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Charged: An Otherwordly Reverse Harem (The Otherworlds Series Book 1)

Page 9

by Gillian Zane

  "You feel the pleasure of our shared charge," he said as he pulled back from her lips. He smiled, one of only a few legit smiles she had seen on his face. Figured a real smile from him would be how he rubbed in her lies about not being attracted to him. His hand came up and gripped her breast in a tight squeeze, then he pulled his hand back, letting sparks fly over her milky skin.

  The electricity pinged across her chest, little lightning bolts to her nipples, sending hot sparks of arousal through her breasts and down her body until she felt an almost painful arousal between her legs. She thrusts her breasts toward him in reaction, a sigh on her lips, a chuckle on his.

  Bobbie couldn't resist the feeling it sent through her, but she still tried to protest their joining. "You just can't go around kidnapping people. I have a life. You've stolen me away from my friends, my family. You have to know what you did was wrong, Roc.”

  “You have me now. You can make a new life, a better life," His hand moved from her breast to her stomach and she clenched in anticipation as he slid his hand lower, across her abdomen, passing up what she wanted him to touch, only to fall on her thigh. She instinctively spread her legs slightly to grant him access. It was an instinct. She hadn’t made the choice to do that, had she?

  “I will give you pleasure like you’ve never experienced before. Every day you will only know pleasure. On our world, we have advanced medicine, we live for centuries. There are no diseases, we live in a time of peace. There will always be one part of me devoted to you and your every desire.” His finger slipped between her folds, finding her clit with laughable ease. He circled it, pinching it between his thumb and forefinger. She cried out, her back arching as her knees buckled. He caught her with one hand, but continued to pinch and pull at her clit.

  She felt something cool against her back and her feet left the ground as Roc placed her on something solid. She braced herself as he spread her legs and inserted two fingers into her soaked pussy, continuing his assault on her clit with his thumb.

  “Roc!” She cried out, hating the wanton sound of her voice and the way she pressed herself against his hand, wanting him deeper, wanting to come so bad she could feel it in her lungs. Sparks flew across their skin and her hair felt like it was standing on end. She wanted to hate what he was doing to her, wanted to fight him, but it felt amazing. Utterly amazing.

  “Do you like the pleasure I bring you, pr’ialla?” Roc asked.

  “Yes.” Her word was barely a whisper.

  Roc bent over her body, his mouth replacing his thumb. He sucked her clit into his mouth, and she cried out with little restraint. His fingers pumped inside of her with a brutal efficiency as he continued to explore her with his tongue. She thrashed against him, moaning louder as an orgasm violently forced its way out of her body. Lightning arced from her skin to slam into the walls around her. It felt like her chest was breaking open with the pressure, the energy too great to be held inside of her. He didn’t stop lapping at her as she flooded him with her climax, his tongue persistently taking her without minding the results of her violent explosion.

  Another quake spasmed through her and her throat was thrashed from earlier, so all that emitted from her mouth was a hoarse cry of elation. If she would have had a voice, she would have shattered the glass around them. Her vision went black around the edges as her mind couldn’t wrap itself around the intense feelings that were zinging through her body. She fought to stay conscious as she realized she couldn’t hold herself together anymore. She collapsed against whatever was holding her up as she fought to control the waves of energy passing through. When it became too great, too much too hold inside, she gave up and let the pleasure ride through her unencumbered.


  Space Traveler Fail Log

  Roc carried Bobbie back to the bedroom with her cradled against his chest, more satisfied than he had ever been. He had his Charge Mate. Finally. She had let him pleasure her. It wasn’t the joining of bodies that would bring about their final attachment, but it was enough for now. There were things to be done in the middle times. He was on the verge of being fully healed, so he could pilot the ship and attend to his female. But there were also things to do on Polaridis, and he was having a hard time concentrating with the traveling and distance. Lightspeed travel was undertaken by the folding of space in front of his ship, much like he had hidden it on Earth, but instead of folding the space around the ship to hide it, to travel space was folded and the ship was moved through space. It wasn’t instantaneous, and when the ship punched through space, he lost track of his other manifestations.

  It was an odd feeling. He hadn’t had this issue on his flight out. He’d been able to compartmentalize his actions and concentrate through the jump. But he was too much in this moment, in the joy of what was occurring with the finding of his Charge Mate, to even consider breaking apart his processes enough to concentrate on his business on Polaridis. He considered shutting them down, almost as if he was going to sleep, but when he came out the other side of the fold, he realized he had done it unconsciously. It was only him and his secondary aware at the moment. He hoped this didn’t alarm anyone back home if they were mid-action. He would be home shortly and hopefully handling the situation. At the moment, he had more important things to handle.

  Right now, right here, it was all about Bobbie. They would make this trip across the cosmos to his home planet, and he would convince her this was where she wanted to be.

  Bobbie woke again in the most comfortable bed in the universe. There was a warm weight against her back and she stiffened when she realized what it was. Or really, who it was. Roc, her alien abductor, with the wicked tongue.

  “Be still.” His velvet voice rolled along her skin and embedded in her stomach. His hand wrapped around her waist and pulled her close. She was naked from their exploits earlier, but thankfully she was covered with a soft blanket. He was under this blanket with her though, and when their skin met, she realized he was also naked.

  She went rigid when a large, hard object nestled against her ass and brought about tiny shards of fear of what he could do to her, but also an underlying shiver of anticipation of those same things. She remembered the orgasm from last night. It had been out of this world. The intensity of it had knocked her out, which was something new for her. Definitely a first. Her cheeks flushed thinking about it and how she had let him do whatever he wanted to her so easily. How she had screamed his name and begged him to take her. That was not how an abductee was supposed to act, even if she had never experienced pleasure like that in her life.

  She remembered the attention he had lavished on her, how focused he was on making her come. Another first for her. She had been with a few men in her life, had experienced good sex before, but never had a man gotten so into going down on her like that. Foreplay was always hit or miss with the guys she had dated, some better than others. Roc had eaten her out like she was an exquisite meal. He had all but worshipped between her legs. Thinking about it had her arousal skyrocketing back into existence, her insides tingling in anticipation of another round of Roc. She felt like a mindless sex-starved addict as her body wiggled against him of its own volition, making his cock nestle between her cheeks and press against her ass.

  “Does that mean you like that I am in here in your bed?” Roc’s chest rumbled against her back.

  “No,” Bobbie managed to choke out, but she didn’t move away.

  “Your words say one thing. Your body says another. You did not like what I did to you on the bridge?” Roc’s chuckle rumbled against her back and the warm heat of him spread along her flesh, sending a barrage of electric shocks up her arm and making her break out in goosebumps.

  “Yes,” she whispered, unable to lie to him anymore.

  “And that was but a small portion of what I can do.” He moved his hips, his cock slipping between her legs and moving easily against the opening of her pussy because she was drenched.

  “That was a fluke, I was overwhelmed.” Bobbie bit
her lip to hold back a moan. His cock was thick and she squeezed her legs together as he slowly moved back and forth, barely touching her sensitive areas. He would be so big inside of her. She knew he would fill her, and by the way he touched her, by the way he moved, she knew he could bring the most exquisite pleasure.

  The only sound in the room was their ragged breaths as he slowly pistoned his hips against her from behind. Bobbie wanted to give in, wanted to let him take her, but something in her, that stubborn streak that had kept her head above water so many times, held her back. She pressed her eyes shut and felt the world around her shift slightly. The low grumble of engines made the entire room she was in vibrate. She was on a spaceship. In the middle of space. She might never see her own planet again.

  She surged to her feet, slapping a hand on the icon she’d seen him use the day before, making the door slide open to the bathroom since she couldn’t wait for it to slide open. She managed to also find the toilet, and it popped up right in time for her to empty her stomach into it. It had been awhile since she had eaten, so it was mostly bile.

  There was a cool hand on her forehead, and a cloth wrapped around her back to cover her nakedness. Soothing words that she couldn’t make out. When the heaving stopped, this man, or alien whatever he was, picked her up like she was a baby doll. Bobbie wasn’t a small girl. She was always on the heavy side, and a good height. But he carried her through the small room, activating another panel, revealing a small alcove that he stepped into.

  He set her down on her feet, but his arms remained around her. Bobbie would have pulled away if he’d remained erect, or continued to pressure her into sex that she wanted, but didn’t want. Instead he only began to clean her off. Warm air washed over her, it smelled fresh, and her skin tingled with clean.

  “What is this?” she asked.

  “Charged particles, makes the skin clean.” He held out his hand, and she saw a faint luminescent on his palm. Then he pressed a panel on the wall that was ringed in a darker color than the rest of the small alcove.

  “This is the control, this is clean body,” he pointed to an icon that was a circle with another one inside of it. “This is clean hair.” He pressed an icon that looked like four wavy lines and the room filled with an aroma that reminded her of lavender. Her hair stood up on end, and then fell down her back in silky waves that she couldn’t help but touch and run her fingers through.

  “This is finish. It is simpler on ship than it will be at home,” Roc said and he pressed a colored circle with a smaller circle in the center that wasn’t colored in. The room again filled with an ionic like charge, and she smelled citrus and rain. Her skin glowed and tingled again.

  “Amazing.” Bobbie looked at her skin, which had a slight bronzed color to it, as if she had been tinted in gold.

  “This is just the clean room. It is nothing, you are the amazing thing,” Roc said.

  “Amazing thing?” She laughed as they stepped out of the cleaning room. Roc handed her a soft piece of material and she ran her hands over it.

  “Travel suit,” he said and held it up, running his hand over the back so it split open and he held it down by her feet so she could step into it. “And you are quite amazing.” He pulled the suit up her body, doing nothing overtly sexual, only making sure she was covered.

  “Run your finger over this seam, and it will close.” Roc ran his finger down the center of the suit and it closed like magic.

  “You don’t even know me. How can I be amazing? You only think that because we share this charge. No matter who I was, or what I looked like, you would be all you’re amazing.” She tried to mock his voice with those last words and he frowned.

  “It is a considerable truth that I would be attracted to my Charge Mate, no matter their appearance, but I am in awe of the female fate has delivered to me.” Roc fingered a long lock of her red hair. “There is no hair color like yours on my planet. It is the color of our smaller sun.” He let the lock drop and looked into her eyes. “And you are intense, a fighter, it is—,” he frowned as if struggling for the word.

  “Exhilarating,” he finally finished.

  “What? Are you used to people doing whatever you want?”

  “Yes.” Roc cocked his head to the side in that odd way of his, as if to convey it wasn’t his fault. “I am a Prince of my people.” He said this like Bobbie should understand what that meant, and she guessed she did understand. She knew what a prince was, could imagine how they were treated. He probably had people fawning over him every moment of his day, agreeing with him, doing his bidding no matter how strange. No one disagreed with him, or refused to do what he asked. No wonder he had swooped in and taken charge.

  “Well, just because you are a Prince, doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want with me. Do you understand that?” Bobbie poked him in his chest.

  “I understand.” Roc smiled the predatory smile that made Bobbie shiver. Her eyebrows drew together, suspicious of that smile.

  “What?” she asked.

  “I am your Prince, and that means I will do whatever you want, anything.” He said this in a tone that resonated with sexual innuendo. Bobbie chewed on her bottom lip, trying not to do a little hip shimmy in his direction.

  “Anything?” Bobbie asked.

  “What is it you want from me, Bobbie?” Roc asked, his voice sincere.

  “I want you to take me home.”

  “That is not possible.” Roc couldn’t control his face and the emotions that were churning under his skin, so he left the small room and began to pace in the bedroom. How could he fix this? He had only just told her he would do whatever she wanted. And this is what she asked? He should have been prepared for it. He should have known.

  “Why isn’t it possible?” Bobbie’s defiant tone, which usually had him aroused, grated at the guilt buried in his chest. Now that he had come to understand exactly what happened on Earth, he felt like he bungled how he had handled her. He had taken her against her will, but it wasn’t possible to bring her back. Now that he had her, he couldn’t let her go. She was his future, his everything. If she went back to Earth, he would be ruined.

  The Polaridi that lost their Charge Mates were shells of what they were before. His father had lost his Charge Mate, Roc’s mother, almost seventy rotations ago, and he had never been the same. He had become harder, showing little emotion, his focus only on the realm he ran with almost obsessive control. Thames Virdan, the realm his father ruled, flourished under the monarch’s micromanagement, but the household he maintained did not. When Roc’s father realized that the household staff was about to revolt from mistreatment, he married the first eligible royal, so she could take over running the palace. It had been a terrible decision, but he didn’t have the heart to find someone he could possibly love. He had told Roc it was impossible, he had given his heart and his charge to Roc’s mother, and would not be happy again until they were reunited in the Afterlands.

  If Bobbie went back to Earth, he would become like his father. He did not want that. He had to convince her to stay.

  “Tell me why you would like to return?”

  “It’s my life, Roc. You took me from my life. Do you not understand that? What if I swooped in and forced you out of your home and made you come to Earth?”

  “Tell me about your life. What do you consider your life?”

  “I don’t know. My friends, my job, my apartment,” she huffed, blocking the path he was pacing in the bedroom.

  “You have many close friends?”

  “Well, no, I mean yes—well, I have two,” she blundered that answer.

  “And are they like your soul siblings? That would be hard to separate from,” he nodded.

  “Soul siblings?” Bobbie asked, her forehead crinkled in non-understanding.

  “They are the family of your heart, not blood, and they will do anything for you, give up the world for you, and you will do the same. I have only one. I would do anything for him. It is lucky in life that you have two.�
�� Roc closed his eyes, the pain of separating her from people like that engaging the guilt again. He should turn the ship around. He should bring her back to her friends.

  “Well, not like that, I mean, they are my friends, but Viv’s dating someone and she’s—well, she’s kind of distracted, and Chuck, he’s my other friend, the one from the stage, remember? He’s a good friend, but slightly narcissistic. He can’t help it, he was raised privileged.”

  “I do not know the word, narca—” Roc said.

  “Narcissistic. That’s kind of harsh, but Chuck just sometimes puts himself first,” Bobbie shrugged and sat on the bed as if what she said had pained her. Her description of her friends lifted a great weight from Roc’s shoulders as he looked at his Charge Mate, at the conflicted look on her face. There was something wrong. Maybe it was because she thought she had to return home, because of some obligation. He had to discover what it is.

  “Your job, that is your profession, correct? Is it very important? Is that what you must return for?” Roc asked, not trying to make her angry, but her cheeks flushed red anyway.

  “My job isn’t important. It’s not very important at all, or a good job.” She looked down at her hands in her lap.

  “Then it is your apartment. Is this like a home? Is it family? I would miss my home as well,” Roc sighed, that had to be it.

  “I don’t have any family left alive,” Bobbie sighed. “And my apartment is small and cramped.”

  “Then why do you wish to return home? I am trying to understand what holds you there,” Roc implored, kneeling before her so he could look her in the eyes when she spoke.


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