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Charged: An Otherwordly Reverse Harem (The Otherworlds Series Book 1)

Page 15

by Gillian Zane

  “These are different settings,” Nia said pointing to seven glowing symbols. “You choose which level of clean you would like before you enter. The first five are levels of clean, light to heavy. You would only pick heavy if you were covered in some kind of residue, like mud.”

  Bobbie stepped closer and looked at the symbols. They were all the same symbol but there was a slight variation on the marking. All of them were circles with smaller circles in the center, some had additions to the circles. Bobbie recognized them from the ship’s shower. Roc had tried to instruct her, but she was lost.

  “Clean,” Nia said.

  “And what does the addition of this serif mean?” She pointed to the little tail on the circular symbol.

  “More,” Nia responded.

  “And this one?” Bobbie pointed to another circular symbol, but this one had four wavy lines in the center of it.

  “Hair,” Nia patted her hair. “But, only in a sense of cleaning or maintenance.”

  “And this?” It was a symbol with two interconnecting squares.

  “If more than one person is in the cleaning room, when you click this you will get another set that will specify how many.” Nia pressed it, and lines, much like tick marks showed up.

  “This is very specific.” Bobbie saw another smaller symbol that looked like an upside-down triangle, but curved.

  “That is more settings, like hair removal, sexual preparation, that sort of thing. Your finishing docent shall explain it more. Undress and I shall show you.” Nia made a motion for Bobbie to proceed.

  Not usually shy, Bobbie did feel odd undressing in front of this woman. She had a critical eye as she took in Bobbie’s nude body with careful contemplation.

  “Ah, you need a reflection.” Nia pointed to another panel along the wall above the small counter. She pressed it and the wall faded to black, then a mirrored gloss. Bobbie’s reflection stared back at her. She had been right. Her hair was leaning to the greasy side, but other than that, she wasn’t looking that bad. She might have even lost weight.

  Bobbie would never be described as petite, unlike the woman next to her. She was about eight inches over five feet, and tended to fluctuate on the heavier side. She had always liked her body, though, even if it wasn’t in the spectrum of a perfect female body on her world…even though it was becoming fashionable to have a big ass and tiny waist thanks to a few reality television stars. But unlike those women who used surgery to achieve their unnatural proportions, Bobbie’s ass was big, but her waist wasn’t tiny. She curved, but didn’t plummet.

  With her bigger size, she also had large breasts, which were her favorite attribute, and Roc seemed to like them as well. She saw Nia staring at them in wonder.

  “Please enter the room,” Nia said, pressing the second setting for clean, and the hair button.

  Bobbie stepped in and the glass around her went opaque, a humming noise began and soft blue lights flared around her. The room filled with a steam, which was not what happened on the ship. Bobbie had a moment of panic, because steam usually meant heat, but it wasn’t too hot, only a pleasant warmth that washed over her skin like a sauna.

  The steam dissipated and was replaced by a foam that covered her from head to foot. She closed her eyes and her mouth as a clean smelling aroma she couldn’t place filled her nose. The foam sat on her body for a few moments and then another substance was released from the ceiling that only landed on her head and miraculously stayed there, only saturating her hair. A few more moments there and a gas like substance washed over her, dissipating the foam off her body.

  Once the foam had been washed off, the light in the room turned green, and the condensation was wicked from her skin, her hair fell against her arm dry. The door slid open and Bobbie walked out of the room completely dry and cleaner than she had ever been.

  “That wasn’t like the ship,” she said to the woman waiting for her.

  “We cannot use the soaps on the ship, so they use an ion-based cleaning solution. It doesn’t clean as well, but it works well enough. Here we can have more luxuries.”

  “I like these luxuries.” Bobbie sniffed her arm and delighted at the floral aroma that drifted off her.

  “I will have clothes specially made for you. I have already called for a tailor,” Nia said when she walked back into the room holding garments in her hand. She held up a brightly colored piece of fabric.

  “I don’t need special clothes, I can wear whatever,” Bobbie said as she touched the fabric and ran the soft material between her fingers.

  “We do not have whatever,” Nia said with a frown.

  “You don’t have stores that sell clothes?” Bobbie asked.

  “We do, but you will not fit in these clothes,” Nia said.

  “Wait, what?” Bobbie stopped and gaped at her.

  “Our people are much smaller than Earthlings,” Nia said and bowed her head like she was embarrassed.

  “But Roc,” she said. The man was huge, over six foot. That wasn’t what Bobbie would call small.

  “His majesty is unique in size and stature. He has use of a special tailor as well, along with clothes imported from Polari. The only clothes I have for you, ma’am, would be clothes made for Roc, and that would be inappropriate. I have brought you male lounging robes until we can fetch a tailor. Until then, ma’am, I am afraid you cannot be allowed to leave the Prince’s wing.”

  “Just get me some male clothing, I’ll be fine. I can wear some of those tight looking pants, and one of the shirts the g—Roc was wearing.” Bobbie caught herself at the last moment before she referred to the four as separate. “I can go out wearing that, right?”

  “That would be highly inappropriate, ma’am,” Nia said with that same embarrassed look.

  “Is there some kind of restriction on what women can wear here?” Bobbie had a bad feeling about the way Nia was acting. Were there restrictions on females? Bobbie had never considered herself a feminist per se, because she didn’t think she could tout that title since she wasn’t involved in political activism, or any kind of protest, but she enjoyed her independent lifestyle as a bold, beautiful, woman and thought something seriously needed to be done about the gender bias when it came to pay scale, that stupid ass pink tax, and the fact they couldn’t get a damn female in the White House. She hadn’t voted for the current U.S. President because she was pretty sure he was a misogynist. Instead, she had donated regularly to a group that helped liberate women from repressive governments, if that counted. She didn’t know how she would react if she found herself in a society where women were closeted away, or made to cover themselves in public.

  “Females are highly revered, ma’am, and protected. If you were to go about dressed like a man, it would cause confusion.” Bobbie could tell Nia wasn’t telling her the entire truth. Was it her bias or cultural bias?

  “Confusion? That’s it? I can deal with that. And I’m pretty sure I’m going to stand out and cause confusion with my red hair and my gargantuan size no matter what. I might as well flaunt it, right? I’ll wear some of those pants and a shirt, like Roc was wearing.” Bobbie gave the woman a look that Roc had given her a few times when he wanted her to do what he asked.

  “Ma’am,” Nia bowed her head in deference and left the room. Bobbie wandered around the bathroom trying to figure out what some of the raised pieces were for. She pressed one near the door and it didn’t seem to do anything but flash blue.


  Who’s the alien now?

  “Bobbie?” Bobbie had wandered into the attached bedroom and was peering into a drawer when Roc’s voice had her standing up straighter and spinning around with a surprised exclamation, her hands fluttering around her naked body in a useless embarrassed motion. She was standing butt naked in an unknown person’s bedroom. It was a smooth move. It could have been anyone that walked in on her. Luckily, it was Two, and Bobbie let out a relieved sigh. She could see the smallest bit of his telltale scar peeking out from under his shirt.

  “I don’t have many options as far as clothes,” she laughed, indicating her lack of attire. “Nia went to find me some. She says there aren’t female clothes in my size.” Bobbie hadn’t meant for it to come out so insecure, but no girl wanted to hear she was the biggest female on the planet and they didn’t make clothes that fit her.

  “You’re different from the other females of Polaridi, that’s true. Does this make you uncomfortable?” He took a step toward Bobbie and frowned when she stepped back. She didn’t understand why she stepped back. She was still a bit hurt from earlier, and the insecurity had taken root deeper than she expected.

  He was right. She was nothing like the females of this planet. Nothing like what he would have expected. Her hair was a crazy color to him, her size was monstrous compared to the others. She would stand out as different no matter where she went, too pale, too big, too red, too Bobbie. How could Roc want someone like her? He was only infatuated because of this stupid charge. If he had his choice, his Charge Mate would be half her size with that sleek black hair all the people of Thames Virdan had, not this mass of red curls that was her hair.

  She was the exact opposite of what he probably desired. How could he find her attractive? He was probably disappointed when he realized she was his Charge Mate. So, now Bobbie was stuck on an alien planet, with a man who was only attracted to her because they shared some weird electrical spark.

  “Yes, it makes me uncomfortable. I’m going to be like this lumbering giant around all these petite bronze beauties,” Bobbie said, grabbing a blanket from the bed and wrapping it around her to cover her body.

  “These petite beauties you are focused on have bodies like children, unlike my Charge Mate whose curves make me realize what I was missing all of my life.” He moved quicker than Bobbie expected, putting himself in front of her.

  “How can you say that? They are what’s normal here,” Bobbie pouted.

  “I am not a normal man on my planet. I, too, am much larger. They don’t make clothes for me in the stores. We match, pr’ialla.” He tugged at the blanket around her.

  “Where do you get your clothes?”

  “We have this advanced technology called a tailor, and I make frequent trips to Polari, where the men and women are larger. In fact, it is usually the Polari females that I desire, and not the Virdan ones of my birth realm. The ones with the large breasts and lush hips,” Two chuckled and Bobbie slapped a hand on his chest.

  “Stop making fun of me, you ran off, and that woman was so tiny, and she looked at my body like I was an—an alien. And what, you’re going to run off to find those desirable Polari women now?”

  “I am still here, aren’t I? Those women could never compare to you.” Roc kissed her forehead, drawing her into his arms. “And don’t worry about Nia, she is not used to change. All that matters is I find your body mesmerizing.”

  “Mesmerizing?” Bobbie repeated with a smile in her voice.

  “Your curves, and your larger—attributes are,” he stopped and held her at arm’s length, looking up and down her body which was still covered in a blanket. Bobbie looked down and noticed he wasn’t lying about that attraction, his pants bulged with his attraction.

  “They’re what, Roc?” she whispered.

  “Tantalizing,” he said on a breath of air, once again tugging at the blanket, this time managing to dislodge it and drop it on the floor.

  “What do you like about my body?” Bobbie teased, loving the way he was reacting to her. Her insecurities were like a bad afterthought. What was going on right here had her confidence shooting through the roof. There was no denying he wanted her and he found her beautiful.

  “I can’t decide,” Roc admitted, his eyes focused on her breasts.

  “Maybe these?” Bobbie felt powerful as she grasped her own breasts, squeezing them and rolling the nipples between her fingers.

  “Yes,” the word was a whisper through Roc’s lips.

  “What else?” Bobbie asked, biting her bottom lip as she watched Roc’s eyes trail down her body.

  “Maybe what’s here.” She slid her fingers through the lips of her pussy, marveling at how wet she became in only a moment.

  “Yes,” he said, his voice strangled.

  “How about—”

  “This.” He grabbed her by her waist and pulled her to him. “And this.” He spun her around, his hands on her ass. She stumbled a bit and whether by accident or design, she wasn’t admitting to it either way, she braced herself on the big bed with her hands, her ass in the air for him to explore.

  “Bobbie,” Roc moaned, and his hand pressed against her back, pushing her down onto the bed as she felt his body press against the back of her. His hard erection nestled against her ass and she pushed back on it, once, twice, until he barked out a growl and his hands were gripping her hips to hold her steady. He lifted her legs up, forcing her on her knees on the bed. She expected him to take her like this, to pull out his cock and impale her with its thick length. She was ready, soaked from the anticipation of the sordid act. She wanted it. She wanted to be fucked hard. But what he did took her by surprise. She heard him shift, a soft thud, and then she felt his hot breath against her exposed pussy.

  She cried out when his tongue licked across her wet folds.

  “Roc!” she cried as he began a slow exploration with his tongue. He licked her from pussy to ass, sucking her clit into his mouth and then venturing back again to the small puckered entrance of her butt. His ministrations were so thorough she was close to orgasm in no time at all.

  “Ma’am, I have managed, oh dear,” Bobbie looked behind her to see Nia standing there, staring at her and Roc.

  “Put the clothes by the door, Nia, thank you. You will not be needed for now,” Roc said from behind her, and Bobbie couldn’t help the giggles that escaped her. As the door slid closed behind Nia, the giggles turned to laughter.

  “You are terrible,” Roc said as she fell on her back on the bed, still laughing.

  “I can’t help it. This situation, it’s so strange.” She draped an arm over her eyes so she couldn’t see him glowering at her.

  “The palace manager witnessed my face buried in my newly acquired Charge Mate’s ass, and you think it’s funny? She will go and tell all the others that I was on my knees before you.”

  Bobbie let her arm drop away and sat up to study this strange man she found herself insanely drawn to.

  “Will that be a bad thing?”

  “They will say I’m less than a man,” he frowned.

  “For pleasing me?”

  “Yes,” he scowled.

  “But, you are this strong male, bigger than any other, right?” Bobbie got to her knees in front of him, and found the buttons of his shirt. They were slightly different than what you found on Earth. They slid into each other, so it took a little longer than usual to figure them out, but with a quick flick of her finger they undid and she marveled at the ease. She pulled his shirt off, revealing his bronze skin, his broad and muscled physique.

  “You have done things that no other man has accomplished.” She dropped his shirt to the floor and reached for his pants. Sliding her finger in the waistband, she found the clasp and loosened them.

  “You are to be an emperor.” She grasped his cock in her hand and he sucked in a breath.

  “Your actions should show them what a real man is, not what they think it should be.” She slid off the bed and knelt before him, yanking his pants down and letting his cock spring out. She took his dick into her mouth slowly, licking down the side of it until it nestled into the side of her mouth. She sucked it in and he cried out. Sparks began to appear on her hand as she grasped the length of him and pumped him into her mouth as she sucked him.

  “Bobbie,” he moaned, grasping her head in his hands.

  She swirled her tongue around the head of his cock as she pumped with her hand, slow up and down strokes. She took him in further and further until he was deeply buried in her throat, a talent she had perf
ected in college. Lights danced around them, and she closed her eyes against the intensity. His hand was at the back of her head, guiding her, but letting her set her own pace. She sped up, even grazed her teeth along the bottom, making him cry out and hold onto her tighter.

  He stiffened and his hand in her hair tightened. He was ready.

  “I do not want to come in your mouth, I want to be buried inside of you,” Roc growled. Bobbie pulled back and looked up at him, his cock hard as a rock against her cheek.

  She stood quickly and pushed on his chest, making him fall on the bed with the motion. Crawling over him, she grabbed for him, aligning the head to her core, and embedded him into her with a moan. Roc’s hands fell to her waist and he laid back and let her guide their pace. It was intense, her head thrown back, her back arched, taking her own pleasure with each rock of her hips, knowing he would come quick because of her earlier attentions.

  When his fingers fell to her clit, rubbing it quickly to help get her off, she didn’t hold back. The energy of the orgasm exploded out of both of them with a roar and a blast of light. Brightness danced against Bobbie’s closed eyes and her skin felt like it was on fire. Her hair stood on end as if she had been rolling around on a trampoline.

  “Bobbie, Bobbie,” Roc whispered her name as if in prayer. He pulled her to him, cradling her against the crook of his arm, still partially inside of her.

  “Roc,” she whispered his name back.

  “I don’t know if you can call me that anymore.” He rubbed her arms, causing her to shiver. She sat up and looked down at him, her eyebrow raised in question.

  “What do you mean?”

  “It’s just me. I sense the others, but I’m in total control of myself. That sounds so bizarre, but I am me. I am not Roc anymore.”


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