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Charged: An Otherwordly Reverse Harem (The Otherworlds Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Gillian Zane

  “Later then, prude." Viv went back to dancing and Bobbie glared at the back of her head. Finally giving up on trying to change Viv’s mind, she began to force her way off the dance floor toward the exit, which wasn’t as easy when she was alone. She pulled her phone out of her purse and opened the ride share app. Choosing the cheapest fare she punched in her destination and hit accept. She had five minutes before her car arrived. She figured she should wait outside, as far away from the twins as possible.

  Bobbie was outside of the club for only a few minutes when a sleek, black, and very expensive vehicle slid to the curb in front of her. The door opened, the inside was dark. She should have checked for a sticker, or double-checked her phone for the type of vehicle.

  "Nice ride," Bobbie murmured, trying to remember if she had accidentally checked off the wrong class. She wanted the cheap ride. This was not cheap.

  She realized her mistake the moment she slid onto the back seat. She glanced down at her app and the car that was supposed to pick her up was five blocks away from her. The windows of this vehicle were illegally tinted. She couldn’t see the driver and the interior was so dark she could barely see next to her.

  As her ass made contact with the supple leather, and her feet were firmly planted in the well, the door closed without any assistance, and her mind began chastising her for being the biggest moron on the planet. She deserved to be the next victim of a serial killer because of her vast amounts of stupidity.

  “Let us go see my home now," the voice of her dreams/nightmares said from the shadows next to her. It was sinfully sexy and washed over her like she was submerged in a warm bath. It was Roc.

  "Oh shit," she cursed and went for the door handle, but it was locked and the car was pulling from the curb and speeding into the night.

  Roc slid from the shadows, revealing his disturbingly handsome features. His looks were almost otherworldly, he was so good-looking. He had strong chiseled features and a predatory visage as he looked at her. He brushed at his longish black locks that stood out in stark contrast to his bronze skin. She wanted to touch his hair, to help him get it under control, but she squeezed her hand shut so she wouldn’t be tempted.

  "I was waiting for a paid ride, I didn't intend for you to bring me home," Bobbie stammered.

  "I know, but I could not let my possession run away. You are mine now. I bought you for thirty thousand of your dollars.”

  "I am not yours, you bought one date, you did not buy me. What third world country are you from that you think this is normal?" His charm was wearing thin now, no matter how sinful he looked.

  "I paid a great sum for you. It was most of the human dollars I had on hand, but now that I have you, my mission here is done and I will not need the money.”

  "Human dollars? Mission? What are you talking about?" Bobbie turned and stared out the window. She had to keep a bearing on where she was. This guy was talking like he wasn't going to return her. Was he kidnapping her? Was her life in jeopardy? Was she about to be sold into sex slavery?

  Thin tendrils of panic surrounded Bobbie’s chest and she felt her heart rate increase.

  “My mission was to come here to find my female. I have found her. My mission is complete. I can return home now."

  “I don’t know what you’ve found, but it isn’t this female, mister. You can bring me home now because I will not be returning with you to your home."

  "I am bringing you to your home. My home is now your home."

  "I don't think so!" Bobbie exclaimed, fear now leaking into her voice, the pitch going up drastically with each word.

  "You have fire, I like that. You will love my world, and my world will love you.” He grinned and that predatory look came in his eyes again as he took her in from toes to tits.

  "Your charm just wore off, Roc, I don’t find you attractive anymore. I’m going to tell Chuck, and the BABs people, they can get your money back to you.”

  “You can tell anyone you want, that does not change the spark that is between us.” He ran a finger over her exposed thigh and she frowned when that spark he spoke of tingled across her skin.

  “Pull the car over right this instant and let me out. There will be no taking or claiming or sparks!"

  "You have no choice, female. Please be quiet, and do not fight this. I know you are scared. You were probably not liking being a slave. But it will be better and we will be there shortly. If you would like I can make you feel pleasure as we wait. Would you like if I touched you between your legs like that couple in the drinking establishment? Would that settle you?”

  "You are not touching me!" Bobbie slid farther back in her seat, pressing her side to the door, all while keeping an eye on the menacing twin.

  "I will. Please do not fight me, you will find it most enjoyable,” he purred and ran his hand up her leg, pushing his other hand in-between her thighs and forcing them open with unimaginable strength. Bobbie knew right there that she was no match for this big man. He was going to rape her and probably kill her. She would be a face on a milk carton, or a re-creation on one of those detective shows. Girl dresses like a hooker, gets auctioned off to a stranger and ends up dead, her body found in the Florida swamps.

  Bobbie tried to push him away, but everywhere she touched him to push him off, sparks flew, and she became more and more turned on. She hated her own body at that moment. Why couldn’t she be outraged? She should be enraged, fighting back with everything she had, but her traitorous body was caving under his touch. Actually wanting him to touch her, even though her brain was screaming no, no, no.

  He reached up her short dress skirt and hooked a finger in her panties, one finger slightly grazing her labia, causing her to cry out. With one pull, the fabric tore and he ripped them away from her body.

  "Please don't," she whispered as her whole body began to shake in what she thought might be fear, but she suspected it might be need.

  "You do not want pleasure?" he asked as he palmed her torn underwear. He looked down at them and rubbed the lace between his fingers as if he had never seen anything like them.

  “I don’t.” She barely managed to get the words out. The hand that was reaching out to touch her leg stopped in mid-air.

  “I can sense your pleasure. I can smell our arousal. I do not understand why your body reacts to me, but your mouth is saying no. I would like to bring you pleasure, Bobbie.” His words were a purr.

  “I don’t know you, you have forced me into this car, and are trying to take me against my will. I might be attracted to you, but I know this is wrong. You can’t force me.” A small sob broke through her lips and he frowned.

  “It is not wrong. The spark that ties us together has shown the path of our future. You are mine, provided by the universe. I am yours.”

  “I wasn’t provided by anything. I’m no one’s spark or whatever, the only person I belong to is myself.” Bobbie was proud of her strong words, how she got them out with a hard edge.

  “But, do you not want to be completed? For just as you belong to me, I belong to you as well,” Roc said in a careful tone, his eyes showing the slightest hint of pain at her reaction to him. There was one moment, one tiny moment, when Bobbie felt her resistance slipping, when she almost wanted to let go and give into this spark he spoke of. But the voice in her head screamed to not be led by her libido. To not let this lunatic take advantage of her.


  I Don’t Want To Believe

  The car came to halt and Bobbie whimpered from the quick stop, the back and forth motion sent a shiver of arousal through her and she hated every second of it. She sat up straight and yanked down her skirt, hoping to hide how desperately turned on she was from her would-be rapist, the one who was too damn perceptive for his own good.

  "We are here," he said and Bobbie glanced around. They were in an empty field. Would he kill her now? Did he bring her out here to dump her body where no one would find it?

  "What are you going to do to me?" she said, unable to hide the
quiver in her voice.

  "Bring you to my home," he said incredulously. He had a slight tone of exasperation like he was tired of repeating himself.

  “This is your home, this baseball field?”

  "No, I had to hide my transport here."

  "What?" she asked with confusion. The door opened behind her and because her back was pressed so hard up against it, she fell out onto the dew-laden grass. Before she could get too comfortable, she was being picked up like she weighed nothing and big arms came around her. She was held tight by Roc’s twin. He shifted her in his arms effortlessly to get a better grip on her, throwing her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. Because she wore no underwear, she felt cool air on the backs of her thighs and her exposed pussy. It was completely embarrassing. Like that wasn’t enough, his hand moved up her thigh and cupped her bare ass in a quick squeeze.

  "Hey!" she cried, trying to swat at the twin, but unable to move her arms in that direction.

  "You have nice assets, female, I cannot help myself,” Roc said, walking next to them.

  "Bobbie," she growled.

  "Bobbie, you have nice assets."

  "So, because I have nice assets, you’ll let your twin feel me up, too? This is ridiculous and uncool," she said from her upside-down position.

  "I don't understand this concept of twin," he replied as they walked across the field.

  "You're both obviously fucked up in the brain. I don't know what your mom did to the two of you in the womb, but whatever she did, it turned you both into psychopaths."

  "I only have one brain and it is not fucked up,” Roc said stoically. Bobbie dismissed this statement as more psychobabble and held still as the twin walked them across the field. She hoped if she played it cool an opportunity would arise and she could get away.

  The field was large and they walked quite a distance. Roc chatted almost excitedly about his home and how much she would love it.

  When they neared the trees, both men stopped and Roc held up his wrist and he touched it like it was a smart watch. He pressed a button and there was a popping sound a few feet from them. Bobbie tried to shift around and look at what was happening, but wasn’t able to see around the mountain that held her in place. She felt the air around them change, become charged as if a storm was about to descend quickly on the area. It was impossible to see, since all she had a view of was the twin’s ass, and the tight pants that sheathed it so perfectly.

  A hiss of air sounded and a metallic smell tickled Bobbie’s nose. She again tried to move her body so she could see, but all she managed to do was make herself uncomfortable.

  The twin holding her began walking forward and the clank of metal and the jolting of his steps signified that they were going up some kind of metal structure, but her view was of a glass like material that she couldn’t place. When she was finally able to get a view of their surroundings, she gasped. It was some sort of structure, made of glass, but not really because it had an almost metallic nature. There were decorations and designs like she had never seen before. The walls and floors seemed to be made of the same glass-like material and electrical patterns filtered through their depths in bright blues and purples. What looked like symbols flashed and Roc reached out and touched his hand to the wall, sending off a series of chirps and an automated voice spoke in a foreign language from hidden speakers.

  There had been no structure in the field. Nothing like this. She knew for a fact there had been nothing there. She had assumed they were going into the woods so they could rape and kill her, she hadn’t expected this. She should be reassured. Her other option wasn’t exactly the best, but this was bizarre.

  "Wa-where are we?" Bobbie stammered.

  "My transport," Roc said proudly.

  “Like, as in a car?”

  “No, like as in a spaceship,” Roc said.

  “A spaceship?” Bobbie’s voice was two octaves too high.

  “It is a Terra accessible S-Class, one of the fastest atmosphere penetrating crafts made by my people,” he said with a bit of pride.

  “And this thing is going to take me to your home. W-where exactly is your home, Roc?”

  "Quadrant 89.3 of the Vion Solar System, on the planet Polaridis. That is my home.”

  "Oh fuck."


  Possession is nine-tenths or something like that

  She was in his transport. She was his now. The glee of attaining her filtered through every aspect of his being. He hadn’t felt this much joy in a long time. He wanted to shout to the rooftops that he had attained the unattainable. She was his! The prophecy had been real. They hadn’t believed it could be true. They had mocked him when he made plans for this mission, when he obsessed for the last fifty years. His father’s new wife had taken to mocking him incessantly when she found out. It was unheard of. It was heresy. It was unnatural.

  Never had an Earthling charged with a Polaridi. Never was it written in their records. His people had tried to stay separate from Earth, only observing them from afar, not wanting to interfere and impact their proper evolutionary tract.

  He had even been told what he planned on doing was unethical, that if he were to take an Earthling to their home planet it would be akin to abduction. He didn’t want to think about that part of things, because he might have done that. She hadn’t wanted to come with him, said she wasn’t attracted to him. She was lying, well, about the attraction part anyway.

  He had to show her his world. He had to make her understand what it meant to be a charged pair. They matched—in the long run that had to mean something. She would forgive him when she came to realize what he had done.

  She had to. There was no turning back now.

  Roc's twin walked down a long hall with her still thrown over his shoulder. He turned abruptly, placed his hand on the wall and a door opened. She didn't see Roc anymore, he had gone in the other direction, abandoning her with his Neanderthal twin. She didn't know why she was so affronted by his abandonment, but she didn't quite trust the twin. He hadn't spoken to her, she didn't even know his name.

  Her world spun, and she was being upended over his shoulder and thrown in the opposite direction. She squealed and braced herself for a hard impact, but only soft luxury greeted her. She looked quickly from left to right and realized she was on a mattress of some kind. She ran her hands along the soft, silky fabric. It felt amazing, absolute pure luxury. The material seemed to embrace her body, filling in all the little cracks and crevices that needed attention and comfort.

  "This will be your quarters, until you are ready to share mine.” The twin finally spoke, his voice was exactly like Roc's.

  "I will not be sharing your bed or Roc’s! You two are screwed up." The twin cocked his head, his eyes narrowing as if she confused him.

  “I do not believe I understand your planet’s customs as much as I should. I will leave you for the moment.” He straightened and quickly vacated the room, the door hissed closed behind him.

  Bobbie was alone.

  She looked around the room. It was richly decorated with lavish materials hanging from floor to ceiling, giving the appearance of being in a tent. It was not what she would imagine a spaceship to look like on the inside. The bed, which was a little smaller than a king, took up a good portion of the space, and on the far wall was a shelf that held some items that weren’t recognizable, and then another door on the far side of the room. She got off the bed and went to the door that led outside first, but she couldn’t find a handle. There was nothing to indicate how to open it. But when she walked to the second door, it hissed open when she neared it, like she was at a grocery store.

  This room was odd shaped, and the walls looked like the glass material she had seen in the hallway, but they weren’t opaque. Light shined along different spots along the wall. They were what could only be writing, small symbols in a strange language she had never seen. She pressed the wall that held a symbol resembling three circles interlocking. A hole opened up in the floor, and portions
of the floor raised up to resemble a seat. A blue light flashed, then turned to red. Was it a toilet? Bobbie peered down at the contraption. It certainly resembled a toilet. The hole in the middle of the seat looked like a receptacle to hold something and there was a light sheen of what looked like liquid running down the side.

  Only one way to find out. And if it wasn’t a toilet, well, then Roc could clean up her piss. She chuckled and it sounded maniacal to her own ears. Served him right for buying her. Or was this an abduction? She was on an alien ship. The obvious conclusion was Roc was an alien. She grimaced when she thought back to how she was all lusty around him. She was the victim of an alien abduction, by a genuine alien. Sure, he looked very human-like, in a supermodel sort of way. Did that mean all supermodels were aliens? Was he going to anal probe her? She didn’t want to think about anal probes. This had to be some stupid trick. Maybe she was on one of those hidden camera shows that were coming back in fashion. What was that practical joke show called, the Yaboro Experiment? She couldn’t remember. He didn’t look like the skinny guy from that show. Maybe it was a new show? She looked around to see if she could spot any hidden cameras. All she saw was more and more of the glass like material the entire ship was made from. There was no way they could make up this stuff, right?

  She hiked up her dress and sat on the seat. She felt something shift and the seat got more comfortable. That was a neat a trick. She did her business, and when she was done a puff of air blew across her vagina, sending warm tingles up her body and a fragrant aroma wafting around the room. She felt clean, even though there was no toilet paper to be found.

  When she stood, the contraption closed in on itself and dropped back into the floor.

  “Oh, sweet baby Jesus,” she said aloud. Of all the things she had witnessed tonight, the toilet did her in. It made her situation painfully apparent. There was no recreating that on a joke show.


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