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Charged: An Otherwordly Reverse Harem (The Otherworlds Series Book 1)

Page 17

by Gillian Zane

  Kiss by kiss, he traveled from her ankle up her leg, and Bobbie felt the spark of his touch with each caress through the thin fabric she wore. When he exposed the skin of her thigh, he dropped another light kiss, and she moaned with the sensation. She wore no underwear since they didn’t seem to be a big priority on this planet. When her leg was free, Four quickly moved away and let her remove her slippers, and then kick off the pants.

  He stood and watched her hungrily as she pulled the shirt over her head to stand before him completely nude.

  “You are truly remarkable,” he murmured.

  “How can you say that? I look nothing like the women of this planet. For heaven’s sake, I have to go to a special tailor just to get clothes that fit.” She hated that her insecurities were slipping in and leaving her mouth. They must think she was so weak, obsessing about her body, but she couldn’t help it.

  “Your uniqueness makes you that much more alluring.” he cooed and he ran his hands down her arms, sending sparks flying.

  “You have to say that because our charges match,” she pouted, again hating her repeated self-doubt.

  “I say it because it’s true, since the moment I set eyes on you I have thought of nothing else.” He leaned his body down and captured her lip, which poked out in a pout. Bobbie sighed and leaned against his chest. Four’s kiss was soft, a caress against her mouth. He didn’t pressure her into more, or try to bend her to his will. He teased until she opened up, and then he explored tentatively, not wanting to scare her away. It was everything she had imagined, soft to Roc’s hardness, tentative to his aggressiveness, but still exerting control.

  Before she crumbled in an aroused mess at his feet, he pulled away, dropping a light kiss on her forehead.

  “Let’s cover you up before I scandalize you on the floor in the tailor’s shop,” he chuckled.

  “I won’t mind,” Bobbie sighed and Four’s chuckle turned to a very manly grumble of appreciation.

  “Clothes, or we’ll never get this done.” He held up the garment to her skin, then ran a hand down her side, and the material moved against her as if it had its own control. It adhered to her skin and wrapped around her, covering every inch of her from her neck to her toes.

  “Now that is a sight.” Four turned her around and pressed up against her back. She might as well have been naked. The material was something similar to black silk, but stretchier. It fit to her like a gel, and every fold and roll of her skin was evident. Her erect nipples stood out, along with the delicate folds between her legs. It was the most erotic thing she had ever worn.

  “Marvelous.” The tailor bustled back into the room. He had some sort of tablet in his hands and he was busy punching in numbers and waving it about. He barely looked up to see Bobbie.

  “This will be the talk of the town. I cannot thank Your Highness enough for bringing this spectacular lady to my door. Outfitting her will be an adventure,” he laughed, and Bobbie looked over her shoulder at Four pleadingly.

  “Nothing too outlandish, though. Please stick with on trend things,” Four admonished.

  “Of course, but this young lady will be a trendsetter herself. I can already guess the cosmetic surgeons will be rather busy after the first ball with this lady in attendance.”

  “The wealthier Polaridi have a habit of modifying their bodies to trends—skin coloring, waist reductions, that sort of thing,” Four whispered in her ear.

  “Breasts implants were all the rage about three centuries ago after the Wife of House Galavanti made an appearance right after giving birth. I can see them gaining new momentum again,” the tailor chuckled. “I think I know how to outfit you, my lady. I’ve taken all your measurements, and I have a few outfits I can modify to fit you, if you wouldn’t mind waiting. It will take me a few moments. I can have my son bring in tea.”

  “We don’t need any refreshments, sir. We’ll wait, don’t worry about us,” Four said.

  “Perfect, let me get this done so the lady does not have to run around looking like a boy,” he chuckled again and hurried out the door, closing it behind him and leaving Four and Bobbie to their own devices.

  “Let me help you out of this measuring device,” Four said. He had moved so fast and was at her ear so suddenly it made her jump at his proximity. “Did I scare you?” he asked as he ran a hand down her side, releasing what held the material together.

  “No, well, kind of.” The garment fell away and lay at her feet, leaving her again exposed to Four’s appreciative eye.

  “What shall we do for the few moments we have alone together?” Four’s lips were against her neck and she shivered, his fingers trailing along her stomach, cupping her breasts, and trailing across her nipples. She could feel the hardness of him pressed against her back. She had only recently joined with Two, resulting in Roc’s leaving. What kind of person would she be if she let Four have her?

  She wanted him. She desperately wanted him. But she also didn’t want to hurt the rest of them. Four’s hand skimmed over her skin, his fingers dipping between her legs and finding the tight bud that brought her so much pleasure.

  “You’re so wet for me, Bobbie.” He bit her ear and she moaned, knowing he was right. Knowing her body ached for him to enter her. His finger slipped deeper, easily moving between her legs in the wetness.

  “I don’t know if this is the right thing to do, Four.” Bobbie pressed against him, wanting to feel more of him.

  “How can it be wrong, look at us?” Bobbie’s eyes looked up, finding their images mirrored back at them. Sparks danced up and down their skin. They were beautiful, in colors of purple, blue, and green.

  “How can it be wrong?” She agreed, but she didn’t spread her legs further as Four added more pressure to her.

  “You worry about Roc?” His fingers fell away, but he stayed at her back.

  “I do. If he got any sense of what we are doing, I worry what it will do to him,” she sighed. She wanted Roc, but she also wanted his different incarnations.

  “I feel his jealousy, but I’m not experiencing it for myself. I don’t know why, but I’m not affected by it. I would like to share you with him, with all of us. I would like all of us to take you together. It’s the only thing that feels right to me. It keeps me up at night as I imagine what it would be like for us all to drown in you together.” He pulled her against him, grinding his hardness into her, showing her exactly how it made him feel.

  “All of you?” Bobbie asked with a squeak.

  “Can’t you imagine it?” he whispered.

  “I might need help. I’ve never even considered anything like this before.” She spoke in a soft tone to match his.

  “It would be quite a sight. Who would enter you here?” His fingers dipped between her legs again. “Roc, maybe. You could ride him. And I would be behind you. Have you been entered here before?” His hand came around her, fondling her ass, sliding a finger through the crack to nestle against the tight hole.

  “Never,” her voice wavered.

  “Perfect, I will be the first to enter you there. And as we filled you, to the brim, who would you take in your mouth? You like to swallow deep, right?”

  “Two, I would take him in my mouth,” she said on an exhalation of breath.

  “You would swallow him while Three suckled your breasts and you pleasured him with your hand. You would be filled in every orifice. Complete. Whole.”

  “I don’t know if I can handle that,” Bobbie gave a little nervous laugh.

  “Oh, you’ll handle it. I know you’ll handle it.”

  “I can’t wait,” Bobbie moaned.

  “Neither can I, pr’ialla.”


  Prophesies aren’t what they’re cracked up to be

  Roc had to take a charter all the way to Namei where the banished seer had taken up residence. The country wouldn’t allow a foreign royal’s transport access without a whole lot of diplomatic nonsense, so he booked a charter and claimed he was going on vacation. No royal drama
for him.

  The realm was small, and the seer was well-known, so he had little trouble tracking her down at a hovel on the beach on the southern side of the isle. She was a tall woman, almost halfway through two breaths, and her supplement diet had left her quite slender. She sat on her porch in nothing more than a colorful tunic, still looking young and fresh like he remembered, if not a few more wrinkles around her eyes and mouth.

  “If it isn’t the Prince of Thames. I would curtsy, but why bother, I’ve already been banished.”

  “Seer Dahli, you’re looking well.” Roc bowed his head slightly. He needed her on his side and he could already tell she wasn’t happy to see him.

  “Does your father know you’re here?” she scoffed and pulled out a nubiy pipe. The Namei locals grew an herb that when ingested through inhalation gave a euphoric-like experience. It had no detrimental side effects, but it was known to be addictive. Seers liked to use it because it lowered their blockings, helping them see better. Dahli was not making a prophecy though.

  “He does not. May I sit?” He indicated the chair next to her and she shrugged.

  He took a seat on the rickety chair, made not out of silica but the wood of the trees of the island. The chair rocked and he sat quietly, listening to the sound of the seer’s inhalations and the cacophony of bird calls that were so different in this part of the planet than his own. The sound of the surf crashing nearby, the birds singing their lamentations to the coming night. He would like to bring Bobbie here to see this part of his world. He thought she might enjoy that.

  “Why are you here, Prince?” the seer asked after the silence got to be too much.

  “Your prophecy came true. I found my Charge Mate on Earth,” he said. She made a small sound of surprise and Roc looked over at the seer with curiosity. “You did not expect it to be truth?”

  “It was rather far-fetched, I began to doubt my sight after I was banished and some of my more outlandish prophesies failed to come to fruition,” she sighed. “So, what is her name?”

  “Roberta Flemming,” Roc said.

  “Bobbie,” the seer sighed.


  “You found her in a sea of metal and glass, in the land of milk and honey?” The seer asked curiously. “That was an odd combination of adjectives. I thought I was losing my sight after that one.”

  “I did, I didn’t know how to undertake that one, but Earth buildings are made of metal and glass so I searched a lot of their world’s big cities, and one of their realms call’s themselves the land of milk and honey.”

  “Milk, like the excrement mother’s feed to their young?”

  “One of their main sources of nutrition is from the discharge of mother’s milk from a land-based herbivore that is mainly in existence only to be fed upon.” Roc looked back out to the water, watching the water birds dive into the surf, trying to pluck a fish out of the water for dinner.

  “After I gave that prophecy, I checked-out all the archives on Earth, but there was nothing about their obsession with milk,” she laughed.

  “I only had to ask the first Earthling I came upon and they knew what I was talking about.”

  “That’s a relief. Your father thought I was out of my mind. Then he never forgave me after I didn’t see what happened in Lividiania.” She sighed and rubbed her hands along her upper arms as if she was cold.

  “Can I get you something, seer?” Even though she looked young, Roc knew the female was over four centuries. She had lost her life-mate over a century ago, and then she had been banished by his father after she failed to see Roc’s mother’s death.

  “I’m fine, youngling. You did not come all the way out here to give an old woman some closure, though, did you?”

  Roc looked down, ashamed that his trek out here had not been for her benefit but his own.

  “There have been more complications, and father destroyed the prophesies when he banished you. Do you still have them?”

  “I do, but that does not mean I will give them to you,” she said with a note of defiance in her voice.

  “What is it that you want?” Roc asked with trepidation. She could ask for anything, probably something Roc couldn’t give her, like her reinstatement as a Virdan citizen.

  “Your father didn’t only banish me, he also banished my two sons.”

  “I didn’t know that.”

  “I think he was actually trying to be benevolent, knowing it would injure me more if my sons were in Thames and I was banished, so he let us all go so we could be together. They have never forgiven me.”

  “I would have an easier time reinstating their citizenship than yours,” Roc said.

  “You will do this?”

  “It depends on my father, but I can request that he makes this change. I think with the fulfillment of finding my Charge Mate, he should be more receptive. Plus, your sons did nothing wrong. Where are they located?”

  “Here in Namei. Neither have bonded. They believe their true mates must exist in the realm of their birth, since these light-haired Namei are so different, there couldn’t possibly be a Charge Mate among them.”

  “I will do my best,” Roc said.

  “That’s all I can ask from you.” The seer stood and slowly made her way into the shack. Roc waited patiently as he heard rustling coming from inside. The woman lugged out a large silica book and placed it on his lap with a flourish.

  “That’s all of them.” She slid her finger along the spine and the book opened to a page with the classification of Prince. “And these are the ones that center around you.” She brought up one in particular and Roc bent over the book and began to read it.

  The youngling prince will take his throne of right,

  on his date of birth ten spans past the moon’s last row.

  Before he’s crowned he’ll know the time, the unrest begins

  as the zeitgeist crumbles around the spires of a purple tomb.

  The four will be free, by the hands of fate, found within

  the land of milk and honey, hidden in a sea of metal and glass.

  The charged mate of Earth will stand by the prince’s side,

  to conquer the plague of tired ideas and find the sanctity within.

  New will become old and old will become new. A new time arises,

  at the feet of the youngling prince and his empress of red.

  “This is rather spot on.” Roc sat back in his chair, holding the book to his chest.

  “Is it? I never could decipher the bit about the four, and what’s supposed to become old and new. I deduced that your reign will bring back old traditions, but I was always afraid of the citation of the empress of red. I worry that she will bring about bloodshed.”

  “Her hair is red,” Roc said.

  “Is it!” the seer exclaimed in delight. “You don’t know how good that makes me feel, boy.” She patted Roc on the back. “How about this four bit?”

  “I split into four,” Roc said softly, in case someone was close. The seer gasped and looked at Roc with wide eyes.

  “And they are autonomous now?”

  “Yes, after I found Bobbie things began to change.”

  “Here, here’s another, I never could figure it out. Maybe it means something to you.” She called up another verse in the book and Roc read it aloud:

  “Five to one and one to four,

  and so it begins like the time of lore.

  A change is near, a change has begun,

  there shall be no salvation until it is done.

  The prince begins the onset of Eve,

  the world unites, but they give no reprieve.”

  “I don’t understand this one as well as the last,” Roc said honestly.

  “It’s the only one I ever did that rhymed. I was sort of proud of it, but didn’t understand it. It can only mean some kind of war. I got that from both of the poems—your ascent to Emperor will come with great strife.”

  “And this Eve? Who is this? The name is funny.”

sp; “It’s an Earth name, that’s all I know.”

  “Thank you, seer, for showing me this.”

  “You made a promise.”

  “I did. Can I get your prophecies? I know my father destroyed most of them, but were these the only ones about me?”

  “No, since your birth, most of what I’ve seen has revolved around you. I will send them to you. But now you must go. I don’t think it’s safe for you here.” She looked around, suddenly wary, and Roc felt a tingle of concern. He hadn’t brought any guards with him, and only a few people knew where he was.

  Roc got up to leave, asking for the seer to hold up her implant. She held up her hand and he transferred over some universal credits, along with his contact information.

  “When you have the time, please send me what you have seen about me. I can transfer over more funds when I get back to the palace.”

  “You are too generous,” she smiled, but then her face went slack and she grabbed at Roc’s slacks, pulling him closer, with more strength than she looked to possess.

  “The false empress lays in wait. She’ll strike when the time is right, and all eyes are closed. Far away in the land of silica she’ll flee. With the empress of red to darken another’s forced bed.”

  “Wait, what does that mean? Who is the false empress? Who’s forced bed?”

  “I don’t know, I’ll have to think on it, but I would suggest you hurry home, and protect that new Charge Mate of yours.”


  Porn Star Goals

  Somehow Bobbie and Four had the strength of will to pull away from each other when they heard a clatter from down the hall. Bobbie pulled tight the robe that Four wrapped around her. She couldn’t meet his eye the entire time they waited for the tailor. Their conversation was reserved and polite. Four was so different from Roc—it was kind of refreshing but confusing. Where Roc was assertive and took control, Four let her guide things a little more.


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