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Page 16

by Arcadia Shield

  Grace backed up rapidly towards Bladen, knowing it was a risk exposing him to these Vortens. She glanced down at him. “Are you still with me?”

  Bladen groaned and nodded his head slightly. “Just about.”

  “Hello, old friend,” said Axen. “Looks like we got here at just the right time.”

  Bladen’s eyes flickered open, and he turned his head, his gaze widening as he did so. “Axen? You’re really here?”


  Bladen fought against unconsciousness. He kept imagining he was seeing Axen and Lazet. But they couldn’t be in this game. It would be too dangerous for them to risk coming in and revealing themselves to the Fraken.

  “Do you know these Vortens?” asked Grace, her worried gaze on him. “Are these your friends?”

  Bladen looked again, and the image of the two Vortens blurred and merged, making it look like some sort of alien cyborg standing in front of him. “I’m not... sure. Having trouble seeing straight.” Fever burned through him, and his skin stung and itched.

  Grace swung back towards the Vortens and held the blade out again. “Get away from us. He doesn’t know you.”

  “He does,” said Lazet. “You heard him; he’s not doing well. We can get you both out of here and get his injuries treated. Yours too. Looks like you've got a nasty wound on your head.”

  “You’re lying to us,” said Grace.

  Bladen licked his lips and cleared his throat, trying to find the strength to tell Grace not to fight them. He couldn’t be sure what he was seeing, but if these were Vorten attackers, he didn’t want Grace going up against them.

  “Bladen doesn’t know you,” said Grace. “You must be working with Tyran.”

  “Tyran!” Axen shot a surprised look at Lazet. “He’s in this game with you?”

  “And he tried to kill us,” said Grace. “But he failed, so you’ve been sent in to finish the job.”

  “We’re not here to hurt you,” said Lazet. “But we don’t have much time. You need to come with us.”

  Bladen coughed, feeling gritty sand in the back of his throat. “You need to get out of here,” he said to Grace.

  “Not without you,” said Grace.

  “We’re taking you both.” Axen strode closer.

  “Stay back!” Grace swung the blade at Axen, and he jumped backwards, his hands raising again.

  “We don’t have time for this,” muttered Lazet. “Grab the woman and I’ll get Bladen.”

  “No, you won’t.” Grace lunged towards Axen, but he pushed her blade out of the way, pinning her arm behind her back and pressing down on her shoulder. Despite trying to resist him, she fell forward onto her knees.

  “Don’t fight them,” coughed out Bladen. He blinked several times, and his vision snapped back into focus, and he realized what he was seeing was true; it was Axen and Lazet.

  Grace launched herself off her knees and charged towards Axen.

  Axen grabbed her wrist and pinned it behind her back again. “I will not fight you. I am not your enemy.”

  Grace kicked out at Axen and struggled in his grip.

  Bladen yanked his arms out of the sand and dragged himself onto his knees. His side felt as if it was on fire, and every breath he took made his insides burn. “Grace, stop! They’re not our enemy. You can trust them. They’re here to help us.”

  Grace whipped her head around and stared at Bladen. Her arms were pinned to her side by Axen and her eyes wild. “These are your friends?”

  “That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” said Axen, his voice low.

  Bladen staggered over and grabbed hold of Grace’s shoulder. “You can stop fighting now; we’re safe.”

  Grace let out a shaky sigh as Axen released his hold on her and she turned toward Bladen, their eyes meeting and a frisson of desire and understanding passing between them. He would protect her, and they were together again.

  “It’s good to see you, old friend,” said Bladen, as he touched Axen’s arm.

  “You too,” said Axen. “Sorry to see you’ve picked up a few injuries along the way.”

  Bladen shrugged. “All part of the fun of the games.”

  “But we’re not safe yet,” said Axen, as he patted Bladen on the shoulder. “We need to get out of here. Can you walk?”

  “I’ll do whatever we have to do to get out.” He pulled Grace close to him and kissed her forehead. “Time for us to get free.”

  Chapter 23

  Grace gripped Bladen’s hand as they dashed across the desert hardpan with Axen and Lazet. Worry coursed through her as she saw the injuries on Bladen and heard his labored breathing. He should be healing with the nanobots still inside him, but he wasn’t getting any better and was slowing down as blood continued to leak out of his wounds.

  “Where are we going?” Grace asked Axen.

  “To a comms link,” said Axen. “We’re going to create a temporary portal through the game barrier.”

  “We’ve already tried to reach a comms link,” said Grace. “But the Fraken have them all guarded.”

  “We thought the Fraken were doing something sneaky,” said Lazet. “They blocked communications into the game. We got your message but weren’t able to respond. And we didn’t realize you’d crashed a Fraken ship trying to get out.”

  “Never said I was good at flying,” said Grace.

  “You did that?” Lazet’s eyebrows shot up as he glanced at Grace.

  “Bladen was too injured to use the controls,” said Grace. “And we had some problems on board. Tyran had hidden on the ship and attacked Bladen before we could get out.”

  “We have an alternative ship,” said Axen. “Thunde is on hand with a stealth ship on the other side of the force field if we can’t get through using the comms link. But it’s easier this way and will risk fewer lives.”

  “And if it doesn’t work?” Grace squeezed Bladen’s hand.

  “Then we’ll fight our way out,” said Axen.

  Despite the fear Grace felt, she was determined to help in that fight. “Let me have a weapon.”

  “You’ve done enough,” gasped out Bladen. “We can protect you from here.”

  Grace shook her head. “You can barely stand. I’d be able to take you in a fight; you’re so messed up.”

  Lazet laughed as Bladen grumbled under his breath.

  Axen passed Grace a laser gun. “The Fraken are hard to injure, so don’t waste your time shooting their body armor. Aim for any exposed flesh, particularly the throat and the face.”

  Grace nodded and flexed her fingers around the laser gun.

  “And me,” said Bladen, as he held out a hand.

  “You look after yourself,” said Axen.

  “Don’t want you to get any more injuries.” Lazet grinned at him.

  “I can still point and shoot a laser weapon,” grunted out Bladen.

  “Stubborn to the end,” said Lazet. He pulled a gun from his weapons belt and handed it to Bladen. “Do I need to tell you what to do with this?”

  “I’ve got a few ideas, Quark,” said Bladen. “Just find me something to shoot and keep out of my way.”

  Lazet smacked Bladen on the back. “You’re going to be just fine. Although being stabbed a few times hasn’t made you a happy warrior.”

  Grace liked hearing the camaraderie between the warriors. She could see why Bladen enjoyed being a part of this squad; their trust and loyalty to each other was clear, and despite how dangerous it must be for Axen and Lazet to risk coming into the game, they hadn’t hesitated in doing so.

  Axen raised a fist and slowed, and they all stopped. “This is what we’re after.” He pointed ahead of them. In the distance was a glowing comms post with three Fraken guarding it.

  “It’s as good a target as any,” said Lazet. “Three Fraken will be easy to take down.”

  “There will be plenty more,” said Grace. “They’re all over the game.”

  “Let the battle begin,” said Axen.

  Sweat slid down
Grace's face, and her fingers tightened on the gun. This was it, their last shot at freedom.


  Bladen pushed against the agonizing pain that lanced through his stomach as they prepared themselves to attack the Fraken surrounding the comms post. Grace was close by his side, and he felt proud of her as she stood with a weapon in hand, her gaze alert and trained on the Fraken.

  Despite his injuries, Bladen was determined to keep her and Axen safe. He wouldn’t risk either of their lives and would do whatever he needed to make sure they got out alive.

  “Are we ready?” asked Axen.

  Bladen held up a finger and leaned down to Grace. “Have you ever used a laser gun?”

  “I have,” said Grace. “We had similar on Earth.”

  “Good. These are easy to use. Aim at your target using the sight line at the top of the gun. Give it a soft squeeze. It’s not rapid fire, but there’s plenty of juice in them. You won’t run out of fire power.”

  “Like this?” Grace aimed the laser weapon and fired it at one of the Fraken standing guard by the comms post.

  Lazet gave a strangled laugh before swiftly dispatching the other two Fraken. “Looks like you’ve got a girl who likes her weapons.”

  Bladen raised his eyebrows at Grace. “You’re a fast learner.”

  “Don’t fuss over me. I’m getting good at this.” She shot another Fraken who came into view.

  “There will be more coming soon,” said Axen. “You two keep guard, while we get to work on the comms post. Once we get the barrier open, you join us.”

  Bladen nodded and watched as Axen dashed towards the comms post, Lazet guarding his back.

  “We’re almost free,” he whispered into Grace’s ear. “And once we’re out of here, I’m going to make sure you get to enjoy yourself. No more fighting and definitely no more sand.”

  “I hope that’s a promise you’re able to keep,” said Grace. “I feel like I’ve got sand everywhere. It's chafing parts of me I didn't know existed.”

  “Me too.” Bladen wrapped his arms around Grace’s waist, ignoring his own protesting wounds. Being close to her made him feel better. “We need time alone together. And I need to get to know more about you, what excites you and puts a smile on your face, one that will stay there for a long time.”

  He saw the gun in Grace’s hand wobble. “Sounds good to me.”

  “I promise you; this will be a horrible distant memory soon. And it will have been worth it.” He pressed a kiss behind her ear.

  Grace leaned against Bladen but then stiffened and fired several shots as more Fraken appeared. “They keep coming.”

  Bladen let go of Grace, knowing there would be time after this fight to enjoy her soft body, and focused his own gun towards the comms post. “They’ll have been alerted we’re in the area.”

  Grace ducked as laser fire shot over their heads. “Axen better hurry up.”

  Bladen pulled Grace backwards as several more Fraken crept into view. He aimed his gun and fired, and Grace leveled her own gun and followed up with her own attack.

  “Keep low to the ground and make yourself a small target,” he cautioned Grace, worried she was too exposed to the Fraken’s weapons.

  Grace instantly ducked. She looked over at Bladen, and her gaze shot over his shoulder. “Behind you!”

  Bladen yelled as a Fraken grabbed him, its sharp talons raking across his arms. He saw Grace’s eyes widen as she raised her gun towards him.

  “Protect Axen,” Bladen ordered as he shoved back with his elbows, smacking into the hard body armor of the Fraken. The Fraken loosened his grip, and Bladen yanked himself away and spun around. He raised his weapon, but the Fraken knocked it away with his lightning stick.

  Bladen parried the blow, grabbing hold of the lightning stick and preventing the Fraken from discharging it.

  The Fraken grunted as they fought over the lightning stick, and Bladen felt his wounds protest as he was yanked backwards and forwards.

  He heard Grace open fire repeatedly as more Fraken came into the fight, protecting Axen as he continued to work on the comms post.

  Bladen smashed his fist into the Fraken’s face, and sticky green blood covered his hands. He kept punching, and the grip the Fraken had on the lightning stick loosened. Bladen pulled it out of his hands and smashed the cudgel into the Fraken’s head, bringing him to his knees. He slammed it into his snout, and the Fraken collapsed.

  Laser fire shot over his head, and Bladen ducked, hunting around for Grace.

  He saw her hidden behind a tree, her eyes wide, as she aimed and fired at more Fraken.

  A shout came from over by the comms post, and Bladen looked over to see Axen lying on the ground. “We need to move.” He grabbed hold of Grace’s hand, and they ran towards Axen.

  Bladen stumbled as a fierce pain lanced through him and his legs wobbled. He sucked in a breath and focused on Axen and Lazet.

  Lazet was gesturing frantically at them. “Come on! We need to get out of here.”

  “Is the portal open?” yelled Bladen. He looked around the area, but couldn’t see any way of getting out.

  “It’s coming online now,” shouted Lazet. He ducked and rolled as a blast from a lightning stick shot straight past his head.

  “Keep moving,” gasped Bladen to Grace, forcing his legs to move, despite the pain sending waves of sickness flooding through him.

  Grace grabbed him around his waist and slid her fingers into his weapons belt. “Lean on me. I’ll take some of your weight. We can go faster that way.”

  Bladen felt Grace’s warm embrace envelop him like a cocoon and knew he could trust her to get them both out. He could rely on her.

  An area next to the comms post shimmered in Bladen’s vision, and a hole appeared. It was the portal they’d been waiting for.

  “Let’s go.” Lazet gestured at them as he kept one hand on Axen. “We’ve only got a few seconds.”

  Bladen gritted his teeth and increased his pace, Grace keeping up with him as he did so. He kept an arm firmly around her, just as she did him, not willing to let her go for a second.

  He slowed as he reached Axen and grabbed him under the arms, Lazet on the other side of him. “Ready to go?”

  Axen’s bleary unfocused gaze looked up at him. “I hate the Fraken. Let’s get out of here.”

  They threw themselves towards the portal, laser fire spattering around them, and jumped through the opening.

  Chapter 24

  Warm bedding and hard muscles greeted Grace as she opened her eyes. She let out a slow breath as she felt Bladen’s naked body next to hers.

  She pulled his arms around her even tighter and inhaled her alien’s musky, clean scent. They’d been so close to death, but now, they were safe.

  After the escape from the game, everything had happened in a blur. The portal had transported them onto a space ship, and wounds were treated, showers taken, and food eaten. Grace had finally been given medication to treat her infection and could breathe without feeling as if her lungs were full of shards of glass. And, only then, could Grace be alone with Bladen. Alone with him and naked, nothing stopping her from pressing back against him and feeling every lean, taut inch of him.

  Bladen growled in her ear, and a shiver of pleasure erupted in her stomach. “You keep squirming like that and things are going to get serious.”

  Grace smiled and squirmed some more, hearing Bladen inhale sharply. “We’ve had enough serious times. Shouldn’t we have some fun?”

  Bladen growled again and flipped Grace onto her back. He gazed into her eyes and smiled. “What do you have in mind?”

  Grace traced a finger down Bladen’s chest, enjoying seeing his muscles react to her touch. “I’ve heard all about the legendary strength and stamina of Vortens. I’d be interested in exploring that.”

  “Didn’t I demonstrate that enough when I saved you from the game?” Bladen leaned down and nipped Grace’s neck.

  “We saved each other, hotshot, an
d your buddies helped us, as well.” Grace yelped as Bladen’s fingers dug into her ribs. “Okay, maybe you helped a little.”

  Bladen grunted and moved his mouth to Grace’s. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  “Me too. I thought we weren’t going to make it after the ship crashed.”

  Bladen pressed a gentle kiss to Grace’s lips, a promise of what was to come. “If the Fraken had taken you from me, I would have destroyed them all.”

  “We can do that, anyway,” said Grace.

  “Just wait and see.” Bladen interspersed words with kisses. “We are going to ruin them.”

  Grace’s breath hitched as Bladen’s hand slid between her legs and pushed them apart. He stroked the sensitive skin on her inner thigh before grazing his fingers over her hot center.

  “What do you like?” whispered Bladen.

  “I like you.”

  “How about this?” Bladen slid two fingers inside Grace, and she moaned as his pace quickened, feeling the rough skin ignite a fire deep inside her.

  “Yes, please.”

  Bladen slid his fingers out and massaged her clit, drawing ragged breaths from her lips as the friction aroused a passion in Grace she’d almost forgotten existed.

  “I love to hear your moans of pleasure,” Bladen breathed into Grace’s ear, and he traced his tongue down her throat to her breasts. He sampled her erect nipples, his free hand tracing around her breasts and making her groan even more.

  Grace felt as if her skin was on fire, tingling with every stroke and touch of Bladen’s strong, calloused hands. She pressed up into his touch, wanting to feel more, and have her body covered by his strong, hard muscles, and feel him take her and lose herself in him.

  “You want me to slow down?” Bladen’s breath sounded ragged as he stroked Grace closer to her orgasm.

  “No! Go faster. More.”

  Bladen laughed, and Grace opened her eyes and saw hot, primal lust in his gaze. The look made her insides heat up, and she ground herself into his hand. She wanted him so badly.

  He responded by thrusting his fingers inside her again, keeping a thumb on her clit and pressing down hard as he massaged her.


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