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Happy in Their Love [Men of the Border Lands 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 14

by Marla Monroe

  “They’re about three minutes apart, Abe.” Russell’s excited voice broke through the haze of pain and desperation.

  Celina wanted to scream at them that this wasn’t working. She wanted to stop and do something different, but she knew there wasn’t any stopping the labor. She rested between bouts of earth-shattering cramps that made her think all of her insides were going to be born with the baby. Russell brushed her wet hair away from her face and kissed her cheek as he massaged her shoulders. She wanted to tell him that it wasn’t helping anything, but that would have been mean. He was just trying to support her, and his back rubs did help some during the labor pains.

  She could hear them talking over her as she drifted between rounds. God, please let her baby be okay. That was all that mattered in the long run. She ached to hold her child in her arms and prayed that it would all be over soon. She was so tired.

  Then another wave of the intense pressure and pain hit her. She screamed as she fought it.

  * * * *

  “Here you go, mommy. All cleaned up and hungry.” Abe gently laid the tiny squirming bundle in Celina’s arms.

  “She’s beautiful. Isn’t she?” Celina looked up into his eyes.

  “She’s perfect. You did good, baby. What did you decide to name her?” Abe asked.

  “Bethany Ann. I’ll call her Beth for short.”

  Abe looked over at Russell. They both laughed. She hadn’t used any of the names they’d talked about after all. He liked that she’d chosen a name after holding her in her arms. Beth would be a beautiful woman one day, and he prayed for the strength to keep her and her momma safe. Seeing her born had been one of the most wonderful experiences of his life. Though he’d always made it home for his children’s births, he’d never been in the delivery room to see the event. Now he mourned that loss.

  Glancing away from the sight of baby Beth suckling at Celina’s breast, he met Russell’s gaze and they both smiled like idiots. They might not have fathered this child, but she would be loved and cared for as if they had. Maybe, if they were lucky, there would be another one someday that carried their blood in his veins.

  “Her fingers are so tiny. Look at the itty bity fingernails.” The awe in Celina’s voice was just as precious at the little bundle she held safe in her arms.

  “All I can see is how ferociously she is sucking on that nipple.” Abe chuckled at her quick eye roll.

  “Leave it to you to focus on that. I swear, you and Russell have boobs on the brain.”

  “I’ll admit to it,” Russell said with a straight face. “I enjoy watching those luscious breasts move when one of us is fucking you.”

  “Don’t remind me,” Abe said with a groan. “Six more weeks of blue balls is probably going to leave me permanently disfigured.”

  Celina’s warm laughter filled his heart. She was beautiful with her mussed hair flying in all different directions and those tear-stained cheeks. Just the sight of her relaxing there with Beth nestled against her was enough to bring tears to his eyes. He turned away and started cleaning up.

  “Abe. I’ll do that. You sit here with Celina and rub her belly some. The book said we need to be sure her womb shrinks back down to slow the bleeding. The baby feeding at her breast will help, but we don’t have any of the medication they give to help her.”

  Abe blinked back the tears and turned around as Russell extracted himself carefully from behind Celina’s back.

  “You don’t have to clean it all up alone. I’ll help with it.”

  “I think I need to change breasts. Abe, can you help me? I’m scared I’ll drop her.” Celina’s anxious voice galvanized him into action.

  He quickly slipped in bed with her and helped her adjust baby Bethany to her other breast. The baby squirmed a bit at being interrupted but soon settled back down to nurse. He could only stare over Celina’s shoulder as the little thing latched onto her nipple and sucked like a champ.

  “What does it feel like?” Abe asked in a hushed voice.

  “Strange. It hurt a little at first, but now it’s not so bad. It’s a drawing sensation. I can’t explain it but I feel so close to her like this. Knowing that I’m providing her with what she needs is a big rush. I want to always be able to give her what she needs.”

  “We all do, baby. Russell and I will always provide for you both. If you’ll let us, we’ll be her fathers as if she was of our blood.” Abe stopped.

  He hadn’t meant to spring that on her so soon, and definitely not without Russell there with him. The other man had taken the dirty towels and sheets out of the room and hadn’t returned yet. He sighed and ran his hand up and down Celina’s upper arms. She relaxed against him, and he could almost feel the baby sucking at her breast through her body as it rested against his.

  The other man slipped back into the room and continued gathering the supplies and returning the unused portion to the bathroom and other areas of the house. He’d piled everything into the room just in case he needed it. Now the room would look bare without them there. The soft smile on Russell’s face warmed Abe. He liked knowing his family was safe and happy surrounding him. For now, that was all that mattered. They would have to discuss the process of keeping them both safe in the future.

  Abe wasn’t sure how long they sat like that while the baby fed, but once Celina had placed the tiny bundle over her shoulder to burp her, he figured it was time for both mommy and infant to get some much-needed rest. Maybe they all need to rest after all that had occurred. He had noticed the shadows beneath Russell’s eyes. He was sure his face wasn’t all that much better.

  “I think a nap is in order, guys. What do y’all think?” He noticed Russell’s instant smile as he smoothed out the sheets that he could reach on the bed.

  “Sounds good to me. Celina looks as if she’s about to fall over now.” He reached for the baby, and for an instant, he wasn’t sure she would let Russell have her.

  “Feeling a little protective?” Abe asked playfully.

  “I didn’t think it would be so hard just to put her down to sleep. Silly, isn’t it?” She finally released her hold on baby Beth.

  Russell immediately removed the child from her arms and settled her in the makeshift crib they’d made out of a deep drawer. It would keep the baby safe. She couldn’t roll out of it, and they could place it right next to the bed for easy reach. As soon as he had settled her in and covered her up, he stood up and undressed down to his boxers and climbed under the covers to snuggle up against their woman.

  Abe smiled. Their woman, and she was. He removed his clothes and got in on the other side of Celina. He felt her sigh as he nuzzled her neck with his mouth.

  “I love you, Abe.” She looked over to where Russell lay with his head watching her. “I love you, Russell. I never thought I could love again, but you two showed me that though Roger will still be in my heart, there is plenty of room for you both there as well. I wouldn’t give any part of our relationship away.”

  Abe felt his chest constrict. She loved them. She’d actually said the words out loud, and even he could hear the sincerity in her voice. He needed to tell her how he felt, but it seemed too trite to follow up her declaration with his own. He looked over at Russell. His friend seemed to be mulling over his options as well. Their eyes met, and almost as if they could speak in each other’s minds, they both knew that now wasn’t the right time to confess their love for her and her child.

  * * * *

  She could feel the love radiating from them as they surrounded her and Beth. She knew without them telling her that they loved her. She held no doubt in her heart that they loved Bethany just as much. It was all in their eyes as they gazed down at the little being wrapped in the tiny blanket Russell had created just for her. Knowing that they would watch over them, Celina tried to rest, but her heart was too full and her mind busy thinking about everything she wanted to do.

  She must have dozed at some point, because suddenly she was wide awake and Bethany wasn’t in her arms. Sh
e panicked that she had dropped her and tried to get up to look for her.

  “Whoa there. You need to go slow so that you don’t hurt yourself. You just gave birth a few hours ago, sweetness.” Russell wrapped his arms around her.

  “Where’s Bethany?” She tried to move out of his arms to find her baby.

  “Shhh, you’ll wake her up. She’s sleeping in her bed right there.” Russell pointed to the end of the bed where the makeshift crib had been settled against the footboard to keep it secure. “Abe settled her there after changing her diaper.”

  She let out a sigh of relief. “He changed her diaper?”

  Somehow the sight of the big mountain of a man fooling with something so tiny seemed absurd and she smothered a laugh.

  “He’s pretty good at it. Don’t forget that we’ve both had children before.” Russell kissed her cheek.

  “His hands are so large. I just couldn’t picture him using a safety pin without sticking himself.”

  “Well, I didn’t say he got by uninjured.” Russell’s deep chuckle sent her into another fit of giggles.

  She realized that her entire body was sore. She moaned and clutched her belly.

  “What’s wrong? Are you hurting?” Russell immediately grew serious.

  “I’m okay. I’m just sore all over. I’ll get over it. I better get a shower before Beth wakes up and is hungry.”

  Russell helped her ease out of the bed. “I’m surprised she’s slept this long.”

  “Check her for me. Just to be sure she’s breathing.” Fear slithered like a snake down her spine. How could she have slept without checking on her baby?

  “She’s fine. Sleeping like a lamb. I can see her breathing.” He walked back over to her and helped her shuffle into the bathroom.

  After turning on the shower to let it get warm, Russell helped her undress and then peeled out of his clothes as well. She wasn’t surprised that he wouldn’t let her shower without him there to watch her. It was actually a relief to know that he wouldn’t let her fall if she lost her balance or slipped. Her legs felt like noodles, and she wasn’t sure how long she would be able to stand up on her own.

  “Let’s get you cleaned up and back in bed.” He helped her inside the enclosure and followed her in.

  He quickly washed her then held her as she stood under the soothing hot water to rinse off. Once out of the shower, he blotted her skin dry with a soft towel. Just as they walked back into the bedroom, Beth let out an angry scream. They both stopped in their tracks at the loud noise that erupted from the tiny bundle in the drawer.

  “I’ll get her.” Russell helped Celina climb into bed before hurrying around to lift the thrashing infant out of her bed. “Easy there, sweet Bethany. Momma has your dinner nice and warm for you.”

  “Russell!” Celina couldn’t help the smile that formed at his irreverent words.

  He handed her his precious bundle with a grin, but didn’t say anything. Instead, he stood back and watched as she bared her breast and rubbed her nipple across Beth’s tiny mouth. Almost immediately she latched onto it and began sucking and making the funniest grunting noises.

  Russell chuckled then eased onto the bed and wrapped his arms around them both. She eased back, letting him take their weight, enjoying the feeling of being safe and cared for. When she switched breasts, he blotted the free one dry for her. Then he nuzzled his mouth to her ear.

  “I love you, Celina, and I love this tiny piece of heaven that you’ve given us. I will care for you both and keep you safe for as long as I live. If you’ll let me, I’ll be one of her fathers and she will be my child.”

  She gasped at his quiet proclamation. Her heart soared to hear him say the words, though she’d known them in her heart for weeks now. Turning her head, she reached for his mouth with her own. His kiss was gentle but no less passionate.

  “I love you, Russell. Bethany and I would be honored for you and Abe to be her fathers. Nothing would please me more.”

  He all but crushed her to him as they watched their daughter slowly fall asleep in Celina’s arms.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Six weeks later, Celina stepped out of the shower feeling refreshed with tiny sparks of excitement tingling up and down her spine. Tonight she was going to make sure her men made love to her. It had been plenty long enough. Her body was healed, and her hormones were screaming. She needed to feel them inside of her. They had been tiptoeing around her long enough.

  Little Bethany was the sweetest baby. She still demanded feeding every three to four hours, but slept nearly nonstop in between. She rarely cried. As long as they kept her fed, warm, and dry, she was a happy baby. That made for a happy mom. Now to add satisfaction to the mix.

  The men stayed busy from sunup to sundown preparing the garden then planting it as well as taking care of all the normal chores. It was time she took back over her part of the work, starting with taking care of them. With a small smile, Celina dressed in the only pretty dress she had found among the bunches of clothes now piled on one of the spare beds. She hadn’t bothered with underwear.

  She stopped to look once more in the mirror and sighed. Her breasts were much bigger than they had been, and though she’d managed to lose most of the weight she’d gained during her pregnancy, she still had a small rounded belly and her ass looked too broad. There was nothing she could do about it right now. In time she hoped the hard work of taking care of the garden and the house would help tone her body back in shape. She wanted to look her best for her men.

  She hurried downstairs to check on Beth. Abe was watching her while he finished up dinner. The instant she walked into the kitchen, Abe turned to stare at her, forgetting the spoon he held in his hand until it dropped to the floor.

  “Damn!” He leaned over and picked it up, dropping it in the sink before he stalked toward her. “You look good enough to eat.”

  “Promises, promises. I’m beginning to think you’re all talk and no action.” She pouted as he wrapped his arms around her.

  “Baby, we don’t want to hurt you. You just had a baby.” He kissed her forehead.

  “It’s been six weeks, Abe! Six long, dry weeks. I’m ready for some action.”

  “I just want to be sure you’re all healed up. I can’t stand the idea of hurting you.” He nuzzled her ear before nipping it and pulling away. “Dinner is almost ready. Have a seat. Russell should be in soon.”

  Just as she sat down, they heard the door in the great room open and close. Abe grabbed his rifle and checked to be sure it was Russell before relaxing and replacing the gun next to the cabinet. Russell strode into the room and made a beeline to where Bethany lay snug in her bed on a chair pushed up to the table for stability. He grinned down at her before turning to Celina.

  “I see where your loyalties lie. I’m just second fiddle now, aren’t I?” She gave a small pout and gazed up at him from beneath her lashes, hoping for a sexy look.

  “Never, sweetness. You and Beth are my favorite women in the world.” He bent over and kissed her with enough passion that Celina held some hope that her plan would work after all. “You look real pretty in that dress, Celina.”

  She smiled up at him and started to wrap her arms around his waist, but he stepped back.

  “Not yet. I need a shower. I’m nasty. I’ll hurry, though. I’m starved.” He fairly ran out of the room.

  Shaking her head, Celina smiled at Abe. She walked over and wrapped her arms around him from behind and rubbed her cheek against his back. He smelled so good. Warm, spicy male. Where Russell’s scent had a slight pine smell to it, Abe’s was more musky and earthy to her. Russell smelled more like a forest. She would know them by their scent alone.

  Abe’s hands covered hers as they reached in front of him. She couldn’t completely encase him in her arms. He patted her hands.

  “None of that, now. We’re fixing to eat.”

  She could hear the amusement in his voice, but underneath it was a thread of heat as well. She wondered if she ran
her hands downward if she’d find him hard or not. She was almost afraid to see. If he wasn’t, it would hurt. Throwing caution to the wind, Celina slipped her hands down and found the object of her desire, long, thick, and hard.

  “Celina.” He groaned while pressing his cock against her questing hand.

  Then he sighed and pulled her hands away from him. She let out a snort of disgust and started to back away but he stopped her, pulling her around to face him. He started to say something, but little Bethany chose that moment to decide she wanted attention. Celina stepped out of Abe’s arms and hurried over to tend to the baby.

  By the time Russell had returned and Abe had the food on the table, she had finished feeding her and was rocking her back to sleep.

  “Looks like the little squirt ate first as usual,” Russell said.

  “Nothing but the best for our little girl.” Abe passed the bowl of food to Russell after spooning some on Celina’s plate.

  “That’s too much, Abe. I’ll never eat all of that.” She scowled at him as she carefully settled the baby back into her bed.

  “You’ve got to keep up your strength. I don’t want you losing any more weight. You’re going to dry up and blow away if you do.”

  Russell nodded his head in agreement as he chewed. When he had swallowed, he spoke up.

  “We like curves and meat on your bones so we aren’t afraid of breaking you.”

  “Maybe if you were doing anything with me, I’d believe that. As it stands now, I wouldn’t know what you mean.” She didn’t look up as she spoke.

  The low growl on her right told her that Abe didn’t like her pushing the subject. Well, too bad. She was tired of the frustration and needed her men to fuck her. She wanted them to make love to her, too, but some good old-fashioned screwing was what she needed first.


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