She was feeling much better and it was because the doctor had known exactly what was wrong with her.

  He looked around her room, “American,” he asked her. Emma blushed as she looked around her room. It was the cheapest hotel she could find and imagined that the doctor was not used to being in a place like it. The walls were bare, one bed sat in the center of the room, one chair sat in the corner and a television sat on the dresser at the end of the bed.

  The sink was not in the bathroom, but outside of it and it was about the same size as her bedroom at home. “Yes,” Emma replied. “Parla Ingles.”

  “Piccolo,” the doctor replied.

  Emma did not know enough Italian to have a conversation and the doctor only knew a small amount of English. Emma wondered how she was supposed to talk to him and what he was doing in her hotel room.

  There was a loud knock at the door and Emma jumped, causing the doctor to laugh at her. She turned, opened the door and found the pizza delivery service. Emma quickly paid, grabbed her dinner and sat it down on the table next to her bed.

  “Dinner,” the doctor asked.

  Emma blushed knowing that it was not a great dinner and suddenly realizing that she was still in her pajamas.

  “Dinner,” Emma replied, offering the doctor a piece. He did not hesitate to take one, which made Emma feel better. She poured the two of them a glass of coke and sat on her bed. Dr. Silvio sat beside her as they enjoyed the pizza.

  Emma looked at the doctor trying to figure him out. He had given no reason for being there, but Emma did not mind. She could not help but find herself attracted to him and was enjoying not being alone.

  Silvio looked at Emma and smiled as he ate his pizza, then took a quick gulp of his coke. “You bellissimo,” he said quietly.

  Emma almost choked as she took her last drink and shook her head no. Silvio moved closer to Emma on the bed, reaching out and placing a hand on her cheek he nodded reassuring her that she was beautiful. She had never had a man this close to her that was not related to her and it was sending chills through her body.

  Emma began to feel fluttering in her stomach and moisture between her thighs. She had never reacted t
o a man like this before and she was thoroughly enjoying it.

  Emma placed her hand on top of the doctors wanting to enjoy every second of him touching her. The feeling of loneliness finally began to leave her and she was finally beginning to enjoy her trip even if it had started off a little rough.

  She was not sure if this was the way men interacted with women in the country and was afraid that the doctor was just being polite checking up on her, but as she looked in his eyes she thought she saw something more.

  Silvio slid his hand out from under Emma’s and down her neck. She placed her hand on his forearm allowing him to do what he wanted. His hand slid down further until it was in between her breasts. Emma took a deep breath as her body longed for him to touch her more.

  “How long you stay,” he asked Emma looking up at her.

  She had not planned on staying long, but she wanted to enjoy each experience that she had while on her trip. She did not want to rush off and wonder what might have happened.

  “As long as I want,” Emma replied. She knew that the doctor did not fully understand what she was trying to say, but he smiled at her and let his hand drop to her leg.

  “Tomorrow,” the doctor began, “I show you Italy.” He had a large smile on his face as Emma stared back at him. She was lost for words and the only thing she could think of was his hand lying on her thigh. Emma smiled and nodded her head.

  Silvio leaned forward and gave her a gentle kiss on her lips. It was quick and soft but it caused Emma’s heart to skip a beat. He pulled away from Emma and looked deeply into her eyes. She wanted him to kiss her more to kiss her longer, but he stood and walked toward the door.

  Emma followed him, unsure of what had just happened between the two of them. “Rest,” Silvio said, looking at Emma and placing a hand on her shoulder, “Tomorrow fun.” He had a smile on his face that made Emma wonder if she was ready for what he had in store, but as she reached around him to open the door for him he pushed his lips down hard on hers.

  Emma quickly let go of the door and placed her hands on his chest as he reached around her waist and pulled her close. His tongue flicked against her lips begging for entrance and when she finally did open her mouth he wasted no time. His tongue explored her mouth and flicked against hers as he pulled her so tightly against him that she could not move her arms.

  Just as quickly as he had kissed her he stopped and released her then turned and walked out of the door of her hotel room. Emma was left standing in her room completely confused. This was not what she had expected when she had decided to come to Italy. Of course she had hoped that she would have some type of romantic encounter, but this was just confusing her.

  She was not sure if it was the custom in Italy for men to behave this way or if it was just the doctor’s way of peaking her interest. He had her interest that was one thing Emma knew for sure. As she closed her hotel room door, she wished that he had not left.

  She looked back at her bed that they had just been sitting on together and imagined him pushing her down on the bed and taking her clothes off piece by piece. Emma shook her head as she walked back to her bed. She knew that she was doing nothing but torturing herself, her body was already aching to be touched by him.

  She decided that she would relax just as he had told her to do, watch television and enjoy the rest of her pizza. She was secretly happy that he had only eaten one piece. She loved pizza and had no problem finishing one off on her own. She grabbed the extra coke she had bought, found a show to watch, laid on her side with her pizza in front of her and relaxed for the rest of the evening.

  As Emma dozed off that night she found herself once again thinking about the doctor. He was the most attractive man she had ever met, the kind that she was used to seeing only in magazines. She wondered why he had kissed her and if this was something he normally did with girls coming from the US.

  She caught herself and decided not to over analyze the situation. She reminded herself that was how her mother would react. She would look for any reason for the doctor not to be attracted to Emma. She would allow Emma to put herself down and she would have talked Emma out of enjoying the next day with the doctor.

  Emma reminded herself that this was a new world for her a new beginning and she didn’t care what the doctors' motives were she had motives of her own.

  Emma wanted to be an experienced woman by the time she went to college. She was tired of always second guessing herself because she did not fit into the mold that the media called beautiful.

  When she awoke the next morning she headed straight to the mirror removed her clothes and looked at her body. She made a mental note to shave her bikini area before she went out with the doctor then looked over the rest of her body.

  She had a gorgeous face, it was round and full of color, her neck was long and even though she was what others called overweight she loved the way her collar bone looked.

  Emma looked even lower at her plump breasts and pink nipples. She thought about how it felt as the doctor slid his hand between them the night before.

  Her stomach was soft and her waist was slightly defined. Her hips were round and full. She decided that no matter what anyone else thought of her body, she was going to love it and she was going to flaunt it.

  Emma jumped in the shower and thought about how she would spend her day. She imagined that she and Dr. Silvio would wander the streets of Italy, enjoy fine dining and maybe he would take her to a club. She was of legal age to be served alcoholic drinks in Italy and was excited since she had never drank.

  She thought about all of the things that she would do on her trip that she had never done before. She had thought the previous day that she was going to go ahead and go home to spend the year with her parents but that was before Silvio showed up. After Silvio left her hotel room the previous night she had again changed her mind and decided that she was just going to go with the flow for the first time in her life.

  Giving up would have been something that her mother would have wanted her to do and imagining the smirk on her mother’s face when she walked up to the door was enough to make Emma want to keep trying.

  She refused to allow one day to ruin her entire trip and was excited to see what Silvio had planned for her. When Emma got out of the shower she heard the hotel maids cleaning her room so she decided to dress in the bathroom. She finally was forced to leave the bathroom before the maids had left because she needed to brush her teeth and hair.

  Emma opened the bathroom door and was greeted by the maid and to her surprise Dr. Silvio as well.

  “I assume you know the doctor,” the maid said with a wink and a smile.

  Emma nodded her head not sure why she felt so embarrassed. She quickly brushed her hair and her teeth amazed that Silvio continued to show up. He had seen her at her worst, in her pajamas and now as she was getting out of the shower. She had really wanted to have her makeup done and looking her best before he arrived.

  Emma quickly did her makeup as the maid finished by cleaning the bathroom. As soon as she walked out of the room Silvio walked up behind Emma and watched her finish doing her makeup in the mirror.

  Emma smiled at him as he placed his arms around her waist and pressed his body against hers. She could feel a bulge growing in his pants and had no idea how to respond. She could not deny that she was loving the attention that he was giving her, but she was not sure how to handle this situation.

  “Bellissimo,” Silvio whispered into her ear as he pulled her hips harder against his body. Emma’s heart felt as if it were going to beat out of her chest. He had one hand on her hip and the other was sliding around her waist to her stomach. He was gentle and Emma loved the way his hands felt on her body. She even loved the way his bulging cock felt pressed against her ass.

  Emma leaned her body back against Silvio not willing to stop him from whatever he wanted to do to her. For the first time she was glad that she had gotten sick and had gotten to meet Silvio. She was also glad that he had not judged her o
n first appearances.

  Silvio slid his hand up her stomach until it rested just below her breasts. Emma took in a deep breath waiting to see what he did next.

  “We can see Italy later,” he said in a questioning voice. Emma nodded her head as she felt the heat of his breath on her neck.

  Silvio gently kissed her neck as his hand slid up to cup her breast. Electricity shot through her entire body as Silvio slid his other hand around to the front of her hip.

  Emma knew that his hand was just centimeters from her sex. She could feel the wetness growing between her thighs once again. Emma allowed herself to enjoy all that Silvio had to offer. Each time he flicked his tongue against her neck, she pressed her ass against his now fully erect cock. She was going to let the doctor do whatever he wanted her to.

  Each time she pressed her ass against Silvio’s cock he returned the favor by pressing it hard into her. He was taking his time enjoying every inch of her body knowing that she had never had a man pay this much attention to her.

  Emma moaned as Silvio slid his hand back and forth on the front of her thigh almost touching her pussy each time, teasing her until she thought that she could not take anymore. Emma turned to face Silvio. As she looked up at him, he pressed his lips down on hers. She felt her nipples growing harder as he placed both of his hands on her breasts and ran his finger over her nipples through the thin material of her shirt and bra.

  She wished that he had walked into the bathroom when she was wrapped in a towel. Her body was aching for him like it had never ached for a man before.

  Silvio kissed down her neck as he lowered his hands and lifted up her shirt. She pulled away from his lips, allowing him to take her shirt off exposing her red lacy bra that had a shiny rhinestone in the middle. It held the largest set of breasts that Silvio had ever had the pleasure of placing his hands on.

  He rubbed his thumb over the nipple of one of her breasts and she took a deep breath. She never wanted all of this attention to end. The doctor wrapped his arms around her and undid her bra. Silvio slid the bra down her arms and watched her large breast jiggle as he freed them.


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