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J.M.W. Turner

Page 58

by Anthony Bailey

  Wornum, Ralph, The Turner Gallery, 1875

  Wyllie, W. L., J. M. W. Turner, 1905

  Wyndham, John, Wyndham and Children First, 1968

  Reference Works

  Dictionary of National Biography

  A Dictionary of Artists, by Samuel Redgrave, 2nd edn, 1878

  Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edn, 1910

  International Genealogical Index

  The London Encyclopaedia, ed. Ben Weinreb and Christopher Hibbert, 1992

  The Survey of London, esp. vols xviii 1937 and xxxvi 1970

  Exhibition Catalogues

  All catalogues are from the Tate Gallery except where cited.

  Bachrach, A. G. E., Turner’s Holland, 1994

  Bower, Peter, Turner’s Papers, 1990

  Brown, David Blaney, Augustus Wall Callcott, 1981

  Turner and Byron, 1992

  Turner and the Channel, 1987

  Butlin, Martin, with Andrew Wilton, Turner 1775–1851, 1974

  Chumbley, Ann, and Ian Warrell, Turner and the Human Figure, 1989

  Davies, Maurice, Turner as Professor, 1992

  Egerton, Judy, Turner: The Fighting Temeraire, 1995, National Gallery, London

  Forrester, Gillian, Turner’s ‘Drawing Book’: The Liber Studiorum, 1996

  Gore, St John, and Evelyn Joll, The Picture Collection at Petworth House, Petworth, Sussex, n.d.

  Lyles, Anne, Turner and Natural History: The Farnley Project, 1988

  Turner: The Fifth Decade, 1992

  Young Turner: Early Work to 1800, 1989

  Lyles, Anne and Diane Perkins, Colour into Line: Turner and the Art of Engraving, 1989

  Merwe, Pieter van der (with Roger Took), The Spectacular Career of Clarkson Stanfield, Newcastle, 1979

  Perkins, Diane, Turner: The Third Decade, 1990

  Powell, Cecilia, Turner in Germany, 1995

  Turner’s Rivers of Europe, 1991

  Solender, Katherine, Dreadful Fire! Burning of the Houses of Parliament, Cleveland, Ohio, 1984

  Townsend, Joyce, Turner’s Painting Techniques, 1993

  Upstone, Robert, Turner: The Final Years, 1993

  Turner: The Second Decade, 1989

  Warrell, Ian, Turner: The Fourth Decade, 1991

  Turner in the North of England, 1797, 1996

  Through Switzerland with Turner: Ruskin’s First Selection from the Turner Bequest, 1995

  White, Christopher, English Landscape 1630–1850 (drawings, prints and books from the Paul Mellon Collection, New Haven), 1977

  Wilton, Andrew, with Rosalind Mallard Turner, Painting and Poetry, 1990

  Wilton, Andrew, Turner in the British Museum, British Museum, 1975

  Periodicals and Newspapers

  Apollo, Oct. 1985, pp.280–7, R. Walker on Lord Egremont. Oct. 1996, pp.25–32, H. George on Turner, Lawrence and Canova.

  Athenaeum, 1852: 3 Jan; 28 Feb.; 24 Apr.; 10 Jul.

  1861: 16 Nov.; 23 Nov.; 14 Dec.

  1862: 4 Jan.; 11 Jan.; 22 Feb.; 1 Mar.; 8 Mar.; 15 Mar.

  1878: 23 Feb.

  Burlington Magazine: vol. xxi, 1912, Lionel Cust on Turner in early life

  vol. xxii, 1912–13, W. T. Whitley on Turner as lecturer

  vol. xcv, 1953, Hilda F. Finberg on Turner’s Gallery in 1810

  vol. xcix, 1957, Hilda F. Finberg on Turner as a teacher

  Catholic Ancestor, 5, 1994, S. Whittingham on the Danbys

  Cobbett’s Political Register 1802–35, various issues

  Country Life, 6 Jul. 1951, Ann Livermore on Sandycombe Lodge

  Daily Telegraph, 27 Jun. 1924, ‘Light on an Old Mystery’, by H. M. Walbrook

  Fraser’s Magazine, vol. xlv, Feb. 1852

  Isle of Thanet Gazette, 1914–19, articles by C. J. Feret, ‘Bygone Thanet’, as collected in scrapbook in Margate Local History Library

  J. M. W. Turner R.A., no. 1, 1988; no. 2, 1993

  New Yorker, 16 March 1987, Calvin Tompkins on the restorer John Brealey

  Notes & Queries, 29 Jan. 1853; 12 Jun. 1858; 21 Jun. 1862; 28 Jul. 1877

  Brighton Patriot, 28 Nov. 1837, Lord Egremont’s funeral

  Record of the Art Museum, Princeton University, vol. 44, no. 2, 1985

  Turner Society News, 1977–97

  Turner Studies, vols i–xi, 1981–91

  Walker’s Monthly, no. 10, Oct. 1928

  Walpole Society, vol. xxxviii, pp.123–81, Sidney Hutchison on the Royal Academy Schools 1768–1830


  Abbotsford, near Galashiels 1, 2

  Academy of St Luke, Rome 1, 2

  Ackermann, Rudolf 1

  Adam, James 1

  Adam, Robert 1, 2

  Addison, Joseph 1

  Adelphi, London 1, 2

  Adelphi Terrace, London 1; No.6 1

  Admiralty 1, 2, 3, 4

  The Aeneid (Virgil) 1, 2, 3, 4

  Aeschylus 1

  AGBI see Artists’ General Benevolent Institution

  Aire, River 1

  Akenside, Mark 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Albano 1

  Albemarle Street, London 1

  Albert, Prince Consort 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Aldeburgh, Suffolk 1

  Alexander I, Tsar of Russia 1

  All Saints Church, Isleworth 1

  Allason, Thomas 1

  Allen, J. C. 1

  Almanack of the Month 1

  Alps 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  Althorp, Lord 1

  Alum Bay, Isle of Wight 1

  Ambleteuse 1

  Ancona 1

  Anderson, Robert 1, 2

  Angerstein, John Julius 1, 2, 3

  Annals of Fine Arts 1

  Anti-Slavery League 1

  Antiquities of England and Wales, The (Boswell) 1, 2

  Antiquities of Italy 1

  Antwerp 1

  Aosta 1, 2, 3

  Apennines 1

  Apollonius Rhodius 1

  aquatints 1

  Arch, J. and A. 1

  Arch of Titus, Rome 1

  Archer, John W. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  Argonautica (Apollonius Rhodius) 1

  Argyll, Duke of 1

  Ariel (ship) 1, 2

  Arnold, General Benedict 1

  Arnold’s Magazine of the Fine Arts 1

  Arras 1

  Ars Poetica (Horace) 1

  Art Journal 1

  The Art of Painting (Fresnoy) 1

  Art-Union 1, 2, 3

  Artists’ Conversazione 1

  Artists’ General Benevolent Institution (AGBI) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  Arun, River 1

  Ashmole, Elias 1

  Athenaeum Club 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  Athenaeum magazine 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Athens 1

  Atkinson, Mr (master of the Victory) 1

  Atlas Fire Office 1

  Auckland, Lord 1

  Audubon, James 1

  Aulnoye, Mme d’ 1

  Austen, Jane 1, 2, 3

  Auxerre 1

  Avignon 1

  Avon gorge 1

  Avon, River 1, 2

  Babbage, Charles 1

  Backhuysen, Ludolf 1

  Baiae 1, 2

  Bailey’s Alley, London 1

  Baily, Edward Hodges 1

  ‘The Baite’ (Donne) 1

  Banks, Sir Joseph 1

  Barbers and Surgeons Guild 1

  ‘The Bard’ (Gray) 1, 2

  Barker, Henry Aston 1

  Barker, Robert 1

  Barking, Essex 1, 2

  Barnard, Thomas 1

  Barnes 1

  Barnes, Thomas 1

  Barnstaple, Devon 1, 2, 3, 4

  Barry, James 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Bartlett, Mr (surgeon dentist) 1, 2, 3, 4

  Bath 1

  Battersea, London 1, 2, 3

  Battersea Bridge 1, 2, 3

  Bay of Naples 1, 2, 3

  Beagle, HMS 1

  Beale, Benjamin 1

  Beamsley Beacon, Yorkshire 1

  Beatson’s yard, Roth
erhithe 1

  Beaugency 1

  Beaumont, Sir George, accuses T of ‘misleading the Taste’ 1;

  battle against the White Painters 1;

  Claude as his hero 1;

  and Claude’s influence on T 1;

  Constable as his protege 1, 2;

  and Crossing the Brook 1, 2;

  death (1827) 1, 2;

  and Dido building Carthage 1;

  as a director of the British Institution 1;

  dislikes Turner’s imprecision 1;

  and Dutch Boats in a Gale 1, 2;

  and Fishing upon the Blythe-Sand 1, 2;

  as part of the old order 1;

  as a patron 1, 2;

  Scott on 1;

  taste in art 1;

  and T’s ‘blots’ 1, 2;

  and T’s clientele 1;

  on T’s colouring 1, 2;

  and T’s gallery at Harley Street 1;

  T’s reaction to his criticisms 1

  Beaumont, Lady Margaret 1

  Beaumont sur Oise 1

  Beckford, William 1, 2, 3, 4

  Bedford, Earl of 1

  Bedford Street, London 1, 2

  Beechey, Sir William 1, 2, 3, 4; Mrs Hasler as Flora 1

  Belgium 1, 2

  Belgravia, London 1

  Bell, Edward 1, 2

  Bell inn, Margate 1

  Bell Tavern, Exeter Street, London 1

  Bell’s Weekly Messenger 1

  Bennet, Julia see Gordon, Lady Julia

  Bennett, Robert 1

  Berlin 1

  Bernini, Gian Lorenzo 1

  Berry Pomeroy, Devon 1

  Berwick-on-Tweed 1

  Bethlehem Hospital for the insane (Bedlam), Finsbury Circus, London (later Lambeth) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  Beverley, Humberside 1

  Bible, the 1, 2, 3

  Bicknell, Christine (nee Roberts) 1, 2, 3, 4

  Bicknell, Elhanan 1, 2, 3, 4

  Bicknell family 1, 2, 3

  Billingsgate, London 1, 2

  Bird, Edward 1

  The Black Dwarf (newspaper) 1

  The Black Dwarf (Scott) 1

  Blackfriars Bridge, London 1

  Blackheath, London 1, 2, 3

  Blackwall, London 1

  Blackwall Point 1

  Blackwood’s Magazine 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Blair, Hugh 1

  Blake, Catherine 1

  Blake, William 1, 2, 3

  Blake, William (a gifted amateur) 1

  Blessington, Lady 1

  Bloomsbury, London 1

  Blythe Sand 1, 2

  Boaden, James 1

  Board of Ordnance 1

  Boccaccio, Giovanni 1

  Bohn, H. G. 1, 2

  Bologna 1, 2

  Bolton Abbey, Wharfedale 1, 2, 3

  Bolton Castle, near Aysgarth, Yorkshire 1

  Bond Street, London 1

  Bonington, Richard Parkes 1

  Bonneville 1, 2

  Bonomi, Joseph 1, 2, 3

  Book of Revelation 1

  Boore and Bannister’s, Messrs 1

  Booth, John 1, 2, 3, 4

  Booth, John Pound 1

  Booth, Sophia Caroline (previously Pound; nee Nolt) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  and ‘Colour Studies’ 1;

  death 1;

  marriage to Henry Pound 1;

  marriage to John Booth 1;

  moves to Haddenham Hall 1;

  property in Margate 1;

  Pye on 1;

  Ruskin becomes a long-term friend 1;

  T becomes a new ‘Mr Booth’ 1;

  T lodges with in Margate 1, 2, 3;

  T moves her to Chelsea 1, 2, 3;

  T writes poetry for 1, 2;

  T’s choice of an ‘unladylike’ friend 1;

  and T’s lack of financial contribution 1, 2, 3;

  T’s secretiveness about 1, 2;

  and T’s will 1, 2, 3;

  visits to Kent continue 1

  Boringdon, Lord 1

  Bosch, Hieronymus 1

  Boswell, Henry 1, 2, 3

  Boswell, James 1, 2, 3

  Boucher, Francois 1

  Boulogne 1, 2, 3

  Bourdon, Sébastien 1

  Bourgeois, Sir Francis 1

  Boydell, John 1, 2

  Brasbridge, J. 1

  Brent, River 1

  Brentford, Middlesex 1; Grand Junction canal 1;

  as a historic spot 1;

  Joseph Marshall as a butcher in 1;

  market 1, 2, 3;

  Sunday school 1;

  T at John White’s school 1, 2;

  T lives as a child with the Marshalls 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6;

  T works for John Lees 1, 2, 3

  Bridgewater, Francis Egerton, Duke of 1, 2, 3

  Brienne 1

  Brighton 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Brighton Patriot 1

  Brighton Pavilion 1

  Bril, Paul 1

  Bristol 1, 2

  British Empire 1

  British Institution for Promoting the Fine Arts 1, 2, 3; Beaumont as a director 1;

  prizes 1, 2;

  as a rival to the Royal Academy 1;

  T exhibits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  The British Itinerary 1, 2

  British Museum 1

  British Press 1

  Brittany 1

  Britton, John 1, 2

  Broadhurst, John 1, 2

  Broadmead, Bristol 1

  Broderip, W.J. 1

  Brook Street, London 1

  Brown, Lancelot ‘Capability’ 1

  Brown, Robert 1

  Brown, William 1

  Browning, Elizabeth Barrett 1

  Browsholme, near Clitheroe 1

  Bruce, James 1

  Buckingham Palace, London 1, 2

  Buckingham Street, London 1

  Bugsbys Reach, London 1

  Bullen, Edward 1

  Burdett, Sir Francis 1

  Burgh Island, Bigbury Bay 1

  Burke, Edmund 1, 2

  Burnet, John 1

  Burney, Dr Charles 1, 2

  Burney, Fanny 1, 2, 3, 4

  Burton, Decimus 1

  Byron, George Gordon, 6th Baron Byron of Rochdale 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  and the Alps 1;

  T illustrates 1, 2;

  T reads 1, 2, 3, 4;

  and T’s library 1

  Cadell, Robert 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

  Caernarvon Castle 1, 2

  Caesar, Julius 1

  Cain (Byron) 1

  Calais 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

  The Caledonian Comet (Taylor) 1

  Callcott, Sir Augustus Wall, RA, 1, 2; in the Academy Council 1;

  and Beaumont 1, 2, 3;

  and the Catalogue backing T 1;

  death (1844) 1;

  on the hanging committee 1;

  Knight buys his works 1;

  knighthood 1;

  marries Maria Graham 1, 2;

  and Sarah Danby 1, 2, 3, 4;

  and T’s fishing 1;

  as T’s friend and follower 1;

  and T’s pricing of his pictures 1;

  Dutch Fishing-Boats running foul, in the endeavour to board, and missing the painter-rope 1;

  Mouth of the Tyne 1;

  The Pool of London 1

  Callcott, John Wall 1

  Callow, William 1, 2, 3

  Calstock, Cornwall 1

  Calstock Bridge 1

  Camac, Colonel 1

  Cambrensis, Giraldus 1

  Campbell, Thomas 1, 2, 3, 4

  Canaletto 1

  Canning, George 1

  Canova, Antonio 1, 2

  Canterbury 1

  Canterbury Cathedral 1

  Canvey Island 1

  Capitol, Rome 1

  Carew, J. E. 1, 2, 3

  Carey, W. P. 1

  Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight 1

  Carlini, Agostino 1, 2

  Carlisle, Sir Anthony 1, 2, 3, 4

  Carlisle, Earl of 1

  Carlton House, Pall Mall 1r />
  Carr, John 1, 2

  Carr, Reverend W. Holwell 1, 2

  Carrara 1

  Carrick Moore, James 1

  Carrick Moore, Mrs 1, 2, 3

  Carrick Moore family 1

  Carthage 1, 2, 3

  Cassiobury Park, Watford, Hertfordshire 1, 2

  Cassivellaunus 1

  Castel Gandolfo 1

  Castle Street, London 1

  Catalani, Madame 1

  Catalogue Raisonni of the Pictures now Exhibiting at the British Institution 1

  Cato, Mrs (née White) 1, 2

  Caversham, Berkshire 1

  Cerceau, Jacques de 1

  Chalon, John James, RA 1, 2

  Chamberlaine, John 1

  Chambers, Sir William 1, 2

  Chambery 1, 2

  Chamonix 1

  Champion (magazine) 1

  Change Court, Covent Garden 1

  Chantrey, Sir Francis 1, 2, 3, 4; on the Academy Council 1;

  at Blackwall 1;

  death 1;

  and the farewell dinner at Somerset House 1;

  jokes about T’s colours 1, 2;

  marries his cousin 1;

  Paul at Iconium 1;

  at Petworth 1, 2, 3, 4, 5;

  in Rome 1;

  at Sandycombe 1;

  T gives practical help 1;

  T paints a Venice picture for 1;

  on T’s financial circumstances 1;

  and T’s wish to be wrapped in Carthage for burial 1;

  and varnishing days 1

  Charing Cross, London 1, 2

  Charles II, King 1

  Charlotte, Queen 1

  Chelsea 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; T moves Mrs Booth to 1, 2,

  see also Davis Place

  Chelsea Hospital 1

  Cherry Garden Pier, Bermondsey 1

  Cheyne Walk, Chelsea 1; Nos 1, 2

  Chicago World’s Fair 1

  Chichester 1

  Childe Harold (Byron) 1, 2

  Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage (Byron) 1

  Chillon 1

  Chiltem Hundreds 1

  Chinnery, George 1

  Chittenden, Mr (undertaker) 1

  Choat, Mr (lessee) 1

  cholera 1

  Christ Church college, Oxford 1

  Christchurch Abbey, Hampshire 1

  Christie’s 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

  Chronology of the History of Modern Europe (Fawkes) 1

  Churchill, Charles 1

  Cibber, Colley 1

  Cibber, Gabriel 1

  Cicero 1

  Cider Cellar tavern, Maiden Lane 1


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